I will be crowned king

Chapter 878 Flying!

"Where did this group of infidel troops come from? Haven't we already successfully broken through from Strawtown, how could we still run into them?"

On the road two kilometers away from the slave port position, a Levent knight stood next to a smoking eight-pounder and held a monocular in his hand. His face was full of surprise. He turned to look at the captain of the squire beside him: "Is it possible? Did we get lost and end up in some other pagan town?”

"This, this is impossible?" The attendant's expression was even more surprised than him, and he kept scratching his head in confusion: "We did return along the original march route, otherwise we would not have been able to find the eight-pound cannon that was lost before. And if you look at the beach in the distance, as well as the surrounding terrain and roads... it is indeed a slave port!"

"As for the infidel army...maybe it's those damn fishermen from the slave port pretending to be?"


Knight Levent snorted disdainfully, and quickly scanned the area filled with eleven-star ring flags... such a dense network of trenches, so many strong small fortresses, such a clear and well-layered defense structure... Apart from Clovis' group of cowards who are afraid of death, how can there be a second army?

But that's not the point. The point is that now the slave port has obviously been reoccupied by the infidels. Where will he and his army, who have just successfully broken through and walked on the mountain road for several days, go to rest?

Knight Levent turned his head and looked behind him. More than a thousand soldiers in rags with dull eyes, as if they had just been dug out of the soil, weakly carried their rifles and formed two vertical and six square formations. They were obviously The blue and white military uniforms have long been integrated with the natural camouflage and the mountains and rivers of the earth.

Due to lack of supplies, they marched on foot for three or four days almost hungry. Even if the soldiers who were already naked could stand still, their bodies would unconsciously sway from side to side. With the rifles in their hands that were as tall as a person, they looked as if they were The wheat ears in the fields were stirred up by the majestic wind...

The strength of such an army to attack is unknown. At first glance, the Clovis position is heavily fortified. It is not obvious what the consequences will be.

Knight Levent suddenly felt dizzy... Originally, he wanted to retreat to the slave port after reuniting with Borre Levent. However, it was not known whether the legion commander broke through too slowly or they were too successful. Wait. It didn't take a full day to wait, and since there were no supplies, they had to wait while walking. They actually became the first army to retreat to the slave port.

Then... just station here and wait for the army commander or friendly forces to arrive before attacking together?

Knight Levent only hesitated for less than a second before giving up... His army had been marching on foot for four days hungry, and it was only because of the slave port that the carrot was hanging in front of them to prevent it from collapsing. When it came to them, he told them that they had to go again. Wait, even if it's not a collective mutiny on the spot.

Therefore, we must attack. Even if we do not know the strength of the Clovis people on the opposite side and are unprepared in a hurry, we must launch an attack, but the method of attack must be slightly changed...

Having made up his mind, Knight Levent turned around, coughed twice, looked at the soldiers with dull expressions and green eyes, impassionedly pulled out his saber without a scabbard, and pointed behind him:

"Everyone, the slave port is close at hand. The only things standing in front of us are a group of defeated heretic soldiers and a group of cowardly and despicable fishermen. These people are not only interested in the glory of the Jihad Army, but Without any gratitude for our kindness, we even brazenly took away the land that we had recovered and took it as our own, and continued to poison the holy land where the ring of order shines. It is really a heinous crime!"

"In the name of the Ring of Order, I implore you to temporarily endure the fatigue of the long journey and join me in punishing this group of heretics who have trampled on the mercy of the Holy War Army - conquer the slave port. I will explain all issues to the legion commander and all the spoils will be returned to me. All for everyone!”

"Oh oh oh oh……!!!!"

Hearing the officer's sudden kindness, the soldiers, who were already so hungry that their calves were shaking, cheered with excitement and stared fiercely at the slave port position opposite, as if the people hiding inside were not the pagan soldiers, but the flowing water. Greased roasted pork knuckles, fried sausages, crispy fried fish, the strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air is better than freshly baked white bread with butter.

While the soldiers were dancing excitedly, Knight Levent quietly grabbed his squire captain: "After the war begins, if the attack is frustrated, let the artillery aim directly at our flag and fire."

"Ah?! Sir, this..."

"What's this? The most important thing now is to recapture the slave port as soon as possible. Casualties and so on are not important at all!" Knight Levent looked irritated: "I don't know why the fleet hasn't arrived yet. How much supplies are left in the slave port? Don’t I know yet? That’s not enough for a 20,000-strong army. If we don’t take advantage of the opportunity to attack the city now, we won’t be able to divide it by then!”

