I will be crowned king

Chapter 964 Honorary Citizen

"On August 22, ninety-four years of the Saint's Calendar, with the help of my beloved Professor Mace Honnard and the permission of the college, I left the campus temporarily and took the evening steam train back to my hometown."

"In addition, there is my degree certificate from St. Isaac's College, the admission certificate from the Royal Military Academy, and a little 'surprise'."

"To be honest, from the time I left school until I got on the train, my mind was filled with pictures of my family when they found out about this 'surprise'. They were excited, shocked, confused...all kinds of pictures were in my mind. I've rehearsed it in my mind many times, but I still feel uneasy when I'm imagining it - of course, it's the kind of uneasiness that I don't know how to hide my elation."

"Don't even talk about going home. Even on the train, I was imagining. If the passengers next to me discovered my identity as a gifted person, what would I do to stay calm and calm, so as not to affect the group of gifted people? image, or others mistakenly think that I am a very shallow person who just happened to be lucky enough to have such extraordinary power."

"Fortunately or unfortunately, no one accidentally discovered that in this second-class carriage, which was usually crowded with a hundred passengers, there was a real genius... blessed by the Ring of Order."

"On August 30th, perhaps because I have lived in Clovis City for so long, I felt a little at a loss when I stepped off the train and embarked on the last short journey home."

"I wanted to come to a densely populated place like the platform, but I waited for two full hours without seeing a carriage. Then I suddenly remembered that there didn't seem to be a coachman here specifically to solicit passengers, so I finally persuaded a wine transporter. We were traveling with the caravan and finally got a seat in the car."

"Ring of Order, this is almost the worst car ride experience I have had in the past few years; I never imagined that a carriage could be so bumpy, which made me worry more than once that I would vomit directly on the car; in the middle of summer Staying overnight in the suburbs made me miss the campus dormitories, canteens, and cold drink stalls everywhere on Friedrichstrasse."

"The last tenth of the journey brought me almost ten times as much fatigue and confusion as before, and the time it took me was almost twice as long... Finally, when I got home, my relatives and family members not only didn't give me a warm welcome, but Blame me for not writing a letter to notify them in advance, and why I didn’t bring them back specialties from the royal capital.”

"The Ring of Order, it would be great if I could bring myself back, and it's a specialty product?!"

"Although I have gone through countless hardships and all kinds of terrible troubles, being able to reunite with my family is always the happiest thing; especially after four years, there are really too many things I want to say. Let me tell you—no matter how good Clovis City is, it still pales in comparison to home.”

"The only thing that confused me was probably that after I announced that I had awakened the power of blood, my brother did not show any joy, but instead became much heavier; I also shared some with my past friends. Interesting anecdotes about the time in the royal capital, and I also learned about the changes in my hometown in recent years from them."

"I can feel from their expressions that the anecdotes I shared are probably similar to the mythical stories in the Ring of Order books to them; and the changes they talked about... I can't even feel the changes, a A second-rate circus performs in villages and towns a few times every six months. Is this some serious news?"

"It wasn't until the next night, when my brother took me to the family cemetery to pay homage to my deceased parents, that I finally understood why his face was so heavy - he thought I was here to snatch the family inheritance from him!"

"Of course, using 'rob' to describe it is actually not accurate, because I have indeed awakened the power of blood. According to the family's inheritance tradition, I am indeed qualified to take the title and family property directly from my brother and become the new Master Bach."

"But I didn't do that in the end... It's not just that I don't want to see my brother, who has been the head of the family for many years, sad because of something that should make everyone happy; but also because once I become 'Master Bach', I We must stay in our hometown and guard this industry that has been passed down for generations.”

"I don't want to live like that... In four years, in just four years, I found that I was completely out of touch with the life in my hometown, and I could feel the incompatibility between each other everywhere; I couldn't stand the slow carriage. There is a market held every four months, a circus performed every six months...let alone a lifetime, I can’t stay here for even one day!”

"The Ring of Order is above, maybe I am really crazy, right? But in my eyes now, the city of Clovis, where I have only lived for less than four years, looks far better than the hometown where I grew up. Be kind; I miss the crowded and bustling streets, the newspapers filled with all kinds of boring news and novels, and the clean and bright dormitories...I, I must be crazy!"

"Not only do I feel this way, even my brother has similar feelings; but he has been comforting me, saying that if I want, I can form a new 'Bach' family in Clovis City; this has no precedent in family history, But I didn’t explicitly say no.”

"I think he was just trying to find a good step down for both parties so that the atmosphere wouldn't be too awkward."

"On September 10th, I finally got on a train back to Clovis City. My whole family and even all my relatives came to see me off. I was very happy that day, and so were they, but I felt that maybe in their hearts There is also a certain tacit understanding like mine..."

"That's Anson Bach, who will never go back again. Coming to see me off in the car this time is my eternal farewell to the entire Bach family, and also my farewell to that comfortable, slow and idle hometown."

"Until the end, I did not show them the admission notice of the Royal Military Academy; perhaps deep down in my heart I realized that my family-related career had completely ended when I was sixteen, and my subsequent life would be completely different. Belong to Anson Bach and rely on nothing else.”

"Perhaps it is some kind of fate, or just my own illusion, but when the steam train began to speed up and gradually left the farewell crowd behind, my mood did not feel like I was continuing my studies, but rather starting a new journey. journey.”

"The bustling world I was already familiar with has become strange and novel again, full of unknowns and infinite possibilities, constantly waving to me..."

"Clovis City, I...Anson Bach...is here!"

Gently closing the diary at hand, the pale-faced Anson Bach struggled to get up from the bed, feebly looking at the still endless sea; the biting cold wind blew open the unclosed windows, letting the turbid air breathe a little. With such a hint of freshness.

