I will be crowned king

Chapter 907 Judgment of the Knights’ Actions

Under the dome shrouded in black smoke, the compassionate heart turned on all the searchlights and started to move again, slowly advancing towards the town of Red Hand Bay.

Almost at the same time, Freya's domain was significantly suppressed; the Hantu Crusaders, who were almost dying of heat at the port, were surprised to find that the surroundings suddenly became much cooler, and they burst into excited shouts.

Oh...this is finally no longer hiding and hiding, and you are not afraid of being cracked out of the twisted field, right?

Anson, who closed his eyes tightly in the basement, subconsciously raised his eyebrows... The pure distortion field is not difficult to destroy as long as it finds its weaknesses, and the difference engine that can calculate quickly is not really strong enough to predict the future, but the combination of the two has reached a certain level. A perfect balance.

The distortion field can resist the caster's initial attack. The difference engine is responsible for deciphering the changes in the opponent's field, deciphering and finding the least costly response. It only requires slight adjustments in the distortion field to deal with almost all situations.

Perfect, so perfect... If the situation wasn't critical, Anson would want to applaud the guy who designed this mode; just relying on this combination, he can at least crush all the people like himself and the elf girl who still understand their own laws. Not too deep, all blasphemous mages who are still in the "powerful brick flying" stage.

Even an experienced spellcaster like Thalia, who has begun to look up to the next stage of evolution, cannot easily defeat this combination...

So what are its shortcomings?

While maintaining his supernatural powers while opening his domain, Anson seemed to have lost the ability to think as countless messages poured into his mind. He stared blankly at the figure approaching the town in the sky and on the ground at the same time.

The person leading the landing of the Holy War Army was actually Renault... It seems that the Judgment Knights are really in chaos and have no troops left. If it were me, I would never dare to let the army of such a "suspicious ally" be like this Being careless and appearing behind one's back, doesn't this mean that the outcome is resting on others...

"Anson Bach, aren't you ready yet?!"

The roar of the elf girl rang in his mind, causing someone who had started to lose focus to be pulled back: "We are still making adjustments. The calculation speed of the difference machine on the other side is very fast. Even if we immediately distort the surrounding laws, within ten minutes It will be completely broken by it.”

"Of course I know that, how long will it take?!"


"Forget it, you don't have to answer anymore!"

Leaving a certain useless person behind, the frosty-faced Freya slowly raised her hands, and her petite body wrapped in white flames slowly rose.

A gorgeous golden dagger floated in front of the girl and was held tightly in her hand; the flowing flames began to extend along the direction of the blade, turning into a blazing flaming sword.

But the flame on the sword's edge has no temperature, and those who unfortunately touch it will not be ignited or explode on the spot. They will just be infected by the elf girl's emotions and become... slightly excited.

This is Freya's new understanding of her own field after experiencing life and death... The burning fire of passion can not only burn the world, but also burn people's hearts. Greed, ambition, belief... all desires... They are dry firewood waiting to burn, and a tiny spark of fire can ignite them all.

And he is the fire that burns them all to ashes.

Freya, who sneered, slowly raised the flaming sword in her hand and pointed the tip of the sword at the slowly approaching airship.

Golden-red flames roared out, as if a hunting python exposed its fangs and streaked across the night sky towards the airship.


The fire quickly enveloped the entire airship, and the flickering flames seemed to have their own lives. They began to swim freely in the outer layer, burning and eroding the twisted field that blocked them.

The Judgment Knights who were busy in the cabin just now stopped what they were doing unknowingly. They stared with scarlet eyes one by one, yelled, laughed and cried wildly, and twisted their bodies hysterically, as if they were immersed in unconsciousness. In the famous carnival.

Kicking away the colleague who was screaming and rushing towards him, the expressionless Philus hugged the red-faced follower tightly, letting her bite at his neck and collarbone and suck the blood.

The elf girl who was bathed in fire raised her lips.

