I will be crowned king

Chapter 941 Accident!

Twenty-two thirty, outside the Beluga Port headquarters.

Under the cover of darkness, a group of colonial cavalry quietly passed through the battlefield during the day. A white flag and the Ring of Order flag were tied to the saddle at the front of the group.

Their purpose was simple - to bypass Louis Bernard and Anson Bach and directly negotiate peace with the Free Confederacy.

The members of the Free Confederacy respect the impassioned Marshal of the New World Army, just as they also fear Anson Bach and the Luen family behind him; but it is precisely because of their respect that they understand that even Louis Bernard On their side, the Free Confederacy cannot defeat the Storm Legion.

The League of Trustees, the New World Company, newspapers all over the colonies... In front of someone who has long enveloped the entire New World with cobwebs, chivalry is almost a joke.

What's more, the two are still friends, and the Free Confederacy is just a group of powerless colonists and landowners who can't give him anything at all - even the titles of Marshal of the New World Army and Governor of Sail City are almost moral terms used by the colonists. The method of kidnapping forced Louis to accept it.

So the Confederate congressmen who were eager for peace talks to end the war immediately came up with the genius idea of ​​reaching a private agreement and then forcing Anson and Louis to submit.

Even if one of you is powerful and the other is the nominal head of the Confederacy, so what? As the main body of the Confederacy, we have surrendered. Why are you still prepared to fight?

Of course, it is so simple, but there are still many things that need to be paid attention to in actual operations: how to cross the battlefield without being noticed by the sentries, how to ensure private communication with the contact person on the opposite side, how to convince the Jihadi Army of their sincerity, how to...

There were many problems, but they were solved so smoothly, even naturally, that they all began to believe that this was truly the blessing of the Ring of Order, and were ready to grant themselves peace.

After trembling all the way, they finally arrived at the place agreed upon by both parties. Looking at the vague figure in the darkness, everyone in the negotiation team looked happy.

But they couldn't be happy for long, because in the next second, rows of rifles were erected on the opposite side; under the pitch-black night, the black holes of the muzzles trapped them like a rope loop.

The panicked negotiation team quickly raised their hands to show that they were not a threat - they thought there was a problem in some link, and some even had the courage to stand up and clarify:

"Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding! We are really here to negotiate, and we don't even bring weapons!"

This explanation seemed to really have an effect... After a silent confrontation for more than ten seconds, the other party silently put down the rifle in his hand.

Then, in shock, they heard a faint violent vibration under their feet; followed closely by an earth-shattering sound.


The sky-high flames lit up the night in Beluga Harbor. Against the backdrop of the silvery moonlight, even the New World Legion positions far away in the Supreme Council could be seen clearly.

"Now...the Free Confederacy won't dare to negotiate any more, right?"

Quietly looking at the gradually extinguishing sea of ​​​​fire, Fabian sighed and took out a cigarette case from his coat pocket, lit one for himself, and did not forget to pass it to his side: "Major General Ludwig and the Pravda Society." You can rest assured that the holy war will continue to the end."

"The person who can rest assured should be Anson Bach. Finally, no one will stop him from taking back Beluga Harbor, right?" Roman, with a cold face, directly blocked the cigarette that was handed to him:

"We have done everything we can, and the rest is up to you - don't expect mercy from this side. In order to prove their beliefs, the Clovis Jihad Army will fight until the last moment."

"We know this. Even if it is only so far, your helping hand is enough to make us grateful."

Fabian smiled indifferently: "The Commander-in-Chief has warned us countless times that Major General Ludwig Franz will always be his boss and benefactor no matter where he is."


The frosty-faced Roman stopped talking to him, waved to the surrounding soldiers, and quickly left the scene of the incident, leaving Fabian alone.

The commander of the Grenadier Corps, who had already guessed that this would happen, shrugged his shoulders, looked at the mess everywhere and said to himself:

"So...how can we accurately tell the remaining cowards of the Free Confederacy this good news?"


