I will be crowned king

Chapter 985 Three o'clock

"If I were you, I wouldn't have such ridiculous ideas at this time."

Before the girl could wait, Ludwig, who was sitting in the living room drinking coffee and reading a newspaper, called out to her:

"According to your statement, it is impossible for our Majesty not to know that the Ministry of War could make such a 'bold' move; in this case, what is the subtext of his not stopping it? Do you still need me to tell you?"

Sophia, who had already pressed the door handle, was startled, then slowly turned around, the smile on her face was as mocking as it could be.

"Oh...who was I then? It turned out to be the respected jihadist hero, my dear brother." The girl smiled falsely, not forgetting to salute:

"I'm so sorry, but when you were talking just now, I almost thought it was our father sitting there!"

"If I remember correctly, Brother Ludwig, you seem to have always claimed to be the one who hates my father the most between the two of us." Sophia smiled and slowly approached:

"Why, does it mean that the more you hate someone, the more they will become their proverb, and it happened to work for you?"

"You can ridicule if you want. Anyway, it seems that our relationship has never been harmonious. I have almost gotten used to it after so many years."

Facing his eccentric sister, Ludwig behaved quite calmly, never taking his eyes off the newspaper headline "Old God Gang Reappears in Outer City":

"But if your ultimate goal is to keep the Storm Legion, going directly to Osteria Palace to find trouble is definitely the worst option, because it won't make things any better, and will even make it worse."

"So you eavesdropped on my room?" Sophia raised her eyes and sat down directly opposite Ludwig unceremoniously:

"Okay...since you are my brother, I won't elaborate on how disgusting this behavior is."

"No, I'd rather you elaborate."

Ludwig finally put down the newspaper and pointed at the servants in the living room: "With that voice you just made, do you think I am the only one who is forced to 'eavesdrop'?"

Seeing the strange expressions of everyone, the girl suddenly turned slightly red.

"Is it really...that loud?"

"Let me recall, well...it seems that after the sentence 'That's unreasonable,' I couldn't hear it. You can also ask other people, because I really don't want to know this." Ludwig picked up the newspaper again:

"Of course, even if I try to stop you, it's probably useless, so if you have to do it, just go ahead."

How could there be any reason behind this...didn't everyone just hear it? !

Sophia was angry and furious, and she was jumping in her heart; but she knew very well that if she really did this, she would definitely not get comfort from her brother, but ridicule.


"How to do?"


Looking at his sister who suddenly became "quiet and well-behaved", Ludwig was so stunned that he didn't react. He completely froze: "W-what?"

"Why can't we go directly to the Osteria Palace? And... what should we do to prevent the Storm Legion from being accused by the Ministry of War?" The girl bit her lower lip and asked:

"Don't forget that he was also your former subordinate. If Anson Bach is accused of being a traitor, you will lose face, right?"

"Really? I have never considered such a magical angle." Ludwig touched his chin, and his cold expression finally relaxed a little:

"As for the two questions you asked...they are actually the same, so I just answered them directly."

"Let's assume that you really went to the Osteria Palace to cause trouble, then His Majesty's answer is nothing more than two, you know or you don't know."

"But no matter which one he answers, the next step is to face the wrath of the War Department, which is united and vowed to accuse the Storm Legion of treason, and you, the governor of Ice Dragon Fjord."

"Let's analyze it objectively and without any emotion. Which one do you think puts less pressure on His Majesty?"

Needless to say, this? Of course... Sophia's face twitched slightly: "But the Storm Legion is innocent!"

"This is just your personal judgment...well, so what if it's true?" Ludwig shook his head helplessly:

"If the Army Department is determined to do something, is it possible that they will say, 'Oh, after discussion it seems that we were wrong, so let's leave it at that'..."

"If you talk to me like that to a little girl again, I will put ashes in your face while you sleep."

Sophia said with a cold face: "There is no distinction between good and bad in politics, interests come first. You don't need to teach me about this kind of thing."

