I will be crowned king

Chapter 82 Reward

The moment he opened his mouth, the professor paused and raised his gaze slightly, sweeping his gentle gaze across Anson's cheeks and finally settling on the center of those dark brown pupils.

Anson blinked, with a slight nervousness and expectation on his face, like a student waiting to be instructed by the teacher.

"...Of course, not now."

At the last second of his pause, Mace Honnard smiled: "Dear Brother Anson Bach, your most important task now is to solve your own subsidy issue and settle down in Clovis as soon as possible— —Have you found a place to live?”

"Yes, I rented an apartment on Braiman Street in White Lake Park." Anson nodded slightly and looked at the professor with respect.

"Well, it sounds very much like the choice you kids would make." Mace Honnard said casually:

"Before I came here, I heard that there were some minor incidents on Bolaiman Street, which seemed to be related to some believers of the old gods?"

"No, it's just a cafe that has been unwilling to pay the security company's commission for a long time, and unfortunately encountered a gas leak; by the time I heard it, the matter was over." Anson deliberately told a little lie.

"That's good, but remember to be careful." Mace Honnard looked calm and did not continue to ask.

Well, it seems that he really can't control his whereabouts anytime and anywhere, so today's meeting is just a coincidence.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party deliberately wants you to believe this.

Before he can figure out the tricks of black magic, he must be vigilant... Anson chuckled and replied:

"I'll try to pay attention, Professor."

"If you don't dislike an old man's boring preaching, it seems that the battlefield has a really deep impact on you." Mace Honnard said jokingly: "But what makes me even more gratified is that the battlefield has not diminished your appreciation of history. The love of truth.”

"What you're talking about is..." Anson's eyes lit up.

"August." The professor nodded slightly and said:

"At first, like you, I thought this was just a rare but common traditional Clovis surname; but as I mentioned in my letter, it is unusual."

"This surname cannot be found in the main historical materials of the Kingdom of Clovis, but it can occasionally be found in many publicly published private diaries. Most of the time it appears as a memory, and is mostly described as 'ancient' , 'traditional' and 'closed'... In fact, most of the diary owners seem to have only a partial understanding of the existence of this family."

"This situation aroused my curiosity to a certain extent and prompted me to continue exploring." Mace Honnard sighed and looked at Anson with interest:

"Dear Anson Bach, do you know the Rune family?"

"I just heard about it, but I don't know much about it." Anson answered truthfully.

Their family background is as old as the Clovis Kingdom was founded, but at the same time it is very low-key. Except for occasionally hearing that they are investing in large public facilities or some commercial projects, it is almost never heard that this family has anything political. Make a difference.

Such a move is very unreasonable for the Clovis nobles - in the Kingdom of Clovis, where only nobles can participate in politics, whether a family can have a seat in the Privy Council or the local council is sometimes more important than the title itself.

Once a family loses its sense of political presence, it is often the beginning of a family's decline; no matter how much wealth and land they accumulate, they will be quickly lost in one or two generations.

Anson would hardly have known they existed if the "ex-Anson" hadn't been a history and conspiracy theory buff.

"Among all the records that can be found, almost every time the surname August is mentioned, it must be related to the Luen family. Sometimes the two surnames even appear side by side." Mace Honnard said lightly He nodded and patted the "Heraldry Record of the Kingdom of Clovis" in his hand:

"At first I just regarded it as a coincidence; but when these 'coincidences' appeared again and again without leaving any official records, it proved that there must be a problem; such an ancient and once prosperous It’s impossible for our family to leave no trace at all.”

"In addition, some diaries have vaguely mentioned that the August family seemed to have been believers of the old gods; if this is true, then as long as we find the reason for their decline, we may be able to restore some of the hidden facts. Historical truth!”

Mace Honnard, who was slightly excited, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Anson with a smile and said: "In short, the history of the August family is indeed a very interesting subject, and I will continue to look for it; any new discoveries , I will find a way to tell you through letters."

"At the same time, I suggest that you also use this time to visit St. Isaac's College and several monasteries in the royal capital - exploring the path of knowledge is not only in the library, but also in classrooms and cafes."

While the two were still talking, there was a burst of hurried footsteps from the end of the corridor.

"There will be a good opportunity this Friday night." Mace Hornard handed the "Heraldry Record of the Kingdom of Clovis" to Anson:

"I organized a small history seminar society in the college, which includes students and some well-established people outside the school - the most important thing is that they are all people who love history."

"If you are interested, you might as well come over. The address is on the cover of the book cover."

Anson nodded repeatedly with a hint of excitement. He took the book from the other party with both hands and at the same time glanced at the figure walking from the end of the corridor with the corner of his eye.

It was a man wearing a dark academic robe and a pair of ice-blue eyes. He was about the same age as himself.

"Professor, the carriage is waiting for you outside."

The footsteps stopped behind Mace Honnard, and the young bachelor said softly: "Message from St. Isaac's College. There is an academic meeting at two thirty that requires you to attend."

"I understand." The professor nodded slightly, glanced at Anson and turned away.

From the beginning to the end, the young bachelor with ice-blue eyes never glanced at Anson.

Anson stood there from beginning to end, watching the two people leaving, until no more footsteps could be heard in the quiet corridor.

So... I have completed my preliminary mission and officially started my career in the underground evil organization, right?

Then this "admission ticket" is my reward?

Looking at the "Heraldry Records of the Kingdom of Clovis" in his hand, Anson, who remained silent, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and the scene of the conversation between the two just began to appear in his mind.

On December 25, Mace Honnard returned to the royal capital from Oak Town, and his whereabouts were discovered by the Guards;

Today, the Royal Military Academy, which has a backlog of documents and resumes, invited a group of teachers from St. Isaac's College to help them sort out the redundant documents;

And Mace Honnard is the only professor who took the initiative to apply here;

So if the encounter between this history professor and himself was just an accident, what would be the real purpose of bringing him here?

Who knows... maybe we can find more traces that were covered up by the professor.

Full of curiosity, Anson held the book in his arms and left in the opposite direction to the exit.

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