I will be crowned king

Chapter 852 The Isolated Levent

At this moment, Derek's mind was in a mess, with panic and confusion swirling in his chest at the same time. Some kind of uneasiness that was close to "something big is coming" was like the sea breeze on the deck, carrying the rain and howling into his ears.

In a daze, he twitched his throat hard, looked up at the two sailors with whom he had a good relationship, tried his best to hide the fear in his heart, and asked cautiously:

"That Lord Philus just now, could it be said that he is..."

"That's right!"

Before he could finish his words, the sailor immediately responded, and his face was full of pride and pride: "He is the commander of our holy war army, the great Sir Philus!"

"You must have noticed that he is particularly young, right? That's precisely because he and our entire legion didn't exist originally!"

"does not exist?!"

Derek quickly opened his eyes. Of course he knew what was going on, but he still deliberately pretended to be surprised: "W-why is this?"

"Well, let's talk about the beginning of the formation of the Holy War Army." The two sailors looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, and they spoke to each other:

"It is said that the Church of the Ring of Order originally appointed a legion, preparing to assemble 120,000 troops and six legions to conquer other worlds, and each diocese recruited troops separately. However, the timid Clovis people were only willing to assemble one legion, which led to the emergence of the Holy War Army. gap."

"Just when everyone was at a loss, Sir Philus stepped forward and was willing to recruit a fourth legion for the empire; he sold all his family property and manor without asking for a single copper from the emperor, and called for order. All followers of the Circle of Order in the world join his legions."

"And he succeeded... With his firm faith and amazing perseverance, countless outstanding knights joined his command, and then countless believers came here to form the largest legion in the Holy War Army! "

Firm faith and perseverance, yes, yes...Drake pursed his lips unnaturally, paused and then asked: "So, so you two joined for this reason?"

"Ah, you mean us?" The sailor pointed at himself, then smiled and waved his hand:

"Of course not, or it's just one of the reasons."

"Oh, so the main reason is..."

"It's mainly money." The sailor said with great honesty:

"The Church of the Ring of Order has stopped trade at all coastal ports, and we have no choice but to join the Jihad Army to make a living) - of course faith is also a very important reason!"

"Ah, that's for sure!" Derek quickly smiled and rolled his eyes quickly:

"In other words, the entire legion doesn't know much about this young legion leader?"

"Uh...that can't be said completely, right?" The sailor frowned slightly: "Everyone still knows some things."

"for example?"

"For example...although he seems to have no airs and is easy to talk to, Sir Philus is actually a very strict person." The sailor next to him added:

"Everyone must abide by all the rules he sets unconditionally, otherwise they will be thrown off the ship as a sacrifice to the Lord of the Abyss... We had two boatmen die like this before."

"That's right, and there are only two rules, which are very easy to follow." Another sailor also had a frightened expression: "First, you are not allowed to enter the captain's cabin, not even to peek in from the outside, or to lie outside the door and eavesdrop. .”

"Second, no one can touch the box with the coat of arms and seal of the Fellers family in the warehouse unless approved. Sir Fellers' knights will supervise the work there every day. Once they approach, they will be warned. The upper limit has been reached. will be punished.”

Derek was startled.

The captain's cabin that is not allowed to enter, the mysterious box with a seal and guarded by someone?

Good, he already knew what he had to do.


Just as the last main force of the Holy War Army was about to arrive in the New World, the war that had just ended at Black Reef Port had reignited. The Holy War Army, which had just achieved two "great victories", did not even have time to breathe.

As the attacked party in the war, the New World Army did not tremble at all as the Jihadist Army expected, and desperately built a defense line to prepare for an attack; the main force quickly turned back shortly after arriving at Red Hand Bay and attacked Black Reef Port overwhelmingly.

But the entire Jihadi Army was completely unaware of this, and they didn't even know that the nearest enemy was approaching within three kilometers of Black Reef Port, so much so that they could see each other if they stood on a high place and looked up.

On the one hand, this is of course because the New World Army adopted Anson's "elastic defense" plan. One thousand infantry and more than 5,000 cavalry were mobilized to carry out activities in scattered, half-battalion or even half-company units. Colonies of all sizes are located in mines and farms, and are distributed in the vast wilderness from Black Reef Port to Red Hand Bay.

