I will be crowned king

Chapter 916 Piracy? Genuine!

Under the eerie purple moonlight, the Holy War Army and the New World Legion, who had been fighting all night, finally ushered in the darkest moment of the day.

Louis, who led the army to break out, could not go very far... The impact of the arrival of the apostles was wide-ranging. Not only the Red Hand Bay, but also abnormalities were quietly occurring in the surrounding land.

Tentacles sprouted from ancient trees, eyes opened in the center of blooming flowers, twisted vines pulled out bloody wings and claws from the soil, skeletons that had been dead for many years climbed out of the grave, and a scream came from the stewed chicken soup...

This is just the beginning, and the scope of influence has spread to the border between Red Hand Bay and Changhu Town... When it completely arrives, there will no longer be any corner that can be called "safe" in the entire new world.

Louis, who remained calm, personally commanded the panicked legion to fight. He divided the New World legion into six groups according to their organization and origin, with each group having 5,000 men. He sent the cuirassiers from the City of Sails and the universal religious priests from the Faith Keepers Alliance to lead the army. Focus on breaking out.

The panicked line infantry maintained their formation amidst the hoarse prayers of the priests, firing neatly and orderly at the corpses and fleshy tentacles that emerged from all directions, mowing grass and turning the mutated monsters into dead souls again.

Bathed in the same moonlight, the two armies that were hostile to each other a few minutes ago were shouting the name of the Ring of Order, fighting to stay alive and fight against the mutated anomalies around them.

Flesh tentacles and "resurrected" corpses as numerous as ant colonies soon covered the entire battlefield. The Grenadier Regiment, which was still blocking the Judgment Knights, soon discovered that they were no longer needed here, just to deal with the sudden appearance. The flesh and blood monsters have already overwhelmed those big iron boxes.

Of course, the grenadier regiments hiding in the trenches were also overwhelmed... The flesh-and-blood monsters could not chew through the armor of the iron water tank, but they could get into the tunnels where they were hiding. Fabian had no choice but to order the soldiers to disperse their defenses, and in the overwhelming The figure is fighting and retreating.

"Can I ask, are these the reinforcements you are talking about?!"

Fabian turned his head and roared at Roman. At this time, all he could hear was the endless roars of the monsters, plus the roar of the Land Cruiser's repeating rifles and smoothbore cannons; the piercing screams of the steam core operating at full speed. It has even become the last support in their hearts.

As long as these steel monsters haven't all fallen, the Grenadier Regiment can continue to survive, but if they are all gone...the Grenadier Regiment is also gone.

"Of course not." Roman's answer was still understated, as calm as a hunter waiting for the target to approach his gun:

"I know you don't want to believe it now, but the fact is that the situation is completely out of control, and the person who made it become this state is your boss."

"...Brigadier General Anson Bach?"

Fabian frowned. Now, just like Roman said, he couldn't trust anyone at all - especially the person in front of him.

"I gave him a chance to turn defeat into victory, but it seemed that he didn't intend to do that, so the situation got out of control... What should have been the last thing to happen finally became a reality."

Although it was an understatement, it was not difficult for anyone to hear a hint of complaint from Roman's mouth.

The arrival of Apostle Rune in public is the last thing that the Truth Society wants to happen, because it will give the Holy See an excuse to interfere in the secular world... The current situation is that even if the war is over, the Jihadist Army who has experienced this catastrophe will no longer think that the Holy See is nothing. It's alarmist, the threat to the world from the Old Gods is real.

"Then have you ever thought that this is entirely because the method you gave is too costly, or that even if you can turn defeat into victory, the result is not something everyone can bear?"

"No matter how heavy the price is, it is not worth mentioning in the face of victory... Do you need me to remind you of such a simple truth, Colonel Fabian?"

"Yes, no wonder Major General Ludwig's every victory ended in a tragic victory. With a loyal adjutant like you in charge, the Southern Army must have enough places to go to heaven!"

