I will be crowned king

Chapter 871 The information is wrong


A thunderous noise exploded in the camp, but the two of them didn't notice it at all... Lisa, who tilted her head, was still looking at Anson's entranced face, hoping that the other person would be happy after realizing that she had "grown up". Give "good girl" compliments.

The scream was the lead bullet passing through the cigarette butt, and the burnt ash fell on the skin on the side of the index finger. A slight burning and stinging sensation penetrated the nerves and sent to the brain. Anson, who had stopped thinking, seemed to suddenly wake up, powerful His distance sense instinct was activated, causing his rapidly contracting and dilating pupils to instantly capture the strangeness in the tent.

Time has been slowed down at this moment.

Exploding sparks and ashes, the slightly deformed lead bullet rotated towards his throat. In a short distance, a flesh and blood body would be unable to effectively dodge unless it was strengthened to the heaven-defying level like Louis Bernard. , at his own level, he can only complete the simplest body movements at most.

After calming down, Anson thought quickly, and a simple enough hedging plan gradually took shape.

The first step was to confirm the location and number of the attackers... With a slight snap of his fingers, the activated "superpower" instantly covered the entire area within a fifty-meter radius of Anson himself.

Two on the left and four on the right, six figures hiding outside and around the camp came into his mind; they were dressed in highly similar styles, wearing knight-style, gorgeous windbreakers, intricately carved breastplates, leather trousers and boots. Under the slightly exaggerated and thin top hat is a visor that looks like a gas mask, and there is some kind of brass-looking mechanical device on the shoulders, elbows and knee joints...the function is unknown.

There were six figures, two with weapons similar to two-handed knives slung on their backs, two equipped with steam guns similar to Lisa's beloved but obviously more "special", and one carrying a strange-looking suitcase and a thin cane.

The last one stood sideways outside the camp, with a simple appearance. The barrel and magazine were more exaggerated than an Inquisitor's revolver, almost comparable to a short-barreled shotgun... The muzzle was pointed at himself, and his index finger had already pulled the trigger.

Even at this moment, without the precise insight of the "superpower", Anson found that he still could not feel their existence; it was as if what he saw were only the projections of these six people, and their true bodies were elsewhere.

The second step is to ensure Lisa's safety.

In the short moment, there was no time to make any unnecessary movements. Anson could only pull his shoulder, raise his right hand closer to the girl with the smallest amplitude, push it to her chest with all his strength, and ensure that the force was evenly distributed at the same time. Also avoid impact on the heart.

During the slowing down time, Lisa's cheek muscles, which were still waiting for praise, began to move, gradually forming a surprised expression. Her petite body rose into the air and flew steadily towards the edge of the tent.

That position happened to be between the attacker who fired the gun and another accomplice. The blind spot at the edge of the line of sight, combined with the next plan, could buy the girl a safe window of about ten seconds... With Lisa's ability, this was enough for her to do. Responded and even fought back.

Finally...create a small-scale commotion and confirm that the enemy has some weaknesses exposed.

Anson made up his mind and did not dodge. The rapidly rotating lead bullet easily tore the flesh and blood of his jaw, shattered his mouth, and penetrated into his skull from near the throat. The air wave expanded in the brain, and finally exploded. The skull fragments, brain matter and blood burst out from the top of the skull.


The screaming girl hit the support of the tent like a sandbag. The figure hiding outside moved obviously, and the frozen expression seemed to tell them that the matter was so easy that they were quite surprised.

But the next second, something even more surprising happened to them: the exploded head turned into a shapeless cloud of smoke, and it continuously poured out, filling the surroundings of the entire tent in the blink of an eye. Completely blocking all of their vision.

Curse magic, [Smoke-shaped Man].

Seeing the billowing smoke, the six attackers immediately began to take action: the two gunmen quickly stepped forward and aimed at the tent and fired rapidly. The gun was positioned with one hand holding the knife and the other hanging by the side, showing a posture ready to attack at any time.

They were aware of the fact that the assassination attempt had failed and were not too surprised.

The screaming air bombs were fired at the thick fog like a heavy rain. In less than a minute, the tent was riddled with holes. The two steam spray guns still showed no tendency to stop cooling and continued to output firepower, intending to use this to force Someone shows up.