The difference engine is nothing more than that... As long as the distortion range exceeds reality, no matter how powerful the weapon is, it cannot cover up the weakness of the individual itself; it is really arrogant to try to use tools to smooth the gap in evolutionary levels!

But the next second, her smile froze.

Something strange suddenly appeared in the originally quiet twisted field, and a thin, translucent film gradually formed on the periphery, blocking out the small jumping flames.

From a distance, it looks like an airship covered with a thick layer of ice crystals, but it is burning in a fire package.

Freya's expression was startled. She was so surprised that she couldn't even block the attack from below - the translucent ice crystal tore open the wrist of her right hand holding the sword, and the blood spurted out burned in the air and melted. Make sparks and scatter them to the ground.

"Find the target and start blocking it."

A Judgment Knight on the ground holding a long sword said coldly, the blade covered with a thick layer of ice crystals: "All captains act according to plan, keep in touch with the reconnaissance team at all times, and retreat immediately once they are attacked by a target - our The goal is to interdict her operations, not annihilate her.”

"As you command!"

The countless auras in the burning town caught the elf girl's eyes, and her pretty face frowned slightly.

What a... trouble, these bugs.

Having had previous fighting experience, she could roughly determine that although the Judgment Knights were well-equipped, their strength was actually much inferior to the Inquisitors they had encountered before. Only a few were strong in strength, and most of them, if they did not count their equipment, were actually just that. The level of ordinary talented people.

The problem lies in the number... No matter how weak the talented person is, he is still a talented person. At least he has the right abilities and is not suppressed by the field. If he knows his weaknesses, he can still pose a threat to the blasphemous mage, even a fatal threat.

In order to win this war, the Judgment Knights sent more than 500 knights at once.

No matter how confident Freya is, she cannot guarantee that she will still be safe if she is besieged. However, she is still responsible for containing and blocking this group of enemies, and buying time for Louis-of course it cannot be for the Free Confederacy. If you are not careful, you may lose sight of the other.

"Anson Bach!"

The face of the elf girl became more and more ugly. Her blood-stained right hand held the flaming sword tightly, and the flickering sparks were given life again.

"Behind you, on the second street on the right, directly ahead near the ruins of the city gate."

Anson, who understood immediately, gave the exact location. At the same time, his attention began to shift towards the direction of the airship, but he did not choose to focus: "It only took two minutes. They moved very quickly. It was probably a cover-up to attract attention..."

"Two minutes? Within one minute, let them go to hell!"

The elf girl snorted coldly. While raising the sword, her other hand slowly rose up, and her open fingers clenched tightly.


There was a deafening roar, and three huge fireballs slowly rose from the ruins of Red Hand Bay. The broken limbs and blood plasma were covered under the billowing black smoke, turning into raindrops and falling around.

"Anna's team is destroyed, Alexander's team is destroyed, Raul's team is destroyed!"

The voice of the Judgment Knights on the ground was not panicked at all, and was calm as if they had already anticipated the fate of their companions: "The remaining teams continue to act and maintain the encirclement."

"The magic effect of the Ysel Elf Fugitive is directly related to his emotions. There will be a relatively obvious forward movement before casting the spell. The investigators of each team need to pay close attention and report to the superiors in time."

"As you command!"

The Judgment Knights are very clear about the gap between themselves and the Blasphemous Mage. There is no hope in a single confrontation. Only by doing their best to collect intelligence, using everything at hand, and taking collective actions can they avoid being completely wiped out.

They have long disregarded life and death, fervently believing in the power of the Ring of Order, and placing their personal value on the Knights as a whole; years of experience and the sacrifices of countless predecessors have given the entire collective the courage to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

But in the eyes of the elf girl, this tactic is very disgusting.

They neither ran over to die nor retreated immediately. They surrounded the area like a swarm of bees. While harassing them, they would occasionally break through the bottom line and try to attack. They were still unable to eliminate them all in one go. At the same time, they had to prevent them from breaking through and attacking those who were leading the retreat. Louis; not only has his hands tied, but also has to watch out for an unparalleled airship.

