I will be crowned king

Chapter 826 Deal!

The moment the voting results were announced, Louis Bernard, who was originally expressionless, was shocked. He turned back suddenly and stared at Anson Bach with extremely incredible eyes, who seemed to be slightly surprised and looked at him with a smile.

The next second, the young knight, who seemed to have finally reacted, stood up suddenly, ignored the eyes of the people around him, and quickly left the hall, heading towards the courtyard that was still washed away by the heavy rain.

Hundreds of congressmen who were about to stand up and applaud and cheer were left standing, looking at each other, not understanding what had just happened.

In the weird and embarrassing atmosphere, Anson sighed helplessly and winked at Paulina Frey on the podium. The girl who immediately understood the situation stood up, suppressed the questions in her heart, and smiled for her. He comes to the rescue:

"Everyone, since the marshal has been elected and time is urgent, let us start the second part of this meeting, about...about...about..."

"Ah! Regarding the official name of the army, there is currently a lot of confusion within the Confederacy. There are two completely different titles, 'Confederate Legion' and 'New World Legion' at the same time, which has had an extremely negative impact on the unity of the Confederacy."

"In the name of the leader of the Supreme Council, I propose to hold a formal vote here to establish the official names of the legion and the regiments and battalions under its jurisdiction; all members can express their opinions directly, and finally decide which one to adopt based on the number of votes..."

Polina guessed that there might be an accident in the plan. After a moment's hesitation, she thought of a good way to cover for Anson and delay time.

Sure enough... the congressmen who were at a loss just now because of Louis' sudden departure were immediately attracted their attention; the other colonial speakers also guessed the general idea, and took the initiative to propose their own plans, and started arguing and debating with red faces.

Taking advantage of the commotion and chaos in the hall, Anson quietly stood up and left; soon, he spotted the back of the young knight in the leaden rain curtain.

Under the pouring rain, Louis Bernard, who was soaked with water, had his back to the door. His thin back looked very lonely; his wet golden short ponytail was close to his pale neck; looking from behind, he could still see vaguely. His face tightened and his teeth gritted.

Of course, Anson is not vague. With his "powers" fully activated, not to mention Louis, the entire Gray Pigeon Castle is under his surveillance.

However, before the commander-in-chief, who was in control, took the initiative to step forward, the young knight who noticed the movement behind him in advance turned his head suddenly, and with a ferocious look on his face, he was the first to roar:

"Anson Bach, what on earth do you want to do?!"

The heart-shaking sound penetrated the rain curtain, and even the noisy hall behind him could not cover Louis Bernard's anger at this time.

Controlling his breathing, Anson tried to keep his tone calm: "I, I don't understand what you are talking about, what's wrong?"

"I don't understand, you don't understand?!" Louis Bernard laughed angrily, his eyes burning: "I should be the one who doesn't understand, not you!"

"Do you really think that I don't know anything about your little moves in the Supreme Council? Black Reef Port, Red Hand Bay and Sail City all have interest disputes. It is impossible for them to elect a governor of Sail City to serve as the marshal of the Confederacy!"

"As for Long Lake Town, Gray Pigeon Castle, and Winter Torch City, they are vassals of your Storm Legion... Especially Gray Pigeon Castle, that Polina Frey was pushed out by you personally. There is no way to call her an agent. It’s too much!”

"In addition to Beluga Port, the two colonies in Gray Snow Town were originally under your rule. The five eastern colonies also relied on the assistance of Beluga Harbor to survive the cold winter. The thirteen colonies of the Free Confederacy, except for Sail City, have long been It is managed by you and is as stable as a rock."

"Without your order in this situation, how dare they vote for me, a guy who just lost the war and lost his colony?"

With a self-deprecating sneer, Louis' face was full of disgust and anger: "Anson Bach, do you think I am a pure idiot who can be manipulated by you?!"

"Absolutely not!"

Anson immediately made a decisive decision... Although he didn't understand where the flaw was, he must not hesitate at this time, otherwise the whole plan would fall short.

