I will be crowned king

Chapter 893 Things that can’t wait

In the early morning, outside the city gate of Gray Snow Town.

Anson, who had changed into a general's uniform and had a gold-handled saber hanging on his waist, stood on the roadside with his hands behind his back; Lisa, who carried a steam gun on her back, stood behind him like a sentry on guard, with a serious and unsmiling expression. A carved sculpture.

Not long after, a carriage slowly stopped in front of him. Behind the window glass, an astonished Bernard Maulvius was staring intently at the guy who was looking up and smiling at him.

After opening the car door, Anson calmly and calmly sat in the carriage. Lisa, who was carrying a weapon, jumped next to the coachman. She seemed to be a wealthy businessman and his escort who were preparing to go on a long journey. They even sat in the carriage. He didn't even raise his head to look at the person in front of him, and just started smoking his pipe.

Not normal, very abnormal.

Bernard, who smelled the danger, twitched his throat hard and coughed casually in a calm tone: "Ahem, cough, cough...where are we going?"

"Where to go?"

Anson paused and looked at him doubtfully: "Karl didn't tell you when he came?"

"Are you talking about that nice gentleman? He said it, but I don't believe it." Bernard curled his lips: "Exchange me to the Jihad Army? It's not like you can make such a stupid decision - Given my current relationship, how about being more open and honest? I can't run away anyway."

As he spoke, he laughed at himself and raised his hands to "show off" the silver shackles hanging on them to Anson.

Biting his pipe, Anson looked him up and down: "Well, so you don't believe it?"

"You, you're not serious, are you?"

"Of course it is - the Holy See who took the initiative to negotiate has shown sincerity and suspended attacks on the Free Confederacy from all directions. Of course, our side cannot appear too shabby, but we only have you, a particularly important hostage, in our hands. No. Wouldn’t it look very unconfident to bring it?”

"Hey... Brigadier General Anson Bach, I am talking to you very seriously as an opponent!"

"Sir Bernard Morvis, your respect makes me a little confused. I have always felt that you particularly hope to regain your freedom... Could it be that the time you spent in prison in Ice Dragon Fjord has made you think about this? A piece of land that creates some kind of emotion?"


Anson's expression was quite innocent, and there was even a hint of curiosity - the kind of curiosity that said, "I'm afraid you're not seriously ill."

Ignoring someone's cynicism, Bernard's expression remained serious:

"I can't guess what you are thinking, and I don't want to guess anymore; I just want to tell you that anyone in this world may be willing to negotiate and compromise with you...but the Holy See will not."

"Not only will they not do it, they will definitely kill you, Louis Bernard, the Thirteen Free Confederation Colonies... and kill all of you, and they will not stop digging your graves!"

"You can understand the reasons and principles now without any explanation; the act of trying to jump into a trap to paralyze the enemy, apart from trapping oneself in a cocoon, I simply found a second suitable adjective!"

Bernard stared at Anson's expression, trying to find out from those subtle changes whether the other party was smart or arrogant and contemptuous, but found nothing; the person who had become a blasphemous mage had already become a metaphysical realm, and what he saw in front of him was in the metaphysical realm. It's just a body of flesh and blood temporarily stored.

With a faint smile, Anson gently knocked on the top of the carriage; with a neighing sound, the carriage slowly drove out of the city.


Just as the Storm Legion in Gray Snow Town were quarreling over whether to negotiate, they finally reached an agreement. At the same time, the main force of the New World Legion in Red Hand Bay had already taken the lead and agreed to the negotiation requirements of the Jihadi Army.

Just as Anson and all the officers of the Storm Legion thought, almost on the day he received the news, Louis Bernard agreed to the negotiation without thinking, even though he knew better than anyone else that the Holy See, which had paid a huge price for this holy war, It is impossible to give up easily.

But even if there was only a glimmer of possibility, even if he knew very well that this was a despicable lie, the young knight decided to make concessions and compromises, placing his hope for peace in this battle that involved countless forces, and even the apostles of the old gods. on the negotiating table.

