I will be crowned king

Chapter 951 Agreement

The loud sound of the collision of gold and stone pierced the eardrums of everyone present, as if they had witnessed a flash of white light in front of their eyes like a bolt from the blue, and gravel flying in all directions.

Starting from the sword-wielding figure, an extremely neat fan spread forward. The fortifications, sandbags, horses, wooden fences, and stone slabs on the ground along the way were all shattered to pieces.

In front of the closed door, the expressionless young knight still maintained his sword-wielding posture. The soldiers hiding under the bunker around him stared at his back, worried but did not dare to step forward easily because of the order.

Louis opened his eyes and gasped softly. The burden of using the power of blood with all his strength was greater than he thought, especially now that he had two kinds of blood power at the same time. The cost and side effects were also significantly higher than in the past. .

But these "improvements" also gave him a different understanding than before - for example, why brother Kroger did not awaken the power of blood, and even finally took risks and embarked on the road of no return to pursue the power of the old god.

If it is not obvious when talking about a kind of power, then when the power of the two bloodlines is combined, the young knight can clearly realize that it is not just the power in the bloodline, but his own body...from top to bottom...has begun changes occur.

The simplest way to describe it is that he no longer looks like an ordinary human being, but... the old god sect, or the awakened elves.

The only difference was that the triggering mechanism was slightly different. Even at the moment when he swung the knife, Louis even felt like a real conjurer, using a kind of conjuration magic that was unique to him.

Perhaps, this is the essence of the "power of blood"; perhaps, there was no difference between the two powers from the beginning, so brother Kroger...

Louis showed some doubts in his heart, but it was just doubts... Now he no longer has any confusion.


When he stood up and sheathed the knife, the impregnable city gate collapsed. The huge door panel could no longer bear the weight and shattered like paper, falling everywhere.

And just as the soldiers of the New World Legion were preparing to regroup, fight their way in through the city gate, or confront the defenders who were already preparing to attack behind the gate, a lonely figure appeared in front of them.

Draco Cortez, who was smiling and with his hands behind his back, stood motionless, as if he had been frightened and completely petrified. It took nearly half a minute to come back to his senses.

Then, he was surrounded by soldiers again.

"That! That that... uh..."

The novelist, who was "surrounded" by shiny bayonets, laughed hard, took out the white flag he had prepared for a long time from his back, and waved it twice at the fierce-looking soldiers:

"I...came to negotiate!"


Beluga Harbor Pier, Jihad Army Headquarters.

"Although it seems too late to tell now, I still hope you are mentally prepared."

Walking outside the door alone, Grad looked at the crowded hall and said to Philus' back: "Even if the negotiation succeeds and the result is beneficial to the Jihad Army, those people will not thank you for it."

"No... it should be said that just because it is beneficial to the Jihad Army, they will never thank you as a hero; if I guessed correctly, except for Fernando, the army commanders and leaders should be more or less related to the colonial rebels. We have contact with the military."

"Yes, but I have no way out." Looking at the city wall that was still filled with gunpowder smoke, Philus smiled bitterly: "No... It should be said that from the moment I replaced you as the commander-in-chief, I had no way out. "

"Maybe you can't imagine it, or you think I'm just exaggerating, but from the moment I took office, I already had a hunch that things would develop in this direction, and then I did everything I could to avoid it."

"But in the end, it came... but I didn't feel at all like the disaster was approaching, as if the end of the world was coming; on the contrary, I was somewhat relieved." Philus shook his head:

"Now I finally get rid of the anxiety and uneasiness I had before; maybe deep down in my heart, I actually hope for this result,"

Grad nodded slightly: "Maybe."

Under the hustle and bustle, the two people who did not want to communicate too much with each other became the quietest corner, calmly and patiently waiting for a certain result.

Although the two had a good relationship in the past, Philus's behavior was tantamount to betrayal of the Judgment Knights and Grad himself; from the moment he accepted the order, Philus was essentially joining The monastic side within the Holy See is no longer a part of the Knights.

After a few minutes of silence, the Judgment Knight who was responsible for delivering the order hurried to the door of the hall. After a moment of hesitation, he finally handed the information to Philus and left quickly.

After a quick glance, Philus' expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

"No...forget it, there's nothing to hide."

With a slight sigh, Philus turned to look at Grad: "The city gate on the northwest side has been breached and occupied by the rebels; the guy who claims to be a novelist is negotiating with the defenders on the opposite side and outside the city. matters."

Grad raised his eyebrows: "Soon."

"Yes... the other side is more efficient than we thought, so the Holy War Army will have no retreat." Philus nodded slightly. The city gate was breached. Even if the defenders outside the town were still there, Ludwig Xi also had a good reason not to deploy troops to reinforce the city, and there was nothing they could do.

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore... Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief." Grad, who still had his back turned to him, said solemnly: "Negotiation has never been my strong point, not to mention that I have already failed once. It’s better for me to avoid it.”

Captain... Philus turned around suddenly, clenched his excited hands into fists, and trembled slightly: "Grand Captain, please stay!"

"I... Regarding the fall of the Heart of Mercy, as well as the list of missing and killed personnel on the airship, I still have something to tell you..."

"Let's wait until the negotiations are over." Grad said without looking back: "Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer...but not now."

Philus, who was staring at his back, stretched out his right hand forward, subconsciously wanting to stop him, but in the end he had to put it down.

"Yes, not now." Philus murmured in a low voice: "The Warring Faction and the Peace Faction, the Knights and the Monastery..."

