I will be crowned king

Chapter 875 Thalia’s “Surprise”

Of course, it would be more accurate to say that it is Thalia who has temporarily borrowed Lisa's body...perhaps it is the special ability of the blood mage, or the August bloodline they both share, which gives them some kind of strange connection. .

In short, Thalia can temporarily take over Lisa's body with her permission - and in this state, Lisa's consciousness is still awake.

As for distance, time, location...it doesn't seem to be a problem, it just can't be reversed; but this should not be the ability itself, but Lisa's own problem.

Because Thalia has clearly mentioned that the prerequisite for her to be able to use this ability is August, not the power in Rune's bloodline - just like the curse mage has similar but completely different abilities because of the different laws they have obtained. , the differences between seemingly identical blood mages are also not small.

"Really...why is Anson always surprised every time he sees Thalia, but no surprises?"

Looking at the fleeting expression on the other person's face, the dignified "Talia" pursed her lips lightly, and the flowing blood in her eyes conveyed the girl's dissatisfaction: "Every time I see Anson, Thalia's heart All filled with unspeakable joy.”

"Really... We are both an unmarried couple, but our inner emotions are completely different. Is it really correct?"

Uh... Feeling the deep resentment coming from the girl, Ansen froze in place before he could fully react, his mind went blank and he had no plan.

It’s not just because of their looks. After all, Talia and Lisa have exactly the same face. There is no difference. There is only a difference in eyes and personality. But even so... Looking at Lisa’s appearance, she is actually Talia’s girl on the inside. This kind of...overly mature expression is really...

"Ah...it's true that Thalia didn't think carefully."

After being stunned for only a moment, the girl immediately realized the problem, quickly returned to her usual elegant appearance, and said apologetically: "I forgot that Lisa was there... It's indeed inappropriate to do that kind of thing in front of a child. Quite inappropriate?"

As she spoke, Thalia did not forget to bow her knees and salute to show her respects, but that very polite gesture looked awkward on Lisa.

That kind of thing... you, what else do you want to do?

Anson, who didn't dare to say a word, kept smiling, his expression frozen on his face.

The girl raised her emerald-like eyes and stepped forward, her gaze resting on the half-remaining Judgment Knight. She gently raised her little finger, and a tentacle of flesh and blood suddenly emerged from the muddy ground, rolling up the remains left by the opponent. The suitcase was presented in front of Anson.

"The cage suitcase is a magic item specially used by the Judgment Knights to target blood mages."

Before he could take the initiative to ask, Thalia began to introduce herself, with a bit of resentment in her disdainful eyes: "Its ability is actually a variant of the distortion field. It can seal any living creature in a state for almost a period of time." In still space.”

"For blood mages who have almost no concept of 'death', there is no torture more painful than eternal imprisonment... Because of this fact, the church will almost always imprison rather than execute the arrested spellcasters, so that we can never Stay in a dark prison until you are forgotten by the world and yourself."

Anson looked at the girl who was clenching her teeth and her eyes filled with resentment, slightly puzzled.

With Thalia's strength and identity, there is almost no possibility of being arrested by the church, so where does her anger come from... Except for close relatives connected by blood, there should be no empathy between casters. Relationship, right?

Unless the other party is willing to talk about this kind of thing, there is no possibility of exploring it, and it is completely unnecessary, so Anson immediately changed the subject: "The one who is locked up inside and exudes the aura of blood magic..."

"It's a dragon." The girl glanced at the blood stains on the ground and gave an affirmative answer: "To be more precise, it was a giant dragon that was eroded by blood magic, mutated and twisted into this appearance."

"A dragon twisted by blood magic?"

Anson's eyes became even more confused.

"This is the first time Thalia has seen this kind of thing with her own eyes. She only heard her father mention it by chance before." Thalia's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a look of disgust:

"As you should know Anson, the vast majority of abnormal mutant lives in this world have been affected and interfered with by the three major magics to a greater or lesser extent."

