I will be crowned king

Chapter 972 Initiative

With nothing to hide, Bogner and his co-conspirators had a simple goal from the beginning - to overthrow or completely eclipse the Osterian royal family and seize power with arms.

In order to achieve this goal, he needs the support of local and foreign forces. He needs an army that is not too involved with the royal family. At the same time, he has cooperation experience with him, has considerable trust in each other, and is not afraid of getting his hands dirty at critical moments. Able to use thunderous means to quickly suppress all dissent and opposition.

Based on these two points, Ansen Bach... himself was so perfect in his eyes, while Ludwig Franz, who had a similar experience, was excluded from the options.

The reason is also very simple. First of all, Ludwig is the heir of the Franz family, and he can only have limited cooperation with Bogner. At the same time, the Franz family has a close relationship with the royal family, and will never take such extreme measures unless it is absolutely necessary. Plan to seize power - Frankly speaking, Archbishop Luther, who can influence His Majesty the King at all times, is already one person below ten thousand people to a certain extent. He himself can influence the King's decision-making, so why do he need a coup?

I am different... First of all, I don't have a deep relationship with the royal family. The Storm Legion is said to be a standing army, but after two years it has become almost different from a private army. Moreover, it has two wars, colonial rebellion and jihad, as reference, and its strength is trustworthy.

Coupled with the support of the Free Confederacy behind it, it was equivalent to meeting two of the three needs of Bogner's coup. In addition, the Cecil family echoed from Northport, and there was also local support for the coup.

Taken together, it seems that an armed coup to seize power is not a dream.


Looking at Viscount Bognar who was looking forward to it, Anson felt that he already had the answer in his heart.

"If that's the case, then I'm willing to join."

Before the two people across from him could express joy, Anson changed the topic: "But the premise is that you must tell me what is the reason for this coup and what is its goal?"

"Although it may be a little late to say this now, if it is just to overthrow the Osterian royal family, as a co-conspirator, I advise you not to have any wishful thinking; maybe the king really has such and such problems, but it is precisely because of the royal family's Only then could Clovis be called Clovis and not become a bunch of fragmented small states."

"I completely agree with what you said. Without the royal family of Osteria, there would be no Clovis today." Viscount Bognar nodded slightly, but then changed the topic: "But just like the previous king who made Clovis successful Just like us, today’s royal family has become the biggest obstacle in Clovis’s way forward!”

"I am definitely not looking for excuses for myself when I say this. In fact, whenever there is a possibility of solving this matter, a coup will not be my first choice. This may be bragging, but you have also had problems with me. Through cooperation, as long as there is room for compromise and discussion in any matter, I would rather bear a certain price and try my best to end it in a peaceful way."

Anson nodded slightly: "So...this is also the reason why you decided to make a coup, right?"

"What Francis and I just told you are all true." Viscount Bogner's tone became serious: "In the face of restless officers who are even waiting for opportunities to seize power, they are regarded as targets and targets. The nobles are still working hard to maintain order and prevent the situation from getting completely out of control...but where is our Majesty?"

"They did not speak out, let alone publicly reprimand the behavior of certain officers. They even refused to grant the Privy Council the power to arm Whitehall police to protect themselves. They remained silent from beginning to end and allowed those officers to destroy the existing order!"

Bogner sneered: "Actually, how could we not understand His Majesty's thoughts? In his view, those ambitious officers are an excellent tool to 'break the status quo'; using their greed, we can make it impossible to To protect himself, but still restricting him at every turn, the Privy Council takes back the power that once belonged entirely to him!"

"But he forgot that this situation of seemingly mutual checks and balances, which prevents everyone from obtaining complete real power, is the key to Clovis's ability to maintain it to this day; the king controls the rough phalanx, but he cannot do whatever he wants. It holds both financial and financial powers, but decisions must be made collectively; the officers can act freely without worrying about logistics and evaluation of their subordinates...The key to perfection is that it is full of flaws."

"It's a pity... Your Majesty doesn't think so, nor do the ambitious military officers, and even many powerful MPs don't think so. There is no more cooperation, no compromise and tolerance in everyone's hearts, only pure A zero-sum game; win or die.”

"This... is Clovis at the end of the 101st year of the Saints' Calendar. He has just won a great victory in the Holy War, has a financial surplus, and is under the fire." Viscount Bognar shook his head: "The crisis of survival has not yet come. Once it has completely passed and the huge pressure has eased slightly, the forces on all sides are completely unable to restrain their ambitions and are ready to tear each other's flesh and blood."

"In this case, even if I continue to maintain the situation, it will only be digging a beautiful grave for myself; it is better to bet the last bargaining chip and face my ambitions."

"But no matter how arrogant I am, I don't believe that I can control the situation in Clovis by myself alone. Cooperation...especially cooperation with senior officers who control the army is very necessary."

"And the person I chose is you." Bogner raised his head, with a sincere light in his eyes: "The dictator will be overthrown, and the careerist will eventually die in the grave. Only those who know how to cooperate, give in, and share benefits can To truly manage and run an entire country.”

"What you did in the New World, from defeating the empire's rule in the colonies to establishing the Free Confederacy, and finally the compromise, negotiation, and cooperation with the Jihadi Army, are enough to prove that you are the kind of person the country needs most today."

"So Anson Bach, join us and save this country!"


"Don't be so excited yet. The more this happens, the more useless it is to be anxious."

Outside the corridor of the banquet hall, Christian, who looked indifferent, patted the young naval colonel on the back, comforted him and said: "No matter what the other party's purpose is, their actions are not something we can control. No matter how anxious we are, it will only be a waste of time." It’s just energy.”

