I will be crowned king

Chapter 970 The handle

"...So that's what happened. I didn't expect the two of you to have known each other so early, but I'm still thinking about how to explain to Viscount Bognar that I brought new guests to my door without notifying me in advance!"

Beside the warm fireplace, Mayor Francis came to the sofa with a steaming coffee pot and looked at the two of them with a wry smile: "Of course, who would have thought that the army captain three years ago would become a captain in the blink of an eye. The youngest brigadier general in Clovis?"

While speaking, the enthusiastic mayor had already made a full cup of coffee for each of them, and skillfully added a few cubes of sugar and hot milk. The rich aroma instantly overflowed from the cup.

"My dear Mayor Francis, you are a little dishonest."

Facing such a humble and deliberately trying to please the mayor of North Port, Viscount Bognar joked without courtesy: "Even Sisi, who has been caught by a thief like Notre Conan who has been absconding for many years, knows exactly who he is. Would the Er family not understand the relationship between me and Brigadier General Anson?"

"If I remember correctly, your Cecil family has been cooperating with our Brigadier General as early as the beginning of the 101st year of the Saints Calendar... It's hard for me not to believe that you still pretend not to know. You are pretending to be mysterious!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned to Anson and winked: "You see, this is the characteristic of the Cecil family... It is very dangerous to cooperate with them without more than two minds!"

Anson, who was sandwiched between the two, paused deliberately and looked at Francis seriously: "Ah... If this is the case, then I really have to consider the relationship between the Storm Legion and Beigang."

"Okay, okay, please stop teasing me." The mayor of Beigang could only laugh twice: "I, I admit that I deliberately concealed some things, but I really didn't expect the dignified Bogner. The Viscount actually has such a good relationship with Brigadier General Anson."

"Is it true that I don't know, or... I can't know?" Viscount Bognar raised the corners of his mouth in a completely unyielding manner.

"I...please, please spare me this time!"

"...Okay, let's not mention this matter for now." Viscount Bognar nodded slightly, and then suddenly changed the subject: "But I am doing this all for the sake of Brigadier General Anson, and I must not do it again. Second-rate!"

"It will definitely happen, I promise!"

The mayor of Beigang hurriedly swore. As for how effective this promise would be... well, the three of them didn't care much about it anyway.

After the polite exchange of greetings and greetings, the discussion between the three finally got down to business.

"To put it simply, the main reason why I came to Beigang this time is for you, Brigadier General Anson, and secondly for the stability of the situation in the northern part of the kingdom."

Viscount Bogner, who took a deep breath from his pipe and puffed away the smoke, gradually became serious: "But to a certain extent, this is actually the same thing. Anson Bach, maybe you haven't realized it yet, but the people behind you and you Existence has become an important part of determining Clovis’ fate!”

"Me?" Anson was startled and couldn't help laughing: "How could that be?"

"Absolutely true."

Viscount Bogner said in a deep voice, and the mayor of North Port nodded in agreement, not at all joking: "You may sound unbelievable, but the current situation in Clovis is indeed fragile. At such a point, even a small stone is enough to cause a storm, not to mention the standing army that has just won the victory and the envoys of the new country.”

"To put it bluntly, it can even be said that all this happened because of you." Viscount Bogner's expression became more and more serious:

"Of course, everything you did in the New World or the reaction given by the Holy See later were just inducements. The real crux is the system that Clovis has been running for hundreds of years. Behind everything that seems reasonable and perfect But there is an unavoidable contradiction.”

"About this, Brigadier General Anson, you should actually be aware of it. It's just that the Ministry of War has been too harsh on you, so you may not feel too deeply." Francis immediately agreed:

"As an honorable Clovis soldier, whether we are opening up territory for the kingdom on land, guarding the border, or showing glory on the sea, our allegiance is always to the royal family of Osteria, or... His Majesty the King himself.”

