I will be crowned king

Chapter 920 Before the shelling

At five-thirty in the morning, the ruins of Red Hand Bay shrouded in billowing black smoke were still immersed in darkness, under the eerie purple moonlight.

It seems that as long as the purple moon does not disappear, the night will never end.

Amid the flames, groups of New World Legionnaires held torches and began to retrace their steps, surrounding the ruins of Red Hand Bay under the firelight from the east.

The reason for moving so quickly was of course not because of Louis Bernard's promise, but simply because the entire legion had not gone very far at all - it was night, plus they had to deal with the attacks of mutated flesh and living corpses, and they had to beware of the Holy War Army. During the ambush and pursuit, more than 30,000 people had just evacuated from their positions.

The Philus Legion, which had just landed on the west side of Red Hand Bay, immediately started synchronized operations. The first order was that the Judgment Knights withdrew from the New World Legion's position and camped in the wilderness outside the town, fulfilling their promise. .

Renault, who led the vanguard of the Hantu Army on the other side, also "tacitly" ordered the army that was attacking the town to retreat back to the port; even in order to show that he was not retreating on his own initiative, he even volunteered to "cover the Judgment Knights and block the Old Gods" The soldiers randomly discarded the weapons they brought as part of their "sent" mission. The soldiers picked up the remains of weapons in the ruins and pretended that they had also gone through a fierce battle.

This kind of fakeness cannot be more fake, and the behavior of performing in person will naturally not deceive the Holy See and the Knights, but it is pointless to dwell on this at this time - everyone knows that this battle cannot go on, and you stand up to expose it because you want everyone to Can't you even get off the stage?

So surrounding the flaming Red Hand Bay, the Free Confederacy was eager to retreat, the Holy War Army with ulterior motives, and the Holy See and the Judgment Knights, who were trying to find a way out for themselves, in the name of "joint siege and annihilate the old god sect", A three-party sit-in was launched, but no one had any plans or signs of taking action.


"Then what should we do?"

Pretending to casually glance at the purple moonlight above her head, Freya, who had an unhappy face, glanced at Anson who was holding the girl in his arms: "Since it is in the name of encircling and suppressing us, doesn't it mean that we must be killed to end this war?" fighting?"

"My respected Majesty the Queen, if this is the result, how could Louis agree?" Anson couldn't laugh or cry:

"This is just a step for the Holy See, so that tonight's situation will not be too difficult to end...the real battle is over."


"The ultimate goal of the Holy See is to kill Apostle Rune, but this goal has been unable to be achieved for some reasons. Of course, they need a more honorable ending to end this failed battle."

Anson had no choice but to explain deliberately vaguely. After all, many things involved the relationship between August and Rune. Even if he wanted to tell the elf girl, he didn’t know where to start: “Although what I wanted to do didn’t succeed. , but something must be done to cover up the failure and make everyone feel more accepting."

"I see... This is just like the Battle of Eagle Point City. Louis had obviously lost to you, but he still stubbornly insisted on staying and covering my evacuation. Otherwise, the Guards would really... Well, what's your expression?"

Freya, who was reminded of some beautiful memories, was interrupted by someone with a shocked face. The beautiful pictures that appeared in her mind suddenly turned cold: "Why, you think I will never mention the failure that Louis suffered. Yeah?"

"A true knight always fights for his oaths and ideals, and will not care about success or failure. This is fundamentally different from some guys who are greedy and utilitarian to the extreme!"

"Of course, of course." Anson said with a casual smile. At this time, there seemed to be nothing more appropriate besides saying "right, right, right."

However, although she would occasionally show off her temper, she was a crowned queen after all. After a brief thought, the elf girl quickly realized: "Since the excuse is to 'cruel the old gods', we have to pretend to be more or less. Ichiban, just cooperate with those people outside, right?"

"You are so right!"

