I will be crowned king

Chapter 843 Demise, Continuation, Rise

"If you are trying to persuade me to leave, then please don't waste your efforts. I will not leave."

In the small dormitory, Polina Frey sat on the edge of the bed with a calm face, and said to Alexey and Norton who were standing on both sides of the door: "I am the leader of the Supreme Council, the Speaker of Gray Pigeon Castle, It’s my responsibility to protect this land.”

"If even we are timid in front of the enemy and dare not fight for freedom and territory, why should we ask those inspired soldiers to sacrifice for freedom and equality?"

"Are we going to tell them that the so-called "Declaration of Resistance" is just a slogan that deceives people's hearts, that freedom and equality are just hypocritical fig leaves for the struggle for power, and that the so-called Free Confederation... is in no way different from the cruel and cruel empire and the autocratic Church of Order?"

The girl asked, her calm words were not impassioned, but they were extremely harsh in the warmly lit bedroom.

The two people who had just entered the door without even saying a word looked at each other in disbelief. One frowned and looked embarrassed, while the other had expected it and had a helpless look.

"Um...ahem...Speaker Polina, let's not be so absolute first."

After coughing twice, Alexey, who was "encouraged" by his friend's gaze, bravely stepped forward and squeezed out a smile on his stiff face: "We didn't say we wanted you to run away, and you didn't shrink back. .”

"It's even the opposite! You and all the brave defenders of Gray Pigeon Castle fought for more than ten days with an enemy force that was five times more powerful than themselves and more than ten times more powerful in terms of firepower. Relying on favorable terrain and dangerous checkpoints, you fought for more than ten days and gained sufficient resources for the victory of the war. In time, a large number of innocent local people have the guarantee to retreat to a stable rear area."

"As both a Confederate leader and a woman, it is no exaggeration to say that it was precisely because of your presence on the front line that the defenders' morale exploded to an unprecedented high, making this miraculous blocking battle possible to succeed."

"That's right!" Norton on the side also took the opportunity to help:

"So you are leaving with us now. It is definitely not because you are afraid of the enemy. It is just a strategic change to concentrate your strength and achieve the final goal before winning the final victory."

“The Free Confederacy is not made up of icy castles, filthy towns, or crumbling villages in snowstorms, but people…thousands of people who live on this land and believe that freedom and equality truly exist! "

Norton pursed his lips lightly and paused with a determined look in his eyes: "The land under their feet is the boundary of the Free Confederacy; they are also willing to believe in the spirit of freedom and equality, the ideas advocated by the Declaration of Resistance, freedom The Confederacy will never die!"

The impassioned words echoed around the wall. Not only the girl opposite, but also Alexei on the side was shocked.

In disbelief, he suddenly turned his head to look at Norton, who had a determined look on his face. He really couldn't figure out how his friend, who had promised the Commander-in-Chief to be loyal to Clovis and His Majesty the King, could so smoothly turn into a person who resisted tyranny. Freedom fighter?

But now is obviously not the time to be surprised by this... After being stunned for just a moment, Alexei quickly came back to his senses and immediately turned to the girl, with a serious expression on his face: "That's right! What we want to protect is not the cold castle and the not the land, but the people who live on the land.”

"So Ms. Polina Frey, please leave with us. Those people who still refuse to bow their heads and yearn for freedom and equality are still waiting for you to hold high the "Declaration of Resistance" to guide and protect!"

When the "Declaration of Resistance" was mentioned, the surprised girl's eyes became serious again.

But she did not respond immediately. Instead, she turned around silently, took out the original manuscript of the "Declaration of Resistance" that she always carried with her from the bedside table, and gently wiped the non-existent dust with her sleeves.

What was revealed in his expression was full of nostalgia.

In the quiet dormitory, the two excited guys stared at each other, feeling once again what it meant to be at a loss.

"Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, and Lieutenant Colonel Norton, thank you."

After being silent for a long time, Polina, who was holding the "Declaration of Resistance", raised her head and looked at the two stunned people with a calm expression: "I know that those just now may not be your true words from the bottom of your heart, but even if they are lies, they are still It is indeed a lie carefully crafted to gain more benefits for the Free Confederacy and for me, who has nothing to do with you.”

"In that case, I don't think there is any need to hide it anymore." Stopping Alexei who was still about to argue, the girl smiled slightly:

"For you now... to be more precise, for the Storm Legion and the Rune Family, I, the Speaker of Gray Pigeon Castle and the leader of the Free Confederation, who was personally supported by Sir Anson Bach, have no value in continuing to support me. "

"The Free Confederacy has been established, and the Supreme Council and the New World Legion have gradually completed the centralization of power. The once scattered Thirteen Colonies no longer need a spiritual leader who holds high the banner of resistance; her real master has enough to come to the front and lead this land. Participated in the battle of the world of order."

"The old forces that were originally united have now become an obstacle to the progress of the new regime. Even if they themselves have realized this and actively adapted to it, many things cannot be changed; if they do not clean up the old things, they will carry a heavy burden. The new regime cannot move forward."

Listening to the girl's eloquent words, the expressions of the two became more and more stiff.

"Unfortunately, I am one of those 'old' ones." The girl smiled self-deprecatingly: "I...and the liberal leaders who first launched the rebellion in the initial war of independence, the powerful people in various colonies, That is the burden of the Free Confederacy today.”

"Regardless of our foundation or our attitude towards the Supreme Council, we are incompatible with the 'upstarts' who emerged with the support of the Storm Legion and the Rune Family after the establishment of the Free Confederacy - the Thirteen Colonies have ended and are already in rebellion. It ended in plague, native uprisings, repression and invasion.”

"The era of the Free Confederation has only just begun."

Polina Frey murmured.

