I will be crowned king

Chapter 861 Ansenbach has no choice but to

Chapter 861 Anson Bach has no choice but to

The roar of artillery gradually dissipated, and there was no sound on the silent battlefield.

The cavalrymen and officers on both sides had their eyes widened, staring intently at the figure who seemed to have stepped out of a fairy tale.

Under the broken knight's uniform and shattered breastplate, the fine dark red scales exuded a metallic texture and were layered close to Arthur Herred's upper body; a pair of starry eyes gradually turned into a ferocious beast. His eyes looked like those of an animal, and the lines on his cheeks became more angular.

It looked as if he was wearing a piece of exquisite and close-fitting armor; but the aura exuded by the other party was constantly warning Louis. The Arthur Herred in front of him was completely different from the one he had a few minutes ago.

All bloodline powers have their own secrets, and this is especially true for the Dragon Knight, who is the head of the seven knights; since the Sea Knight can accommodate Baichuan and obtain new abilities from talented people with the same bloodline power, then the Dragon Knight can become "Dragon" seems to have nothing to be surprised about.

From the outside, he seems to have gained the defensive power of dragon scales, and his body has also been strengthened to a certain extent. This is probably the reason why Arthur was able to suppress himself just now, but all bloodline powers have limitations. The degree of strengthening cannot come without cost...

"How, it must surprise you, right?" Arthur said triumphantly, waving the spear in his hand that was also strengthened and attached to some kind of dark red crystal - it seemed to be something similar to blood-condensed dragon scales: "This is still me The second time I showed this ability in front of others, it was only when the girl wanted to pull me to commit suicide..."

Arthur was stunned for a moment and looked at Louis opposite: "Hey, why aren't you surprised at all?"

"What's wrong? It's just a new ability, and it's not flawless." Louis said coldly, dancing with the long knife in his hand, and throwing out a half-arc blood trail at his feet:

"Should I act shocked?"


Arthur, who was just about to blurt out, suddenly paused, his eyes widening as if he suddenly thought of something:

"Ah...ah! No, brother-in-law Bernard has already told you about this, right?!"

"That bad guy, I have always felt that he is partial. He has been particularly fond of you since we were in Hantu, and he always ignored me - whose brother-in-law is he!"

Arthur held his head, looking annoyed, as if he was showing off a new toy to a friend, only to find out that the other person had already played with it, or had been loaned out by his parents without him knowing: all the surprises and expected adoring looks were gone!

Just as he was complaining, the young knight opposite suddenly disappeared, and then...


There was a harsh impact, and Arthur, who suddenly crossed his arms in front of him, flew backwards as if he was hit by a cannonball, and the dragon scales on his forearms were blown out of a complete hemisphere.

"Oh...it's so dangerous!"

Arthur, who was grinning, knelt down on one knee, and his knees and boots quickly made three marks on the muddy ground: "You guy... I don't think you said before that you can make water vapor completely transparent!"

"I don't think I said no, it's just your understanding that's wrong."

Louis, whose attack was blocked, snorted coldly and appeared beside Arthur teleportingly, dragging his long knife backwards towards the opponent's shoulder.

"It's happening again...Why do you get angry so easily?"

Raising his hand to block the blade with the dragon scales on his forearm, Arthur thrust out the spear in his right hand and complained grumblingly:

"Why did I offend you? Can you tell me?"


The blade of the blade and the tip of the gun collided again and sparked sparks, and the two of them pulled away in unison; translucent water vapor flashed in the roar of gunfire, blooming like fireworks.

At this moment, the battlefield where tens of thousands of troops gathered has completely turned into a stage for performances by both sides.

The originally anxious officers of the New World now fully understood Louis Bernard's intention - to use this method to hold back the opponent. No matter whether they lost or won, the jihadi army commanding the presence would not be able to launch an attack today no matter what.

The Holy War Army on the opposite side seems to know this very well, and is more worried about the safety of its legion commander than the Free Confederacy - they have already "lost" a supervisory army. If there is one less legion commander, the Emperor and the Holy War Headquarters will It is impossible to spare these people lightly.

