I will be crowned king

Chapter 991 Got it right

"An army, a group of soldiers, traveled thousands of miles to a world across the sea from their homeland, searching for glory and the meaning of life in the ice and snow..."

"They thought that what awaited them at the end of this difficult journey was infinite glory and ultimate sublimation; they longed for the encouragement of flowers and achievements, and dreamed of an enviable grand ceremony..."

"But they were all wrong! Because what was left to them at the end of the journey was shameful betrayal; it was the poisonous blade of the gangster, the dagger of the villain, a weapon that has no power, but can pierce the heart of the bravest. !”

"Yes, the so-called glory did not exist from the beginning; unlike what they thought, this expedition began not because they were the most loyal army to His Majesty and the Kingdom, but because their existence was already a mediocre and insignificant army. A thorn in people’s flesh and a thorn in their side!”

"Yes, now Clovis, the more loyal you are to His Majesty and the Kingdom, the more vulnerable you are to being targeted by the people around you; this is true for us, and so is they."

"Despite this, this army still achieved amazing achievements - with inferior troops and equipment, it defeated the empire's army head-on; in just less than half a year, it captured the equivalent of more than half of Crow The territory of the Wei Kingdom, and the number of people they saved as a result, numbered in the millions!”

"They not only defeated the Empire, but also found a natural ally for Clovis - the Free Confederation that had just ended the oppression from the Empire and successfully achieved independence!"

"One is trying to resist the invasion of the empire and maintain its independence, and the other has just overthrown the rule of the empire and embarked on the road of independence; the two are so similar that you can even see your own shadow in the other."

"But for such a country, the Army Department hates them so much!"

"Their reason is simple - because Ice Dragon Fjord, Clovis's former colony, is now part of the territory of the Free Confederacy."

"Dear readers, this is extremely misleading information, because supporters of the War Office will never tell you that Ice Dragon Fjord fell before the Free Confederacy officially became independent, and it was their bloody battle that Only then did that land become free again.”

"It is true that it was once part of Clovis's interests, but let's be honest, when the people of the colonies are pursuing freedom just like we resisted imperial aggression, what reason do we have to prevent them from joining a big family with a greater sense of belonging?"

"What's more, they are not villains who don't repay their kindness. Instead, they took the initiative to come to Clovis with gratitude. They were indeed slandered by the War Department!"

"Even the glorious army that escorted them has been reduced to criminals under the orders of the War Department."

"Yes, you read that right, not a certain person, not a few officers, but all - the entire legion, are accused of being criminals!"

"This is such a ridiculous statement. It actually has to drag the entire army, thousands or even tens of thousands of people, to the execution ground at one go. It shows that the Army is not very confident. It can only use such extreme measures to frame and slander. s method."

"And at this point, some readers who are smart and well-informed must have realized the identity of this army."

"That's right! They are just..."


"Storm Legion?"

Facing the expectant gazes of the people around her, Mrs. Katarina, the leader of the railway committee with a playful expression, put down the thin pipe in her hand and said slowly with an expression that seemed to require serious recall: "Yeah... I occasionally hear this recently. What’s the name?”

"Being sent to a colony far away from the mainland turned out to be a conspiracy and conspiracy by the War Department to frame them from the beginning. However, the brave soldiers relied on their own bravery and loyalty to overcome many difficulties and finally successfully returned to the mainland hahaha... You guys also know , if there is anything that sells best on steam trains, apart from emergency food, it is these little stories that are boring, but very suitable for occasional relaxation."

"As for me, you actually know that dealing with these things is somewhat part of my job; after all, the best way to increase ticket revenue is to attract more people to give up the inconvenience of horse-drawn carriages and use Steam trains are such an efficient and fast way to travel; naturally, we need to understand the preferences of these passengers."

Her explanation was very tactful, but unfortunately no one present believed her lies.

"Dear Mrs. Karalina, we don't care whether you have a hobby of reading novels. What we want to say is that this completely untrue report has caused serious damage to the image of the Ministry of War!"

Major Russell gritted his teeth and said with a serious face: "As representatives of the War Department, we have only one request, and that is that the Railway Commission must take measures as soon as possible to completely ban and seal all these newspapers sold at the stations."

"I would like to emphasize again that this matter has aroused the collective anger of everyone in the Army Department, and it is completely intolerable to such baseless slander - everything we have done has been approved by His Majesty, has practical support, and is completely reasonable. legal!"

Mrs. Catalina, who was still smiling, looked at him and seemed not to feel the so-called "anger of the War Department."

"I already understand your thoughts, but please understand one thing: the Railway Commission can indeed restrict the sale of certain things at stations and on trains, but the power of this prevention is very limited." She sighed:

"In the final analysis, we have only given some businessmen the privilege to sell things. What they really want to sell has never been within the jurisdiction of the Railway Commission!"

"My personal suggestion is that we should start from the source; since you believe that this kind of reporting has caused harm to the War Office, it is a serious act of treason that undermines the interests of the Kingdom. You should contact the Whitehall Street Police as soon as possible and ban this newspaper. !”

"You don't need special instructions for this kind of thing. The Ministry of War has already taken action." Russell still had a straight face and said in a heavy tone:

"It's just that the other party is too cunning, so these false reports have appeared in large numbers at stations and on the streets; once they are believed to be true by ordinary citizens who do not understand the situation, they will inevitably have unreasonable prejudice against the Ministry of War."

"So no matter how difficult it is, please urge the station to search these newspapers as soon as possible. Once found, hand them over quickly and hand them over to us for centralized destruction to avoid poisoning the minds and bodies of ordinary citizens!"