"The factional war in the Holy See has just begun."


Beluga Harbor City Gate, temporary headquarters.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Louis Bernard took a deep breath and turned to look at Anson:

"Are you sure that guy named...Draco Cortez is really trustworthy?"

The young knight has not had much contact with a certain novelist, but he has a basic understanding of the Society of Truth. He probably knows the behavior of this organization, which is to oppose the Church of the Circle of Order in all matters at all times, even at the expense of Incite war.

In addition, Queen Israel...a certain elf girl also had an extremely bad impression of him, and it was difficult for Louis to have any good impression of this person.

Of course, good feelings have nothing to do with reality, but a guy who has always been against the church, and who often makes trouble without taking it too seriously, suddenly starts talking about peace. People will always wonder if there is something wrong here, and of course they will doubt his words. How much credibility is there.

"It's very simple, completely unbelievable." Anson raised his head and shrugged helplessly: "Pinning your hopes on Draco Cortez is a bit similar to not directly looking for a landlord to rent a house. Instead, the hope of finding a good house is pinned on the agent.”

"...What do you mean?" The dignified heir of the Bernard family couldn't understand this too down-to-earth metaphor.

"It means that you got into trouble because of him, and you hope he can help you solve it. Then his solution is to find a scapegoat who is almost as willing as you." The corner of Anson's mouth rose:

"It's troublesome to solve it by creating new troubles... Well, that's basically the most outstanding behavioral characteristic of this guy. In his words, everything is constantly moving forward. The same is true for the problem. Only by constantly moving forward can we Save yourself from being swallowed up by the storm.”

"...This may sound a little strange, but it is not unreasonable."

Louis frowned slightly and began to think carefully: "I once met some universal religious priests living in seclusion in the wilderness in Port Adland. They also said similar mottos, and the 'eternal order' of the church. It seems like the complete opposite."

"Ah! Is it difficult to say that it is because they have completely different ideas in this regard that they are so persistent in confronting the Holy See? Conflicts that rise to the level of doctrine are indeed not so easy to resolve."

No, no, no, in my opinion, these people are just looking for trouble... Looking at Louis who suddenly realized, Anson couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart.

If you insist on finding a reason for the various actions of the Truth Society, it is probably their destruction of order and balance... The Three Kingdoms of the North Sea, the Yser Elves, Han Tu, and even Clovis and the New World, as long as there is a way to break the old order and create a new This group of people will not miss the opportunity to gain power.

As for who they need to cooperate with in this process, or be used in turn, or even take the blame... The Truth Society doesn't seem to care at all. As long as the original forces in the area are completely wiped out, or the goals that the Holy See hopes to achieve are destroyed, they will be considered successful. .

They are allies at the moment, but in fact they are the real underground organizations. Compared with them, the Faithless Knights are too small in structure and have shallow business capabilities. It is not like the truth will always put trouble first. , no fear of life or death.

"...In other words, whether it is the fleet support of the Naxir rebels or this well-timed negotiation, it is a part of the truth that will use us to achieve their goals?"

Louis concluded in a low voice: "On the contrary, if the negotiations cannot achieve their goals, or run counter to them, it does not rule out the possibility that they will side with our enemies?"

"It doesn't have to be a possibility, it's a certainty." Anson nodded slightly and agreed:

"The truth will be... When they are your allies, you will be very uneasy about them; but when they become your enemies, you will be even more uneasy... They are this kind of guys."

Louis paused and looked at Anson thoughtfully: "And you... know them very well?"

"I can only say that it's just a general coincidence. It's a coincidence that I meet these guys."

"Almost always running into their moves at exactly the right time?"

"Not almost, just every time."

"And it always adds a lot of variables to your actions or plans...?"

"This can only be said to be good or bad, but overall it is a preference. Well, it's best not to do it again next time."

"...With such a deep bond, it's no wonder your feelings for them are so complicated."

"Yeah, I'd rather it be simpler, like fighting until death or something like that." Anson sighed deeply:

"Unfortunately, it may not be possible to get what we want in the short term."

Before he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

The young knight smiled too.

"Although I really want to say that the rest of the negotiations can be left to me, but this time you probably won't agree as easily as last time, right?" Louis smiled and asked: "But if the two of us If everyone is present, it will be difficult to discuss who is really responsible for making the decision."

"If it were in the past, you would probably be humble first, then come up with a plan, and then use various means to ensure that I will flawlessly advance the negotiation in the way you want... If I guessed correctly, you probably already have a plan this time ”

Anson's smile suddenly felt awkward.

"But I think it may not be necessary this time." Louis looked at Anson with burning eyes: "As the representative of the Marshal of the New World Army, you will be fully responsible for this negotiation; all related matters will be left to you."

"I promise you, and I promise you only this time... No matter what the final result of the negotiation is, I will sign my name on it without changing it - the world will only know Louis Bernard, the traitor to the empire and the leader of the Free Confederacy. No one will know the true identity of the person actually responsible for the negotiations."


Anson, who was stunned for a moment, asked with a dazed look on his face.

"There are many reasons, but the most important thing is that although you did act motivated by profit this time, no matter what, the final result is that the people of the New World are saved."

"As a knight, I have not been able to do this. I have even preferred to hide countless times rather than do what a knight should do... Just think that I am compensating for my faults and out of trust in you. .”

Louis smiled slightly, patted Anson on the shoulder, picked up the saber beside the table and walked out:

"Besides, I also have a small agreement with another friend to go there, which is a reason to leave temporarily."

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