So the cavalry from both sides lined up around the area where each other's coaches were "dueling", drawing their guns and aiming at the opposite side, but neither dared to put their finger on the trigger for fear of an accident.

But in this world, whatever you worry about is always something you can't avoid.


The sudden sound echoed under the dome. Louis and Arthur, who were fighting with swords and guns, were stunned for a moment at the same time. They turned their heads in tacit agreement to look in the direction of the sound - a New World cavalry in the queue was holding a still smoking carbine, stunned. He seemed motionless as if he had been frightened.

"Everyone - no movement, no shooting without orders! Repeat, no shooting without orders!"

The Knight Commander of Sail City, who was so frightened that he was shaking all over, shouted quickly and rushed to the cavalryman who opened fire without permission: "What's going on?!"



Looking at this idiot who couldn't even speak clearly, the furious knight commander waved his hand fiercely: "Someone, take him out of the gun and drag him out!"

Before he finished speaking, he quickly raised his binoculars and looked across the way, only to find that the cavalry of the Jihad Army were also training their troops. Two cavalrymen who had rushed out of line were forcibly stopped. At the same time, several officers-looking people were also watching nervously. To your own side.

So the other side didn't seem to have the scriptures in mind, but only fanatical believers who knew holy war... The knight breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to show any slights.

This is a very good signal... The opposite party will indulge his own regiment commander Hu Lai - of course the same is true on his own side - indicating that the enemy actually does not know what this battle is for and what he hopes to gain from the holy war.

A group of troops who had no intention of fighting and simply obeyed orders and came from one place to another... The knight commander felt like he understood something, but also seemed to understand nothing.

But he now knows that Marshal Louis Bernard's near-suicidal behavior and Commander-in-Chief Anson Bar's crazy plan were not without reason. They were extremely rational decisions made after seeing through the enemy's true background and assessing the situation.

Looking at Louis Bernard, who was still fighting with his opponent, the knight commander who was originally extremely nervous suddenly felt a little at ease.

This battle might really be...


"There is no possibility, it is absolutely true!"

In the assembly hall of the Slave Port, a surprised scout cavalry knelt on one knee in front of the long table and shouted excitedly to all the officers present:

"A pagan legion of about 12,000 people is marching towards the slave port. The leading force is about 6,000 people."

"They didn't seem to have received the information that the slave port had fallen. The vanguard and the rear were completely out of touch. In order to save energy, the soldiers threw their luggage and weapons on the carriage, regardless of the distance between the front and rear queues and whether they were between each other. Able to provide cover and focus on the journey!”

"If we can launch a surprise attack now, we should be able to easily succeed and annihilate the legions of 3,000 to 10,000 heretics in an organized form, and one of the most elite main forces, the Clovis and their army of indigenous slaves!"

The scout's face was filled with bloodthirsty; even now, the officers and soldiers of the Jihad Army have a very superficial understanding of the New World, and they do not know the relationship between the so-called "Shooting Army" and the New World Company. Think of these people as an army of servants trained by the Clovis.

Of course, the church's headquarters knew this, and so did some of the officers, but they would not tell their subordinates the truth.

Following the scout's gaze, the knights present all looked at the silent Borre Levent, waiting for the Legion Master to make a decision.

Bo Lei was very confused, very confused.

It was originally part of his plan to capture the slave port before the enemy returned for reinforcements, and then attack to annihilate the incoming Free Confederate troops.

Because of all the previous events, the current Borei Legion has been completely isolated by the entire Jihad Army, leaving him without any assistance; if he can no longer rely on military exploits to slightly increase his reputation, especially by seizing enough land, or annihilating the establishment The enemy, and his more than 20,000 people, may really not be able to survive in the Jihad Army.

The enemy in front of him happened to realize the stupid operation he expected. Tens of thousands of people marched desperately, completely exposing his weakness. As long as he was fast enough, he could completely annihilate them one by one with superior strength without having to pay too much. of casualties.

