I will be crowned king

Chapter 93 Three Questions

The gentle voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, making the noisy hall instantly quiet; pairs of eyes full of curiosity and surprise turned towards the tall and thin figure sitting in the purple candlelight.

He bowed his head slightly, looking at each guest present with his blood-colored pupils hidden under his top hat and monocle.

As An Sen glanced in front of him, the line of sight paused imperceptibly; An Sen, who was keenly aware of it, nodded to the other party calmly, hiding the surprise in his eyes.

Yes, even though his appearance and voice had completely changed, that was indeed Professor Mace Honnard.

The last time he appeared in front of him in this "posture" was in the "dream" during the siege of Thunder Castle... Could it be possible in reality?

Changing voice and appearance is also one of the powers of black magic?

"How? I'm surprised."

At this time, the girl sitting aside suddenly said: "He is the 'Black Mage', the best and most famous spell caster in the entire Clovis City at the moment."

"According to rumors, the Guards tried to catch him more than once to restore their already precarious reputation, and even went as far as to frame many clueless murders on him, but they failed every time."

"But what those stupid guards never imagined was that the black mage they regarded as a ghost would actually hold such gatherings at St. Isaac's College every month." The girl raised her right hand softly. Covering the contemptuous smile on his lips:

"The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place - in the highest school of the Church of Order, a secret gathering between the Old Gods is held, and no one notices it from the beginning to the end. It is like magic!"

"Yes, it's as magical as what a certain guy did on the Iron Sky... Of course! I'm just making an analogy, I'm not really interested in that thing..."

The elegant girl looked away from Anson and did not forget to add.

"..." Anson.

At this time, the "Black Mage" sitting in the middle of the red carpet hall spoke softly:

"Well, just like I do at the beginning of every gathering, I will first answer the three questions you asked at the last gathering."

"If new members who are here for the first time have any questions or need help, they can leave a note on the snack shelf, or wait until the break to communicate privately."

When he said "new members", Anson clearly felt the black mage's eyes sweeping over him.

Is this the teacher's "warning" to the students to keep quiet during class and pay attention... Ansen smiled knowingly.

"First question." The black mage spoke in a low voice. He raised a note with a glossy parchment in his right hand and lit it on the purple candle.


The ignited piece of paper instantly turned into flying ashes, and the ashes burning with slight sparks formed a string of elegant characters in mid-air:

[Ayton, the Controller of Destiny]

"As the last old god to appear, there are many theories about the origin of Ayton: some believe that he was born in the chaos of hope and despair, and some believe that he is the embodiment of wisdom and understands the fate of all in the world."

"Some people even believe that, as one of the three old gods, the controller of destiny, Ayton is the only old god that has not fallen. He still exists in the world in some form, and will grant divination and prophecy to believers who discover his true form. strength."

"As a believer of the Three Old Gods, I am very unfortunate to tell you - this is not the case." The gentle words of the black-haired wizard echoed in the red carpet hall with attractive magic:

"It's not that I already know the whereabouts of the three fallen old gods, but that Aton, the controller of destiny, does not have the power to penetrate the future."

"No god or the 'great being' in the mouth of some liar can bestow upon human beings the power of 'prophecy' or 'divination'."

"Believers of the old gods, please remember: Since the Dark Ages, for thousands of years, mankind has been firmly in control of its own hands!"

It's not a loud voice, but it clearly conveys the words to everyone's ears.

Amid the faint sighs, Anson, who had keen eyesight, saw a man wearing a golden mask sitting on the sofa in front of him, who was slightly dissatisfied, but could not refute him. He snorted coldly. Judging from the voice, he should be a middle-aged man. male.

It seems that he is the one who asked this question... Anson nodded slightly, roughly understanding the rules and purpose of this link.

The three questions were randomly asked from the notes left by everyone at the last party, which has a huge range; even if the "Black Mage" is willing, he can just say anything that no one has mentioned, anyway No one knows what was written on other people's notes.

At the same time, such a link can also enhance interactivity, and authoritative answers can further attract more people; by observing the reactions of people present, the identity of the person who asked the question can also be inferred, killing two birds with one stone.

"Then...the next one is the second one." The black mage held up the second note:

[Are there levels among spellcasters? 】

This time, almost the moment he spoke, Anson immediately noticed a seat very close to the round altar. The man wearing a robe similar to his leaned forward slightly, and even took out a shorthand paper and pen from his pocket.

Well, it seems that he is also a good student who likes to keep diaries!

"My answer is... yes, there are indeed levels of casters who believe in the three old gods."

The black mage's answer ended abruptly and he did not continue to explain.

Disappointed sighs came one after another in the silent and dark hall, but no one stood up to object or let the black mage continue to explain... Obviously, this is not the first time a similar situation has happened.

This also verified one of Anson's own guesses: For the "Black Mage" Professor Mace Honnard, this "secret club" is just a club; the information that will be revealed is limited to "popular science" The content, the real core secrets will only be touched upon to wrap up his "mysterious, high-end and hard-core" image.

After a long sigh, the black mage sitting on the sofa spoke again:

"Then the last one...According to the original plan, I was going to explain to you the differences between the three old gods and the origins of the decline of the old gods' faith, but..."

Gently holding the monocle on his cheek, the black mage changed his subject: "For some reason, I will leave the last question to a current event that is currently attracting the attention of many people."

"A...bizarre murder that occurred on the steam train 'Iron Sky'."

Um……? !

Almost at the same time that the black mage spoke, Ansen felt the eyes on him and shuddered all over.

The girl who was sitting reservedly was startled at first, and then slowly looked sideways, looking at a certain "novelist" who was trembling with a very playful and cold gaze.

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