These bugs... Freya clenched her teeth tightly, and the murderous intent in her scarlet eyes became more intense.

Just as she began to efficiently massacre the Judgment Knights based on the information provided by Anson, she was also constantly blocking lead bullets coming from all directions; even though the knights already knew that the steam gun was meaningless to the elf girl, they still did not give up interfering with her. The idea of ​​attention.

"It's just a little trick..."

The increasingly impatient Freya once again covered the entire town, preparing to directly raise the surrounding temperature to a height high enough to kill people.

Since it takes ten minutes for that weird airship to find a way to crack it and suppress it, then it's better to kill them all in ten minutes!

"Miss Freya, stop quickly! The probability of you being caught by the difference machine on the Heart of Compassion will..."

"Shut up!"

The expression on the elf girl's face was extremely ugly, and the flames covering her body began to spread to the surroundings, like two huge wings spread out behind her.

But those are not the wings of an angel, but the harbinger of death.

The Judgment Knights on the ground soon noticed something strange. The ice crystals on the long knife in the hand of the reconnaissance captain with the ability to freeze melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant it turned into a light mist and disappeared.

But this is not entirely bad news for the Judgment Knights. Freya is going all out to open up the field. In order to avoid losing control, she will definitely restrain the released power - there is no need to worry about a pillar of fire suddenly appearing under her feet and blowing herself up. God.

"Sigh... Only when you are cornered like now can you feel how safe Talia is."

Anson in the basement couldn't help but laugh bitterly to himself. He originally expected to be able to rely on the Queen of the Iser Elf to suppress the Judgment Knights for a while longer.

However, Freya's "loss of control" was expected, and it was not something worth making a fuss about. Rather, it is remarkable that she has persisted until now - the worst plan was that she had made her own decisions from the beginning. He even dismissed the information he provided.

If we persist until now, no matter how procrastinating the New World Army is, they have probably evacuated successfully, right? In this case, the situation is not too bad, at least the opponent's goal of this battle is no longer possible. The next step is how to break out of the encirclement.

As for the so-called "turning defeat into victory" plan mentioned by Roman... Anson has no plans to use it yet. After all, there is only one chance. If the effect is not maximized, it feels somewhat wasted.

The most important point... this trump card was in the hands of the Truth Society. He still couldn't make up his mind as to how involved he wanted to be with this organization.

It’s better to wait until the decisive battle in White Whale Port or Winter Torch City to think about it. Anyway, as long as the Storm Legion is still there, I will still have value in wooing them; unless I proactively declare to surrender to the Jihad Army, no matter how difficult it is for that damn novelist You also have to find ways to provide yourself with guaranteed assistance.

Anson, who felt that he was stable, stopped worrying and continued to focus on collecting intelligence on the airship. Although he had made a response plan to deal with Freya's "Fire of Passion" attack just now, it exposed two obvious shortcomings. .

First of all, there is a delay in its response speed, rather than a true advance and timely response. Especially when the domain suddenly changes attack routines, the problem is most obvious.

Secondly, at the moment of responding to the change, the power of the airship's steam core increased significantly, most likely because the difference engine was working.

No matter how excellent the power of the steam core is, it still has to burn coal; the upper limit of the power of the differential engine depends on itself, but the lower limit is determined by the coal reserves.

If you can quickly use up the coal on the opposite side, or make the coal unburnable or very inefficient, maybe you can...


Just as he was lost in thought, the roar of the explosion suddenly exploded above his head.

The sound that penetrated the eardrums suddenly awakened the brain, and the violent bright lights and fireworks swept away the parliament above the basement.

Anson raised his head suddenly. Before he could figure out the situation, the elf girl's angry shout came from the distance: "Idiot, what are you doing standing there?!"


"Shut up, you've been targeted, run!"

As he finished speaking, a ray of silver light fell from the sky and went straight into his chest; before he even had time to react, the blade had already pierced his heart.

"The primary target, Anson Bach, will be executed in the name of the Circle of Order!"

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