I will be crowned king

Chapter 902 It’s a bit late

The dazzling firelight interrupted the quarrel between the two, and they stared at the scene in front of them with wide-eyed shock: a huge burning fireball hanging high in the night, surrounded by hot pure white fireworks, like the midnight sun.

Under the strange "bright sun" light, all the stars in the sky were stripped of their color, and the hot golden red spread over the entire sea... The two people were stunned and naturally bathed in it.

But instead of being grateful at all, they quickly realized that the huge "sun" should be the Heart of Mercy steam airship - the Judgment Knights were in danger!


Renault was the first to regain his senses, and eagerly pressed the shoulders of little Leon, who was still in a state of shock. He was about to say something but was stopped by the other party raising his hand.

"Notify the vanguard troops to organize a landing operation as soon as possible." Staring blankly at the blazing fireball, Leon said without looking back: "Don't wait for any orders, let those six thousand... No! It's ten thousand People set off quickly, now, immediately!"

"Thirty...fifteen minutes. Within fifteen minutes, I will see 10,000 soldiers of the Hantu Crusaders appear at the port of Red Hand Bay, erecting the Francois coat of arms and the Ring of Order flag - the first weapon and equipment. It doesn’t matter, I just want 10,000 people to log in immediately!”

Whether they can capture Red Hand Bay gloriously and eliminate the heretics in the New World is one thing. Deliberately refusing to save them is another matter. As of now, only the Hantu Jihad Army has not made any achievements in the New World. Of course, there is There are objective reality factors, but if you still clearly show an attitude of unwillingness to actively obey orders, that would be very dangerous!

Leon, who witnessed with his own eyes how Anson Bach integrated all the forces of the Han Dynasty with his weak military force, led and won the Hanchu Independence War, learned that the most important thing is unity - no matter how much he hates his allies, no matter how much he hates his allies. I hope that even if I watch them take the initiative to die, they must remain united, otherwise even if they retain their strength, they will lose their right to speak in the alliance.

Similarly, as long as reinforcements are sent, even if the final result is not satisfactory, your contribution will still be undisputed, and will therefore become the target of active efforts by all parties - just like the Storm Division during the Hantu War, when everyone is waiting for reinforcements They are the first ones that come to mind.

Renault nodded, turned around and walked towards the cabin below the deck; five minutes later, the bugles for the Hantu Army to assemble and attack were sounded on the sea.

Leon was still looking intently in the direction of the town of Red Hand Bay. The Heart of Mercy airship was not only the trump card of the Judgment Knights and the Holy See, but also the moral pillar of the entire Holy War; no matter how clear it was that the Grand Leader of the Judgment Knights was going to fight. How absurd is it to lead the "Great Battle" to completely annihilate the main force of the Free Confederacy; as long as the airship is still in the sky, the soldiers will have no doubts about their victory.

But now the airship has turned into a huge fireball, and may fall directly and hit the town of Red Hand Bay. Such a scene will definitely be a devastating blow to morale.

At that time... it will be the time for the Hantu Jihadi Army, which currently has the largest number of troops and has not lost its vitality, to seize the leadership of the Jihadi Army!

Little Leon silently clenched his hands and bit his lower lip as if he had made up his mind. What was reflected in his pupils was not the burning red hand, but someone with a confident smile.

The best way to follow in the footsteps of your idol is to become him and then surpass him... He was so nervous and excited that he was shaking all over, and gradually he could no longer suppress the raised corners of his mouth:

"Cousin Anson Bach...I'm coming to defeat you!"


"Oh, oh, oh, it's so scary, I'm so scared!"

Inside the Heart of Mercy airship, which raised alarm bells, a young man who looked exactly like Sir Philus was laughing happily. His hysterical expression was enough for any rational person to judge that "he has gone crazy" or "he was originally a lunatic." .

The piercing sound and the eye-catching red light complement each other in the cabin. The Judgment Knights responsible for driving the airship are in chaos. Everyone is tense and trying to implement the necessary emergency measures in accordance with the standard operating procedures. They are chilling and fearful. The atmosphere and the laughing young people formed two completely different extremes.

