I will be crowned king

Chapter 864 The direction of the battle

Although he seems confident, Bo Lei is in a very uneasy mood at this moment. He is now like a traveler on the blind path at night in order to take a shortcut; what awaits him may be the end, or it may be a long journey. abyss.

But there was no way... Because of his initial misjudgment of the situation, coupled with Ludwig Franz's exclusion, he was isolated by the Holy War. Although he still had support from the Holy See, this support was limited, and even more demanding. Pay the price.

In order to assemble a large enough jihadi army in the shortest possible time, the Holy See tried its best and invested a lot of manpower and material resources at all costs to form this jihadi army with six legions and hundreds of thousands of people.

In order to prevent the legions from all parties, conflicts and even enemies from disobeying the command, the Holy See also established a headquarters to use logistics and various supports to pull the rope, and dispatched adjudication knights to serve as "supervisors" to manage, but at the same time, it also provided In order to ensure the great autonomy of the army commanders, in principle, it does not interfere with the military operations decided by them, and adopts the attitude of "do not trust those who employ people, and do not use those who doubt", trying to win the favor of these military chiefs.

Of course, it’s not that they really don’t want to interfere. It’s just that because the Holy See is prohibited from intervening in the secular world, it no longer has any talents with military experience. The only violent organ, the Inquisition, is more similar to the Inquisition. It is not enough to support and organize such a war involving hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.

Therefore, giving autonomy to legion commanders is just a helpless compromise... Soldiers and lower-level officers may really be motivated by their beliefs, but this group of military leaders who can lead tens of thousands of people in combat certainly are not. From the moment they set out, they have their own intentions. The two ghosts had many conflicts with each other; the Holy See even had to take advantage of their dislike of each other to prevent its headquarters from being completely ignored.

Helplessly, I wanted to take care of everything, but in the end I didn't take care of anything.

The so-called trust resulted in the military leaders doing their own thing and trying to undermine each other; the so-called military supervisors also became the so-called military supervisors because they ruled that the knights did not understand the operation of the military, or some people did not supervise the military at all through the exchange of interests. It's a joke; I think I can rely on logistics and materials, but if I want to transport the materials, I have to rely on fleets and manpower recruited from all sides, which is equivalent to making a wedding dress for others.

Just like now...Borre Lewent boasted that he had the support of the high command, and seemed to have the power of life and death. He accused the other legion commanders of harboring heretics and heretics. In the end, he made everyone shout for beatings, and the high command It seems that there is no rectification or dismissal of other army commanders.

Not only that, because the Clovis were the first to capture Sailing City and had no subsequent nominal combat missions, they suddenly became the only army that could escort and transport supplies for each legion. The supplies from the headquarters could be delivered to Who hands it and how to deliver it is completely decided by Ludwig Franz, who has become the "Commander of the Holy War Army" in name only.

In the final analysis, the Holy See does not have its own army. The Holy War is completely cobbled together by relying on the banner of "faith" and throwing money. It does not dare to, and it is impossible to really attack this monster with "six heads" Of course, the so-called "strategic plan" can only be a rough idea of ​​what orders are actually issued. When it comes to specific aspects, no one can tell the reason.

On the contrary, the weaker Free Confederacy also has a relatively clear goal: to defeat the invading army in the Old World, maintain the system that was finally established, and ensure that it will no longer be interfered with and invaded.

And the Holy War…

They thought they were fighting for their faith, but in the end, they were also fighting under the banner of the Ring of Order; they thought they had fertile territory and wealth waiting for them to plunder, but what they got were large tracts of unexploited wilderness and barren and broken villages that needed their own efforts to reclaim. towns; thinking that the enemy was vulnerable, they would inevitably flee. Less than two months after the war began, the Jihadi Army had already lost more than 10,000 people, and also lost an experienced supervisor.

Not to mention other people, Borre Levent himself was confused.

However, he still clearly remembered his mission as the commander of the legion, and he knew even more clearly that his mission was never to spread doctrine, but to occupy as much territory as possible for the Levent family; although a family with a prosperous bloodline has deep roots, it has a power that makes other people The rich and powerful families are envious of their strength, but they also have troubles such as insufficient land, numerous conflicts between relatives, and bloody internal strife.

