I will be crowned king

Chapter 911 Special Existence

It was like a real roar across the sky, leaving a flash of meteor deeply imprinted in all the eyes looking up at the starry sky at this moment.

The Holy War Army, the Judgment Knights...even the New World Legion, which was retreating under the cover of the Storm Legion grenadiers in the distance... put down their weapons and stopped where they were, silently gathering at the shocking scene, not knowing what was going on.

"How...how could this happen?"

The eyes of the Judgment Knights on the ground were wide open. "Shocked" is used to describe their expressions at this moment. They all looked too pale and were completely stunned.

"The Heart of Mercy's twisted field and armor... were actually penetrated?!"

The knight commander in charge of the command shouted loudly. It took him a few seconds to realize how bad the "untrue remarks" he had just made would have on his companions; and how many robes would be lost because his attention was affected by the surrounding environment. Because he could not get effective information, he was killed by the enemy.

But he was simply overthinking it... The elf girl floating in the sky, surrounded by flames, put down the white flame sword in her right hand and glanced at a basement covered by smoke with a slight frown.

"That bastard... is quite capable sometimes."

Freya, who pursed her lips slightly, snorted, as if she was blaming herself for worrying about this scheming guy just a few minutes ago.

On the outskirts of the ruins of the town of Red Hand Bay, the deputy commander of the Hantu Jihad Army stopped the army behind him with a dazed expression. His solemn eyes seemed to be making a major decision.

"Master Renault, we..."

"Send someone immediately, absolutely... no." Renault looked at his knight: "You may need to make a trip this time."

The family knight who was in a panic just now immediately knelt down on one knee: "Where are you going?"

"New World Legion, find a man named Roman." Leno gritted his teeth: "I'm not sure if he is really here, and I can't guarantee your safety. If the Judgment Knights or the Holy See find out..."

"It's me who secretly colluded with the Truth Society and the Old God Sect." The knight said without hesitation: "I have nothing to do with Hantu and the Grand Duchy of Ayden!"

Lenore's heart tightened, and he pressed the knight's shoulder with his eyes closed, holding on to his cloak with trembling hands until it was forcibly pulled off by the other party.

The cabin of the Heart of Mercy airship was in chaos at this time. The seemingly violent impact was not only sudden, but also happened very quickly - so fast that no one had time to react.

They couldn't figure it out, let alone understand how an airship protected by the distortion field and with an outer armor stronger than an armored ship could be penetrated by a single blow - this was something even the Elf Queen Ysel couldn't do!

"Lord Philus!"

Elizabeth, the attendant, screamed and turned to look behind her, "The damaged part is close to the steam core. The power of the airship is damaged. Please give me instructions!"


A mocking smile appeared on Philus' face - things have come to this point, what else is there to give?

Based on the current situation of the airship, it will fall directly to the ground in a few minutes at most, but it is still climbing rapidly because of the distortion of gravity just now, and there is no solution because the steam core has been destroyed!

In five minutes, the most powerful airship that the Holy See and the Judgment Knights are proud of will be turned into tattered scrap metal, and it will still be in full view of the public; the reason is not important at all, this incident itself is enough to disintegrate the Crusaders , the impromptu Operation Red Hand Bay fell short.

Well, the last one has yet to be determined, but the previous one is basically correct.

"Grand Commander Grad Manfred... You are really willing to spend a lot of money to kill an apostle..."

Feeling the vibration and roaring sound in his ears, Philus murmured to himself in a low voice.

"Lord Philus!"

"Okay, okay... don't be so nervous, relax."

He slowly comforted the follower who was so frightened that he was paralyzed. Pheles, who quietly approached from behind, hugged her in his arms and rubbed his cheek like a pillow:

"Dear Elizabeth, as long as I am here, you will not die so easily."

The moment the words fell, the compassionate heart that had lost its upward momentum began to fall.


Staring at the rapidly falling airship in the sky, Anson's face showed no signs of joy or excitement. Instead, he looked a little... at a loss.

