I will be crowned king

Chapter 897 That’s enough

Early morning, compassionate heart.

Under the dark night, the airship hovering in mid-air opened its "eyes" that emitted strong light, overlooking the earth hidden in the shadows from high altitude, forming two dazzling light pillars in the night sky.

With the help of the light source, the grand leader of the Judgment Knights, standing alone on the bridge, stared intently at the city below him. The flickering firelight at the corner of his mouth reflected a cold face.

Confronting an apostle...especially an apostle who has existed for thousands of years and was not born after the "age of myth" is not a comfortable thing.

As the strongest military force directly under the Holy See, the Knights of Judgment have had head-on conflicts with countless old god sect organizations and spell caster families that have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years. Their methods and methods of handling problems are far more direct than those of the Inquisitors. Rough, it is often their turn to appear when things are completely out of control... In addition to large-scale armies composed of ordinary spellcasters and cultists, there are also records of a large number of battles with blasphemous mages.

For those who only have conventional combat power or even ordinary talents, the power possessed by the Blasphemy Mage can already be said to be at the level of natural disasters, but they all have weaknesses and flaws. As long as adequate preparations and careful and detailed planning are made in advance, According to the plan, only a few talented people can kill them or temporarily incapacitate them at a certain price.

But the apostles were different.

Their existence has transcended the category of "species" and reached another level that ordinary humans cannot understand... Even though he is the Grand Master of the Judgment Knights, Grad Manfred's understanding of them is still limited. It is just a "highly evolved existence that is infinitely close to the gods."

"No, it's not close, they are the real gods."

The flames and smoke were flickering at the corner of his mouth, and a flash of fear showed in the eyes of the leader who was murmuring in a low voice: "It is a god who is constantly evolving and is already on an equal footing with this world."

"And we people are just fanatics who try to challenge the gods with our flesh and blood."

Accompanied by slight footsteps, the young man who walked in silently touched the iron ring around his neck and said calmly.

"Crazy guy?"

"Is not it?"

The young man with a chuckle asked back: "I changed it from the logo plagiarized from the Old God Sect, and then I thought I was blessed by the 'Ring of Order', and I did whatever it took to strengthen myself, even if I had the same origin." The branches will not hesitate to kill each other."

"As far as I know, even the conflicts between the old god sects for evolution and strength seem so tender and affectionate compared to the Ring of Order."

"But what we did was right...right?" Grad said as if he was talking to himself or asking.

"I don't know, maybe?" The young man shrugged, his eyes looking confused: "No matter what, serving false gods that don't exist is better than being served by a group of evil gods who treat humans as inferior beings, right?"

"But no matter what, we are all lucky... because this god is not really flawless, has no weaknesses, and is omnipotent; He still retains the emotions of the past, and has principles and bottom lines that he does not want to give up."

"Yeah..." Grad nodded slightly, and the fear in his eyes was gradually replaced by a dead calm; turning his head, he found that the young man was looking at him with a very unexpected look.

"What's wrong?"

"You have changed, sir." The young man shook his head: "In the past, you would not be so hesitant, and..."

"And what?"

"It's a bit pessimistic."

"Pessimistic?" Grad tasted the word: "This is the first time we have confronted an apostle, a real apostle. It's life and death... Should I be optimistic?"

"Maybe you really should be more confident." The young man nodded seriously:

"Otherwise, if you don't even have any hope of victory, how can you let the ulterior Crusaders and the smug Knights of Judgment die happily and win a crucial opportunity for us?"

"We have now stepped into His territory. We may be wiped out from this world anytime and anywhere. Maybe the next second...pop! We will turn into shapeless meat paste."

He snapped his fingers vigorously: "No one needs you to tell them about the risks they are about to face. What they want to hear is a lie, a lie that will definitely win the final victory, and those who die will become heroes and enter the Kingdom of Order. .”

Lies... Grad was silent for a while, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out: "Are they all here?"

"I've been here all along. I've been waiting for you for almost three hours." The young man nodded, his expression a bit playful: "Sir Philus...I mean the real one...he is also here."

The Grand Master nodded and turned towards the door through which the young man had entered.

"Wait a moment... No action is allowed unless you get my signal; even if all of us are annihilated, you have to pretend to order the evacuation of Mercy in my name, without caring about anyone."

Grad, who stopped in front of the door, turned his back to the young man and said in a deep voice: "I have applied to the Holy See. At that time, the surveillance and control of you will be lifted. There is no need to hide it anymore. You are the real one." Sir Pheles... if your brother is also killed."

Without giving the wide-eyed Sir Philus any room to react, Grad quickly left the place, pushed the door open and walked into another cabin.

The room, which had absolutely nothing to do with spaciousness, was crowded with no less than two figures of high-ranking knights and generals wearing various heraldic cloaks and gorgeous clothes; they were in small groups, looking at each other with frowning brows, and whispering softly. What are you talking about.

The only thing they have in common is that their expressions are not very friendly - even Sir Philus, who is the representative of the Holy See.

Aware of the figure walking into the room, the knights looked back one after another, either confused or looking at the smiling leader with cold eyes, as if he was taking his time. A touch of hostility was like lingering smoke in the whole room. flow.

"Lord Grad Manfred, we need to talk."

Before anyone else could speak, Leon Francois, who was closest to the door, took the lead to step forward and said with a serious expression: "About the one-month truce with the Free Confederacy, why didn't you tell us beforehand..."

"I didn't discuss it with you in advance, that's right."

The grand leader directly intercepted and glanced at everyone present: "It's easy to agree, because this is a lie, a complete lie."


Little Leon, who was originally about to step forward to question, paused and froze on the spot; everyone's eyes also returned to Grad, but the original hostility turned into confusion.

