I will be crowned king

Chapter 881 Big Business

Two thousand Levent's heads in exchange for a life for the Dukaski family?

Although the price had been negotiated in advance, when the other party actually said it, the figure still trembled slightly, shocked by the other party's decisiveness.

"Why, do you think I'm cold-blooded?"

Turning to look at the other party, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Pavel's lips: "Even though he was finally entrusted with an important task by the commander-in-chief, he has been planning to sell out the robe to survive from the beginning, and even made these dirty behaviors into a My heroic actions...in your heart, you must be scolding me, a dirty villain with no shame and no chivalry, right?"

"No, no! This is absolutely not the case, I swear!" The latter suddenly raised his head and immediately clarified:

"On the contrary, those words you just said made you even more majestic in my heart!"

"Oh, how come you see it?"

"Despicable, selfish, filthy and shameless... I have seen hundreds of people in my limited life, but there are only a few people who can face it all frankly and admit it all."

"Carry the sins and protect the family... Only people like you are worthy of the name of knight!"

As he spoke, the man lowered his head deeper, as if he was really moved by Pavel's dedication and admired him to the ground.

It seemed... Pavel Dukaski, who was still sneering, raised his telescope again and stared at the battlefield not far away.

As the battle officially entered the hand-to-hand combat stage, the smoke that filled the trenches and forts began to gradually dissipate, exposing the true movements of the two armies to each other: the overwhelming Borei Corps had advanced to the second line of defense of the position, trench after trench. Clean the battlefield and squeeze the living space of the slave port defenders.

The Storm Legion was also not to be outdone. It relied on small fortresses to form cross-fire and encirclement networks, constantly defeating the leading troops of the Borre Legion. It launched multiple counterattacks and used shotguns and grenades to clear the way, forcing the Jihadi Army not to dare to gather too many at once. A frontal attack with troops can only be carried out by small groups of skirmishers.

But even if the commandos besieging the fortress are defeated, it will be difficult for the defenders with weak strength to regain control of the trenches. Once the counterattack is successful, they must withdraw quickly to avoid being surrounded by the opposite side.

In this state, the two sides repeatedly saw each other around the trenches and reached a stalemate; if there were no accidents, the battle was likely to continue until night without any change, and ended with the Borre Corps temporarily withdrawing its troops.


The expressionless Pavel glanced towards the right wing of the battlefield. From a distance, he could see a stream of yellow-gray smoke rising towards the rear of the defenders' position.

And long before the smoke and dust rolled up, violent vibrations had already appeared on the battlefield.

"This, this, this, this... what's going on?!"

The congressman hiding in the headquarters held the rifle tightly in his arms, stammering and crying as if he was frightened: "Why did they suddenly appear from here? Could it be that the people in front have already... "

"shut up!"

Alexey growled angrily and picked up the rifle on the ground; the surrounding Storm Legion soldiers also stood up one after another, keeping silent in a tacit agreement, waiting for the regimental leader's order.

No one needed any explanation. They were experienced enough to understand the situation as soon as they noticed the sound: the enemy had sent a small elite force to bypass the front, in an attempt to strike directly from the flanks and reverse the deadlock.

As for how to complete the rapid maneuver without cavalry troops, and how to successfully avoid the eyes of the reconnaissance troops, it is no longer important at this moment. What is important is to stop the opponent, and do it quickly.

"All the shooters have their guns loaded. They will assemble at the previously scheduled location in five minutes. Follow me and set off to fight!"

Alexey said solemnly to the officers: "The skirmishers will continue to stay at the headquarters to ensure that the militiamen are not allowed to disorganize themselves. If the situation is critical, support the front as soon as possible."

After several days of fierce fighting, Alexei and the entire garrison were completely familiar with the terrain around the slave port. The opponent's attempt to get around was completely within his expectation - as long as he gave the order, the soldiers would You will know where to assemble and how to stop the enemy.

"Remember, you must hold on, we can wait for reinforcements!"