"The giant dragons... they are the most successful or the most unsuccessful examples of these beings... they gained strength due to mutation, but they gradually changed themselves in order to adapt to the world and became part of the world's laws."

"The Church and the Judgment Knights once tried to tame or tame the dragon, but almost all of them failed. Weak humans simply cannot control such powerful higher life forms, even those that failed." The girl chuckled disdainfully, her expression It immediately became cold:

"So they found another way and used the six-pointed star array to turn the dragon's cubs and eggs into 'spell casters'!"

Um? !

Anson was really shocked. Is this okay?

"Life originally created by mutations, once again affected by magic, is almost 100% out of control." The girl's expression became more serious: "The church took advantage of this and put on them a device that restricted the caster, and the dragon cubs were They turned into monsters like 'weapons'."

"The most ideal result is, of course, to become a weapon and tool that is completely tamed, but they can't do that, so they can only settle for the next best thing and use it as a weapon at critical moments."

"Such disrespect for beings at a higher level than one's own, to trample or even play with them, is not only ignorant and arrogant, but also extremely cruel, has no bottom line, and is a heinous crime!"

The girl's tone became more and more serious, and her elegant expression could no longer conceal her anger. Affected by this, Anson's expression also became much heavier, as if he had some empathy.

Although he was very dissatisfied in his heart.

Thalia may really think so, but Anson has been to Boridim and seen with his own eyes how the spellcasters of the Golden Age of the Old Gods viewed dragons, and even all life except spellcasters— —Either an enemy or a test subject, locked up in petri dishes and tanks and tossed around at will, no one will take them seriously.

This included her father Lu En. Not to mention tens of thousands of "experimental subjects" who died in his hands, they were at least too numerous to list, and the amount of them was so great that they challenged the limits of ordinary people's imagination.

With such a criminal record, how can the Old Gods have the qualifications to comment on the church's "cruel acts"? No matter how cruel people are, they are secretive and know that it is not good to tell them. The spell casters were all aboveboard and had no moral considerations.

Of course, Anson would not say such words. He would only condemn the shamelessness and cruelty of the church together with the girl.

"Despite this, these despicable people do have something that Anson can learn from."

The girl changed the topic and her tone became much softer: "Especially now that Anson has been regarded as a target by these gangsters, and his life is in danger at any time... We might as well learn from their methods."

"Learn from it? 伱, you mean..."

"Of course it's impossible to capture a giant dragon, tame it, and use it as a weapon, but we have a better choice than this." Thalia narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Egg of the Evil God...Don't Anson think that would be a very suitable weapon?"

"This, this..."

"The Lord of the Abyss and the Shadow Demon who were defeated by Anson and his father before, among the indigenous old god sects who believe in them, many still retain a considerable number of eggs of evil gods... If they are collected and used on the enemy body, and then use Thalia's blood to control their every move..."

"Dear Anson, you will have an 'army' that completely obeys orders and is absolutely loyal!"

The girl became more and more excited as she talked, and even began to plan the future of this "army" in an orderly manner. It seemed that Anson Bach could already be seen commanding more than a dozen or twenty unlucky guys who had been twisted and mutated by the eggs of the evil god, massacring The Judgment Knights don't know whether to live or die.

After the brief excitement, Thalia looked back at Anson, who had remained silent, her eyes suddenly became lower and calmer:

"Sorry, I was a little out of control."

The smiling Anson nodded and said nothing more.

"Since Anson is still prepared to be kind to those damn false god believers, Thalia will certainly not stop them too much... After all, their power is still not to be underestimated; before becoming an apostle, they can still pose a threat to Anson." The girl's attitude softened obviously:

"It's just that necessary vigilance and understanding of the enemy are still necessary."

As she finished speaking, the girl lightly snapped her fingers, and the tentacles that lifted the suitcase suddenly separated from the top, revealing a neat and smooth interior, as well as an intact two-handed long knife.