"But at the same time, a very real problem is that the military's voice, especially in terms of budget and appropriation, is in the hands of the House of Representatives; the three hundred members of Parliament with noble status and prominent family backgrounds are the ones who can really decide the kingdom's major policies. People of policy.”

"As for His Majesty... at least in the vast majority of cases, he will not object to the decisions made by the House of Representatives."

"And this is the first core contradiction under the Clovis Kingdom system." Viscount Bogner continued:

"The army's allegiance is not to the kingdom, but to the king himself; but the House...or the Privy Council controls every move of the army."

"There are certainly benefits to doing this. For example, it can prevent the officers who hold the army from holding financial and administrative power at the same time, creating powerful ministers who threaten the survival of the kingdom; let professionals be responsible for professional work and perform their duties, so that your majesty can more conveniently Rule the whole kingdom."

"The disadvantage is that His Majesty has been deprived of the power to directly control the army, but the army is nominally loyal to His Majesty alone. This will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among some...loyal officers, leading to the misunderstanding that 'the nobles have ignored Your Majesty'. "

"The Royal Fleet is slightly better in this regard, but the Army has a lot of complaints." Francis sighed: "There was also the previous riot in Clovis City, which led to the Guards being reorganized into the Whitehall Police. The army has become a security agency completely under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with this!"

"According to those officers, since it is the Guards' turn, it is obviously only a matter of time before the Standing Corps falls to this fate; everyone will change from honorable soldiers serving His Majesty to becoming lackeys of the Privy Council like the police!"

I understand, it is more honorable to be the lackey of His Majesty alone than to be the lackey of more than 300 members of the Privy Council... Anson nodded:

"In other words, this is just a matter of misunderstanding between the two parties. As long as the Privy Council comes forward to clarify and promise not to interfere in the relationship between the army and His Majesty, wouldn't it be enough?"

"If only it were that simple." Viscount Bogner smiled bitterly: "Indeed, we had similar thoughts at the beginning, but we soon found that we were too naive. What the officers wanted was not a promise at all, but It’s real power!”

"To put it simply, they are preparing to launch a coup to dissolve the Privy Council and seize the highest power in the name of returning His Majesty to power!"

"Coup to seize power?!" Anson looked like he heard something wrong: "Did they really do this?!"

Although he acted surprised, he could probably guess in his heart that it must not be the case, otherwise Bogner would never be able to sit here leisurely smoking a pipe and drinking coffee.

Moreover, although it sounds very exaggerated, it is only one side of the other party's words; my "brother" Christian also said similar content, and you can feel the smell of deliberate smear and negative publicity upon hearing it.

What, why do you think so? Of course it is because I have done similar things in the New World, and more than once - a public opinion offensive that can be effective even in the ice and snow New World, there is no reason for it to be more developed in the media industry, transportation The more convenient Clovis can't do it, and it will only be stronger.

Since they can still create negative news and even smear political opponents, it means that the leadership of Clovis's upper echelons is still firmly controlled by the Privy Council; but this time the enemy is indeed very dangerous, and it is the opponent who can truly threaten them. Looks like facing a formidable enemy.

If it were the chaos in Clovis City, it would have been silent until the night before yesterday.

"There is definitely no coup... but the threat is real."

Sure enough... Viscount Bogner changed the subject on the spot, and his eyes were no longer as aggressive as at first, but rather evasive:

"Since the previous holy war has just ended, and the armistice agreement with the empire has not yet expired, a large number of troops have withdrawn from the front line and gathered in the barracks around Clovis City."

"You also know that those soldiers who have been fighting all year round will inevitably have the idea that they have worked hard but have not received the rewards they deserve. If their hearts are not balanced, it is easy to be seduced and teased by certain remarks, thinking that their difficulties are all caused by someone. It was a deliberate result of some people.”

"This gives those careerists a God-given opportunity, allowing them to finally have the strength to carry out their plans and take advantage of the inherent contradictions in the Clovis Kingdom's system to create chaos and usurp power!"