Fabian's cheeks were slightly twisted. This was the first time since he joined the army that he had lost his composure so completely. Especially the disdainful look in his eyes after he finished speaking made him hold his right hand tightly to prevent him from losing his composure. The gun was pointed at Roman's head.

But soon he had no time to think about these things... The soldiers from the guard company who rushed over ran and crawled into the trench. While breathing heavily in his ear, they lowered their voices and told him something absolutely impossible. Good news.

"What, Miss Lisa is missing?!"


Anson, who had taken that step in a fraction of a second, finally moved - his footsteps fell heavily into the scorched earth, and he disappeared without a trace in the moment when the dust splashed up.

Francisco's acceleration again!

The frightened Philus immediately began to look for the figures around him in a panic, because it was not his turn yet and he couldn't even turn his head, so he could only wait.

The next moment, Anson, who appeared on the right side of Philus, snapped his fingers, and the revolver in his right hand dropped downwards. The magazine was open, and the precarious bullet seemed to be falling out at any time.


The golden-red light beam struck, cutting off Philus' right arm like a sharp blade, but the pus and plasma spurting out quickly restored the wound to its original state - the state of being entangled by tentacles.

Fortunately, it seems that the influence from Rune has not faded... Felus sighed in his heart, and at the same time he also knew the rules of the [Nine Palaces Chessboard].

Each person can [move] once, [attack] once, and has two seconds of free action time; the upper limit of the round is ten seconds, and regardless of whether it is completed after ten seconds, it will be regarded as [the end of the round].

The roar of the corpse was heard in his ears, and he waved his broken right hand, stabbing him with the arm bones remaining in the rotten flesh.

But the movement of the corpse was not fast. The time was up before the bone was stabbed, and it was stuck unable to move at the last moment.

The sneering Philus stretched out his hand and stabbed the heart of the corpse, then dragged the corpse towards Anson Bach, who was motionless on the spot, and threw the corpse out, keeping the body swaying backwards.

As soon as the corners of his mouth raised, he saw the lead bullet in Anson's right revolver slipping from the magazine and falling to the ground.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].

A fierce flame storm instantly surrounded Anson, turning the body thrown by Philus into dried charcoal in an instant, falling heavily and then shattering to the ground.

"Ah...so the weapon is not within the round limit, right?"

Philus's eyes lit up: "So that's it. As for the limitations of this curse, it is indeed the most restrictive for blood mages... As long as the curse is imprinted on the object over time, the moment of release will not be affected by the round limit. "

"Also, if I'm not wrong, the same is probably true for black magic... Only the actions during the turn are calculated... Even if it is not your own turn, you can still read the minds of the surroundings or perform mental interference."

"But the blood mage can't... No matter what you do, you can't escape the restrictions of the 'living body'. Once the round is over, you must stop attacking immediately."

"You are very long-winded." Anson looked at him pretending to be calm: "As if there is an audience who needs to hear your explanation."

"Of course, we have more than a thousand viewers!"

Philus laughed: "Of course, they are all dead, but under the environment of the laws of reality at that time...under the influence of Rune, death as a form of life has completely ceased to exist!"

"It sounds like you still like this kind of environment?"

"Like it? The language is so pale that I can't even express my feelings for this environment!"

The corners of Philus' mouth twitched violently. If it weren't for the restrictions of the [Nine Palaces Chessboard], he would probably open his arms at this moment: "As a blood mage, there is nothing more attractive to me at this time than endless vitality. Does it exist?"

"No more! No more, Apostle Rune... What a great existence. Seeing Him seems to let me see hope and the future... Oh, maybe this is the true meaning of the title 'Apostle', someone who performs miracles on behalf of the true God. exist?!"

He continued like crazy, as if he was still using this kind of performance to cover up the fear in his heart.

But this is just an illusion,

At this moment, Philus was extremely calm, constantly testing the limits of the [Nine Palaces Chessboard] with various micro-expressions and body movements. The tentacles covering his body kept squirming and twitching, growing pustules one after another... It seemed that he was not far from success. .