"It's very simple, no need at all!"

Ludwig, dressed in military uniform, stood in the ruins of the Beluga Harbor Parliament Hall and shouted loudly, with confidence radiating from his words: "The gap in strength between the two sides is clear at a glance. We don't need to consider the so-called negotiation and defeat the enemy from within, which is a pure show of weakness! "

While the Free Confederacy was afraid of the power of the Jihadi Army and was thinking about how to solve it peacefully, the Jihadi Army, which had just experienced a setback during the day, began to have questions about "should we try non-war means to dismantle the ring of order?" Enemy" sound.

As the commander-in-chief of the Jihadi Army, Sir Ferrers still maintained absolute neutrality as before, neither suppressing nor encouraging. However, he asked the high command to give an attitude as soon as possible: what method should be used to defeat the colonial rebels.

The so-called attitude is also a stance, and to put it further, it is a stance - so all the thirteen representatives present at the collegial meeting, without exception, collectively expressed their willingness to fight for the Ring of Order until the last moment and kill all the traitors and false believers.

"The battle during the day seemed like the rebels had gained a slight advantage, but that was just a defeat caused by the Jihadist Army rushing into the battle without any preparation." Ludwig said impassionedly:

"It can't even be called a defeat - fighting at the outermost edge of the colony is the most unfavorable state for the Jihadi Army; now our army retreats to the town, it is just a return to the situation that best suits our army's conditions."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this battle has only just begun!"


"I am the first to disagree with such ridiculous remarks!"

In the Supreme Council Hall, Anson, with red eyes, held up a blood-stained scarf and said loudly to everyone present:

"The person who said this may not understand that he has subconsciously obliterated the sweat and tears, efforts and sacrifices of countless people; it seems that only the battle from now on is truly meaningful, and all the previous ones are just foreshadowing. !”

"The foreshadowing...begins from April of the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar, when representatives from the eight colonies gathered in Winter Torch City to take an oath, fought bloody battles at Black Reef Port, Gray Dove Castle, and Sail City, driving the imperial army into the sea; and to Now that the Crusaders have landed in the new world, we have fought countless battles and paid thousands of sacrifices."

"These are by no means foreshadowing, they are techniques used only by unscrupulous third-rate literati in their absurd anecdotal works; without so much effort, without countless fallen corpses, the enemy's and our own, just There would be no New World Legion today!"

“Today, we not only have the strength to fight our enemies, but we even have the confidence to negotiate fairly with them. All of this is built on the bodies of thousands of New World warriors who fought for freedom and independence. "

With a slight sigh, Anson slowly raised the blood-stained scarf above his head with his right hand: "Then...this is the answer the enemy gave us."

The whole place was silent, no one dared to speak; in Noda's hall, there were only the echoes of Anson's words and the sound of Lisa eating snacks.

"Although my views are completely different, friends who are familiar with me should know that I respect the opinions of others the most and will not easily take any extreme actions to stop others...unless it directly endangers me personally."

The upright Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion lamented: "If there are people like us who believe that independence and freedom must be won through war, there will naturally be people who risk their lives for peace; we just have different paths, but the end point is the same. .”

"But our enemy...the Holy War Army of the Church, personally killed one of the roads, allowing those who yearned for peace to meet the final end in the way he least expected...twice."

"Red Hand Bay was destroyed in the sea of ​​fire. That time we chose to bite the bullet and accept it because the reality is so cruel."

"But this time, I believe it is enough for everyone to see the true face of the Holy War; such noble concepts as peace and compromise have never existed in their minds!"

"They...the Jihadi Army should pay the price, they must pay the price!"

Anson strode forward and threw the scarf with his right hand to the ceiling above his head; the blood-stained cloth flew in the wind and landed firmly on the 11-star ringed flag behind him.


"They will pay the price eventually!"