There is no other reason. It is really... really difficult for the Free Confederacy to win!

Before getting the request for negotiation, he already knew that the Fernando Army had suffered a setback in Moby-Dick Port, and that the Storm Army, with only 10,000 men, had successfully annihilated most of the Borre Army, and its commander, Borre Levent, was He died tragically under the gunfire of his own soldiers... The iron-walled Red Hand Bay even blocked the fierce attack of Ludwig and Arthur's two legions, and the enemy did not achieve any valuable results for nearly a month.

It seems that the situation is reversed, and the clarion call for counterattack is about to sound; but in fact, it is a last desperate struggle before the sun sets.

Yes, Beluga Port blocked the enemy's first round of attack, but it is one of the most strongly defended colonies. Even with the support of the fleet, it is not easy for 20,000 people. The Fernando Corps that was responsible for the offensive was also deprived of supplies and supplies. The lack of supplies and military morale led to the final failure.

There were too many coincidences in the Battle of Slave Port... The Storm Legion fought bloody battles, but the key to the outcome was still Dukaski and a group of wealthy families betraying the Levent family and Bo The unexpected and tragic death of Ray Levent, coupled with the bribed Jihadi fleet, brought together many elements to achieve the current result.

As for the difficult-to-conquer Red Hand Bay...Louis knows what is going on better than anyone else - he has concentrated the largest number of troops in the New World Army, artillery, a position that took several months to build, and Ludwig's secret help. Se Herid kept causing trouble, which contributed to the current situation.

And these rare advantages will be completely ended with the arrival of the Holy War Headquarters, the Judgment Knights, and the last Holy War Legion.

What the Free Confederation is about to face is no longer a fragmented army of six army commanders working independently, but a jihadi army with a clear division of labor and highly centralized command authority, numbering more than 100,000 people.

The scattered enemies had successfully united. If there was internal strife on his side, the consequences could be imagined. So when he was unable to communicate with Anson immediately, Louis decisively agreed to the negotiations in the name of the Marshal of the New World Army, at least to unite the restless people first. Uneasy Confederates.

As for the Storm Legion or the "Ice Dragon Fjord Camp" behind it...Louis can only hope that Anson can stabilize them and prevent any accidents at this time.

Based on his understanding of Anson, he can almost believe that the other party will never consider this a betrayal, and will even have a complete set of plans and plans before he takes action to deal with the changes in the subsequent battle situation... Because this is Anson. Bach, this is the bastard who captured him on the battlefield, became his friend in order to achieve his goal, and allowed himself to truly treat him as a friend.

But one person can't.

The hesitant young knight gently opened the door and looked at the elf girl standing in front of the window along the light in the room. The dark golden sunset poured on her hair and shoulders. Leaves a hazy soft outline.

Louis sighed softly.

"How long have you been waiting?"


Freya suddenly turned around and looked intently at the awkward and uneasy young knight. Her scarlet eyes flashed with unspeakable emotions: "I've been waiting."

All the time... Louis couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He heard from the housekeeper here that the elf girl had never left her room since the day she agreed to negotiate with the Holy See.

That's three days, three whole days.

Three days and three nights... After carefully recalling it, the young knight suddenly realized that he had not had a good rest in such a long time, or that he had not slept at all.

As the highest officer of the Red Hand Bay position and the marshal of the New World Army, there is not one person with the highest theoretical status in the entire Free Confederacy. He just has to deal with various issues such as negotiations and troop mobilization, let alone three days and three nights. Seven days and seven nights are not enough.

Unlike a guy who always likes to leave work to his subordinates, the young knight does almost everything as personally as possible to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

"So...are we really going to negotiate with the Holy See?"

The girl said it lightly, but in the young knight's ears it was like a piercing sharp blade.

"Yes." Louis nodded slightly and stopped his subconscious impulse to avoid her gaze: "This is also for the future of the Free Federation. The gap in strength is too huge and there is no choice."