Well, this is normal. Just like Lisa can directly ignore the illusions and mind-reading created by her mentor Mace Honard, the blood mage with the blood of August will certainly not be afraid of the use of a mere blasphemy mage. of spell magic.

That's right, this is where Philus was truly powerful enough that Rune was forced to come, he couldn't kill him no matter what, and he was able to threaten an apostle.

But the difference from Lisa is that the blood of August in his body is not inherited, but more like a mutation...a certain hidden gene has finally been transformed from countless combinations and mutations after thousands of years and hundreds of generations. Among the samples, the original and most precious one was found.

Speculating in the most unscrupulous way, it may be possible that this is also a small link in August's experimental plan - to determine how long it will take for humans as a species to mutate into the version he wishes by looking back at the initial test samples.

As long as they can get the desired results, these apostles... no, it should be said that the evolvers don't care how much it costs.

Philus also has the same magical reaction as August. For the wheel that defeated and swallowed all August's power, it was like a "magnet", forming an adsorption reaction on him. .

As the true "last blood of August", Lisa has not truly awakened yet. At the same time, she has only inherited August's bloodline, and the mutated Philus is now equivalent to the second August. special.


A small tentacle grew out of Philus's right cheek. Apart from flowing with pus, the soft fleshy bud looked very harmless and even a little bit cute. It continued to sway toward him. External extension.

The expressionless Anson's heartstrings were tense, which was in sharp contrast to the relaxed and comfortable Philus... Being able to let part of the body move freely, the distance to completely breaking free from the restraints was already very close.

Under the strange moonlight, Philus's ulcerated eyes once again turned scarlet. The only difference was that they not only turned red, but also continuously overflowed and emitted a thick stench that made people think just by smelling it. Disorder, the stench of uncontrollable impulses, desires rapidly expanding in pain.

The next second, his cheek cracked again. This time, a tentacle full of barbs grew out. Just the process of drilling out of the flesh caused blood to flow all over his face.


More and more skin was torn open, and the sound of tearing flesh and blood could be heard. Philus's body seemed to have turned into a hive of tentacles, burrowing into his face, neck, chest, arms...everywhere where there was still flesh and blood attached. Make bloody holes.

From a distance, it looks like a huge cactus.

"It seems that even magic supported by laws is nothing compared to the power of the apostle." In the blood and fire, Philus, whose mouth had been torn apart by the tentacles, grinned, revealing that he had no teeth and Oral cavity of tongue:

"I don't even need the apostle's protection, and I can easily break free."

Anson frowned slightly and glanced aside subconsciously.

"Why, you're expecting those dead people to help you, don't be kidding me." Philus's body began to tremble violently, and the tentacles all over his body began to attack in all directions, killing the motionless corpses around him:

"One thousand eight hundred and eighty-five... This is the number you told me personally. How long do you think it will take for me to kill them all and end this boring turn-based game?"

At this moment, Ansen still did not release the [Nine Palaces Chessboard], and watched helplessly as he turned the corpses around him into minced meat on the ground, and blood even sprayed on him.

Then, the grinning Philus and the frowning Anson heard a thunderous sound at the same time.


The screaming thunder passed through the air, easily cutting off Philus' tentacles like a naughty boy knocking off a vine.

"This is……?!"

The excited and proud Philus finally showed a solemn expression, and turned his right eye to the direction of the bullet: "She... who is she?!"

"Don't you claim to be of the apostle's blood, yet you don't even know who she is?" Anson raised his eyebrows in an understatement:

"It's just that unlike your pirated version, she is the genuine one!"


Heart-rending screams rushed in, and the blazing flames opened a path for her on both sides. The gravel and blood everywhere turned into a long red carpet, constantly looking at her feet.

Wearing a three-cornered hat, holding a licorice stick in her mouth, carrying as many weapons as a mountain, and holding a steam gun in her arms, the girl swung open the hem of her windbreaker and jumped into the air the moment she was surrounded by corpses...

Make your debut!

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