I will be crowned king

Chapter 97 Two groups of people

The moment the words fell, four guards appeared from the corners and shadows, their dark muzzles aimed at Anson who raised his hands at the same time.

Looking at Ansen, who was already surrounded by him, the girl who seemed to have taken revenge for her great revenge breathed out gently, and a dark smile appeared on her delicate, doll-like face.

So...how to punish this guy before handing him over to the Knights of Judgment?

Anson's expression remained unchanged as the surrounding scenes kept flashing through his mind.

At this moment, a flash of fire suddenly lit up the street.


Amidst the loud noise of gunpowder smoke, a lead bullet emitted an air-piercing scream from the shadows, passed through the deserted street, grazed the edge of Anson's body and shot towards the back of the girl opposite him.

The girl's eyes widened. The gunshot sounded so suddenly that she didn't realize what happened until the next second.


The girl screamed at the figure opposite with a face full of shock and anger, and at the same time subconsciously looked behind her: "Didn't I say, I want to capture this person alive..."

The words stopped abruptly.

One of the guards who followed her was knocked to the ground by the lead bullet just now, and the bright red plasma was under his twitching body, spreading to the surroundings along with the gaps in the masonry.

The moment she turned her head, Anson, who had been standing still, suddenly bent forward, hugged the girl tightly and rushed towards the body in the pool of blood.

The girl who didn't even have time to scream was pinned down in a pool of blood by Anson who suddenly rushed forward; it wasn't until her back touched the cold ground and the smelly blood that she finally realized that she had been "hijacked".

The next second, dozens of gun flames illuminated the street in the night.

"Damn it, there's an ambush here!"

"That old god sect kidnapped the young lady!"

"I saw these scum, stay hidden!"

Intensive gunshots were heard endlessly, and screams and angry roars were heard one after another around the streets. The golden-red gun flames and choking smoke alternated between flashing and spewing out among these shouts.


There was a crisp sound, and Anson, who was lying on top, flipped his left hand violently. He blocked the muzzle of the gun with the bayonet hidden in his sleeve before the girl fired. At the same time, he held down the other left hand that was still trying to grab his throat.

The frightened and angry girl was completely controlled by Anson. She could only clench her teeth and glare at Anson hatefully.

"I'm sorry, this lovely lady, I understand how you feel now..." Anson tried to communicate with the other party.

"Really?!" Suppressing the fear in her heart, the angry girl showed a slightly ferocious smile:

"The perpetrator can also understand the feelings of the victim. This is the first time I have seen such a gentleman liar like you!"

"Uh... first of all, I never thought of kidnapping you from the beginning. It was you who insisted on catching me; secondly..."

"So I was caught by you or was it my fault?!"

"Secondly! The people outside who beat your guards to death are not the same as me." Anson resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said:

"If I hadn't reacted in time enough just now, both of us would have been beaten into pieces - not counting possible reinforcements, there would have to be at least seven of them. Your remaining three guards won't last long; focus on killing them first. , and then think about other things, okay?!"

The embarrassed girl stared at Ansen, who was on top of her, without saying a word.

"...If you don't answer I'll take it as your acquiescence. We don't have much time."

Anson asked tentatively.

"...There's only one problem." Suppressing her anger, the girl's chest kept rising and falling:

"who are they?"

"Ah, that's a good answer."

With a long sigh, Anson straightened his upper body, released the girl's wrist with his right hand and pulled out the gun from his waist, pointing decisively at a forty-five-degree angle behind him without looking back.


Lead bullets shot out from the gun flames, and as soon as the guy behind the two people stuck his head out, his head was instantly shattered; the figure whose uniform was stained red by plasma fell straight beside the girl, making her His body trembled.

"They are the Guards."


Major David's face looked ugly.

Of course, considering that half of Major David's face is swollen, the bridge of his nose is broken, and two of his teeth are broken...his "face" cannot be called good-looking in any way.

His light gray eyes stared intently at the body that had been shot to death. At least a dozen lead bullets penetrated the chest, and the blood spurted out and soaked into the pure black wool coat with the Ring of Order embroidered on the collar.

The Circle of Order...are these people from the church?

In addition to the Guards, has the Church of Order also focused on Anson Bach? !

Major David, who had a hooked nose, was breathing rapidly and was in a dilemma.

If Anson Bach is forcibly arrested here, it will definitely offend the Church of Order. He, a small major, does not have such great authority;

But if he lets the other party leave now, the most likely clue to Draco Vertes will be captured by the Church of Order, and all the efforts he has put in so far will be in vain;

That Anson Bach was not stupid. He must have guessed that the person ambushing him was him. He would definitely seize this matter as a life-saving straw and exchange all the information on him for the protection of the church.

Damn it, how could things get into such trouble? !

Major David clenched his teeth and pressed against the light pole behind him, his heart in a mess.

"Bang! Bang!"

A clear gunshot sounded, and two lead shots hit the light pole behind the aquiline nose. The splashing sparks and the slight vibration of the light pole made his body tremble.

The only two remaining church guards have been surrounded by the Guards on three sides, struggling to support and cover each other with interlaced firepower. However, the absolute numerical gap between the two sides makes it impossible for them to get close at all.

But what they didn't know was that the enemy on the opposite side was more entangled than them. Especially after knowing that the person they had just killed was a member of the church, they kept trying to force the opponent to retreat with overwhelming firepower.

"Damn it, are these people all lunatics?!" A Guards soldier standing next to the hook-nosed officer yelled, and while firing towards the opposite side, he did not forget to look to his side:

"But Major David, do we really want to kill them...I mean, they are members of the church!"

"What about the church people?!" Major David glared at him fiercely:

"Besides, we have already killed their companions; do you think that if we let these two go back, the Church of Order will forget about us?"

"Are you kidding me? Think about what happened to Saint Isaac. The word magnanimity has nothing to do with the Church of Order!"

The hook-nosed officer looked ferocious, and his rapidly beating heart made his swollen cheeks become hot:

"Kill them as soon as possible and catch Anson Bach and the woman who is following you. Only then can there be room for mediation in this matter!"


Although they were a little uneasy, the Guards soldiers carried out their commander's orders without hesitation.


Just as Major David was about to rush forward, a slightly distant gunshot suddenly sounded in his ears.

At that moment, he instinctively stopped and tried to hide around him, but he heard a crisp cracking sound above his head, and his vision instantly dimmed.

The gunshot just now was at least 20 meters away... The other party hit the gas lamp above his head with a revolver from 20 meters away? !

A slightly shocked Major David suddenly raised his head, trying his best to adapt to the sudden darkness, and looked towards the direction where the gunfire rang out.

A figure wearing a military coat was twenty meters away, holding a revolver and grabbing...

Smiling at myself!

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