Alexei lowered his head. He who had been impassioned just now felt depressed by these words. He wanted to say something, but he felt that he did not have the qualifications.

"Even so, there is absolutely no need for you to stay here."

Norton's voice sounded again: "With the support of Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, the marriage of Reinhard Roland, and the power of the Luen family, and you are still so young; as long as you can win this war, your The future is still bright!”

"Since you are not going to hide it anymore, I might as well say it more bluntly - Miss Polina Frey, you are an important flag of the Free Confederacy against the Empire and the Church. Your value is not limited to the Gray Dove. On this barren land of Fort.”

Putting a hand on Alexei's shoulder, Norton stepped forward and said coldly: "They've already been taken advantage of anyway, so why don't you want to find a way to fight to the end and have to end it in a place like this?"

Before he finished speaking, Alexey, who was startled again, suddenly raised his head and looked at his friend in shock - could such a big truth be told directly? !

"Of course I understand this. Lord Anson Bach... He may be cruel, but cruel people can also be gentle. As long as they don't betray him, they will not be abandoned easily even if they go in the opposite direction." The girl smiled lightly. , the cheeks turned slightly red, but soon it was replaced by reason:

"So I have a reason why I have to do it."

Alexey, who finally found the opportunity, quickly stood up and asked eagerly: "What's the reason?!"

"The Frey family... no matter what, the Frey family must not decline because of this war." The girl's eyes became determined: "For the future of the Frey family, all sacrifices are worth it."

Alexey's face was startled, and he froze on the spot, and the sigh of Norton beside him could be heard faintly in his ears.

Although his reaction was a little slow, based on the girl's words before and his friend's "candor", he roughly understood Polina's motives.

To put it simply, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach and the Luen family support Paulina Frey. The entire Free Confederacy admires her and the flag she represents, not the Gray Dove Castle behind her. The old nobles and the Frey family.

As long as she is alive, everything will be bound to her forever. The Rune Family and the Storm Legion will definitely continue to support her, but the old forces in Gray Pigeon Castle will still attack.

But if Pauline Frey is sacrificed, all those who regard her as the embodiment of the spirit of "freedom and equality" will transfer this feeling to her successors; when the old forces are destroyed, the Frey family can "Reborn" as a new force within the Free Confederation.

"Only when I truly faced reality did I finally understand how great that stupid father really was." Polina sighed softly:

"It's not that he doesn't understand the greed and cruelty of the empire, but even if he knows that he may die, as a loyalist, he cannot let the Frey family become traitors in the eyes of everyone because of his cowardice."

"Now, it's finally my turn."

When Alexey heard this, he pursed his lips tightly and his expression became distorted.

Looking at the girl's determined expression, the two of them realized that no matter how hard they tried to persuade her, it would be in vain. They stood up with somewhat lonely expressions and left.

As soon as they left, a girl with a similar appearance came out from under the bed behind Polina. She burst into tears and threw herself into her sister's arms.

"Don't cry, good child, don't cry." Gently patting her sister's back, Polina's face was filled with deep happiness: "Remember, after you leave, you must listen to your husband and listen to Anson. Lord Bach, no matter what they ask you to do, as long as you can keep the name Frey, you can agree to them."

"As long as the bloodline and surname of the Frey family can continue, there is nothing that cannot be exchanged, used and discarded; the Frey family of Gray Pigeon Castle will never perish..."


Leaving the girl's dormitory, the two depressed people walked silently through the corridor and towards the fortress tower - whether Polina agreed or not, the retreat work must continue to be completed.


When he was about to walk out of the castle, Alexey, who had a dull look on his face, suddenly said: "I have obviously promised you to persuade the young lady, but in the end, I couldn't help you at all."

"Don't worry about it." Norton patted him on the shoulder: "This is her own decision, and it is not something we can interfere with."

"To be honest, when I asked you for help, I originally planned to take her away by force, but after listening to what she said... maybe this is the right decision."

"Huh?" Alexey couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "The right decision...are you serious?"

"No, it's just a bit emotional to see such a young girl being so decisive."

Norton shook his head and cast his eyes to the side: "It's you... Judging from your expression before, is it possible that you actually admire her?"

"Admire? What do you admire? Are you actively seeking death?" Alexey rolled his eyes:

"For the so-called continuation of the family, I don't even care about my own life at all, and I have to make my young sister lose her last relative and take on a mission that is almost like a curse... Such a twisted, ugly and abominable thing, just because I don't want to Only if you have anything to do with it again will you..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it!" He snorted angrily. Alexei seemed to have remembered something and couldn't help laughing: "I originally thought that even if it was just a banner, this war would somehow make the new generation The world has become somewhat different from the old continent; now it seems that even if we win this battle, the result will remain the same!"

"No, there will be changes!"

Norton suddenly interrupted: "There will definitely be changes!"

well? Alexey frowned slightly.

"No matter whether we win or lose, unless the empire and the church can really slaughter this land, the new world will never return to its original appearance; people who have experienced freedom and equality, even on the surface, will I won’t be willing to go back to the way things were in the past.”

"Even if there are conservative and stubborn remnants like the Frey family, they will not continue their unnecessary persistence in the future."

"...Do you really think so?"

Alexei still didn't believe it.

"It is because I firmly believe in this that I am willing to continue to follow Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach." Norton nodded slightly and looked at his friend meaningfully:

"It's you... By the way, do you know the Truth Society?"

"What is this? I've never heard of it."

"Oh, it is a gathering club that has similar ideas to yours. It is dedicated to shaping a new consensus that is different from the past and promoting social progress... I will introduce it to you in detail after the retreat. If you are interested, you may wish to join."

"Really? It doesn't sound very reliable. Isn't this a heretical organization that is specifically against the Church of Order?"


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