"Then you already know the answer. Why do you still ask me how to do it?" Ludwig asked, shrugging indifferently: "Although I don't want to interfere in other things, I am still curious about what step you can take."

Looking at the helpless Ludwig, the girl's face turned even darker.

Of course she knows what to do...it's nothing more than to win over allies. As long as the forces she unites can compete with the Ministry of War, things will naturally turn around - the idea of ​​sharing the same party and opposing the different is not new to the eldest daughter of Franz.

But just because she knew this, she just suddenly thought that she could win over her brother first... With Ludwig's reputation in the army, he could somewhat dampen the arrogance of the War Department.

At least he could win over the connections of the Franz family within the Whitehall Street police... Although they were all relatives, the family heir was obviously more convincing than himself.

But Ludwig's attitude has been very clear. He doesn't want to get involved in this matter... He still claims to be Anson Bach's best friend. Is this your attitude towards your friends? !

Sophia wanted to curse, but she also knew that she needed help from this annoying brother, so... the silent girl took the coffee from the servant's hand, slowly walked to her brother's side, and put it down gently.

This abnormal behavior scared Ludwig: "W-what do you want to do?!"

"Don't worry, I won't pour coffee on your head." Sophia smiled calmly: "I actually know that supporting the Storm Legion at this time will push the Franz family into a head-on confrontation with the Ministry of War. .”

"Although the relationship between my father and His Majesty has always been very good, and the members of the Privy Council and the wealthy families in the inner city will be willing to support us, but how sincere is this 'support'? Who can guarantee that we will not be betrayed in exchange for benefits at a critical moment?"

"In the end, the Franz family is just a tool they use to suppress the War Department. Even if they succeed, they may not be appreciated."

The girl sighed: "Think about the riot in Clovis City that you put down. If the standing army hadn't been outside at that time, and the Guards had all the infamy, there was really no one to choose from. How could the Franz family rely on it? Their 'gratefulness' can lead to them occupying so many senior positions within the Whitehall Street Police?"

This... Facing Sophia's gaze, Ludwig's eyes widened.

If it were Anson, his father, Roman, or even any of his staff who said this here, he wouldn't be surprised at all.


A girl who is always emotional and definitely not broad-minded, analyzes the situation for herself so calmly and rationally...

"So, you're going to give up?"

"Of course not, but I will use a more hidden method that is not easily noticed by people around me." Sophia shook her head:

"If the Army Ministry wants to accuse the Storm Legion, first of all, it must be guilty, and secondly, it must not dare to make a big splash. After all, they really have no conclusive evidence - except that Ice Dragon Fjord has really been incorporated into the Free Confederacy."

"In this case, of course I can do the opposite, make this matter known to everyone, and publicize the benefits of Clovis's alliance with the Free Confederacy."

"This, of course, would not really stop the War Office's accusations, but it would defeat the purpose of what they were trying to achieve - to unite all the troops in Clovis."

"Soldiers may be so naive that they believe whatever they listen to, but doesn't it just depend on who is better at telling stories, telling them more excitingly and vividly? In this regard, the newspapers under my command and I can definitely defeat these people. Eat together the immortal stone heads!"

The girl waved her fist confidently: "If even our own people start to question whether it is right or wrong to do this, the Army Department will have a headache, right?"

"Using newspaper public opinion to attack your opponent... is a good idea." Ludwig nodded slightly in appreciation:

"But there is a small problem in this plan, that is, the Ministry of War can definitely guess who is the boss behind the newspaper. Once they find out that someone is 'confused by the army' and spread false statements, they will definitely file a protest."

"They will definitely do this." Sophia did not deny it: "But to let the army enter the city and seize the newspaper office openly, no matter how rampant the Ministry of War is, it can't do it, right?"

Ludwig narrowed his eyes: "You mean..."