Land, no matter how barren it is, as long as it can grow food or produce something, it will be extremely attractive to the Levent family. Seizing them can alleviate internal conflicts; even if the battle for territory fails in the end, those who are in the Levent family will Guys who die in the war can also naturally resolve conflicts.

Therefore, even if he knew that his "greed" would arouse the anger of the Jihadi Army, even if he knew that this fighting method could easily be wary of the enemy, and took the initiative to confront the infidel army head-on, Borre Levant still had to bite the bullet and continue to seize more. Otherwise, those relatives who were not allocated territory or felt that they received too little would no longer support him and would instead recommend other people who were willing to "work for the benefit of everyone."

The advantage is that as long as he continues to seize the colonies controlled by the Free Confederacy, his blood relatives are his most useful tools and will unconditionally obey any orders; especially those tasks that are more difficult and risky, they can only Count on these relatives.

So under the command of Borre Levent, the twenty thousand scattered jihadist troops began to gradually gather and march towards the direction of Strawtown; looking down from the dome, they were like "black spots" connected one after another, shrinking and getting closer. , forming an arc that semi-encircles the straw town.

Even at this point, the Holy War Army still found no trace of the Storm Legion. They only eliminated a small group of deserters from the Shooting Army during the tailing and pursuit. Most of them were defeated by them before.

This further strengthened Borre's previous judgment that the main force of the Storm Legion was either still on the way, or all gathered in Straw Town, hoping to launch a defensive counterattack in the inland colonies to thwart his own attack.

After all, behind Straw Town is Gray Snow Town, the gateway to the land of Ice Dragon Fjord... I heard that Fernando is attacking Beluga Port. Once these two colonies are lost, the entire Ice Dragon Fjord will fall, and the Free Confederacy will be directly cut off from its retreat. The remaining basic base after Sailing City has no way out except surrender.

Therefore, Anson Bach can give up the slave port, but he must not give up Straw Town.

And just as the Jihadi Army was vigorously marching towards Strawtown, Alexey, who was running all the way, led the Second Infantry Regiment, plus the broken troops of the Shooting Army gathered together on the way, and had successfully completed the first half of his mission, which was to arrive. The outskirts of the slave port.

Under the lead-gray dome, the howling sea breeze carried the moist salt water and wreaked havoc on the land where the sun could not be seen. Looking around, the black sea water seemed to have merged with the sky, wrapping the entire world.

Looking at the slave port sandwiched between the ocean and the earth, everyone in the Second Infantry Regiment was tired and a little dazed... There was no trace of a warship on the rough sea. Except for a few military flags outside the town, there were no soldiers patrolling the surrounding areas.

So...what about people?

It seems like a good thing not to have to face the Jihadi Army immediately, especially the Jihadi Army's fleet, but the task of the 2nd Infantry Regiment is to surround and build fortifications outside the slave port; now that the enemy is gone, why do they need to build fortifications?

Several officers turned to look at the silent Alexei, but the latter was also confused and wanted to look up to the sky and ask, who am I, where am I, and what on earth am I going to do.

He still clearly remembers Anson Bach's vow at the military meeting that the mission of his Second Infantry Regiment and Shooting Corps is to attract the enemy's attention and must recapture the extremely important landing point of the Slave Port. Absolutely Cannot be controlled by the Crusaders.

As a result, as a bait, I was not taken seriously by the enemy at all. The slave-trapping port that I had originally prepared to make a huge sacrifice to recapture was abandoned by the enemy at will, with no sign of holding on.

Could it be that the commander-in-chief made a mistake in his judgment?

This idea flashed through Alexei's mind and was immediately thrown out of his mind... From the Hantu War to the retreat from Black Reef Port, although there have been many accidents, Anson Bach's plan has not had any major incidents. Mistakes, even guessing the enemy's actions and targets wrongly.

Half an hour later, the skirmishers responsible for the reconnaissance came back at a trot, covered with camouflage turf, and excitedly reported the situation in the town - the Borre Corps had left in full force two days ago, and the fleet responsible for anchoring in the port had returned. Black Reef Port and Sailing City asked for supplies, and it would take at least three to four days before they could return.