Because the various colonies failed to unify their military uniforms in the end, these New World legionnaires did not even need to disguise themselves; they hid their guns and put away the 11-star-ringed flag, and they were no different from ordinary colonists - because there was no difference.

Of course, there are still things that should be there... While implementing "elastic defense", Louis, who personally led the main force of the 20,000 New World Army, was also really busy building fortifications in Red Hand Bay, especially in the Slave Port and White Whale Port. The previously unfinished coastal defense batteries will be continued in the three areas of Honghou Bay and Red Hand Bay.

It is not easy to build such large-scale fortifications that can withstand sea attacks, and the manpower and material resources consumed are astronomical to the Free Confederacy, but at least it looks intimidating, making the Jihadi Army believe that the Confederacy has no intention and no spare capacity to launch a counterattack.

On the other hand and the main reason is that the Jihadi Army, which finally conquered two colonies in succession, found that they could not allocate the manpower to maintain law and order and control the entire colony, let alone organize an attack!

First, Ludwig's Legion suffered a lot in the Battle of Sailing City, and almost all the artillery became trophies of the New World Legion; then Arthur's Legion supervisors were captured, and all 10,000 people were directly wiped out, and again in the Battle of Gray Pigeon Castle A lot of losses.

The only Borre Legion that didn't suffer much damage was the smallest of the three legions. However, Borre Levant wanted to maintain a sense of presence in Sailing City, but was unwilling to share Black Reef Port with others. At the same time, troops were stationed in both towns, and other legions were not allowed to enter Black Reef Port.

After all the hard work, Fernando Legion finally arrived in the New World, but was directly turned away by Borre Levent; the leader Fernando Herred wanted to fight on the spot, but his Legion supplies were running low, and the crew and The soldiers were also widely infected with the disease and could not immediately go into battle. They could only turn around and head to Yangfan City to garrison.

Borre Levant, who had achieved his wish and monopolized the Black Reef Port, had a force of 10,000, which was not enough to control the town, let alone send an army to control the entire colony.

But in fact, he had troubles that he couldn't tell... Everyone knew that the Levent family had many talented people, but on the other hand, the number of vassals and retinue knights was several times or even ten times that of other wealthy families; these blood relatives on the battlefield It is the core force that he can absolutely trust, and they also need to be rewarded outside the battlefield.

The rewards for ordinary Jihadist soldiers can be delayed, but the rewards for these relatives must be met immediately; after a battle at Black Reef Port, very little wealth will be obtained, so the land around Black Reef Port can only be divided up.

Not to mention occupying the Black Reef Port, but also relying on the relationship with the church to entrust the territory in advance... The relationship between Borre Levent and other legions has directly dropped to the freezing point. Even Ludwig, who is now recognized as the "good guy" in the legion, No more troops were sent to assist Beaure Levent in managing the colony, and he was not notified of the results and content of various meetings after they concluded.

The isolated Borre Legion could only control the Black Reef Port alone, and then he discovered that what he got was not a territory at all, but a big trouble - the entire town was almost completely emptied by Anson, not to mention supplies in the warehouse, rats I cried when I saw it.

At the same time, none of the leaders of the colonies and manors who theoretically should have taken the initiative to declare their acceptance of rule after he took control of the town showed up; Beaure Levent, who had a dark look in his eyes, had no choice but to send out troops to search, and then not surprisingly He was warmly received by the New World Legion lurking in various settlements.

Facing the "civilian armed forces" who appeared out of nowhere with poor training and equipment, but with great fighting enthusiasm and high morale, Borre Levent remained calm.

Not long ago, he found out from some of the "loyalists" who stayed in Black Reef Port that during the previous colonial rebellion, Bernard Morweis, who besieged Black Reef Port, had just bloodbathed the entire outskirts of Black Reef Port. After going through it again, it has basically reached the point where all humans and animals have perished, and no chickens or dogs are left.

In addition, when Arthur Herred broke into Gray Dove Castle, he was almost dragged to death by a girl who was said to be the leader of the Free Confederacy... With new hatreds and old hatreds, the locals of Black Reef Port must warmly welcome their Imperial Crusaders. , then there is really a ghost.