"Besides, the legion commander's life is uncertain now. What if the enemy following us is not a friendly force but an enemy? If we don't take down the slave port and other fleets to escort us away as soon as possible, will we have to wait to be surrounded by the enemy's pursuing troops again?"

"Okay, I, I understand..."


With another low roar of the eight-pound infantry cannon, more than a thousand Jihadi troops, who were almost going crazy with hunger, spread out their lines, and formally launched an attack on the position of the Second Infantry Regiment row by row.

Under the charred rubble, the unsuspecting slave-catching port defenders were in panic. There were soldiers and civilians everywhere who were busy looking for bunkers to hide and at a loss. Even if the few officers who could still maintain some composure shouted, it would not help at all.

In fact, the Second Infantry Regiment was originally prepared for such emergencies, and nearly a company of skirmishers was deployed outside the position to conduct reconnaissance and early warning; but today was an exception - the slave-trapping port liberals suddenly went on strike to let the Alexei was worried that something might happen, but did not want to slow down the progress of the position, so he asked the army to continue digging trenches and withdraw the skirmisher company as a trump card just in case.

The situation turned out to be exactly what he thought. The liberals in the slave port who were eager to escape mutinied on the spot; but before they could take action, the remnants of the Borre Corps who fled all the way opened fire first; the useless skirmisher company could only protect them at the same time. Looking at the unconscious regimental leader, he moved his position to other forts.

The militiamen who were placed at the outermost edge of the defense line by Alexei were the militiamen from the slave-catching port... This was not because he used the militiamen as cannon fodder. It was purely because it was more convenient to repair the fortifications; the inexperienced militiamen could only do the simplest tasks. , after they dig out those crooked ditches on the outside of the position, and then the Storm Legion and Shooting Corps build real fortifications, the efficiency can be greatly improved.

Facing the jihadist army who suddenly "came back", they who had been frightened half of their souls by the shelling just found that they only had shovels and wooden shovels in their hands - Alexei also issued weapons to them, but these people thought that All the things that were inconvenient for work were piled behind the position, and they were not carried with them at all.

So after thinking about it for about two minutes, this group of people decisively dropped their tools and ran away, without even notifying the surrounding friendly forces; waiting for the hungry calves to spin, the Jihadi soldiers had stars in their eyes. When I carefully touched the first line of defense, I literally entered a no-man's land, and continued to move forward with great doubts.

But the problem is not over yet... The militiamen who were frightened and fled directly blocked the passage in the trench, making it impossible for the shooting army that had finally assembled to enter their position. They could only watch the jihadi army swaggering and occupying the defense line; And the defeated soldiers, who continued to spread like a virus, also messed up the rear defense line.

The defensive position that Alexey spent several days and tried his best to build was about to be completely defeated in less than ten minutes; Knight Levent, who was still trembling and ready to order a retreat at any time, saw this. In response to the situation, he excitedly waved his saber and personally led the charge.

When Alexei, who was in a severe coma, was sprayed with cold water on his face by the chief of staff, slapped repeatedly, and finally opened his eyes under a series of wake-up calls with six rounds of revolvers at close range, what he saw was such a scene of extreme corruption.

"So...why is it always me who is so unlucky?!"

Alexey was on the verge of tears, remembering the last time he was so unlucky - it seemed that every time Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach placed high hopes on him and entrusted him with important tasks, he would end up with almost the same fate.

"My leader, please stop complaining and hurry up and find a way to save it, okay?!" The chief of staff, who had no idea that he was the culprit of the leader's coma, looked even more anxious than Alexey himself. : "Now the militia in the slave port has been destroyed, and half of its position has been lost. The shooting army is blocked in the trench and cannot get out. Apart from the skirmishers, the only person who can be contacted immediately is one of Marcos' infantrymen. There are only four hundred people in the company in total."

"Four hundred...what about the other side?"

"I don't know, but there are already a thousand people in the vanguard of the position!"

"Very good, then let's kill these thousand people first!" Holding back the pain in his forehead, Alexey made the decision on the spot: "Inform the shooting army to climb out of the trench and launch a bayonet charge directly at the leading troops on the opposite side. Marcos The company and skirmishers follow me and see if we can attack from the flank of the position.”

"Ah, just bring four hundred people?"