The steam airship was attacked and suffered severe damage from an unknown attack... No explanation is needed. The Judgment Knights have encountered similar situations countless times: hit by lightning, torn by flesh and blood tentacles, penetrated by illusions and spiritual powers... countless times they have been targeted by the enemy. , escaped from death countless times.

After all, it is a behemoth that flies in the sky and is comparable in size to a battleship. It is impossible for any spell caster to let go of this visible threat, let alone the blasphemy mages - even if they do not understand military affairs, they can imagine that if this thing is used by chance , what a heavy blow it will cause to the enemy.

"But they all failed... All those who tried to destroy the heart of compassion, all failed."

The young man still sneered, and the expression at the corner of his mouth perfectly explained the word "contempt": "You... you really underestimated the ultimate creation created by Saint Isaac's highest achievement and all his accumulation!"

"I don't have to think about it. If it is really just a battleship driven by a steam core to fly, how can it become the core combat force trusted by the Holy See and the Judgment Knights? Increase the power and release the distortion field!"

"Increase the propulsion power and expand the distortion field!"

The soldier in charge of delivering the order roared, and at the same time he flipped off an extremely eye-catching red switch behind him. The roaring machine in the cabin suddenly began to accelerate, and the exposed brass gears and bearings seemed to be trying to escape from the cage. Monster, the violent vibrations made it impossible for everyone to hear each other's roars even face to face.

If Anson were here, it would not be difficult to find that this machine is very similar to the difference engine he saw in the basement of Clovis Cathedral, except that it is larger, occupying almost a quarter of the entire cabin. Small, brass pipes with different thicknesses and lengths fill every corner that can be seen, providing energy for this steam differential engine.

But the difference from that difference engine is that its function is very simple, even to the point of being very simple - that is, calculation, calculation of all external influences on the airship.

This seems to be a very insignificant and even "redundant" function, but it is actually the truly terrifying thing about this airship...


How is this going?

Anson's attention was fixed on the steam airship that was already wrapped in flames in the sky, and doubtful questions popped up in his mind.

Less than ten minutes ago, the flames summoned by Freya had ignited the entire airship into an "artificial sun". Logically speaking, even if it did not turn into fireworks immediately, it should be burned and destroyed bit by bit and gradually disintegrate.

No matter how hard and strong its material is, and its melting point is extremely high, the elf girl with the double-layer realm blessing can even melt steel bars into molten iron in the blink of an eye... But now the entire airship except for the outer layer has traces of burning, the temperature of the flames It actually stayed within the range visible to the naked eye, and it didn't even reach the level of hurting one's muscles and bones.

Is it the effect of the distortion field?

No... Anson, who frowned, shook his head. He had not noticed the changes in the distortion field. Although he would not be able to crack the core laws of the field for a while, the effect of the entire field was very simple and crude - if the tomb of the three old gods a thousand years ago had The twisted realm is an underground palace, and this one is worse than a rough house. At most, it is just a beam frame with air leakage from all sides.

How did such a crude thing keep from collapsing?

"Anson Bach!"

The elf girl's deep roar echoed through the burning ruins of the streets. Although she could already be heard trying desperately to control her emotions, the nearly out-of-control rage was still accompanied by the flames she waved out, raging in the town that was already a sea of ​​​​fire.

"I see!"

Although he was still confused, Anson knew very well that if the elf girl was not comforted as soon as possible, it would not only be her who would be out of control, but also the entire retreat (crossed out here) transition and counterattack plan.

"There's something fishy about that steam airship. I need a little time - before that, try to limit the movement range of the Judgment Knights in the city as much as possible, and don't let them get close to the Autonomous Council!"

After all, the opponent's actions are still based on the ground, and it seems that the Holy War Army has already begun to take action; as long as the scope of activities of the Judgment Knights and the Holy War Army soldiers are restricted, the airship responsible for providing support will not be unreasonable no matter how unreasonable it is. Moved too far.