Although he has successfully broken through the shackles of a mortal body and become an extraordinary existence like a blasphemous mage, the problem of "seasickness" still seems to accompany him: from the moment he steps on the deck, his whole person seems to be suffering from It was as if he couldn't control the curse. First he was spinning, then he was vomiting wildly, and finally he fainted.

After this state lasted for nearly two weeks, there was a slight improvement, and then returned to the original state again, and even if he opened the "field", it would not help - because the state only affects the body, and if you want to get rid of seasickness, you must let it go. The ship floated steadily on the sea.

After a brief death struggle, he could only accept the result with peace of mind, and left all the follow-up work of the legion to Fabian, Karl and the little clerk; the officers did not make any sense to this, after all, their The Commander-in-Chief is usually very good at blaming others, and he has long been accustomed to it.

If there is any dissatisfaction, it is that everyone must take turns taking care of the Commander-in-Chief's daily life - although nominally this job has been completely taken over by Miss Lisa, what will happen if the food she makes is eaten? I understand everything I can say.

In order to prevent the Commander-in-Chief from saying goodbye to everyone forever due to a frustrating reason like food poisoning, the officers could only work together to ensure Anson Bach's health and make Lisa mistakenly think that these were the results of her caring care - —After all, the consequences of being targeted by the eldest lady are really miserable.

Thanks to the efforts of a group of officers, Anson, who was unconscious day and night, finally survived the most difficult first month, and Beigang was close at hand.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a clear knock on the door, and Anson's eyes came into view as Commander William Cecil, the commander of the Royal Fleet, who was holding the handle; he looked around nervously and made sure that there was no girl around. He walked in confidently and boldly.

"Please forgive me for coming uninvited. The main reason is that your subordinates told me that they would fight for me for at most ten minutes - the 'sick porridge' prepared by Miss Lisa for you was secretly poured out by them. It seems that Discovered." William Cecil wiped the cold sweat from his temples:

"Although it's just trivial matters, you may even know it already, but this is my responsibility and I must ensure that no accidents occur, so I ask for your understanding."

"No problem, it's completely understandable." The pale-faced Anson nodded slightly: "It's about the placement of the Storm Legion and the Free Confederacy mission after the fleet arrives at North Port, right?"

"He is worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion, the man who created a new country with his own hands."

William Cecil's eyes were full of admiration and appreciation: "The situation is like this. Since Clovis has not yet made formal preparations to establish diplomatic relations with the Free Confederacy, and the Holy War has just ended, there are a lot of follow-up matters that need to be dealt with. , there is definitely not enough time and energy in a short period of time.”

"You must already know some of them. For example, the armistice agreement between Clovis and the Empire has expired. The army of the Kingdom of Naxir is already invading the other two of the three North Sea countries. It is said that the Elf Kingdom of Ysel has ten more troops. The remnants of the Three Councils..."

"... In short, before Clovis City sends an envoy to convey His Majesty's will, the Storm Legion and the Free Confederation mission must temporarily stay in North Port and be under the full supervision of the Royal Fleet."

After coughing twice, William Cecil looked a little embarrassed: "Of course! We will try our best to ensure the maximum treatment in terms of treatment, and we will never let everyone in the legion and the envoys of the Free Confederacy be subjected to any treatment." A little bit of grievance."

"I absolutely believe this." Anson nodded slightly: "But I have a small request. I also hope that the Cecil family...ah, I mean the Royal Fleet and the city council of Beigang can be accommodating."

"Oh, please tell me."

"Of course we will not leave Beigang, but if we or members of the mission go out and do business normally in Beigang City, we hope that we will not be blocked by any means - of course, this is based on the premise that it is absolutely not illegal."

"This..." William Cecil hesitated for a moment, and then nodded without thinking:

"no problem."

Anyway, Ludwig's request to himself is not to let the Storm Legion leave North Port for the time being, so that he and the Franz family can gain time to negotiate with the royal family and the upper-class wealthy families; then as long as these people do not leave North Port, his mission will be completed. .

As for what they did in Beigang, it has nothing to do with themselves and the Cecil family; even if it is just for the sake of the New World Company behind Anson's back, the Cecil family has no reason to offend the other party easily. After all, they are also very greedy. The raw material business in the hands of the other party.

"However, I still want to remind you that due to the independence of Ice Dragon Fjord caused by the Free Confederacy and the subsequent Holy War, the attitude of the entire Northport towards the Storm Legion is not very good, let alone the envoys of the Free Confederacy." Suddenly. William Cecil, who remembered something, quickly reminded:

"You should also know that there are countless merchants in Beigang who trade raw materials. The independence of the Free Confederacy is tantamount to directly taking away a large piece of their pie. There will no longer be the opportunity to trade at extremely low prices or even use goods as collateral like in the past. It is impossible to say that there are no complaints about purchasing the ores and timber of the New World."

"I have already prepared for this." Anson nodded calmly, with an expression of being in control: "Please rest assured that the Cecil family, I will try my best to communicate between the Free Confederate Mission and various chambers of commerce in North Port. To ensure that everyone’s interests will not be too seriously damaged, at least it will not be difficult for the Cecil family.”

William pursed his lips with a solemn look. How to balance the local people and Anson Bach, an important collaborator, was also the family's biggest headache.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a bit of uneasiness in each other's expressions.

Six hours later, the fleet successfully arrived at North Port under almost dusk. A large, eye-catching banner was hung on the crowded and bustling pier:

“Warmly welcome my honorary citizen, Brigadier General Anson Bach, to visit Beigang in person!”

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