I will be crowned king

Chapter 900 Freya’s sneer

Ice Dragon Fjord, Beluga Harbor.

While the battle at Red Hand Bay was in full swing, another battle had come to an abrupt end.

Since Anson, who went to Red Hand Bay to negotiate, transferred the Grenadier Regiment and the remaining shooting corps that had completed training, the main force of the Storm Legion was still repairing in Ash Snow Town. The only ones left in Beluga Harbor were the Promise Keepers Alliance and a few thousand colonies. The militiamen were stationed on defense - except for the two artillery forts on the fjord, they couldn't even muster any decent heavy firepower.

Although Ludwig's Crusade Army was scrapped together from domestic sources, and the Royal Fleet commanded by William Cecil had no fighting spirit, it was already considered an elite force in front of the poor White Whale Port defenders. .

And unlike the previous Fernando Army, Ludwig's Crusade Army has quite sufficient logistics and is also very familiar with Beluga Port - before someone officially "rebelled", his colleague William Cecil also served as a soldier for a period of time. Where is the commander of the Beluga Port Fleet?

Under the command of Colonel William Cecil, the Royal Fleet easily used mortars to knock out the artillery forts on both sides of the strait; without the most critical fire cover, and without the command of Fabian, the Beluga Port militia immediately became He became a living target who refused to fight back and was left to be slaughtered.

However, Ludwig had no intention of killing innocent people indiscriminately, destroyed the resistance at the port, and immediately ordered a ceasefire after the troops successfully landed.

Even in order to take care of the emotions of the residents in the city, he did not take off the eleven-star ring flag symbolizing the Free Confederacy after taking the town. Even when the Jihadi Army fought, it was Clovis's bloody unicorn instead of the Ring of Order of the Jihadi Army. banner.

This was originally Clovis's colony, and the resistance was not as strong as the imperial colonists. Once they saw "the king's troops coming ashore" and even "one of their own", Colonel William Cecil, the resistance faded. Quite a few.

Ludwig knew very well that the Crusade wanted him and Port Beluga to fight to the death to prove Clovis's "piety"... In the past, he would probably have done that.

But now he has other ideas... Taking Beluga Port easily can prove his strength, wash away the reputation of "unfavorable combat" in Red Hand Bay, and at the same time preserve his strength, and also allow the Jihadi Army and The Holy See is afraid of itself.

As for whether they are pious or not... there was a bloody battle at Sailing City in the past, and the easy capture of Beluga Port in the latter. The Clovis Crusade Army made greater contributions than all other legions participating in the war. There is no doubt about whether it is pious or not!

If you have military exploits, strength, popularity among the upper echelons of the Jihad Army, and prestige among the middle and lower levels, the Holy See and the High Command will not dare to take advantage of you easily. Instead, they will proactively win over you and show favor to you.

With such confidence, he did not even disband the Promise Keepers League and the militia in Beluga Port. Even the local autonomous parliament and the New World Company remained unchanged. Everything remained in the same state as before the outbreak of the war.

At this moment, except for the fleet parked in the fjord and the Jihadist Army occupying the town and the Storm Legion headquarters, the White Whale Port was calm, as if nothing had happened.

For many people, the mere fact that nothing has happened means that a lot has happened...

"Thalia August Rune...please, what should I call you?"

Emerald-like eyes, satin-like chestnut hair, and that delicate doll-like face... Ludwig stared at the girl in front of him, and his questioning voice exuded an unspeakable regret.

This is not the first time he has met the resident of the Rune family... He remembers that when he was still very young, he followed his father to attend a mysterious banquet held by the Rune family. In his memory, Thalia seemed to be in front of him at that time. His appearance is very impressive.

But even with such an impressive appearance, he didn't notice it when he saw Lisa... The difference in temperament could reach such an extent that two identical girls would not be linked together.

If you think about it this way, it means that the connection between Anson and the Rune family may have begun during the Battle of Thunder Castle, and it was inadvertently facilitated by himself...