The thunderous shouts caused the panicked congressman to fall from his chair to the ground. He stared blankly at the confident Alexey walking out of the trench; soon, groups of shooting troops with live ammunition appeared behind him. He trotted closely behind the commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

The thick black smoke and dust, accompanied by violent vibrations, hit the position like a surging wave; when the smoke dissipated, four cavalry cannons suddenly appeared in front of the shooting army.

"Everyone - get down!"

Amidst the urgent shouts, several balls of fire exploded on the position one after another. Countless rubble and rubble were raging all over the sky in the heat wave. The soldiers of the shooting army who could not dodge were directly engulfed by the fire and turned into mutilated limbs and pieces of meat everywhere in the trench. Splash.

Alexey had no time to think about it and could only lie down in the bunker. The explosions and the screams of the soldiers kept ringing in his ears. The violently shaking ground was like a heavy hammer beating gongs and drums, torturing his whole body. bones.

Who would have thought that when the opponent lacked firepower and could not complete the attack on the front, they could actually use four cavalry cannons as the last weapon to break through?

Accompanied by rapid and intermittent explosions, the main force of more than a thousand Vent hiding in the back row of the cavalry artillery began to advance towards the position, and pushed the empty baggage trains in front as a bunker.

At this time, as long as Alexei still has a cannon that can fire, these "shield cars" are the best living targets. If you are lucky, a twelve-pound shell can severely damage a company of 100 men; However, if the opponent dared to do this, it was obvious that he didn't even have a single shell left.

Facing the enemy who seemed to have defeated him, Alexei was angry and anxious, his expression twisted to the extreme, but he could only wait for the enemy to advance to a position of nearly a hundred meters, and then immediately issued a bayonet charge. Order.

He knew very well that this would definitely cause greater casualties, but he could not bear the risk of allowing the enemy to enter the position - if he did not block the line before the enemy took action, and hinder the firing range of the cavalry cannon, he would not dare to act rashly. The empty rear area and the cowardly slave-trapping port militia could not withstand several rounds of shelling.

"Ugh wow wow wow wow...!!!!"

Almost at the same time as the order was given, the shooting army, whose morale was not affected by the bombardment at all, rushed out of the trench decisively, carrying their rifles, which were more like long-handled axes than firearms, towards the invading enemy. In the wide wilderness outside the position Fighting begins.

Facing the indigenous soldiers killed by Wuyangyang, the already experienced main force of Lewent quickly gathered their formations and surrounded the city with hollow square formations of a hundred or ten people to attack. The bright bayonets spread out like steel hedgehogs. ;At the same time, the positions of several square formations were staggered to form cross fire, and the cavalry cannon in the rear row reserved a not too narrow firing range.

Even if they are infantry that is least valued by the empire, the private soldiers of the Levent family are definitely well-trained. This is why Borre Levent dares to annoy the other holy war legions. In terms of combat effectiveness, his army has more than ten soldiers. The Halloween Army is indeed the most effective group.

However, they soon discovered that the group of indigenous slave warriors in front of them seemed a little different from the ones they met in Straw Town before...


A thunderous roar sounded, and bursts of wailing sounded from the dense phalanx of the Jihadi Army.

With bayonets in hand, the Jihadi soldiers kneeling on one knee stayed in place in disbelief, with half of their cheeks stained red by the blood of their comrades, and they were holding on to the opposite direction that was obscured by gunpowder smoke.

The smoke dissipated, and what came into view were two neat rows, one in front and one behind, with black holes and still smoking muzzles.

Those natives...the beast slaves who were used as slave warriors...can actually form a neat line formation and fire in an orderly manner according to orders? !

As if he had seen the most incredible thing in his life, the Jihadist soldier was stunned for a few seconds; until his ears heard the panicked shouts of his companions and the orders of his superiors, he stood up in a hurry and found that everyone was He was just as shocked as himself, and just as unable to keep calm.

But the shooting army on the opposite side will not.

"Fire the second round in line, everyone has-"

In front of the dense line, Alexey slowly raised the saber in his right hand. The golden-red flame was like some kind of liquid, spreading from the hilt of the knife to the tip of the knife, looking like an extremely dazzling lighthouse from a distance.

Then... it fell suddenly.