"Just bring four hundred people, that's enough - if the one thousand people on the opposite side are really just the vanguard, no matter how many more, they will just bring military glory to the opposite side." Alexey showed a desperate smile:

"Contact the company commanders of other infantry companies and ask them to assemble and stand by - tell them that unless the position is about to fall, no one is allowed to fire, let alone expose the target, so that the other side will find that we really only have two or three Thousands of people!”

Facing a chaotic battlefield, Alexei had to be as cautious as possible. After all, whether he could hold the slave port before reinforcements arrived really depended on the trump card of more than a thousand people.

Quickly loading the revolver in his hand with ammunition, Alexei turned his head coolly:

"Soldiers - follow me!"


Scattered gunshots continued to ring out from the perimeter of the position. The Jihadi soldiers who easily took over the perimeter marched forward with high spirits, pursuing the militiamen who had discarded their armor from the beginning of the battle, like Pull the trigger like hunting a hare.

Well, it would be better if they could stand a little straighter and walk less sluggishly.

Standing in the fortress that had just been "conquered" by his men, the proud Knight Levent couldn't help but think; although the army's results were brilliant, each one of them could not even stand firmly, as if they were in military posture like some kind of soft-bodied creature. It's a bit too unsightly, and it really doesn't look like a mighty army about to win.

But there is no other way. A group of guys who have been hungry for several days on the mountain road really can't ask for too much. Not to mention entering the battle, being able to stand up and fire two empty guns at the enemy is considered worthy of the emperor and the ring of order. .

The enemies not far away were still retreating like frightened rabbits. For fear of falling behind others and being shot to death or trampled to death by their own people, the soldiers of the Jihadi Army only needed to stride forward. If you advance, you will win - as for the Clovis people that I suspected, I haven't even seen their shadows until now.

Knight Levent, who was originally frightened, finally breathed a sigh of relief. All his worries were unnecessary. How could the enemies in Straw Town run faster than him and arrive at the slave port first to build a good position? What a worry...huh?

Faintly feeling as if he saw something, he subconsciously raised his head, and a familiar yet unfamiliar gray color suddenly came into view. The corners of his mouth that had just been raised opened wider and wider as his eyes quickly focused, until he felt heartbreaking. A roar exploded in the wilderness outside the slave port.


There was no preparation, no warning... More than a thousand soldiers of the Shooting Army who were stuck in the trenches and could not move simply climbed out of the fortifications, swung the axes on their gun butts in groups, and killed the Jihadi Army who were almost exhausted from hunger. Come here, skip the part of shooting each other, jump deep into the tunnel occupied by the opponent, and start the bloodiest and most brutal hand-to-hand combat.

In order to limit the attackers from exerting their superior strength and pushing directly after breaking through the outer defense line, Alexei specially dug the trenches very narrowly, so that only one or two people could block the enemies coming from the trenches, while also returning Saved a lot of man-hours.

So the soldiers of the Holy War Army who were suddenly attacked were close to their bodies one by one, and found that there was no room to retreat in the tunnel. They faced the brutal axes of the Shooting Army soldiers with horrified expressions; the broken limbs and dark red blood sprays began to Flying in the trench where screams continued.

Fortunately, although the battle was caught off guard and everyone was exhausted from hunger, the soldiers of the Jihadi Army at the critical moment of life still exerted their due fighting power and did not collapse at the first touch like the slave-capturing port militia, and blocked the surprise offensive of the shooting army.

Knight Levent, who was hiding in the fortress, was in shock when he suddenly heard the sudden explosion of his eight-pound infantry cannon behind him.

Looking at the afterimage of the artillery shells that drew a beautiful arc in the sky, Knight Levante vaguely remembered that he had given the bastard order "If the attack is frustrated, let the artillery fire directly at his own flag." Showing a horrified expression:



A violent explosion sounded. Alexey, who had just reached the flank of the Crusaders and had not yet had time to attack, looked in surprise at the fire that exploded in the center of the battlefield, and a figure flying up in the fire who was dressed like an Imperial Knight. .

"Ride, Sir Knight, fly, fly!"

On June 28, 102, Apostolic Calendar, when Eco Levent was commanding the battle at the Slave Port position, he was unfortunately killed on the spot by his own artillery fire. More than a thousand soldiers were defeated on the spot and became Alexei. ·Captured by Lieutenant Colonel Dukaski.

The battle for the slave port has just begun...

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