Sure enough, Bolei soon received intelligence that a large number of "riot armed forces" of varying sizes, dozens or nearly a hundred, suddenly appeared around Black Reef Port, ambushing everywhere, intercepting and killing the supply teams and patrols of the Jihadi Army, and even openly They set fire to farms on the outskirts of towns, burned farmhouses and cultivated fields, and looted markets and warehouses.

Therefore, Borre Levent, who had just finished a battle, not only could not let the army rest, but also had to suppress the rebellion immediately, otherwise the Jihadi Army under his command would not even be able to keep up with supplies.

But compared with foreign invaders like them, the New World Legion is obviously more familiar with the local terrain, and can even get help from some colonists. It is impossible for a small army to catch up; before arriving at the scene, they have already dispersed. , disappeared without a trace.

After doing this for dozens of times, the exhausted Borre Levent simply gave up his plan to conquer the outer colonies, and simply defended the town and surrounding manors. At the same time, he humbly admitted his mistake to Sail City and expressed his willingness to give up part of Black Reef Port. The only thing I want is to bring some supplies over quickly, and preferably bring reinforcements.

As a result, when he asked, he found out that he was not the only one who was unlucky.

The first person to encounter a similar situation was, of course, Arthur Herred, who also took credit for the city's destruction. Gray Pigeon Castle is an inland colony. Sail City could only send supplies to him by river and land transportation, and it would definitely not be possible to pass through part of the way. Safe mountain area.

The result was that the indigenous tribes, which had been very peaceful before and had not been seen since the colonial war of independence, actually started to riot again.

Poor Arthur is alone in the Gray Pigeon Castle surrounded by mountains. His subordinates are half of the Crusaders and the aid provided by Ludwig. The occupied colonies are under attack all the time; as the commander of the army, he has become an incarnation. The fire captain rushes back and forth between more than a dozen colonies scattered among the hills and forests every day. He has never slept peacefully since he won the battle.

At this time, if only the Sailing City was peaceful and peaceful, it would inevitably arouse suspicion from others; so under Ludwig's secret instructions, the Faithless Knights contacted the liberals in the city and set off riots and strikes in the mines and farms in the northern region. The mine workers and tenant farmers took up shovels and hoes to protest, demanding that Sailing City be returned to the real governor-Louis Bernard.

In the face of Borre Levent's letter asking for help, the commanders of the three major legions gathered in Sailing City suppressed the riots while warning Borre not to cause trouble recently, let alone attack without authorization, and let the situation continue to worsen.

Borre Levent was on the verge of tears. He could not even leave Blackreef Harbor, so how could he still have the ability to launch an attack?

But he didn't know that although the legion was in a dilemma, the officers headed by the knights of the Levent family were making a lot of money. In fact, through holy war, they achieved a double harvest of life value and wealth freedom.

They used the acquired territory as a warehouse to sell the arms of the Jihad Army to the New World Legion at high prices in batches. Every time they finished shipping, they immediately responded to the legion commander's order to "go out to suppress the bandits." Regardless of whether they succeeded or failed, they could use excuses. Lose a large amount of supplies and then apply for assistance.

Well, why do you think the Jihadi Army can never catch the attackers who intercept and kill the supply team? Because this was an attack on the surface, but it was actually customers coming to pick up goods; not to mention the attackers, they even knew exactly which colonial settlement these people retreated to after intercepting them, ensuring the safety of customers and goods 100%.

As for what puzzled Borre Levent the most, why the enemy could plunder the warehouse every time. Of course, it was because the warehouse itself was empty and the goods had been moved long ago; the New World Legion's attack was just a show. This gives the officers of the Jihadi Army an excuse to continue to purchase goods - basically equivalent to after-sales service.

Of course, it was impossible to completely hide everyone in such a large-scale operation, especially the Sail City, which held the power of supply. Therefore, the Levent Knights, who were full of the spirit of "common prosperity", contacted several people in the Sail City very early. The officers of the legion have successfully opened up the upstream channel of the logistics system and achieved a high degree of integration of the supply and demand system.

With the help of Ludwig, no matter how much supplies Borre Lewent applied for, Sailing City would give him a discount and then approve it without hesitation; so that the trade between the two sides was already booming, and of course the legion commander was still completely kept in the dark. , without any notice.

A holy war of blood and fire was being staged in such a cruel and absurd way, and it came to the end of June silently.

There are still four months left before the winter of ice and snow comes.

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