"Before they evacuated, they left a small three-masted gunboat and less than two hundred soldiers in the slave port to maintain order. Half of them were sailors on the ship and half were soldiers of the Jihad Army; it turned out that those sailors were all Nak Born in Hill Harbor, he is a fellow member of the liberal faction of Slaveport!”

Accompanied by the excited words, the out-of-breath scout's forehead was dripping with sweat: "So they bribed the sailors, worked with them to get the weapons on the ship, and then used the name of a banquet to banish a hundred people. The jihadi army deceived the parliament and killed them all in one fell swoop!"

"In order to avoid retaliation, the liberals in the slave port only wiped out the soldiers, but did not immediately take off the flag of the Jihadi Army, pretending to be still under the control of the Jihadi Army; the bribed sailors had already cooperated with some of the Jihadi Army who had voluntarily surrendered. Together, we set sail and fled to the Kingdom of Naxir."

"I happened to meet a member of the Autonomous Assembly during my reconnaissance. He told me all these things and kept asking me if the New World Army had arrived and when they could enter the city. More than 10,000 slaves were captured. The people of Hong Kong are looking forward to it and are willing to fight to the death to protect the slave port with the army."

"What, you actually took the initiative to contact outsiders? Doesn't this expose the whereabouts of our army?!"

"Has the identity of the member of the Autonomous Assembly... been confirmed and evidence obtained? How do you know that he is not pretending to be a jihadist army, or a spy who is informing both sides at the same time? What he said will not be a trap deliberately designed by the enemy. ?!”

"Yes, this is a trap!"

Before he finished speaking, a group of officers immediately jumped out and loudly scolded the scouts for being "reckless", but their eyes were always cautiously staying on Alexei's body, and the look of longing should not be too obvious.

After so many days of rapid march, everyone hopes to rest in a town with walls, fireplaces, beds, boiling water and hot food, even if the town will be attacked by gunboats and blown up to the sky at any time.

Of course Alexey could see what these people were thinking, but he still clearly remembered that Norton and Anson Bach both said that the town of Slave Port was easy to attack and difficult to defend; if they did not enter the city, they also said that if the first If the Second Infantry Regiment is really stationed, it will have to take on the task of protecting the town and residents, which is equivalent to being tied here.

So is the current Second Infantry Regiment capable of defending this town?

No, so we absolutely cannot agree to the parliament's request. However, if we refuse directly, it will obviously dampen the morale of the army that has just marched for several days. It will also arouse the resentment of the liberals in the slave port. If the jihadist army comes again, there is no guarantee that these grassroots will not be able to do it. Will rebel.

After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly raised his hand to block the officers gathered around him, and looked at the scout who was speechless and looked aggrieved: "Do you still remember the appearance of that congressman?"

"Remember! And I have also confirmed that he is indeed a member of the Slave Port Council!" The scout who caught the opportunity quickly clarified for himself and said eagerly: "Not only that, I also..."

"I believe you!" Alexey intercepted and patted the cavalryman heavily on the shoulder:

"So I need you to do one thing now - go to the slave port and tell the members of Parliament that the second step... no, it is the New World Legion, which will not enter the town."

"But! We will be stationed outside the town and build fortifications on the outside to guard against the imperial invaders who have left and attack again. Therefore, we hope that the slave port can provide us with supplies such as food, tools, weapons and ammunition."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding officers' expressions changed. The scout who had gained trust was quite excited. He stood up without hesitation and ran towards the town again along the bunker.

"Captain, we..."

"No need to say anything more, I understand what everyone means."

He raised his hand to stop the subordinates who were about to step forward. Alexey's eyes were still focused on the back of the scout: "After four or five days of exhaustion, who doesn't want to find a place where they can take a good rest without being exposed to wind and rain?" , get fresh hot food?”

"But don't forget that the Slave Port is a port after all. Even if Borre Levent is not here, the rest of the Jihadi Army may attack here at any time and station themselves in a town that is defenseless. That is the result of being caught in a trap. "

"In that case, let's..."

"In this case, we will carry out the orders issued by the commander-in-chief one by one!" Alexey said seriously: "Gather the defeated troops of the shooting army who fled towards the slave port, dig trenches on the spot, and prepare for the battle."

"It's just that the direction of the battle may have to be changed..."

Today is the day of the college entrance examination. Kong Kong is cheering for everyone!

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