"Is there no choice...?" Freya murmured, her scarlet eyes unblinking:

"Since it's a negotiation, it can't be without cost, right?"

"Of course, my father mentioned it to me, and I was already prepared."

Louis' face tightened: "This is not one or two, but the lives and deaths of millions of people; if it can be exchanged for a small price, no matter how you compare it, it is a good deal."

After the words fell, the elf girl did not speak, but her eyes were slightly sad.

"In fact, I can probably guess what conditions the other party will put forward." Louis continued with a calm face, strolling into the room: "Allow the Holy See to build churches in the New World, ban the Universal Sect and the Alliance of Faith Keepers, and eradicate the Old God Sect. Belief."

"If we achieve this step, the Holy See and the Holy War may be able to allow most people to survive, and then execute and imprison some important criminals."

"The Free Confederacy... should be able to win its independence under the supervision of the Holy See and the control of the Empire."

Independence... The elf girl seemed to have heard something ridiculous and looked at him slightly puzzled: "Can this... also be called independence?"

"No." Louis' eyes were as firm as ever: "But judging from the current situation, this is the best result that the Free Confederation and the Thirteen Colonies can achieve."

"Even as far as I know, this is what most people expect; I am talking about no one else but those who have shouted dignity, freedom and independence from beginning to end: Polina Frey, Reinhard ·Roland, Bishop Ribo...and many liberals in the colonies, the colonists who paid blood and tears for the war, all think so."

"how about you?"


Louis was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became clearer: "Of course I am the same, prepared for the worst."

"War is like this. Before winning, you must be prepared to fail; success may not be a fluke, but failure is not impossible; sacrifice... is something that must be given up when you take that step."

The elf girl stopped asking.

She lowered her head, as if she was fighting something, struggling there, uneasy, angry, sad... Under her calm expression, there were the waves of the turbulent sea swallowing up the sky.

But in the end, it was still calm.

"Okay." Freya looked at Louis, and her trembling lips squeezed out a smile: "Now that I'm ready, I don't seem to have any good way to stop you."

"Oh... think about it seriously, I have had so many opportunities, but I... I really wish I could never stop you; this is really... I really want to, but in the end..."


Suddenly the serious young knight interrupted the elf girl and stepped forward suddenly, his eyes full of guilt: "Listen to me... I..."

"I know! This is...unfair to you! Very unfair, but what I need to bear this time is...it's too heavy! I...three days and three nights...I think about this all the time, I hope to have the best of both worlds A good idea, but no!"

"Only at times like this, I feel more and more that I am not who I want to be. I am also selfish, ruthless, and greedy! I...I..."


Looking at the young knight who was sweating profusely and trying his best to explain, the elf girl laughed out loud: "Louis...although he is more mature than before, his heart has not changed."

"Sigh...how can you not suffer in the hands of bad people like Anson Bach?"

"It doesn't matter, let him take advantage, I don't care." Louis also smiled: "Anyway... it's the last time."

"Oh, the last, the last?"

"at last."

Louis nodded slightly and smiled heartily: "If you want to make the Holy See accept the status quo, what can you do without a suitable culprit?"

"Since we are looking for the culprit, who is more suitable than the Marshal of the New World Army, the man with the highest status in the Free Confederacy in name...?"

Um? !

The elf girl who finally realized that she might have guessed wrong opened her eyes wide, and finally showed a panicked look: "Wait, wait a minute..."

"No, we can't wait any longer!"

The smiling young knight intercepted again and pressed Freya's shoulders with both hands - with the elf girl's strength, she could burn the person in front of her to ashes in an instant.

But now...she found that she couldn't move, and could only watch blankly as Louis Bernard supported her and slowly knelt down on one knee: "In this negotiation, I have staked all my beliefs, the best and the worst. Planned; so many things cannot wait any longer.”

"Freya Moses Field, you..."

"...Will you marry me and become Louis Bernard's wife?"

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