I will be crowned king

Chapter 88 St. Isaac’s College

In the early morning, the weather in Clovis City was still gloomy and foggy.

After enjoying a breakfast of hot water and dry bread, the leisurely Anson walked up to the attic, picked up the already burned candle, and looked at a figure outside the house from the inside of the leaky window.

Outside the cold windy window, a ragged, hook-nosed officer sat cross-legged on the muddy street, leaning against the slender gas lamp pole behind him. Under his tired face, his bloodshot eyes were still staring motionlessly at the attic. The direction of the window.

Judging from the look on his face, he might have stayed out all night or in such a cold winter.

What a perseverant guy... Anson shook his head with some emotion, left the attic in a strangely happy mood, put on his coat and prepared to go out.

The meeting time of Professor Mace Honnard's "Historical Society" is 6:30 in the evening, but Anson is planning to leave early; on the one hand, of course, it is to avoid various emergencies, and secondly, if he can arrive in advance, he can also have a meeting More opportunities to communicate and get to know other members of the community.

As a newcomer, this can be regarded as a kind of self-consciousness - if you want to stand out in an organization or wait for an opportunity to betray, there is no way out just being an inconspicuous marginal person.

After leaving a note and a small amount of change for Lisa at the dining table, Anson, who was relieved to leave, went out and called out to the taxi that had just passed by.

"Where are you going?"

"Holy... uh..." Anson, who was about to speak, immediately noticed the sight of a certain "tramp" around him, paused, and showed a bright smile on his face:

"I just came to the capital not long ago, please show me around first!"

"no problem!"

The coachman replied enthusiastically that it would be best to cheat this kind of tourist who is coming to the royal capital for the first time.

The speeding carriage shuttled through one street after another, and Anson looked out the window at the scenery passing by quickly... and a certain "tramp" in ragged clothes, following closely behind the carriage.

He first got off the bus at Red Brick Street and asked the carriage driver to wait outside the church door. He waited until a homeless man was about to lose his patience, then slowly and leisurely left the prayer room, got on the carriage and took a detour to White Lake Park.

Thirty minutes later, the carriage stopped at the intersection; Anson got off the car and bought today's "Clovis Truth" from a passing newsboy, put the folded newspaper under his arm, and stepped out car.

When he realized that Anson was still walking towards the park, the hook-nosed officer who was always following him finally stopped hesitantly - his shabby clothes were too conspicuous in the sparsely populated park, and if he continued to follow him, it would be very dangerous. Possibly exposing yourself.

Just when Anson thought this guy had finally given up, he slowly walked to the lakeside square and once again "saw" the ragged figure hiding in the grass, climbing on a tree on the edge of the square to spy on him.

This guy is really not an ordinary perseverant... Ansen, who was a little helpless, twitched the corner of his mouth and was also vaguely confused.

Draco mentioned that the Guardsmen only knew that the evidence and clues were taken away, but did not know where they were hidden. So how did he know that it was a worn-out leather suitcase?


Anson, who was full of question marks in his heart, sat on a bench in the square with his back to the sight of a certain forest, feeding the pigeons with the dry bread crumbs left over from his breakfast - these white creatures flying in the sky can be regarded as Clovis in the gloomy weather. One of the few natural scenery in the city.

As time passed, a little sunshine gradually broke through the gloomy sky, and more pedestrians and tourists appeared in the empty park.

The patient Anson sat on the bench all the time, leisurely enjoying the foggy air in the morning and the noise of dozens or hundreds of birds, until he found his target - a man wearing a dark coat similar to himself and about the same height. A middle-aged man of similar appearance was walking towards the bench.

With the cover of the crowd behind him, Anson stood up the moment he passed by, "inadvertently" stuffed the folded newspaper under his arm, and then quickly left in the opposite direction to the man without looking back.

By the time the crowd dispersed, the benches were already empty.

Twenty minutes later, after confirming that no one was following him, Anson left White Lake Park, stopped a taxi with a different shape from before on the roadside, and headed towards St. Isaac's College.


"...On June 11, under the leadership of the respected Professor Mace Honnard, I and thirteen other scholars who also came from the central province arrived at the destination of our trip in a government-issued carriage. — St. Isaac’s College.”

"This historic and ancient institution of learning is majestic, spectacular and elegant, with towering towers reaching into the sky, but all these spectacular buildings are nothing compared to their historical status."

"Forty years before the Saints' Calendar, Saint Isaac - Isaac Rand, who was born in the countryside of Central Province like me, discovered the mystery of steam here and created the new era today! "

"What a great achievement this is, what a wonderful life this is! And I, who am lucky enough to be here, will surely embark on a path that is no less than his..."


Gently closing the diary in his hand, Anson, who came to this college for the "first time", stood outside the school gate and slowly raised his gaze to look at the full-length statue standing in front of him.

This is a slightly slender statue. On the marble platform is a young man wearing a priest's robe with messy hair. He holds a copy of the "Original Canon" of the Church of Order's teachings in his left hand, and holds a high hand in his right hand. The model of the Steam Core poses as it steps forward.

A line of small words is engraved on the nameplate of the platform: "Faith and exploration lead the world."

How to describe it... Anson looked at the lifelike statue in front of him, feeling a little weird with emotion.

It is obviously a work of art full of symbolic meaning, but there is a sense of arrogance from beginning to end, carving the great man of an era like a narcissist.

Probably because although the Church of Order acknowledged the status of St. Isaac in words, it actually never liked this guy who almost overturned the entire church, right?

Anson shook his head and walked along the ancient stone road under his feet towards the castle-like academy.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, the midday sun pierced the dark clouds, letting golden light shine through the windows into the dark corridor. Even the dust particles floating in the air seemed to be a little more sacred because of it.

"Enter from the main entrance on the left, go through the corridor, follow the stone stairs, and reach the red carpet hall on the third floor."

Looking at the note left by the professor in his hand, Anson stood in front of the spiral stone stairs and was stunned.

So...is it three floors above ground or three floors underground?

Generally speaking, it must be the third floor above ground, but... this is a secret gathering of an underground evil organization.

Underground evil organization...underground...

So three floors underground is also possible, right?

Just when Anson was caught in a dilemma and was about to go up there to try it out first, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"You are late!"

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