"Thalia Rune is fine, you don't have to be so reserved."

The girl holding coffee in her hand tilted her little head, and her elegant expression could not hide the slight blush on her cheeks: "At least for now, my relationship with Anson is just an unmarried couple, and we have not yet taken the most critical step."


Unable to help but twitch his lips, and suppressing the anger of being "teased" by the other party, Ludwig had to change the question to a new way: "I'm sorry, I always thought that you attached great importance to investing in Anson Bach. - Without his betrayal, the Luen family would never have been able to gain a foothold in the new world as easily as it is now."

"Now it seems that his use value to you has come to an end. Otherwise, how could the dignified Luen family still stay safely in Beluga Port at this time... He is just a tool man, and he will be abandoned. If it's thrown away, what's the extra value, right?"

Ludwig mocked without concealment that in his eyes, the so-called "Run Family", without the halo of "Old God Sect", was essentially the same as his respected father... Calculating the gains and losses indifferently In their eyes, everyone is just a chess piece worth or not worth using, a sweet and plump orange that will be thrown away decisively once the juice is squeezed out.

However, the moment he finished speaking, a deep and indescribable chill suddenly broke out in the room, sweeping through his whole body from the soles of his feet to his skull!

Not to mention resisting... The feeling of being unable to resist made Ludwig unable to even blink. Every bone and every trace of flesh and blood seemed to be being rubbed, torn, and sucked by the other party... as if he was not a living creature. A life, a human being who actually exists and can think rationally, but...is...

An orange.


It seemed as if some power suddenly exploded in his mind, and the coldness of fear dissipated without a trace like his own illusion; in the quiet room, the girl opposite was still smiling, dignified and elegant.

"Dear Major General Ludwig, you have misunderstood two things." Thalia said leisurely: "First of all, Anson Bach is not a tool used by the Luen family, but a friend."

"This is a fact that has been personally recognized by my father Luen - Anson Bach will always be a friend of the Luen family; he... has the right to call my father by his first name."

"Second..." the girl put down the coffee cup in her hand: "The Luen family has not abandoned Anson Bach. The reason why I am here is because it would be harmful to him if I appeared in Red Hand Bay... and it was also his plan. part of it, do you understand?”

"Uh...well, Ming, I understand!"

The absent-minded Ludwig muttered to himself, his mind blank as if he had temporarily lost the ability to think.

"Your Excellency Ludwig."


"Your coffee, please."

"Ah...ah thank you, thank you!"

Ludwig, whose eyes were still a little dull, picked up the cup and subconsciously took a small sip. A surprised look suddenly appeared on his stiff cheeks.

He vaguely remembered that the girl had poured two cups at the same time, and even saw her pick up the cup and drink it before speaking. It was so hot that you could even see a hint of water vapor, but his cup was...



The boiling white flames ran through the entire street, moving straight forward like a flood that broke a dam, burning all obstacles in front of it into dust, and flying into the sky with the remaining embers.

The frost-faced elf girl slowly opened her arms again. Golden-red flames bloomed under her feet, behind her back, in her hands and in her scarlet eyes. The incomparably strong aura even directly affected the steam lingering in the air. The airship had to be raised to avoid spontaneous combustion.

This is the power of the Blasphemy Mage, this is the terror of the Iser royal family and the Moses Field bloodline - any invading enemy who steps into the girl's realm can be instantly burned to ashes if she wants to.

But her purpose at this moment is to delay the actions of the Holy War Army as much as possible and draw the enemy's attention to herself as much as possible; at the same time, Freya has not fully recovered to her full state, and there is a possibility of losing control due to excessive squandering of power.

Naturally, all these flaws will not be easily let go by the Judgment Knights.


Along with the dense rain of bullets, nine afterimages rushed out of the scorching sea of ​​fire; they either quickly distanced themselves, or drew out their weapons and attacked quickly, or moved while shooting wildly to cover their companions... It was like going deep into the jungle, Old hunters who encounter carnivores remain calm even if they encounter an accident.