Nodding heavily, Anson raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Whether it's true or not, we have to let the Judgment Knights and the Holy War Army win a complete victory tonight so that everyone can end it conveniently."

"Stop talking nonsense, what should we do?"

"It's very simple. I have made contact with Louis Bernard and the commander of another Jihad Army through... certain people, and we have agreed to carry out two rounds of shelling on the city of Red Hand Bay."

"You only need to create a few huge explosions in the city, and then quickly hide your presence. This matter is over - of course, I will do my best to help."

Anson patted Lisa's little head in his arms, saying that what he said was absolutely credible and there was no need to doubt it.

The elf girl narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression looking somewhat meaningful.

It wasn't that she had any doubts about what he said, but that the "certain people" Anson mentioned gave her a very bad association.

Well, to put it simply, she was reminded of someone who she hated so much, who claimed to be a "novelist".

"How about, uh...any trouble?"

"No! What do you think I am?"

The expressionless Freya categorically rejected: "It's you and Lisa... depending on my current state, I want to create explosions throughout the city, but I can't guarantee your safety 100%."

"Ah... please don't worry about this. I have my own method. You just need to make sure that the plan is foolproof."

Waving his hands lightly, Anson suddenly seemed to remember something: "Ah! There is one more thing..."

"Understood." The elf girl turned around without looking back:

"When this Battle of Red Hand Bay is over, I can't go on the road again unless I really have to, right?"

Anson, who was unable to speak a word, could only twitch the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Now that the target has been fixed on Freya, if the elf girl appears again in a swaggering manner afterwards, the Holy See who can’t show off their face will definitely spare no effort to pursue her. Unless there is another battle at Red Hand Bay, no one will be able to stop her. The church’s determination to save face.

Of course, if you look at it from the bright side, this is also a perfect opportunity for Freya to hide her identity - as long as she is listed as "dead" in the official files of the Holy See, then at least it will be clearly ruled that neither the Knights nor the Tribunal will send anyone. People are chasing her, and she will not continue to issue wanted notices to the entire world of order, leaving the elf girl to hide anonymously on the edge of the unknown world.

Killing two birds with one stone in every sense of the word, when others win, you also win, and there is no loser from now on.


Just when Anson was about to start feeling complacent, the elf girl suddenly stopped and said without looking back:

"This thing... must be just a coincidence and not part of your plan, is it?"

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

With the most natural expression, Anson, who was holding the girl in his arms, turned around calmly and stared at the back of Her Majesty Freya's neck with utmost sincerity:

"...That's natural."

"No one knows what will happen, how could I guess it in advance?"


"Unexpected? Didn't expect it? That's when there really is a ghost!"

Looking at the nervous flag officer, who was lying on a stretcher and being sent back by the knights, Renault snorted coldly: "This is not the first time you have dealt with that guy. Except for extremely rare cases, in this world, Is there anything that would surprise him and shock him to the point of being helpless?"

"That's true, but this situation is too special after all..."

Struggling to support his body and sit up, the Flag Officer sighed: "After all, no one expected that the Lord is still in the city, and is still safe and sound with...the old god sect..."

"Indeed, he probably has his own considerations. It is very likely that this is part of the entire plan, which successfully caused the Holy See to suddenly change its mind and reverse the key factor in the New World Phalanx."

Lenore, who was deep in thought, murmured to himself, and suddenly snorted, and whispered with disdain and ridicule: "But to be honest, even if this guy is a genuine old god sect, he doesn't seem to be anything special. Something surprising..."


"Nothing, let's not talk about these things. Are you ready for the bombardment plan?" Leno changed the subject abruptly: "The time agreed upon is seven o'clock sharp. We will mass artillery and bombardment before dawn at Red Hand Bay. We don't have any on hand. The artillery can only trouble Leon and the others...there will be no mistake in the time, right?"

"Please rest assured. The three messengers sent here all carry pocket watches, and the time has been set in advance." The flag officer replied:

"When the time is up, the naval guns will be aimed at the urban area and cover the area with fire."