After saying that, he didn't even look at the other party anymore, and turned around and left without even saying goodbye.

Before the other party even walked away, Mrs. Catalina, who was originally smiling, suddenly turned cold, with "unhappiness" almost written directly on her face.

"What a disgusting guy. He can talk things over nicely, but he still acts like he's giving orders. Do the people in the War Department regard making enemies as some kind of special hobby?"

What ruined her good mood was Catalina's sarcastic words, and she looked at the screen aside angrily: "How about it, you're satisfied now."

"You can't say that, Mrs. Catalina." Sophia walked out with an apologetic smile, her hands behind her back, and she was a little proud: "I'm just telling you in advance a possibility that has a high probability of happening. Now I can only It just proves that my guess is completely correct.”

Looking at the cat with its tail raised, Mrs. Catalina snorted and blew out two smoke rings: "You sharp-tongued little girl, I haven't given you any guarantees!"

"Even now you have no chance of winning against the War Department; as the head of the Railway Commission, why should I abandon the powerful War Department and support you who can't even win over members of my own family?"

"Of course that's because the kind-hearted Mrs. Catalina will never let poor Sophia suffer misfortune." The girl approached the other party reluctantly, even holding back the smell of cigarettes that she had always hated: "War Department They are powerful, and everyone knows that even if they obey them, they will never get anything in return - because in their eyes, everything is what they should be."

"Especially the transportation industry, led by the railways, will always be the one holding them back in the eyes of the War Department - those mysterious tactics on paper and strategic layouts full of fantasy, all because the Railway Commission cannot deliver materials from one location to another instantly. In the place they designated, all the efforts were unfortunately in vain!"

"They will never understand what a great and extraordinary feat it is to have a batch of materials and an army arrive at the destination on time and without any errors; the railway has a great impact on the improvement of the army's combat effectiveness and the vitality of the kingdom's economic creation. What a high value and irreplaceability!”

"These people will only take the contributions that others have made for them as a matter of course. They will never be grateful, let alone bow to others. They have no concept of 'humility' at all. They only take it for granted." I will always and forever be self-righteous!”

Sophia shook her head, her smile full of sarcasm and contempt: "This kind of person will always have subordinates and slaves, not friends."

"You're right, but that's still not the reason for me to support you." Mrs. Catalina looked at her with a smile, not at all moved by the emotional performance just now:

"The fact is that the Ministry of War is very powerful, very powerful. It is not an exaggeration to call it the most powerful force in Clovis; being an enemy of this kind of organization and force cannot be ended with a few touching words."

"In other words, if the War Department is no longer the strongest force in Clovis, or if its presence plummets, you and the Railway Board will become my unswerving allies, right?"

Sophia showed no sign of giving up: "Then you don't have to do anything, just watch silently, because the War Department will soon fall apart."

"Relying on what, just relying on those... reports you carefully prepared?"

Lady Caterina shook her head: "It is indeed a mistake to spread rumors, but if you want to rely on these things to defeat the Army Department with hundreds of thousands of legions... For Luther's sake, my dear Sophia, don't do that Innocent."

"No, you are wrong." The girl was not angry, but still explained patiently: "Because it is Clovis' most powerful force with hundreds of thousands of standing troops, this method has the greatest impact on them."

"No matter how powerful the adults at the top of the War Department are, it cannot change that their power does not come from themselves, but is a habit and a consensus; they are willing to obey the arrangements of the War Department because the War Department represents His Majesty the King."

"But what if there is a voice telling them that what they believe is wrong? What if His Majesty the King has also been deceived by the people in the War Ministry? What if they want to regain power for His Majesty in their hearts, and the War Ministry, which is in charge of the Kingdom, , are you actually planning to let yourself have that supreme authority?"

"Of course, I do not deny that most people are greedy and follow the crowd; but when they have their hearts set on things that are taken for granted and are tampered with by the truth, even if one person in a hundred feels angry, it means that I have destroyed the Ministry of War. One percent strength!”

"One percent is not a lot. It's only two thousand among two hundred thousand people, but it has really weakened the Ministry of War without relying on real conflicts." As she spoke, the girl slowly raised her right hand. index finger:

"Based on the current cost calculation, even if it only causes more than 2,000 soldiers to abandon the War Department and turn to fight against it or at least remain neutral, we will definitely make a profit without losing anything!"

"And if you think about it again, with my current strength - weak and alone, I can't even convince my relatives, let alone a single soldier, I can constitute a substantial presence to the Ministry of War. threaten……"

"Then what kind of qualitative change will happen if you guys on the Railway Commission are willing to join?"

Looking at the girl's confident and peaceful smile, Lady Catalina suddenly fell into a brief silence.

[...Sofia, my daughter who likes to play around will probably come to you recently. After all, you are the person closest to her; compared with relatives, she probably hopes to get recognition and help from you more... …]

[…Based on what I know about you, you probably wouldn’t agree to accompany her in the mischief at first, just like you would definitely do your best to protect her from being bullied by people from the Army Department…]

[It seems a bit ironic to say this, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Katarina, between you and me, you are the more realistic one; the core reason why we were unable to get together in the first place was not It’s your courage or my choice, it’s the power of the Franz family, and that’s all...]

[So I make a bet with you, you will regard what she is doing as nonsense, but in the end, you will choose to support this nonsense, because you are so realistic, when nonsense becomes profitable, you I will join without hesitation...]

"What nonsense..." Lady Caterina muttered to herself:

"But...he got it right."

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