However, what they waited for was a girl wearing a large trench coat, with long guns and short cannons hanging on her body, and holding a steam gun in her hand. She tore through the smoke and leaped out. She passed through the lead bullet storm with an extremely gorgeous flying kick and landed on the ground. Six heads.


Lisa screamed angrily and quickly pulled the trigger. As the flaming muzzle of the gun swept towards the opponent, several smoking grenades also spilled from the hem of her windbreaker, ensuring one for each of the six people in a very fair manner.

The screaming lead bullets collided with grenades in the air, and six balls of flames bloomed around the girl, lighting up the dark night.


Seven long shadows were pulled out from the firelight of the explosion. Except for the grand police chief who made a shining appearance, the others were twisting and twisting at a fast pace, moving twitchingly among the ruins of the town, which was overwhelming.

"Discover secondary targets and adjust priorities."

The attacker holding the revolver said coldly, with a stern look under the lenses of the gas mask: "Give up hiding and kill them as soon as possible."

After the words fell, one of the attackers carrying a long knife with both hands suddenly stopped and faced the girl. The two gunmen also aimed their guns on the left and right at the same time. The dark muzzles silently fired a translucent ballistic trajectory. , tearing apart layers of smoke screens.

Even if she dodged before the enemy pulled the trigger, the girl's left shoulder and right calf were still torn open with bloody marks. The shotgun hanging on her shoulder also fell to the ground because the rope was torn off, and the butt of the gun hit the ground hard. It bounced up a little bit.

At this moment, the attacker with the knife on his back had already rushed in front of him. The mirror-like blade reflected a dazzling color under the firelight, like a clear spring gushing out, making a frightening clang.

The angry girl almost completed all the actions of closing the gun, raising the gun, and aiming while dodging. The steam gun, which did not require reloading and loading, seemed to be an extension of her white hands, ready to give the opponent a cool blow at any time.

Draw your sword! shot!


Harsh notes exploded in the air, and the agile blade easily deflected the fatal lead bullets, mercilessly sweeping towards the girl's tender and delicate neck and throat. The expressionless attacker seemed to have seen her head soar in the air. picture.

Until the corners of Lisa's mouth that reached to her ears came into his eyes.

Um? !

The attacker was stunned for a moment. Only then did he see the dropped shotgun "bounce" back. The girl with an innocent smile on her face grabbed the handle of the gun, turned it around in her hand, pointed it at herself, and aimed. At the same time, the corners of his mouth moved, as if he was reciting something silently.

She, she seemed to be saying, uh...

"Try playing this, you bad guy!"

The scalding fire mixed with dozens of lead bullets swept towards them, and a trace of panic finally appeared on the attacker's face.

Carrying the suitcase, the assailant who had not moved suddenly raised the thin cane in his hand and pointed it at his companion who was about to be torn to pieces by lead bullets.

The moment he raised his hand, the weirdly shaped staff tip that resembled a spine suddenly twisted and disappeared out of thin air; dozens of lead bullets suddenly seemed to come alive, making almost screams, disintegrating in the air and turning into dust and dissipating. without a trace.

The girl's eyes widened and her little head was shocked.

But the surprise did not hinder her actions... The moment the shotgun was split into two by the sword, the petite figure had already escaped ten steps away, and with her backhand pulled out a pair of revolvers that were already loaded with ammunition. She took turns firing at the attackers who had surrounded her, relying on flexible movement and suppressive shooting to fight against this group of guys with unfathomable strength in the smoke created by Anson.

The attackers, who were originally preparing for a quick battle, finally noticed the strangeness of the surrounding smoke... As soon as they stepped into it, their reaction and thinking abilities would be slower, and their perception of time would become even slower than before. It seems, it seems...

It seems that the rules of the world around him have been forcibly distorted.

The attacker who held the revolver tightly and shot Anson to pieces in the head slowly looked back and looked at his companion holding the suitcase. The latter shook his head, and Jin Ping's actions without looking at his face also revealed his helplessness at the moment.

