I will be crowned king

Chapter 884 Please Surrender

Yes, the Clovis people on the opposite side did ask that the Borre Corps also participate in the strangulation of Levent's private soldiers, but they did not explicitly say that the soldiers must face each other and kill their former comrades with rifles, bayonets or even bare hands. ...I used artillery to blow up these people into the sky, which was also in line with the agreement between the two parties.

What's more important is that even if the opponent insists on mobilizing soldiers, how can he find a group of troops that can defeat Levent's private soldiers? You know, he doesn't have the ability!

Pavel Dukaski has a certain reputation within the Borre Corps, but that is only because of Dukaski's history and influence within the empire - especially in the south - not because he actually led How many armies have been conquered, and a military leader who holds military power and has an outstanding reputation, so Borre Levent would not dare to hand over the position of temporary army commander to him.

On the contrary, Pavel brought very few troops this time, just over 500 people, and almost none of them were the core elite of the Dukaski family... In fact, this was the majority of the entire Jihad Army, except for a few The legion commander and the other heirs, even the heirs of famous wealthy families, would not bring more than a thousand troops. Everyone was just trying to think of ways to fool the Holy See and Emperor Hred.

What does the belief in the Ring of Order and the glory of the empire have to do with those of us who have our own fiefdoms or even territories? Killing colonies cannot make more ears of wheat grow in the fields, nor can iron ore, coal and logs. We have to sell it to factories to make money, and if we kill all the colonists, do we need to organize our own manpower to mine and log?

The only thing Pavel Dukaski has to do is to protect himself as much as possible and at most lend a hand to help a few wealthy families who are close to him or who are valuable.

As for the Grand Duke Levent family of the "Wind Knights"? Not familiar, really mainly because of unfamiliarity.

After completely wiping out Levent's private soldiers, handing over all their weapons, and finding a way to deceive a few unlucky heirs of wealthy families into becoming prisoners of the Clovis people opposite, Pavel can retreat to the defeated area with the remaining remnants of the army. Sailing City has temporarily withdrawn from this damn holy war - all the blame will be placed on the doomed leader of the Borre Levent Legion.

As for accidents such as the fleet failing to arrive in time or the Clovis people temporarily regretting their plans, he no longer thinks about it. Those things have long been out of his control, and he really can't think of a better choice other than accepting his fate.

After all, even if the Clovis were defeated here, the remaining army would not be able to defeat the chasing troops that came later. And "that person", or the Truth Society behind him, seemed to have a way to defeat the Holy War Army. The fleet did as they wished...

"hope so."

Looking at the slave port shrouded in darkness, Pavel, murmuring in a low voice, wiped the blood off the knife with a handkerchief and held it upright in front of him as if praying, revealing only half of his resolute face.

Behind him, the artillery of the Borre Corps exploded with the thunder of dawn. The muzzles of the group of guns spewed thick smoke and fiery red light that overwhelmed everything, drawing a rich stroke of color on the dark horizon.

The blade fell, and dozens of golden-red tracks rose in the night sky, drawing different trajectories and going straight to the slave-catching port position.

The ear-piercing screams came, making Levent's private soldiers who were still fighting the Storm Legion on the position look happy. They hid in place without any hesitation, waiting for the enemy's position to be severely ravaged by artillery fire before taking the opportunity to launch an attack. In one fell swoop, they took down this piece of defense that was giving them a headache.

It wasn't until the light became more and more dazzling that they noticed the abnormality and finally showed expressions of fear and confusion, looking at the starry sky that seemed to be daytime in disbelief.

Ruthless fire rain poured down, and the scorching air waves and burning steel left bloody and ferocious craters on the ground.


The shells one after another were like heavy hammers, repeatedly hitting the ground burned by the flames, turning the unprepared Levent private soldiers into ants on a hot pot, completely losing the basic order.

This is also related to the way Alexei built the defense line... The slave port is surrounded by plains with no slope. You can get a good view by raising the height a little, so he built the entire position into an almost trapezoid shape. The soil slopes, except for the trenches, are all slightly angled slopes.

The result is that although the enemy's artillery fire is difficult to fall into the trenches and kill the defenders, it is easy to cause accidental damage to our own people exposed on the slopes of the position; and when their target is no longer the trenches but themselves on the slopes Human hours...the hit rate and killing efficiency of artillery can naturally be significantly improved.

