I will be crowned king

Chapter 84 “Goodwill”

"Excuse me……"

"I am a student of Professor Mace Honnard."

The expressionless young bachelor put his hands behind his back, and his ice-blue eyes rudely interrupted the clerk who stepped forward to ask: "The professor was in a hurry before leaving and left an important note."

"Turns out he is Professor Honnard's student, no problem."

The clerk smiled attentively and showed him the way very politely: "The professor's previous seat is by the window. I will take you..."

"No need, I know where it is."

Putting aside these words and the clerk with a changed expression, the young bachelor walked straight in the direction of his target with his hands behind his back.

Mountains of files and information were neatly stacked on the table, and chairs were pushed into the table.

Without thinking much, the young bachelor pulled out his chair and sat down. He quickly began to browse through a pile of files, and soon found the "Application for Southern Low-Level Officers to be Assigned and Traveled to Clovis City".

The young bachelor carefully took out the file and attached a note he had prepared upon arrival. He stood up and walked out. Once again, he ignored the clerk who came forward to ask questions and walked straight to the corridor outside the door. go.


Looking at the figure lingering at the end of the corridor, the young bachelor with a slight frown hid the file behind his back, slowed down and stepped forward slowly.

"Why are you still here?"


As if he was suddenly shocked, Anson, who was holding the "Heraldry Record of the Kingdom of Clovis" and concentrating on it, raised his head blankly and almost fell down while leaning against the wall.

"You, you are..."

"I am a student of Professor Mace Honnard." Before Anson could speak, the young bachelor with an impatient expression said quickly:

"We just met...you can call me Bronn."

"Ah, I remembered!"

Suddenly enlightened, Anson closed the book in his hand with a "pop!" and extended his right hand to the young bachelor very enthusiastically: "Hello, you can call me..."

"Anson Bach, I know your name." Bronn, who frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly shook hands with Anson:

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"Problem?" Anson blinked: "What problem?"

"...Why haven't you left yet?"

"Ah, this!"

Scratching his head, Anson smiled sheepishly: "For no other reason than I couldn't help but read this book and was fascinated by it - I'm sorry, is there anything I can help you with?"

Looking at those clear and sincere eyes, the corners of Bronn's mouth twitched with his hands behind his back.

"Nothing, just a little curious."

Bloen said stiffly: "Then I'll take my leave first, the professor is still waiting for me."

"Please remember to say hello to the professor for me." Anson nodded and said to the other party very solemnly.

After finishing his words, Bloen, who was unceremonious, turned around and headed towards the exit of the agency building.

Just when Anson really thought he was leaving, the young bachelor with his hands behind his back suddenly stopped.

He hesitated for a few seconds before slowly looking back, his cold blue eyes looking extremely deep in the silent corridor:



Anson raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party inexplicably.

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, it seems that you haven't mastered the 'secret' skill yet." Bloen stepped forward and continued:

"In this way, any spell caster can immediately detect your presence with just a little effort - for a new spell caster like you, this is very disadvantageous."

"Of course, I'm not saying that they will definitely pose a threat to you, but the existence of believers of the old gods like us is not tolerated by the world; no matter what the reason, it is not good to expose ourselves easily."

Why did this guy suddenly change his gender?

Even the title has changed?

Anson, who suddenly had 10,000 questions in his heart, asked with a look of realization: "I see, Mr. Bloen, what should I do?"

"very simple."

"It's closer to an instinct, like opening your eyes and breathing," Bloen deadpanned.

"No one would hold their breath or close their eyes under normal circumstances. Just like us spellcasters who have mastered magic, it is most natural to maintain a state of being able to cast spells at any time; but on the other hand, holding your breath and closing your eyes Applying eye makeup is not a complicated skill that requires practice.”

"Of course, a certain degree of adaptation and repeated practice are still necessary." Bronn walked up to Anson, took out a folded letter from his academic robe and handed it to Anson: "This is what I was studying before. The notes I took may be of some help to you."

"My suggestion is that it's best to develop some small habits or hobbies. You can wear plain glasses or smoke a pipe regularly to master these small skills faster."

"Thank you very much!" Anson took the note from the other party with a grateful face.

Watching Anson put away his notes, Bloen nodded slightly to him stiffly, turned around and walked more hurriedly towards the end of the corridor, the sound of crisp footsteps echoing in the quiet corridor.

It wasn't until he confirmed that the other party's footsteps were leaving the agency building that Anson, who had been tensing his heartstrings from beginning to end, breathed a sigh of relief.

so close!

Just a little bit, just a little bit; if Bloen had asked the clerk one more question just now, he would have been exposed!

Sure enough, it is so unreliable to just improvise without any plan or preparation!

But now that the most dangerous part has passed, this trip can be said to be very fruitful - not only did it solve the problem of subsidies and the tickets for the "Old God Sect" organization, but I also got a ticket that I don't know when it can be used. The trump card on...

Anson carefully opened the book in his hand. A piece of scratch paper and a carbon paper clip were sandwiched between the two pages.

Never forget to bring a pen and paper with you, this is the advantage of developing the habit of writing a diary!

Anson raised his lips proudly and put the book and diary in his coat pocket. He left the Royal Military Academy and stopped a taxi on the street.

Before leaving Friedrich Street, he remembered a certain old woman's order and made a special detour to a cafe.

"Two pounds of your best tobacco, ten silver coins in total."

The waiter in the cafe enthusiastically helped him pack the package: "Please remember to say hello to Mrs. Bogner for us. She hasn't been to our place for a long time."

Ten silver coins for two pounds of tobacco?

An Sen, who was a little stunned, nodded and handed the other person a two-gold coin bill directly. The waiter, whose eyes lit up, even found the change for Ansen even more enthusiastically. He even placed ten copper coins in front of him, eagerly. His eyes seemed to be expecting something.

Looking at the "suggestive" eyes of the other party, Ansen smiled knowingly; then he put all the change in his pocket and turned around and left without looking back.

After rushing all the way back to Braleman Street, Anson, who was in a happy mood, paid the coachman the ten copper coins he found in the cafe, jumped off the carriage and walked towards the apartment.

Just as he was about to reach the door, he suddenly stopped and frowned slightly on his face that gradually lost his smile.

Four heavily armed Guardsmen were standing outside the apartment door.

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