Strictly speaking, this should be the third time that he fully expanded his domain and carried out large-scale reality distortion; the first time was in the Tower of the Original and was "supervised" by August, and the second time was when he returned from a thousand years ago. Moby Dick Harbor, when fighting the Gravekeeper.

But this time, I took the initiative and started it in order to complete the plan without any threat to my life. In a certain sense, it was not even proactive.

This involves a little bit of the characteristics of the "law of planning", because conjurers distort reality according to their own laws: holding the fire of passion, all distortions are based on extreme to crazy burning aspects, with " "Magic" is the criterion. Naturally, as long as others don't see through the process of blindness and deception, you can do anything.

The same is true for the law of planning: in order to achieve a certain goal, he must first collect enough information and then complete steps such as one, two and three; the more information, the more successfully the steps are completed, and the more he can achieve the goal.

At the same time, if the enemy's actions also have the attribute of "plan", then Anson's field will also be affected by this - conversely, Anson can also learn the enemy's plan through fluctuations in the field.

But there is a small problem here, that is, although the plan itself is not mandatory, it is difficult to terminate it at a certain stage once it is implemented.

My initial idea was to "destroy the heart of compassion". Due to the lack of information, there was no feasible plan; but when the information was sufficient and execution began, the field began to show signs of being out of control.

To be more precise, from the moment the plan is executed, one's consciousness is completely integrated with the field, and everything he does is no longer just thinking, but is completely done to complete the plan at any cost.

Even when he was completely powerless against the airship, Anson never considered completely liberating the field and distorting reality; but at the stage of executing the plan, when there was only the liberating field and distorting the gravity of reality... he did not have any hesitation.

At that moment, Ansen Bach seemed to be no longer Ansen Bach, no longer "himself", but a plan, an order, a procedure, a kind of...


The law has no emotions and does not require thinking. It only executes everything that has been established within the prescribed range; as long as the set boundaries are not violated, it will do anything.

Even if that feeling was just an echo, Anson felt cold sweat break out from behind, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up one by one, and his whole person fell into an indescribable panic!

Even if it is not reversely eroded by the real world, if one day the plan made needs to be at the cost of his own life or Lisa's life, then will he who opens the field smile and look at himself or the girl with confidence? Turned into a puddle of meat paste?

The threat of evolution not only comes from the outside world, but also from the madness and influence born of the power of mutation.

It seems that it is necessary to set certain limits on his own rules from the beginning, and at the same time, he must check and approve them regularly... Ansen thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, this is definitely not safe, because the laws and domains are the essence of oneself, and the flesh and blood body and consciousness are just the remnants of the evolutionary stage... According to Thalia, the process of the caster mastering the core of his own evolution is to gradually eliminate this residual process.

When it is eliminated to a certain extent, the core is gradually perfected, and the relationship between itself and the world is understood, the apostle's door-up to now, all the next-level ultimate forms of evolution that the caster can imagine will be revealed in front of them.

Apostle Rune, for example, did not completely abandon this residue, and even actively retained it for some purpose, and paid a heavy price for it; does this mean that when he completely eliminates it and understands the "Law of Planning"? "After the essence of this law, it will completely become the carrier of this law, or the law itself?

Anson, who was deep in thought, tilted his head slightly. The mist pipe at the corner of his mouth was like a tired office employee. From the original full output, it became a smoke ring for a while, and it was still weak and light as soon as it came out. The kind that will fall apart on its own.


The fallen Heart of Mercy hit the ruins of the town behind it hard. The Elf Queen Ysel, who had a strong desire for revenge, did not forget to seize the opportunity and gave it a glorious burial with a huge fireball.

Starting from a single point, the fiercely burning fireball expanded rapidly, and then quickly swallowed up everything around it, turning into a "rising sun" that rivaled the night sky.