"No, I can't feel the spellcaster's aura on Anson Bach at all, and I can't even confirm his exact location... The only thing I can know is that he is definitely still nearby."

This sentence sounds like nonsense. No conjurer can use his ability beyond his own casting range... Since these thick fogs were created by Anson Bach, he must still be around.

But the attacker did not show even a trace of dissatisfaction, and even nodded slightly: "I understand, can you confirm the movements of the others around you?"

"There's just one thing: so far, no pagan soldiers are approaching here... I have removed the effect of the power of blood, so it can only be Anson Bach, or one of his subordinates who has used a weapon that can shield vision and The ability to hear.”

"Intelligence shows that there is a fugitive who has taken refuge with Anson Bach. A wind knight named Ian Clemens has similar abilities, but..."

"Just what?"

"But if the information is correct, this person should be moving between Sailing City and Black Reef Port, and it is impossible to appear in Straw Town."

"……I see."

The attacker said calmly, his eyes hidden under the gas mask becoming more serious.

While the two were talking, the girl was still fighting with the three attackers; relying on her flexible speed and a steam gun that was not much inferior to the enemy's, the girl moved up and down like a butterfly flying in the flowers, dodging left and right. .

The moment the enemy pulls the trigger, he slides to dodge, and the moment the blade falls, he turns around and fights back. A flash of sword light and three bullet marks flash in the smoke, and then disappear quickly; there is a harsh impact sound, and the lead bullet and the sharp blade tear the air. The scream sounded repeatedly.

Although it seemed that the girl had the advantage and succeeded in pulling down three powerful attackers by herself, at this moment, only she knew best that they were just butterflies in a cage.

Except for catching the opponent's flaw once at the beginning, the attacker who used the two-handed sword always deliberately slowed down and controlled the frequency of attacks to just enough to keep up with him. The two gunmen were also deliberately waterproof...not to mention Said there were three other guys who were guarding the outside but never made a move.

Suppression, pure unilateral suppression, the critical crown, the girl who was forced to toss and turn under the opponent's attack, even felt a little aggrieved in her heart.

These bad guys... are very strong, much stronger than Lisa. Even if she doesn't show her true strength, Lisa is no match for the bad guys.

In just less than two minutes of fighting, the girl already had double-digit wounds on her body, and each one was closer to the vital part than the last, and there was a risk of being killed and seriously injured at any time; in comparison, the three attackers There wasn't even a trace of the fight left on the victim's body.

"Marik, Boyd, Sif!"

The attacker holding the revolver tightly spoke again, his voice much more nervous than at the beginning: "Repeat the order - adjust the priority and kill the secondary targets as soon as possible!"


A gunman suddenly turned around, with a hint of panic in his childish voice: "Didn't the deputy commander explicitly tell you that you must be cautious about whether to kill secondary targets..."

"That's not necessary!"

Before he could finish speaking, the attacker on the opposite side started to steal: "The most important thing now is to ensure the capture of the primary target. The other unimportant things should be got rid of as soon as possible to avoid..."

"Long nights and many dreams?"

"That's right...huh?!"

The attacker who spoke subconsciously was shaken violently, causing several companions beside him to turn their heads to look at him in confusion.

Only he knew clearly that the voice that sounded in his mind just now... was indeed the right target.

But this is simply impossible! Please make it very clear in the newspaper. Anson Bach is a high-level conjurer, possesses a small number of magic items, and for some unknown reason is also a Holy Grail Knight gifted person. He can read minds and talk to people directly from the heart... Yes The power of the black mage!

This, what exactly...

"What are you doubting, what are you afraid of? Aren't the answers already in front of you?" Anson's voice suddenly became joking: "Or should I say that the venerable Judgment Knight of the Holy See doesn't even have such basic knowledge of the Old God Sect? Common sense is gone and we need to be reminded by the enemy personally?”

"Ah...if that's the case, that would be really surprising."

This...how, how is this possible? !

The Judgment Knight's expression became increasingly panicked, and there were even some beads of sweat left on the glass of the gas mask on his face:

"Everyone, there was a deviation in our previous intelligence. The first and primary target that must be captured..."

"...It's a blasphemy mage!"

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