"Whitehall Street Police, no matter what, the police will definitely handle this matter in the end." The girl finally revealed her fox tail:

"There is no need to be open-minded. We can arrest whoever needs to be arrested. It doesn't matter if the newspaper can be seized at will. As long as you don't touch my printing plant and don't embarrass my employees, I won't default on any bail or anything else." .”

"My only request is that my dear brother can put in a good word for his poor sister in front of her relatives and build good relationships up and down Whitehall Street - I'll pay for it!"

"The idea is good, the request is not too much, and there is progress." Ludwig nodded in approval.


"Don't think about it, I won't come forward." Ludwig shook his head: "If I were the one who spoke, my uncles would think it was my father's intention. It's better not to create this misunderstanding."


"But what? Did you plan to let them misunderstand this way from the beginning?"

"That...of course is...impossible..."

Sophia gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

"Well, that's good."

Ludwig breathed a sigh of relief: "I won't waste your time. Let's go quickly. Don't go past the closing time on Whitehall Street."

After saying that, he picked up the newspaper again and read the latest current events in the outer city attentively.

Sophia stood up expressionlessly, taking the coffee cup off the table, and then...


Ludwig, who was doused with cold coffee, laughed bitterly. He looked up and saw the girl's back walking out of the living room, slamming the door behind her.



Slapping the document heavily on the table, Carlos II's extremely ugly expression was trembling slightly, and he could hardly control his anger.

As the current king of Clovis, everyone inside and outside the palace agrees that His Majesty is a person who speaks well and rarely gets angry. He is always so gentle and elegant, or as cheerful as a boy, which always makes people forget that he is himself. The coronation begins, for the king who has been king for nearly twenty years.

Twenty years... Even if the king does not hold power, such a long rule is enough to accumulate deep authority, making the subjects extremely fearful and dare not cross the thunder pool easily.

But now, there seems to be some deviation...

"They secretly arranged manpower in Beigang to intercept and kill the Free Confederate mission. If the Storm Legion had not responded promptly enough, even the Beigang City Council might have been wiped out?!" Carlos II's voice was trembling:

"Who do the War Department think they are and how dare they do this?!"

"Loyal minister, Your Majesty."

Archbishop Luther, who was sitting opposite him, bowed slightly: "And he is the only loyal minister."

"Loyal minister?" Carlos II laughed angrily: "If you attack a country's envoy without my permission and destroy the relationship between the two parties, is this considered a loyal minister?!"

"Of course, it is the most important mission of a loyal minister to allow His Majesty to live comfortably in the palace without having to worry about state affairs."

Chief Luther nodded as a matter of course: "This has almost become the consensus of many 'loyal ministers'. I would like to sincerely advise you not to break this concept easily."

"Of course I understand this. I have understood it since the day they abolished the Guards with good intentions." Carlos II snorted coldly:

"But this time the War Department went too far - if the mission really dies in North Port, the balance of Clovis City will be completely broken, and we really have no hope of forming an alliance with the Free Confederacy. "

"Without sufficient raw material imports, we have to endure the extortion of Naxir's second-line dealers. Otherwise, many factories in Clovis will go bankrupt, a large number of workers will be unemployed, and the riots that occurred in the Saint's Calendar will happen again..."

"Not to mention that the Holy See is pressing harder now, insisting on splitting Clovis into two dioceses, trying to stir up independent voices in the south. If it is not handled well, it will affect the emotions of those southern nobles and make them feel I am not taken seriously by the royal capital..."

"We finally sent away the Luen family, but without the apostles' suppression, all kinds of monsters and snakes appeared all over Clovis City, causing a mess of public security. There were rumors about the messy old god sect organizations everywhere. There’s no stopping…”

The more Carlos II thought about it, the angrier he became. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Archbishop Luther: "When will they arrive?!"


"The mission of the Free Confederacy...ah, and the restless Storm Legion!"

"Today, Your Majesty."

As soon as Archbishop Luther finished his answer, he took out his pocket watch and glanced at it:

"To be precise, it's three o'clock in the afternoon."

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