Under the dense rain of fire, the screams of the soldiers were mixed with the roar of the explosion. Many people even charged towards the third line of defense in panic, but even if they were lucky enough not to be blown into pieces, they would inevitably collapse in the end. Under the random gunfire of the Storm Legion.

"How many shells do these deserters have? Did they really break out of Strawtown and escape to the Slave Port?!"

Looking at the masses of fire that kept devouring flesh and blood, Alexey, who was hiding in the trench, was simply terrified: If he hadn't made up his mind to build fortifications at the beginning, if the enemy really put all his efforts into it, no matter how many people died, he would have to conquer it. Slave-catching port... The person who was "hospitally entertained" by these gifts was himself.

"This... this should be more than just the ammunition they carry with them. After all, even a fully armed army cannot use artillery so recklessly... No matter how many shells they have, they won't be able to squander it."

The regiment commander on the side was surprisingly calm at this time: "I heard from the soldiers on the front line during the day that some people were shot and thought they were dead, but only a few ribs were broken... In addition to real lead bullets, the other side seemed to have started to use them. Slightly polished stones were also used as cannonballs.”

"Uh...it turns out to be like this. I said they have so many cannonballs that they seem to be endless..." Alexei murmured to himself: "Stone cannonballs, if this is the case, wouldn't it allow the other side to get away with it?" possible……"

At this moment, he didn't even know whether he should worry about whether the covering artillery fire could completely annihilate Levent's private soldiers, or whether the guy on the opposite side was really fulfilling the agreement or trying to fool him.

But looking at the momentum of the artillery fire in front of us, even if some of the cannonballs are made of stone, at least most of them should be real, right?

After stubbing out the few cigarette butts left at the corner of his mouth, Alexey decided to be as safe as possible: "Go and notify the shooting troops resting in the rear to assemble as soon as possible and stand by on the flanks. As soon as you get the signal, act immediately to recapture The second line of defense.”

Even if the other party really intends to kill their own people to gain trust, the destruction of Levent's private army is already an established fact; after losing more than two thousand elites and a large number of artillery shells, even if the remaining Borre Corps still wants to go back on its word. , and it is impossible to easily break through the two lines of defense and penetrate the defensive position that he spent countless efforts building.


The chief of staff nodded and stood up to leave. He didn't know where his captain's confidence and assurance came from. As a subordinate, he just had to implement it - he didn't easily inquire about the details of his colleagues, and he didn't ask too many questions about his superiors. plan, this has almost become a tradition in the Storm Legion.

The roaring sound of artillery gradually became sparse, and the smoke that shrouded the entire position quietly covered the broken land and slowly dissipated; Alexey and the captains of several infantry companies carefully emerged from the trenches to observe Looking at the position that had just destroyed the core elite of the Borre Corps: there were craters with black smoke everywhere, and sand and mud that had been plowed over and over again.

They observed silently, and it took a full ten minutes without seeing a single figure standing upright.

The private soldiers of the Levent family...probably...should have been all wiped out, right?

Several heads emerging from the trench said these words almost at the same time.

"Look, they're coming!"

Marcus, who suddenly narrowed his eyes, raised the telescope in his hand and pointed it somewhere in the dark night.


"On the...uh...north side!"

"Which north?!"

"It's true north... North! North!"

"I know it's the north, so I'm asking you which north!"

"Ah this..."

Marcus, who was at a loss for words, could only force the telescope into the hands of the suddenly irritable Alexei. After a group of people scrambled for a long time, they finally confirmed the location of the golden iris military flag on the horizon.

Thousands of Jihadi soldiers lined up in dozens of tight square formations, slowly approaching the position; their speed was not fast, and they did not look like they were ready, but Alexei still My heart tightened.

He himself joined the Storm Legion after the Southern Legion defeated the Iser Guards in the Battle of Eagle Point City - it was still the Storm Legion at that time - but he had also heard from Karl and Fabian that the Commander-in-Chief conquered Eagle City. What happened to the corner city, and how they coaxed and deceived half of the defenders into voluntarily surrendering, and even used their own heads as tokens of surrender.