"Where are the bombardment coordinates? They can't be too far off...I mean, it should be able to ensure effective killing of the Old God Sect in the city, right?"

"No accidents at all! All coordinates were prepared according to the positions marked before the Vatican's airship crashed. The naval guns did not even move - if there is a problem, it can only be because there is something wrong with the coordinates given by the high command."

"It's very good. This way, if there is an accident later, there is room for evasion."

Renault nodded slightly with satisfaction, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the flag officer: "By the way...why were you so seriously injured when you came back? Isn't the battle over?"

"The battle is over, but not everyone thinks so." The flag officer sighed:

"When I came back, I was escorted by the Knights of Judgment, but they only agreed to escort me close to the city gate. As a result, I was discovered by the outpost of the Confederate Legion; because I got one of their coats when I came back from them, and it was regarded as a The traitor who sent the intelligence—it can only be said that fortunately they are not keen on killing the traitor on the spot."

Renault: "..."


"Yes, the Holy See is not keen on shooting traitors. They are more keen on using and torturing, and including criminals and living people on the list of volunteers for some non-public experiments."

In the tunnel of the New World Legion's position, Roman wrote lightly: "Usually when you are imprisoned in the Holy See's prison, the judge in charge of the trial will sentence a sentence ranging from two to four hundred years; you can apply for the death penalty, but that will take a long time. Procedures, each procedure requires queuing; ordinary prisoners often just figure out the relationship between each procedure, and they will probably die of natural old age."

"You can also try to escape from prison, but unless you are really strong enough to escape or are shot dead on the spot, you will be sentenced to more sentences, often ranging from thirty years to one hundred years."

"Finally, you can try to reduce your sentence. There are many types, but they can be roughly divided into two types: daily tasks that can reduce your sentence by two days, or experiments by certain departments of the Holy See... As long as you survive , it can be reduced by one year.”

"Of course, occasionally there are some particularly dangerous drugs, such as new drugs. In order to attract experimenters, they will also offer higher exemptions, often as high as ten or decades, but they are rare, and The mortality rate is also staggering.”

"If you know this in detail, these must also be your personal experiences, right?" Fabian on the side couldn't help but sneer:

"Oh, I almost forgot, you are the adjutant of Major General Ludwig, so it must not be you, but a friend of yours who was once imprisoned in the Vatican's prison and finally came out alive?"

Facing Fabian's ridicule, Roman's expression looked serious: "That's right."

"And he is also the first criminal in the history of the Holy See to have escaped from prison alive, and even relied on his experience in prison to be admitted to the Holy See and join the monastery.

"Don't you really want to know where that flare and the metal fixed-loading bomb I gave you before came from? This is the answer."

Fabian's pupils shrank slightly.

"In other words, not only the Diocese of Clovis, New World, Hantu, Iser...even the Holy See has been infiltrated by you?" the deputy commander of the legion said word by word:

"No wonder...no wonder you are always able to get accurate information before everyone else, and confidently recruit all forces to support your plan against the Holy See...It is really amazing."

"You are wrong, we did not infiltrate the Holy See; we thought about it but failed."

Roman shook his head: "We have not recruited any forces to serve our purpose, but when they are willing to confront the Holy See, the truth will definitely lend a helping hand - within its ability."

"Failed? But didn't you just say..."

"How do you think he joined the Holy See monastery after leaving the prison alive?" Roman asked:

"Port Adlan, the bloodbathed Crecy family, the destroyed Faithless Knights—these are the last families and forces that dare to continue to secretly support the Society of Truth and provide us with material security and human resources."

"Since then, the Truth Society has become what you see now; and now we are just pawns used by the traitor to realize his ambitions."

Roman said calmly, and at the same time as he finished speaking, there was thunder behind him that shot straight into the sky.

The bombardment of Red Hand Bay officially began.

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