"Yes, and these people are by no means loyal to the royal family. Once they succeed, the entire Kingdom of Clovis may be in danger of overthrowing!" The mayor of Beigang next to him immediately followed up:

"You should know that today's Clovis is actually made up of multiple regions, which is somewhat similar to the empire; the difference is that all territories either voluntarily surrendered or were completely conquered by Clovis's army!"

"But their common characteristic is that they are all loyal to the Osterian royal family and rely on the current system of the kingdom to unite without distinction between each other. Once the royal family is overthrown or the system is destroyed, Clovis will fall apart. risks of!"

"So no matter what, we have to stop them, or at least prevent their plans from succeeding and nip the danger in the bud."

Viscount Bogner said solemnly: "Believe me, these dangers are not any false lies, but a reality that may indeed happen!"

"I see."

Facing the two people who were both affectionate and persuasive, Ansen nodded very cooperatively: "I am also willing to believe what you two said, it is absolutely true."

"But what I'm not quite sure about is...what does this have to do with me, the Storm Legion, and the Free Confederate Mission?"

"According to the two of you, Clovis has almost become a giant powder keg. A little flame may destroy the entire kingdom. So shouldn't I stay in North Port and postpone my trip to Clovis City as long as possible? time?"

"On the contrary, you and the ambassador of the Free Confederacy should leave as soon as possible." Viscount Bogner shook his head: "Because even if we don't come, those ambitious people who have obtained the information about your arrival in North Port will find ways to make you have to go. .”

"Not only that, they will also take the opportunity to tie up Beigang and the Wang family fleet and join their plan to usurp power." Francis said in a deep voice:

"Once the Cecil family is unable to satisfy their wishes, these people will encourage other forces in Beigang to seize the opportunity, causing the desire for independence within Beigang to rise again, leading to the division of the country!"

"For careerists, as long as they can realize their ambitions, they don't care how much they pay. They have no idea how much they paid for the unity of the kingdom today."

"And if we want to fundamentally dispel their ambitions, we must make them understand that their plans are purely useless."

Bognar bit his pipe and looked at each other with Anson: "The Free Confederacy, the Cecil family, and the Storm Legion are closely united to let the careerists see how powerful the loyal ministers who are loyal to the king are. Dispel their illusions once and for all!”

"The Storm Legion, which is invincible and has won glory in the new world, as long as it can reach outside Clovis City, it will definitely frighten the king's enemies and become the divine sword that defends the unity of the kingdom!"

The expressions of both of them were so passionate, and their scorching gazes seemed to be able to burn a big hole through the head of the person in front of them.

An Sen, who looked as usual, suddenly understood, and finally understood why the other party was trying so hard to please him.

In the end, what this group of people want is still a tool man who can help them fight against the opposition.


The city council banquet hall, a deserted corner.

The expressionless Karl and the little clerk tried their best to suppress their laughter. After listening to the cold-faced Fabian, he told him the trouble he encountered in detail. For ten minutes, the two people's bodies seemed to be equipped with a steam core. Trembling like crazy.

"...That's probably what happened. To put it simply, I need to find a way to get rid of that...woman, and at least I need to stabilize her and prevent her from letting the matter be exposed." Fabian's face turned dark:

"My personal reputation doesn't matter, but it concerns the Storm Legion and the Commander-in-Chief himself, and even the friendly people in the Free Confederation mission... Please two of us!"

"This, I simply don't know where to start." The corners of Karl's mouth twitched crazily:

"If you want me to say... I wish you happiness?"

Fabian narrowed his eyes slightly, murderous intent overflowing.

"Wait a moment!"

The little clerk suddenly raised his hand: "Well, although I don't have any experience in this kind of thing, is it possible... that this is actually an excellent opportunity?"


Karl and Fabian quickly looked at each other: "It's unlikely. Can you tell me?"

"This is actually Lord Anson's idea, because the actions of the Cecil family are so strange, so I think it is necessary to seize one or two of their handles, or to win over members of the Cecil family."

The little clerk swallowed his throat: "Do you two think this Miss Fula Laura may become that..."


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