The situation now is very similar to that then, the only difference is that now I have become the defender, threatening and inducing the attacker who is much stronger than myself to hand over the vote.

Although it was almost the same, he still couldn't keep calm. His whole body was so tense that he wanted to explode on the spot the next second. His body was always shaking slightly unconsciously, and he didn't even have the strength to hold the sword.

The more nervous he became, the more he couldn't figure out how Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, who was so afraid of death, could remain calm when the situation was more difficult than it was now.

Alexey couldn't figure it out, but the current situation no longer allowed him to continue to think wildly... The jihadi army on the opposite side had already crossed the occupied first line of defense and began to move closer to the second line of defense.

Without any unnecessary orders, the Storm Legion soldiers lying in the trench raised their guns one after another, and moved the bayonets on their waists to the most convenient position for withdrawal, ready to counterattack at any time.

In an unusually depressing atmosphere, the phalanx in the front row of the Jihadist Army suddenly expanded into three rows. They stepped on the still smoking, charred soil and continued to look ahead and advance slowly.

Alexey was so nervous that his whole body was tense, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe. His hands even began to breathe out and flames unconsciously - he wanted to rush out and fight with the opposite side. Even if he was shot to death, it would be easier than now. few.

The piercing bugle sounded, and the Jihadist Army suddenly stopped.

“Everyone—get ready!”

When the order sounded, the soldiers lined up took their rifles off their shoulders, began to load ammunition in an orderly manner, and locked the bolts.

"Raise the gun——"

Like the notes dropped by a pianist's hand, three rows of rifles were raised in unison, the black muzzles aimed at the position in the darkness; Alexey, who was nervous, swallowed hard, and his slightly trembling right hand was raised above his head. .

If the other party really doesn't intend to fulfill the agreement, if this is really just a trap, if...



Dazzling gun flames lit up on the battlefield, rolling up thick white gunpowder smoke.

Alexei was shocked, and his trembling right hand almost fell, but he controlled it at the last second.

The ones who fell... were soldiers of the Crusaders.

The Jihadi soldiers who were lined up in a neat line were targeted by the soldiers behind them who still maintained the square formation. They fell down neatly like targets on the execution ground.

Seemingly stunned by the sight before him, Alexei stared blankly at the scene in front of him, not even noticing the exclamations and shouts of the officers and soldiers behind him.

And the gunfire continued.

Sensing the abnormality, the Jihadi soldiers screamed for mercy, ran away, and resisted... But these were meaningless. The panic formation could not organize a counterattack immediately. The narrow position was completely within the effective range of the phalanx, and the only option was to kneel down and surrender. Slightly lowers the probability of being hit...

Even when many people tried to fire back, they were surprised to find that the rifles issued to them were broken at all, or they were not given ammunition bags at all, and the only lead bullet in the barrel was used up, leaving the weapon in their hands. Not even as practical as a spear.

And more Jihadi soldiers did not even realize this and died under the gunpoint of their comrades.

Twenty minutes... The defenders of the Slave Port were silent for a full twenty minutes, watching helplessly as the Borei Legion on the opposite side shot and slaughtered all their comrades, and after the battle, they silently held the weapons. The rifle with the bayonet is close to the finishing blow, ensuring nothing goes wrong.

The next second, the tight queue separated, and a figure holding the Ring of Order flag walked out of the square, stepping on the bones everywhere, and came straight to the front of the third line of defense.

No one fired, and the Storm Legion soldiers, who were full of confusion and confusion, even forgot to point their guns at the enemy and froze on the spot; Alexei in the headquarters was completely frozen. The telescope in his hand fell to the ground without even noticing.

The next second, the figure suddenly let go of the flagpole in his hand, letting the military flag fall into the ditch. Seeing this, the Jihadi soldiers behind him also threw away their rifles, military caps, ammunition bags... and threw them at their feet. side.

"I am the Acting Commander of the Borei Jihad Army, the heir to the earldom of Fort Glory, and the heir to the Dukaski family, Pavel Dukaski!" Pavel said in a deep voice with an expressionless face:

"As the acting commander of the army, I will fulfill the agreement reached with your army, hand over my weapons, and give up resistance..."

"Formally...surrender to your army!"

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