In this way, he still has room to rely on the "plan" law to continuously collect information about it, and find out the truth that this weird airship and twisted field can block the double blow of himself and the elf girl.

"He's really...a bastard who will instruct others and hide in a shadow corner to dream up conspiracies..."

Under the night sky, Freya gritted her teeth and said, her extremely red pupils shaking slightly, and there were already signs that she was about to lose control.

She slowly raised her hands, as if she were lifting something, leaving a silver drop of water on her fair cheeks, which seemed to be a little laborious.


A crackling sound shook the earth, and a pillar of fire with a diameter of ten meters and a height of fifty meters broke through the ruins on the ground and soared into the sky amidst the exclamations of countless Judgment Knights and Holy War soldiers.

But this was just the beginning, because soon the second, third, fourth... accompanied by the loud noise of burning flames, the area near the dock in the town of Red Hand Bay was quickly engulfed by pillars of fire.

Rows upon rows of them maintained a neat queue, and soon transformed from being independent of each other into a huge wall of fire, unparalleled in the dark night, even surpassing the "artificial sun" floating in the sky.

The Judgment Knights in the town immediately withdrew behind the fire wall, and finally avoided the most dangerous situation of being separated by the fire wall after paying the sacrifice of several teammates; the Hantu Jihad Army, which was organizing a landing on the sea, simply He was so frightened that he grabbed the small sampan and paddle under him in a daze, forgetting what he wanted to do.

Anson's attention, on the other hand, was completely focused on his compassion.

At the moment when the wall of fire rose, the airship that had turned into a big fireball was still climbing rapidly, which proved that Freya's attack could still pose a threat to it; but this danger seemed to be very limited, otherwise more than a dozen It should have been wiped out minutes ago.

It will be affected by attacks, can counterattack in time, and has an extremely simple distortion field... huh? !

Anson suddenly thought of a possibility, but he didn't dare to believe it completely - he could basically confirm that although there was a twisted field and no less than one spell caster on the airship, there was absolutely no blasphemous mage-level existence!

So...how did they do it?

Taking a deep breath, Anson maintained his domain while narrowing the scope of his "insight" ability to focus more on the airship.

This is a skill he only mastered the moment he became a blasphemous mage. It can improve the level of insight into people or objects through "focusing".

The advantage is that most irrelevant intelligence and information can be avoided, and the speed of obtaining intelligence will be faster; but it seems that there are also disadvantages of being noticed by the other party, exposing the existence of this ability... It is not that there is nothing to do, Anson really doesn't want to do this.

The information in the picture in his mind gradually decreased, and the flames penetrated the outer layer of the airship bit by bit, and the pictures in the cabin began to come into Anson's eyes.

The room full of steam and mechanical texture was full of chaos, at least in the mid-digit double digits. People wearing Judgment Knight uniforms were busy with various pipes and instruments, and everyone was shouting with red faces. , letting the companions around you know what you want to say through your mouth shape rather than your voice.

Wait, instruments?

Anson's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the images of the empty basement and the cabin of the steamship overlapped in front of him.

It, they... used a difference machine... to calculate the flaw in Freya's field, and then used the distortion field to simulate the effect, so that the attack just now was ineffective? !

There was about half an hour's time difference between the appearance and the launch of the attack, but the time when the airship was abnormal was only ten minutes. In addition, due to the reaction of the airship's rapid take-off, it stopped moving after almost ten minutes, which means...

The Heart of Compassion...it only takes ten minutes for its difference engine to complete the calculation and allow the distortion field to respond? !

With such a fast speed, unless it can be defeated in an instant, no conjurer can do anything to it... The time it takes for a normal spell caster to seize the flaw in the opponent's field or change the field is definitely more than ten minutes...

Anson felt cold in his heart, and he suddenly realized another terrifying fact: If the difference machine on the airship can find a flaw, can it immediately pass the information to the Judgment Knights below?

If so, what's the point of organizing a blockade here?

"Well, it seems you have finally discovered the problem." A joking voice sounded:

"Unfortunately, it's just a little late."

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