Ludwig raised his saber and slammed the end of the scabbard onto the map table at the location of the shooting camp:

"Our army has deployed its front outside the town, which means that the rebels can no longer hold on to those strongholds that are difficult to break through quickly, and the entire surrounding area of ​​Beluga Port is full of flat open land, whether it is warships anchored in the port or The forts placed around the town can directly cover the entire area!"

"Fifty thousand rebels... just trying to cross this open space without leaving behind the bodies of nearly ten thousand people is purely wishful thinking; not to mention that our army has established an unbreakable three-line position in the shortest time to block their messy military lines. It was a column assault just like a joke, there was no suspense."

As he spoke, a contemptuous smile appeared on Ludwig's face: "Of course, the enemy will definitely use the Beluga Port headquarters they control to try to connect the frontal attack from the flanks, leaving us in a hurry and opening up; but this kind of arrogance A cocky attitude is the perfect opportunity we can take advantage of!”

"As far as I know, there are only over 2,000 defenders in the entire headquarters. After the explosion during the day, the defense capability of the stronghold has dropped to the bottom. Once they really attack the flank of our army, it will create an opportunity for the Jihadi Army to recapture this Opportunities in key locations.”

"At the same time, the enemy must be pressing forward from all fronts... With nearly 50,000 rebels spread out across the open wilderness, it is bound to be impossible for them to be as flexible as they are today."

"This also means that their flanks and behind will be completely exposed... At the earliest tomorrow morning or at the latest tomorrow night, the remaining two holy war legions will arrive on the battlefield, appear to the west of the rebels, and give them the most lethal blow from behind. one strike!"


"Because of this, the window left for us to attack Beluga Port is actually very small, but it does not exist." Anson said solemnly: "Even if the remaining two Jihadi armies really arrive at the battlefield at the same time as our attack, it is impossible Organize the attack immediately, and you will have at least one to two hours of preparation time."

"In other words, once the enemy's reinforcements appear, the time left for us is only one to two hours; however! If we can defeat the enemy's peripheral defense line before that and attack the town, then the enemy's reinforcements will not Will attack!"

Anson is full of confidence... The reason why he dares to make this judgment is of course not only because of his relationship with Hantu, but more importantly, the town of Beluga Harbor itself.

The enemy sets up a defense line outside the town, leaving only a small number of troops inside the town. It seems to have created an indestructible shell. The price is that the "shell" will shatter, and the defeated troops will flow into the town like a flood, no matter what the jihadi army has prepared before. No matter how many defensive measures you have, they will be reduced to nothing in an instant.

At this time, the only way to stop losses is to aim all battleships and forts at the outside of the town to cover and fire, and do everything possible to prevent the New World Legion from attacking the town - unless the Hantu people like to be bombed into the sky, they will never get close easily.


"This... is also the only weakness that can be seized by the enemy - provided that the outer defense line, guarded by a total of 30,000 Jihadi troops, is completely captured!"

Ludwig's expression was solemn, and he was actually a little nervous when he told the consequences so frankly and directly; after all, he was not the commander-in-chief of the Holy War Army, and no one knew what Philus could do under the most extreme circumstances. What a crazy move.

"Although I don't think the enemy can defeat the 30,000 Jihadi Army in one day, the worst-case scenario must be considered; therefore, sufficient troops must be deployed at the dock to ensure that the Jihadi Army can attack the port no matter when and where. The perimeter has absolute control.”

"In addition, considering that it is almost impossible for the enemy to launch a surprise attack from the sea, and our military strength on land has not completely overwhelmed the enemy; therefore, I suggest that a group of sailors be transferred to peripheral positions, and only a small number of soldiers be retained on the warships. The manpower to control the naval gun to ensure absolute foolproofness..."


"But where in this world can there be absolutely no accidents?" Anson glanced at the audience:

"Hundreds of thousands of jihadi legions confidently set foot on the coastline at the edge of the world to fight a war they believe they can never lose unless something unexpected happens."

"Everyone... let us be the 'accident'!"

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