"Of course I understand this kind of thing, but how can I really keep calm?" Although he was very grateful for the other party's comfort, William's smile was even worse than bitter:

"The assassination of the Free Confederate mission in Northport, especially under the protection of the Cecil family, or even just being injured, will greatly damage the prestige of the family and the city council; if the Old Gods are involved again, I am afraid that even the church power They will all be involved, and the situation will probably worsen beyond imagination!"

"At the same time, you cannot assemble the Cecil family and fleet soldiers to protect the mission in a big way. On the one hand, it is equivalent to giving the assassin a signal to take action. Moreover, with your prestige in the army, the loyal troops you can mobilize are also very limited; What's more, if an officer secretly transferred the troops out of the military camp in the town, the crime is comparable to treason." Christian analyzed calmly:

"Besides, it is questionable whether the members of the mission are willing to accept your 'protection'; a decision that seems to be made in a friendly manner to you may be equivalent to restricting their personal freedom in the eyes of the other party. Every move will be monitored by foreign troops - unless there is personal guarantee from Anson Bach, whom they trust, there is a high probability that the other party will be disgusted."

"Your analysis is completely correct, so it seems that if you want to avoid danger, you must find Anson - only he can convince the envoy, and only he can immediately mobilize the Storm Legion in the city to immediately provide protection to the envoy without attracting the enemy. Disgusted." William sighed impatiently:

"So the problem comes back, we won't be able to see Anson at all for the time being!"

"No, no, no, Sir William Cecil, you are still too anxious, so much so that even though you have so much information, you only see the parts that are not good for you."

Christian smiled and shook his right index finger in a humorous manner: "The enemy's flaws have been completely placed in front of you, but they have been completely ignored."


"You just said that as long as the Storm Legion provides protection, the Free Confederate Mission will not be hostile. And if I were an assassin, there is a high probability that I will not attack the other party without full safety guarantee."

Looking at William who was still confused, he had to speak more clearly: "Considering the closeness between the mission and the Storm Legion, there is a high probability that they will be stationed in the same place as the Legion until they leave North Port and arrive in Clovis. The city will be separated - so when and where will the assassins strike?"

William Cecil: "...at a city council banquet?!"

"It's very possible." Christian praised: "But there is a small problem. All the guests present are big names. The chefs, messengers and even guards at the banquet should also have strict screening procedures. A group of people who have just arrived in Beigang The gangsters shouldn’t have a chance, so how can they take action?”

"You can't blend in with the guests, you can't pretend to be a messenger, and you can't easily sneak into the city council. This..."

William immediately fell into a sinking state. It seemed that the answer to the trouble that he had no way to deal with was quickly surfaced, and it would be revealed in the next second: "A local entourage recruited by the mission itself to take care of their logistics?!"

"That should be it!" Christian nodded slightly: "Then we know their identities, their numbers, their goals, and even part of their action plan, so..."

"Don't you think that the initiative in this matter has fallen into our hands?"


"Dong dong dong!"

A rapid knock on the door interrupted Little Baekeland's rest, causing the young Ambassador of the Free Confederacy to get up in a hurry. He didn't even have time to fix his collar, put on his coat and hurriedly opened the door.

Then, the figure in front of him made him stunned: "You, you are..."

"Are you really tired of waiting, my friend from the new world?" Laura, who was standing alone outside the door, smiled mysteriously and deliberately covered her cheek with a wine glass:

"Although I didn't expect that you would actually come as promised, in a sense, maybe there is an unspeakable tacit understanding between us."

What are you talking about? It was obviously because I couldn't stand the lively atmosphere in the hall, so I asked other people in the mission to socialize with the dignitaries of Beigang for me, and I ran to the room to hide and rest... Although little Baekeland really seemed to say this, but No matter how bad he is at communicating, he knows that such words are absolutely impossible to say.

But with his eloquence, it was obviously difficult to come up with a suitable reason in such a short period of time. After careful consideration, it seemed that it would be most appropriate to follow the other party's wishes:

"...That's right."

Sure enough, just as Fabian said, the Free Confederation mission was secretly investigating the Cecil family... Fulara was secretly happy.

If he didn't intervene, sooner or later these people would find the enemies of the Cecil family and join forces with them, and they would probably find an opportunity to severely damage the family; but if he took the initiative to contact them and reveal something innocuous, If we have more information, will the situation develop in a better direction?

Of course, there are risks in doing this. If you are not careful, you may be deceived by the other party to steal information that is crucial to the Cecil family, or you may be regarded by the family as a traitor who betrayed your own people... Either way, it is possible. Absolute doom.

But the more danger there is, the more Laura Fula feels the faint excitement deep in her heart; from wandering on the cliff to this day, the thought of heaven and hell, the pleasure of being on the verge of reaching the limit both physically and mentally, cannot be replaced by anything. .

"Now that you have made the decision to take this step, don't let us hesitate any longer." The girl slowly put down her wine glass and softly recited the lines that she had echoed in her mind tens of thousands of times. :

"Please come with me. I know a good place that should be suitable for this special transaction - after all, it is important information related to the fate of Beigang. You can't be cautious."

"Wha, what, Beigang's information? What do I want Beigang's information to do..."

Before she finished speaking, she followed Fabian's instructions and dragged Baekeland towards the corridor without any explanation. The young ambassador, who was in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to straighten his collar, could only close the door and was forced to talk to this man. Girls whom I didn’t even know were walking together.

Ten minutes later, a young man wearing waiter clothes suddenly appeared in the quiet corridor.

He came to the door with a tray covered with a napkin, skillfully took out the key and opened the door, and opened the napkin the moment he pushed the door open, revealing a cold and dark revolver.

Hold the gun, raise the gun, aim, and pull the hammer all at once! Then……

"Well, where are the people?"

Looking at the empty room, the assassin who originally thought he was done suddenly fell into confusion.

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