But here's the problem, that is, these enemies... are too cooperative!

He is not the dead Ed Levent, nor is he a hot-blooded one like Arthur Herred. He clearly knows that the person opposite him has obtained Franz, Rune, Cecil, and Roland. A guy who has been funded and supported by many wealthy families in the Old World.

Anson Bach, it can be said that this person has no capital of his own, let alone the so-called foundation. His army, territory, wealth... are all built with the support of others. Through continuous operation, it has snowballed to where it is today. scale.

It can be seen from his past actions that this person cannot withstand any major failure; he does not need to participate in battles he cannot win, and he can find ways to fool himself into tasks he cannot complete, but he must not bear any losses, otherwise his Funders will have doubts about whether he has the value to continue investing.

Would such a person put himself at such great risk for the life and death of others?

No, absolutely not... He may not know whether the slave port has been occupied, but he can definitely guess that it cannot be faster than himself with a fleet.

Therefore, the so-called rush march is a prepared trap. If he really gathers superior forces to launch a surprise attack, he will be attacked by his main force that has been ambushed and suffer heavy losses.

Although the number of troops on his side is far more than twice that of his, they are similar in terms of not being able to afford to lose; the Borre Corps, which has been isolated, will be completely marginalized within the Jihad Army.

But it would be a pity to let this opportunity pass by. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to annihilate the Clovis and avenge the Black Reef Port for being cheated by them.

Beaure Levent was in a dilemma, avoiding the eyes of the officers present, and accidentally fell on the figure of someone in the corner of the hall.

"Sir Francisco, do you have anything to say about this information?"

Following Borei's smiling words, the officers present shuddered almost simultaneously; they lowered their heads and carefully looked at the tall figure wearing a knight's uniform with a stand-up collar and biting a cigar.

In other words, the legendary... Wuying.

"I don't have much to say, Your Excellency, Commander of the Borei Corps." A rich voice sounded in the dead silence of the hall:

"If I have to say it, I can only ask you not to be attracted by the opportunities that suddenly appear in front of you and fall into the trap of the heretics."

"According to the information we have, Anson Bach is not a reckless person, but he also has a crazy heart hidden under his cunning face and makes actions that are difficult for ordinary people to understand."

"Oh, you mean..."

"Don't think of his actions as simple actions, and don't think that all this is a conspiracy and trap, but that he must, or has to do this." Francisco took the cigar from his mouth and blew out a thick white puff. of smoke:

"In order to achieve a certain goal, he deliberately allowed the army to show off and appear in front of you unabashedly. At the same time, he deliberately made it look like he had prepared a trap... All of this was done out of necessity."

"All you need to know is what his purpose is."


Bolei's pupils suddenly shrank when he was suddenly awakened... Yes, he seemed to have never realized this problem. What exactly did Anson Bach want?

He knew clearly that he could not save the slave port, but he still rushed here. What was the purpose of attracting him to attack?

The answer is clear at a glance - not only does he want to annihilate him, this guy also dreams of seizing the opportunity to annihilate himself!

Borei was shocked by the answer he came up with. This guy's troops were twice as small as his own, and the quality and firepower of his soldiers were more than twice as bad. He was actually planning to annihilate him?

But apart from this answer, there seems to be no other possibility; the only question is, what gives the other party so much confidence?

Well, if you think about it seriously, there seems to be no other one besides that one...

Bo Lei's eyes moved quickly, he took a deep breath and stood up, and glanced coldly at the officers present: "Since the enemy is so arrogant, the army of the Ring of Order seems to have no other choice but to fight. "

"Of course we can fight the army composed of followers of the evil god, but the casters of the evil god can only rely on the knights who protect the faith of the Ring of Order."

As he spoke, he looked pointedly at the figure in the corner.

After extinguishing the cigar in his hand, Francisco stood up slowly with an expressionless face, held his chest in salute to Borei, and bowed:

"How dare you disobey your orders!"

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