I will be crowned king

Chapter 91 It’s really yours

"No one knows exactly what they found, but one night thirty years ago, Professor Horst and Professor Mace Honnard indeed discovered the secret."

"The 'Saint Isaac' who the world thinks is obsessed with machinery and has created a glorious era is actually a believer in the three old gods, and is most likely the only spellcaster who has mastered the three powers at the same time."

"After that day, Professor Mace Honard began to follow the footsteps of the old gods and became a 'Black Mage'; while Professor Horst gradually lost his mind and became a crazy 'divineer' after returning from his last trip. "

In the cold and narrow spiral staircase, Bloen's words seemed like whispers from another world, echoing in the stunned Anson's ears for a long time.

After a long time, Anson, who gradually recovered from the shock, was silent for a moment, and looked calmly at the ice blue eyes staring at him:

"Why are you telling me this?"

He and the students next to this "black mage" only met once during the last "accidental encounter" at the military academy, and the atmosphere between the two parties at that time was definitely not friendly.

But in just a few dozen minutes, his attitude changed drastically when they met for the second time, and he was very "enthusiastic" in teaching himself "secret" skills.

And this time he not only helped him solve the embarrassment of being "fooled" by Professor Horst, but even told him the unknown past of Professor Mace Honnard, and "Saint Isaac is an old god." Such fierce news...

It's too direct, too sudden, not even a little bit of a twist.

How to describe it... It's a bit like a child who is not very good at socializing and is forced by his parents to make a few friends; he wants to tell his true feelings, which is a bit unacceptable.

Bloen's expression suddenly became a little stiff, he turned his head without saying a word, pointed to the stairs in front and said:

"Ahem! Well... we're almost there."

After saying that, he sped up and walked up the stairs half walking, half running.

Don't let me fool you... Anson raised his eyebrows and followed closely with a slightly strange expression.

Outside the door of the red carpet hall, Bronn, with his hands behind his back, pushed open the side door on the right. The dim yellow wall lamp that came in front of him made people feel warm. In the slightly narrow space, the layout was very orderly. There is a small double sofa, a coffee table and an exquisite wine cabinet, which makes it look very cozy.

"This is the cloakroom of the red carpet hall, and is sometimes used as a lounge." Brohn, with his back to Anson, pointed to the built-in wardrobe on the entire wall beside him and the full-length mirror beside him:

"There are hooded robes prepared in advance, remember to wear one before entering the red carpet hall - although this party is organized by the professor, not all the people who come are students of the professor like us, and Many are scattered Old God sects in Clovis City, or are just outsiders interested in the belief in the Three Old Gods."

"Although everyone tacitly understands each other on this occasion, after all, the Old God Sect is still a faith suppressed by the secular world; necessary cover-up and self-protection are not only to protect oneself, but also to protect others."

Well, that makes sense.

Anson nodded, silently expressing that he agreed with his point of view; and after finishing his instructions, Bloen coughed lightly and walked out of the cloakroom.

The two people remained silent and maintained a surprisingly "tacit understanding", pretending that the "embarrassment" just now did not exist.

Opening the wardrobe, Anson randomly picked out an old and inconspicuous gray robe, covered his face with a hood, and then gently opened the door to the red carpet hall.

In the spacious hall, brightly colored red carpets cover the entire floor and walls, each piece is outlined with golden silk threads with complicated patterns; the golden red that fills the entire space constantly stimulates Anson's nerves, and even A dizzy trance.


Anson took out his pocket watch from his coat pocket and gently opened the cover.

"Five-thirty..." Anson said to himself, silently looking at the entire red carpet hall.

Probably because he came a full hour earlier, there were only a few scattered figures in the empty hall, and everyone covered themselves tightly, wishing not to expose even an inch of their skin.

Well, it's still winter right now, so there's nothing wrong with gathering like this... But what should we do when the weather heats up?

Anson couldn't help complaining in his heart, put away his pocket watch, sat down on the sofa closer to the edge, took a cup of steaming coffee from the snack rack on the right, and slowly figured out today's plan.

A well-decorated room, soft and comfortable sofas, specially prepared coffee and various snacks... Well, this should not be a private gathering of an "underground evil organization", but should be closer to the nature of a "secret club", otherwise there would be nothing Such a "big fanfare" luxury is necessary.

There are probably three reasons that Ansen can think of: first, of course, to increase the influence of the "Black Mage" among the old gods in the capital, and second, to try to absorb fresh blood from scattered spellcasters.

The last and most important, money.

Organizing an underground evil organization requires a lot of money - personnel, strongholds, operations, intelligence, and messages - which is definitely not something a history professor can afford; even the most fanatical believers still have to buy bread and pay rent.

For a history professor who needs to conceal his identity, Mace Honnard probably doesn’t have many choices: for him, the easiest one is probably to donate.

Although the Old God Sect is a strictly prohibited faith in the entire Order World, the fact that it can still exist despite all-round suppression proves that it still has a considerable audience.

Just like some clubs and secret societies that are accustomed to making mysteries, by packaging themselves as high-end and niche "hard-core academic organizations", they attract rich and wealthy people with money and leisure, and set up various "special identities" to Earn their "dues" and donations.

In order to make customers happily spend their money, it is natural to prepare a mysterious and comfortable environment; it does not matter the content of the conversation at the party, the atmosphere always comes first - after all, they are not here to take classes, but to enjoy.

Although he has not carefully understood the details, through the conversation with Blown and the environment he saw before him, Anson thought he had already guessed it.

In this case, it is very simple to win the trust of "Black Mage" Mace Honnard on this occasion: communicate with as many people as possible and get more meaningful information in the near future.

This is my first time attending this kind of party, so there is no need to stand out, just blend in as much as possible.

Having made up his mind, Anson put down the coffee cup in his hand leisurely and turned his attention to the entire red carpet hall again.

As time passed, more and more figures entered the hall, and they were clearly divided into two categories - those who entered from the cloakrooms on both sides were mostly wearing hooded robes similar to Anson's, while those who entered from Those who enter through the gate wear a variety of clothing or masks that cover their faces and upper bodies.

It seems that this is the way the "Black Mage" distinguishes between newcomers and old people. Of course, some guys who are keen on being unique must also be excluded... Anson guessed.

"You can make it easy for us to find you."

A slightly complaining but very soft voice sounded in Anson's ears.


He subconsciously turned his head and looked to his side. A purple figure sat down beside him, raised his chest and looked straight ahead, pretending that he was not talking to him just now.

The other party was wearing a hooded robe of the same style as herself. Although her appearance could not be clearly seen, judging from the slightly curly black hair exposed from the brim of the hat, the slightly curved figure under the robe, and her voice, she should be a girl.

Just when Anson was feeling confused and wanted to figure out what was going on, the girl who stared intently spoke again:

"After many years, I still know the details of Clovis City well..."

"It's really yours, Lord Draco Wirts!"

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