"St. Fiore type one in the ninety-eighth year of the Saint's Calendar...that's what the Judgment Knight seemed to call it. In terms of weapons alone, it is considered excellent."

Tilting her little head, the girl smiled at him: "From now on, it will be Anson's trophy."

"As for the other things... Lisa seems to really like the weapon called the 'Steam Rifle' and refuses to give it up no matter what. There are also a bunch of machines and armors that Thalia can't understand, and they have all been cleared by her. Once it was empty, it was packed and packed in a box... Even if Anson opened his mouth, it would probably be quite difficult."

"There's no way, girls just can't resist these shiny things, especially a lively type like Lisa... Haha, Anson needs to work harder to take good care of Lisa in the future."

Anson's mouth twitched.

Although he knew that Thalia was joking with her, the shiny things... cavalry breastplates, steam-powered weapons, steam rifles, grenades, lead bullets... weren't they too dazzling?

Well, literally.

He gently took the long knife handed over by the girl (tentacle). The length of the entire weapon was about one meter and two meters, and it was a standard two-handed long knife. If you hold it carefully, you will see that it is much heavier than it looks.

But this is almost all the weight of the scabbard... Holding the handle of the knife, the blade stained by "Dragon Flame" is extremely light, as if it can't feel any weight; it seems that the moment you pick it up, the sharp blade has already merged with itself. arms blend into one.

The cold weapon turned into an extension of the flesh and blood... It felt strangely strange.

After hesitating for a moment, Anson silently put the long sword back into the scabbard; now he finally understood where the judgment knight's confidence came from; he originally thought that the substance attached to the sword was probably the distortion of some kind of magic. but now……

"Dragon Flame." The girl suddenly whispered:

"Thalia suddenly remembered that the Judgment Knight seemed to have called it that."

Dragon flame?

Recalling that the other party sacrificed himself in the end and released the "light beam" into the sky that broke through his own domain, Anson narrowed his eyes slightly... Yes, that kind of power is not a distortion of magic, but it has the power of magic.

If it is dragon flame, it is perfectly reasonable, but storing the dragon flame in the scabbard and then attaching it to the blade... San Fiore Type 1 in the ninety-eighth year of the Saints Calendar, this is the current latest technological level of the Church of the Ring of Order. and results?

This kind of weapon, as well as steam rifles... If it can be installed on a large scale, no army will be the opponent of the Judgment Knights; according to what the little secretary once mentioned, due to various reasons and restrictions, the scale of the Knights has always been It's not big, just a thousand people level.

It was only six people who attacked me tonight. If there were thousands...

Anson shook his head vigorously, throwing away such dreamy thoughts; now is not the time to think about these things, the most important thing is still the Borei Legion outside the city, and the people hiding behind this team of Judgment Knights who are really responsible for capturing alive And the members of the Judgment Knights who assassinated him.

"Talia, did you notice when you came..."


The girl interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking, tilting her head and looking up: "Talia also said that Anson should be safe for the time being in the future... In order to determine the logic of the Knights' actions, the target must first be determined. Investigate carefully, otherwise we will never take action lightly."

"After their operation failed this time, they will spend a lot of time collecting intelligence. Only few people know that Anson is a blasphemous mage, so they are safe for the time being."

"But in order to avoid accidents, Sister Thalia will be with Anson from beginning to end just like the elf queen."

As she spoke, the girl waved her fist vigorously: "Lisa must work harder than before to protect Anson - so Anson, assign tasks to Lisa!"

Looking at the aggressive girl, the Commander-in-Chief sighed and subconsciously touched the pocket of his jacket: "Uh... I can't seem to find the pocket watch I had before. Could you please help me look for it, the respected Chief Sheriff Lisa?" ?”

"By the way, call Julien, the commander of the Fifth Infantry Regiment, here to find out what happened outside the city when we were attacked by the Judgment Knights... For some reason, I always have a bad feeling in my heart."

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