However, when the other party used such a tone to expose his own plan, Ansen was not only unfazed, but even a little proud; he started with an infantry division, and the territory was all earned, and he had a successful angel wheel, and the nation-building plan that started from drawing cakes... could it be possible? With loyal ministers like myself serving, Clovis, Franz and the Rune family will all make a lot of money, okay?

If the Church and the Empire hadn't come across the novice village to block the door and shut down the BOSS too rudely, there would be no Free Confederacy, no behind-the-scenes rulers, no curved loyalty... Give yourself ten more years to fully invest in all parties. After digesting it and kicking away some uncooperative shareholders, he can officially open his business in Beluga Port and truly become a loyal minister guarding the new world for the Clovis royal family and maintaining the far-flung enclaves.

But obviously not now.

"I admit that some arrangements were made before the voting officially started; I also admit that Polina Frey received my own instructions to vote all the votes for Dove Castle to you instead of myself; but this It's all because I'm worried...I'm worried that the difference in votes will be too great, which will lead to the alienation of Sailing City and the entire Confederacy."

Looking at the angry young knight, Anson said in a sincere tone: "They have just lost their colony and city. If in the final vote, no one in the entire Confederacy is willing to vote for you, the governor of Sailing City, except for your own people, What a heavy blow that would be!”

"You also said that the entire Confederacy can almost be said to have been created by me. If I really want to become a marshal, I don't need any election at all. It's just a matter of words; but this seemingly fair method can best gather people's hearts and create consensus. ; Including secret voting, it is also to avoid regional conflicts and all conflicts of interest are put on the table, destroying this rare unity."

"Unity... Even if the thirteen colonies of the Free Confederation have many conflicts and entangled interests with each other, they must remain united in order to gain a glimmer of hope against the forces of the Empire and the Holy See!"

"If this is just playing around and taking advantage of you, then you might as well just think of it that way!"

After saying that, Anson, who pursed his lips, took the initiative to take a step forward, waiting for the young knight's response.

Upon hearing this, Louis frowned and stared at his expression, as if he was struggling with something.

"You mean that as long as you can unite the entire Free Federation, the Storm Legion, the Rune Family and even your own interests, they can be temporarily sacrificed... Is that so?" Louis, who was silent for a moment, said word by word:

"If it were at Thunder Castle... No, even when you first defeated Uncle Bernard Morweis, I probably wouldn't doubt every word you say now, but now..."

"Ludwig Franz...when you insisted on giving Sailing City to him, I vaguely felt that something was not right."

Louis, whose face was full of rain, narrowed his eyes slightly, and coldly revealed the essence of Anson's plan: "Instead of bringing the world of Order into discord with the Empire and the Holy See, in fact, you are trying to find ways to fight with Clovis and Franz. Regain contact and trust and erase your 'rebel' stigma."

"As long as we can get in touch with Clovis, we can use the Osterian royal family as the center to unite all the forces that are forced to participate in the war to hold back the empire. The Free Confederacy will delay time on the frontal battlefield and achieve bloodletting for the empire. the goal of."

"As for the Holy See... they don't have enough troops. As the only elite, the Judgment Knights cannot be overly damaged. They must rely on the holy war armies composed of various countries to maintain the front line, and the empire is the main force of the holy war armies. As long as the empire continues to find it difficult to advance, the remaining The Jihadi Army will definitely not have the idea of ​​continuing to fight for the Holy See."

"As a result, the empire lost its strength. Clovis preserved the army and successfully united all forces. As for Anson..." Louis raised his head slightly, as if he was a lion hiding in the grass and seeing through the prank of its prey:

"Even if the Confederacy falls in the end, you will become the 'contributor' who contributed the most to Clovis in the entire Holy War... And if the Confederacy succeeds in becoming independent, you can also keep a potential ally of Clovis, and you will definitely make a profit without losing anything."

"What a perfect plan, Anson Bach."

The young knight chuckled lightly, and the understated arc at the corner of his mouth seemed to be magnified countless times against the backdrop of the heavy rain.

Anson, who remained expressionless, twitched his throat vigorously and let out a "thump!" in his heart.

This...this is a bit too unexpected.