Earth-shattering volleys of gunfire pierced the sky again, sweeping like thunder towards the jihadi army on the opposite side who still maintained a tight formation.

In order to reduce the amount of operations, Alexei did not ask the shooting army to stand and shoot according to the Clovis military system. Instead, he squatted in the front row and remained standing in the back row. He fired in one row and reloaded in one row. This is the most simplified version. volley shooting.

And even this kind of operation is due to the simplicity of the shooting army's weapons: just swing the gun body, stuff the paper shell bullet into the barrel and lock it, and you can fire, let alone squatting, even if you are lying on the ground. Affecting operation; the only problem may be that the sealing of the bolt is extremely poor, a large amount of gunpowder smoke will be sprayed directly on the soldier's face and there is a risk of the chamber exploding, resulting in a low effective range and accuracy; but all this in simple operation and In the face of the amazing rate of fire, it is not a shortcoming!

What accuracy, what distance, whoever can shoot out the third lead bullet when the enemy fires the first shot will win the battle - this is what Alexey is thinking now.

The miscalculated Jihadi Army also quickly deployed its formation and fired at the shooting army. However, after enduring the hail of bullets for a long time, they could not keep calm and pull the trigger, and the accuracy of each shot was greatly reduced.

As the advantage of being caught off guard on the eve of the battle was gradually lost, the shooting army continued to fall under the random gunfire and artillery fire from the opposite side; but the indigenous soldiers were still like machines without emotions, continuing to fill in orders repeatedly. In the cycle of firing, he threw the ammunition on his body towards the opposite side.

Finally...the Jihadi Army, unable to bear the casualties, launched a bayonet charge first; the expressionless Alexei once again raised the flaming sword, and the shooting troops behind him also turned around and strengthened themselves, their palms clenched still feeling hot. The barrel of the gun revealed the cold ax blade, ready to fight.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty...


The sound of sharp blades clashing exploded in the air, and the shining bayonets plunged into the chests of the shooting corps soldiers.

But there was no joy on the face of the private soldier of the Jihad Army, because the blood-stained beast slave did not stop wailing, but instead showed a sinister smile at himself, raised his two-handed battle ax, and "gently" knocked on his own head.

And this is not even an isolated case.

One after another, the shooters waved their axes mercilessly, charging into the crowd despite the bayonets of the Jihadists; accompanied by the chilling sounds of collision and tearing, heads were smashed, bones were broken, Tear the flesh and blood, cut open the chest...

Perhaps the bayonet's killing efficiency was higher, or perhaps the shooting army was at a disadvantage in terms of casualty ratio... But when they saw the corpses of their comrades, the elite Levent private soldiers gradually began to waver.

When the sky gradually darkened, the Borei Corps, which had never been able to break through the Shooting Army's blockade, had to give up the attack and retreated to the occupied first line of defense; Alexei, who was already short of troops, did not organize a pursuit. Silently retreating to the position, leaving only a small number of elites to clean the battlefield, collect the bodies of their own people, and the most important guns and ammunition.

And just when Alexei thought that today would end hastily like the previous blockade, Marcus, the commander of the line private company, suddenly found him quietly and claimed to have caught a guy who came to surrender.


The commander of the Second Infantry Regiment looked at the figure in front of him with a strange expression. He lowered his eyebrows, was timid, and had a smile that was full of ingratiation. It almost tainted the black priest's long run on his body... He always felt very familiar, although he just couldn't remember where he was. I've never seen it before, but one thing is for sure:

"Have you...have you ever been to Beluga Harbor?"

"Your memory is good, you guessed it right so quickly." The man smiled flatteringly: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Karin Jacques, I am an ordinary, very ordinary trainee priest of the Circle of Order."

"As you can see, I'm not some unlucky guy who came to surrender from the Jihad Army across the street. That's just a false identity I used to get closer to you - if you want to say what I do, it's probably... just a big deal. A middleman, right?”

Alexey: "...Agent?"

"You can understand it this way, but I am not only your counterpart, I can also be your agent." The trainee priest bowed respectfully: "The purpose of my coming is to help you two bring together an excellent business deal. .”

"A... big business that can be win-win for both parties!"

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