This sudden anomaly naturally affected the subsequent Judgment Knights and Crusaders... The attacks of the knights who were still besieging the elf girl suddenly became aggressive and crazy, and they continued to narrow the siege net against Freya at the risk of being wiped out. And constantly urged the subsequent Hantu Jihad Army to advance as quickly as possible, passing through the ruins of the town to block the retreating New World Army.

The "military spirit" of the Hantu Legion, which was originally very positive, suddenly became subtle: they did not refuse the request of the Judgment Knights, but asked the other party to organize an artillery bombardment against the New World Legion as soon as possible - because of the night battle and chaos, so far So far, only these more than 10,000 Hantu soldiers have landed, which is a bit weaker than the New World Army of no less than 30,000 people.

The fleet that had been safely anchored outside the Hong Hand Bay Harbor began to experience many abnormalities. Ever since the airship had problems and the Judgment Knights had been unable to break through the town of Red Hand Bay, the fleet had not provided any artillery support. No more ships approached the port.

Even the Philus Legion, which was at least nominally a "direct descendant" of the Holy See, silently moved its warships to the open sea without sending even a single soldier to the shore. The commander of the legion, Sir Philus - the Grand Regiment of the Judgment Knights The commander's adjutant even strictly ordered the troops to move without permission, not even allowing artillery support.

He has a deep understanding of his boss and has roughly guessed what the other party wants to do; not to mention participating in the battle, even staying here is an extremely dangerous thing; in the most extreme case, more than 100,000 people from both sides participated in the battle. People may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

In the dead sea, Sir Philus stared alone at the sea of ​​fire burning the remains of his compassionate heart, silent.

"Why, why don't you speak?"

Voices full of ridicule sounded in the billowing smoke filled with ashes, and they approached the basement step by step.

"Anson Bach, the Holy See specifically designated the primary target that must be captured alive, tsk tsk tsk... Do you know how many such 'privileges' have been used in the history of the Judgment Knights?"

"have no idea."

Anson, who was chewing his pipe, stood up from the "smoking chair" and replied calmly: "But I guess I'm not the only one."


The voice couldn't help but give the answer, sounding so triumphant and full of showoff: "This also includes Saint Isaac - Congratulations, you have become a person worthy of being equal to Saint Isaac in the eyes of the Holy See. One of ten.”

"Thank you for the ridiculous compliment."

With a formulaic smirk, Anson turned around and looked at Sir Philus who came out of the sea of ​​fire: "But if I remember correctly, Saint Isaac... didn't he die in the end?"

"Yes." The ungrateful Philus nodded solemnly, and his expression suddenly became lost: "It's so regrettable. He didn't have to die originally, but we had to kill him."


"Because he's special."

"Special...can it also be a reason to kill?"

"Yes, there is no more valid reason than this."

Philus stopped, his eyes flashed with a coldness called cruelty: "A person with a mind that can open up a new era, and at the same time is preparing to master the three major magics to become immortal - our fragile world is currently still There is no room for such a... special existence."

"And you, Ansen Bach...you are special too."

"What's wrong?"

"Your domain, the power of blood, and...your extremely weird laws." Philus smiled: "The power of blood that can bring the dead back to life, the power of insight into all things, and the laws of distorting reality, even if you only master one of them, That’s enough for the Holy See to be interested in you, and you have both of them at the same time.”

"And someone as special as you has actually become the fiancé of the Rune family. He knows the truth about the tomb of the true god. He is constantly involved with the truth. He has a close relationship with the Diocese of Clovis. He has the Elf Queen Ysel as an ally. Haha. !”

"I'm really curious, very curious... When you were doing these things, have you ever seriously considered this one thing - it seems that they all took advantage of you, but through the process and behavior of being taken advantage of by them, you He has implicated so many forces in his body.”

"Anson Bach, a smart person like you has never considered the fact that even if you are used by others, you can show your own value..."

"Can the Holy See really allow you to do this and live on, or..."

“…like the ‘special’ St. Isaac?”

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