He actually didn't doubt that Louis could guess part of his plan. After all, in a sense, it was already at the end and many things could no longer be hidden. In addition, in order to persuade him to agree, he actually revealed quite a few things that were not true. Being able to clearly understand what he is saying and what he is doing is not difficult at all.

But seeing through his entire plan is a bit... well, creepy.

Just like Louis said, the core of Anson is still the officer corps of the Storm Legion. The ultimate goal of the plan is to survive while most likely making profits and accumulating capital that truly belongs to him, rather than really wanting to die with the Empire and the Holy See. knock.

If you can avoid being targeted, Ice Dragon Fjord is of course a very good start for your business; but now that the Holy See has personally ended, it can only be used as a springboard for your own progress; if you continue to be bound here, you will not be able to give yourself more prospects. of.

Allowing the League of Trustees to grow, supporting Reinhard Roland and the Frey family, continuing to maintain the existence of the Supreme Council without completely seizing power, giving up the title of marshal... all in order to avoid too much attention, maximizing interests while not means of being targeted.

But now, these ideas have been fully discovered by Louis Bernard.

"But it's still a perfect plan."

Just when Anson didn't know how to explain it, the young knight's voice sounded again: "Since you executed it so thoroughly, you might as well finish it in one go."

well? !

Anson was stunned.

With unspeakable surprise, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth, and suddenly began to stutter: "But, in that case, why did you just..."

"Yes, I'm very angry! Being used by a friend I trust in this way makes sense, shouldn't I be angry?"

Louis, who suddenly had a cold face, said angrily; but then he changed the topic: "It's just that as of now, there seems to be no better way to save the lives of millions of people in the entire Confederacy as much as possible."

"What's more, you are right. The Confederacy must unite, and at the same time, it must try its best to win over those forces that are not aligned with the interests of the Empire and the Holy See; otherwise, there is really no chance of winning."


Without giving Anson a chance to breathe, Louis suddenly stepped forward: "No matter what method you use, since the Supreme Council has passed a resolution to make me the marshal of the New World Army, then I am the highest military commander of the entire Confederacy; in all names All troops and officers affiliated with the Confederacy must obey my orders."

"You...Anson Bach are no exception!"

He widened his eyes and spoke viciously in a tone that sounded like he was gritting his teeth, with a solemn look and a bit of uneasiness.


After only a moment of hesitation, Anson responded decisively: with his head held high, his chest held high, his feet together, his left hand behind his back and his right hand beating his chest, he saluted and shouted loudly:

"Soldier Anson Bach is willing to fight bloody battles for Marshal Louis Bernard until death!"

"Don't make trouble!"

Seeing the pretentious posture of the guy in front of him, Louis, who was soaked all over, couldn't help but said, his delicate cheeks flushed slightly: "I understand that you can give up the title of marshal, but the Storm Legion and Ice Dragon Fjord may not be able to accept this result. "

"In this way, I will appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the New World Army, responsible for the actual command of the army, and then Reinhard Roland will serve as the head of logistics within the staff, and the New World Company will be responsible for the transportation of materials."

"From now on, all your military plans and deployments must be discussed with me first, then discussed within the staff department, and finally a decision is made. You can no longer act alone."

"Also, unless something unexpected happens in the end, you must do your best to ensure that Ice Dragon Fjord can stay within the Free Confederacy and cannot be returned to the Kingdom of Clovis." Louis continued:

"Since Clovis wants to use the colony to consume the empire's strength, it is essentially the same as the empire. It is not in the interest of thousands of people in the colony to continue to fly King Clovis's flag in Ice Dragon Fjord."

"How about it? Can you agree to these conditions?"

Breathing out lightly, the young knight who forced himself to be calm looked at his close friend in front of him uneasily; he knew that he actually had no ability to "blackmail" the other party now, but there was no better way.

Anson, who still maintained the military salute, slowly raised the corners of his mouth, released his clenched hand and stretched out to the young knight:

"make a deal."

Louis glanced at him, but instead of shaking hands like normal, he grabbed the thumb of Anson's right hand, yanked hard and bumped his shoulder hard, and cast a determined look:

"make a deal!"

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