"Everyone - wait for my signal, don't get close easily!"

Robert, who was holding the knife in his backhand, shouted loudly, his face livid; Freya's power exceeded his imagination. Even though she had fully activated the "Heart of the Wild Hunt" ability, there were still two subordinates who could not be saved in the end.

Even... even the fact that I can still stand here alive is because of the vitality of the two companions - since it can be shared, it can also be taken away, of course, provided that the other party will not actively resist.

Because of this special power of blood, Robert, who is in a team battle to some extent, can have almost unlimited vitality - the Wild Hunt Knight is known for his "hard life", usually as long as his head and important organs are not completely destroyed , even severed limbs have had precedents of growing back on their own.

Hot white flames surrounded the elf girl, moving up and down with her eyes and gestures, constantly blocking the incoming lead bullets; her gentle movements seemed to be just driving away annoying flies.

Robert's heart tightened, and his right hand grasped the handle of the knife harder and harder; he checked the distance between himself and other teammates over and over again to ensure that everyone was within the coverage of "Heart of the Wild Hunt".

Very good... As long as there are more than two, I will be immortal now!

With unspoken confidence, Robert, protected by three teammates, avoided the elf girl's sight from directly above, trying to conceal her presence and attack her from behind.

The blade screamed in the hot air, covering up the sneer at the corner of his mouth.


Just when he was about to be pierced through the throat with a sharp blade, three brilliant fireworks suddenly exploded in front of the girl, making Robert's expression stagnant.

From the corner of his eye, he only saw two teammates instantly wrapped in fireballs. The third one was an earth knight, trying to raise an earth wall on the ground to block the incoming heat wave, but flames burst out from his body. The earth wall he built was also blown into ashes.

This strange scene directly made Robert give up the attack... The intelligence obtained by the Holy See only mentioned that Freya Moses Field could control the temperature within her domain and create flames out of thin air, but it never mentioned that she could directly cause the target to internally combust!

The most critical thing was that Robert, who had lost the cover of three teammates, had only one chance to survive; according to the intelligence tips, this was definitely not enough to escape from her flames.

"Change the formation - to a close-range outflank. The scouts immediately break away from the battle, report the battle situation to the rest of the team, and request reinforcements!"

Five of the twelve Judgment Knights were killed. If it were an ordinary battle, it would have been concluded that their team had temporarily lost their combat effectiveness and should retreat immediately; but in front of the Blasphemous Mage, even the most timid and incompetent person understood that the attack might still have a chance of survival. , running away means certain death.

At the same time as the voice fell, a Judgment Knight who was shooting immediately dropped his weapon, turned around and ran wildly; beside him, his teammate who was also a Wind Knight pulled out a battle flag from behind and thrust it into the ground. The roaring hurricane Suddenly it swept up and blocked his way.

Amidst the fierce wind, four Judgment Knights simultaneously surrounded the elf girl from the left, right, front and upper directions.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Robert directly connected himself with the vitality of four teammates this time. At the same time, he chose to distance himself from Freya and turned to use the steam spray gun to cover the shooting - so that no matter if one of his teammates was injured, the vitality would remain intact. You can fix it yourself immediately.

But even though he had clearly left behind a back-up plan, he still felt something bad in his heart; it seemed that there was some discrepancy with the information he had, and there was some unexplainable sense of dislocation.

Suppressing his inner uneasiness, Robert pulled the trigger and fired the most powerful blow from the steam gun, which was comparable to a three-pounder gun and filled the final gap in the encirclement net.

It was at this moment that Freya suddenly turned her head and looked at him behind her, with a disdainful sneer in her scarlet eyes.

Robert's eyes widened.

He suddenly remembered - the power of the Yser elves is linked to their emotions, and the more extreme the situation, the more powerful they become; while the elf girl in front of him is always very calm, but her breath and The power displayed was already at the level of an unrivaled blasphemous mage.

In that case, it can only mean one thing - here, in this burning city of Red Hand Bay, there is another blasphemous mage!

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