"To put it simply, from the beginning, I never expected them to accept our request or conditions for a ceasefire, and I never thought about actually having so-called negotiations with a group of rebels and false believers." Grad exhaled softly. , the corners of his mouth curved slightly:

"All of this is to gather them in one place so that the Holy War Army can kill them all in one go and eradicate them!"

"For this reason, whether it is negotiation or truce, I have never discussed it with you or even informed you, because there is no need to do so... We are the Holy War Army, fighting for the Ring of Order, and we vow to eradicate it. All pagans and heretical jihadists, there is no concept of 'truce' in the meaning of our existence!"

The impassioned words floated around the room, but elicited no empathetic response.

This is of course... Everyone present is either the commander of an army of tens of thousands, or the heirs of princes and nobles. The method used to inspire ordinary Jihadi soldiers is naturally meaningless to them - even the most easily excited The same goes for little Leon.

Prince Hantu, who was just confused at first, after listening to the Grand Leader's explanation, his frown not only did not go away, but even deepened, and he stared at the Grand Leader in front of him without saying a word, with that expression on his face. As if looking at something that cannot be recycled.

"How could such a despicable act be done by an upright Holy War Army...right?"

Grad smiled indifferently, and of course such obvious emotions could not escape his eyes: "Yes! This kind of practice is not very honorable, and it is simply despicable and shameless to describe it."

"But even if I don't need to tell you about the current situation, you should understand that with the current speed of the jihadi army's advancement, there is no possibility of ending this jihad before winter."

"Fernando's army was defeated in Moby-Dick Harbor, Captain Borre Levent was killed in Slave Port, and the two armies of Arthur and Ludwig were trapped outside the defense lines of Red Hand Bay for a whole month without being able to move forward... Our enemies It is much stronger and more difficult to deal with than we imagined.”

"This is despicable, I don't deny it, but I didn't actively deceive them - if Louis Bernard directly agreed to my request at the negotiation table, then I would accept this result without hesitation."

"The problem is that he doesn't... Then there is no need for any restrictions on the Holy War Army, and they can attack without any scruples and kill all the traitors and heretics!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

A questioning voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads and made way for Sir Philus, who was walking towards Grad with a cold face in the center of the crowd.

"There are dozens of warships, an airship, more than a thousand Judgment Knights and no less than 50,000 Holy War soldiers outside Red Hand Bay... With such strength, if you want to destroy the colony in front of you, you can really destroy it. It will not be better than Drinking water is more difficult.”

"The problem is that, except for the Knights of Judgment, the remaining more than 50,000 Crusaders are unprepared for all this and have no prior planning; they know who the enemy is, but they have no idea how many there are and how they will invest. Fight." Sir Philus said with a cold face.

"How can such a confused army ensure that all the heretics and traitors are captured and killed as you expect?"

This high-ranking knight of the Judgment Knights, nominally one of the six members of the Holy War Army, was in a very bad mood, and even his words were much sharper than usual.

The reason why he was angry was not because of Grad's impromptu initiative, but because he had no knowledge of such an important matter, and actually got the information at the same time as the rest of the Crusaders; with Philus's understanding of the Grand Commander, this situation can only explain one thing. Thing: I was treated as an outcast by him from the very beginning!

This is a very dangerous sign... Grad Manfred, the reason why he became the grand leader of the Judgment Knights is not only his strength, experience and prestige accumulated over the years, but the most important thing is his character. In order to achieve the goal, he will do whatever it takes. Reckless character.

As long as the mission given by the Holy See can be completed, no matter how much sacrifice is made, no matter how high the price is, it can be paid... It was also during his tenure that the frequency of the Judgment Knights' dispatches and the number of sacrifices increased significantly.

Judging from what he just said, it seems that he is ready to sacrifice the entire Jihad Army!

No matter how brave a person is, once he realizes that he is destined to die from now on, it is impossible for him to not be afraid at all.

"Commander of the Philos Army, you asked a very good question - how do we get the unprepared Jihadi soldiers to immediately go into battle?" Grad's lips raised, with a cold light in his eyes:

"Fifty thousand soldiers and sixty warships. If we follow conventional methods, it would take at least a whole day for them to complete the mobilization and assembly immediately, not to mention it is still night. The difficulty is only greater than during the day... Let them be mobilized in a hurry If we immediately jump into battle and launch an attack on Red Hand Bay in the dark, it will definitely cause chaos, right?"

"But if they can have a clear goal from the beginning and enter the battlefield in batches, will the situation be different?"

"Clear objectives?"

Renaud, who was standing behind little Leon, suddenly said: "With all due respect, it is already twenty-two o'clock, and there are only a few hours left before dawn... In this case, how do you ensure that the battleship can be cleared?" instructions without encountering any accidents or emergencies at sea?”

"This is simple." Grad's smile remained unchanged and he lightly tapped his right foot: "Isn't it the one under us?"

……Um? !

The faces of everyone who had been angry, confused, and disdainful just now suddenly changed, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

"Let the Heart of Mercy airship turn on all searchlights and fly at low altitude towards the town of Red Hand Bay, so that it can provide the best coordinates for the fleet's naval guns and landing ships." Grad slowly opened his arms:

"Sixty battleships and hundreds of naval guns opened fire on Red Hand Bay at the same time. Together with the firepower of the Heart of Mercy... they destroyed the outer city defenses of Red Hand Bay in an instant and paralyzed more than 50% of the defense facilities. , destroying the main traffic arteries in the city and causing heavy casualties to people..."

"...That's enough!"

Sorry, sorry, really sorry, the update is late!

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