I will be crowned king

Chapter 995 Shotgun Club

"In the past, those officers who advocated the 'Continental Army' doctrine suppressed us by saying that 'there is no actual record' and 'the costs are not proportional to the benefits'. Anyway, we can't produce actual evidence, and it's impossible to have any." If we have the opportunity to test new military doctrines, we can only watch as they seize the power of the War Department and suppress all different voices.”

"Do you know why Major General Ludwig Franz is so unpopular? One important reason is that his origins in the Franz family can ignore the existence of the Army Department. The other is that he started out as an artillery major and had the so-called ' The Grand Army's independent claim will naturally be rejected by the War Department - otherwise, if his suggestions are adopted, it will be difficult for the Bloody Bayonet group to control the Grand Army faction!"

"As for our officers from the Skirmisher Section, they are not welcome wherever they go...Improve the training level of soldiers, enhance the firepower of individual soldiers, delegate command power to the company and even the platoon level, and respect the on-site judgment of grassroots officers. These propositions It can be said to be completely contrary to the 'Continental Army' doctrine!"

After taking a big sip of dark beer, Teacher Erich's expression looked very dull: "Of course we know best that this must be right - Clovis is not a big country like the Empire, and there is a limit no matter how much the resources are squeezed, excessive Recruitment will inevitably cause social unrest, lack of labor, and soldiers who have not received much training are almost indistinguishable from consumables."

"The problem is that this concept has no actual record to prove that it is right, and without proof, no matter how many hypotheses and ideas are there, they are just castles in the air and cannot stand the scrutiny of reality at all - to be honest, not only are they opposed, but also We ourselves are actually doubtful.”

"With the intensity of today's war, no matter how much training they undergo, the flesh and blood of soldiers cannot stop a bullet; a child who has just learned how to shoot can pull the trigger and kill a strong adult. "

"Is it really necessary to conduct high-intensity training for soldiers in such a battle, especially training in shooting and tactical movements?"

"Of course there is, and it is very necessary." Anson said solemnly:

"A soldier who knows how to aim and shoot knows how to use the ammunition in his hands more effectively instead of wasting it at meaningless distances; the officers who command such soldiers can focus more on commanding the army. to block or attack the enemy at will, rather than, like a shepherd driving his sheep, driving his troops into battle without any idea of ​​what will happen.”

"Yes, that's it!"

Erich smashed the wine glass on the table with a "bang!", and the foam and wine splashed on his collar and face, but he still didn't care: "Hantu, Israel, and the New World...you Those battles are the best evidence that our doctrines and theories are established!”

"I once knew your Storm Legion privately...Although it is still a private organization, almost the entire army has received complete skirmisher training. The equipment rate of rifled guns is about 10%, and the equipment of breech-loading rifles is about 10%. The accuracy rate has reached an astonishing 90%, with one artillery piece for every five hundred people, far exceeding the standards set by the 'Continental Army'!"

"And such high standards are rewarded with victories one after another, including Eagle Point City, White Tower City, Carindia Port, Royal Court of Iser, Sailing City, Beluga Port...continuous battles and victories!"

As if he was stimulated by something, Erich suddenly sighed heavily: "If it weren't for your special status and the lack of a powerful enough family to support you, how could it be Luther's turn? Vichy showed off his power and was praised by so many people as a so-called 'genius military strategist'!"

"None of this is important." Anson smiled calmly:

"What really matters is that all this I did was not wasted and that I made a small contribution to the prosperity of the kingdom."

"But even these small contributions of yours are probably about to be wiped out by the adults at the top of the War Department."

Erich warned exaggeratedly: "For them, the rise and fall of the kingdom is not important. Whether they can control the rise and fall of the kingdom in their own hands is the most important thing."

"We have to stop them, and there's only one way to stop them..."

"Take back control of the Army Department from the hands of the 'Continental Army' faction, and make the Army Department truly a pillar that the kingdom can rely on." Anson picked up the wine glass:

"The kingdom's army must be controlled by people who are truly loyal to the kingdom in order to exert its due strength; I personally believe that it is time to defeat those pedantic and dim-witted old minds and inject some fresh blood into this institution."

"That's such a coincidence, because my colleagues in the Shotgun Club and I also think so." A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Erich's face:

"Is this... could there be some coincidence?"

"Coincidence? Of course not."

Anson suddenly became serious and looked at Erich with stern eyes: "True loyal ministers must have the same feelings for each other, so it is definitely not a coincidence."

Teacher Erich nodded, obviously very satisfied with this answer, and took out a postcard from the drawer and placed it in front of Anson:

"Here is the address of our 'Shotgun Club'. If you are interested, you might as well come to the club this weekend to have a few drinks and play cards. If nothing else, the alcoholic beverages will definitely be enough!"

"It's a great honor." Anson immediately expressed his thanks, but his expression did not change at all: "It's just that I am still being accused by the Army Department and may be arrested at any time. If I go out rashly..."

"You can forget about this for now."

Erich suddenly interrupted: "The Army Ministry wants to arrest you. They just want to take advantage of the fact that you have just returned to Clovis City and the situation is too passive for you. To avoid unnecessary complications, it is strictly necessary to arrest you." It is said that it is not in compliance with the army regulations at all - how can someone be imprisoned just after being accused without being convicted, let alone a general? This has no precedent in the entire history of the kingdom!"

"Besides, the Inquisition has made it clear that they don't dare to take action easily anymore. You just need to be careful not to let the inquisitors lose face. Under other circumstances, just do whatever you need to do."

"By the way, I still have a few old classmates in the logistics department. I will contact them later to see if it can be convenient - it is unlikely to completely relax the control of the Storm Legion, but supplies will be provided normally and a small number of people will be allowed. It’s okay to go out freely occasionally, but at least we can’t let middle-level and above-level officers sleep in military camps every day, it would be too bullying.”

This time Ansen didn't say anything more, he just nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

After all, both sides actually get what they need... Anson needs the connections of Erich and the "Shotgun Club", and they need the support of Anson and the entire Storm Legion to overthrow or fight against the powerful faction of the Ministry of War headed by the "Continental Army".

The so-called doctrine actually has some of the same characteristics as "coffee" - they use the same ideas to unite a group of people who would never be united at all, and then fight against another group of people; whether hypotheses and ideas are actually correct It is not the most critical thing. The key thing is whether this doctrine can become the mainstream thought in everyone's mind, and then use this thought to rule the majority of people.

Could it be that the officers of the "Blood Bayonet Club" couldn't see the disadvantages of the Continental Army, and didn't they understand the benefits of strengthening soldier training and improving firepower?

Of course they know, but can they do it? No.

Because once we give up on expansion and choose to increase equipment and training, it means losing those groups that can benefit from the military expansion, abandoning the arms dealers who can only provide such inferior but sufficient weapons; and instead attracting experienced Chinese Lower-level officers and professional soldiers, as well as factories willing to produce these "new weapons" for them.

No one knows how powerful the latter can be, and no one can guarantee whether the doctrinal reform will be successful. However, the group of people whose interests have been harmed are the absolute base they rely on to control the Ministry of War. Once the company is damaged, it will stand firm. Heels can't even do it.

Therefore, the position is false, the correctness is false, and the concepts are false, but the interest groups are real; and they have established completely self-consistent doctrines that are in line with their own interests, conquering the vast majority of officers and soldiers, and making them They believe all this to be true, and even think that this is the only correct thing and is in their interests.

As for some objections that cannot be proven at all, the opposing voices are just a little noise in the harmonious tune, which is of no importance at all.

But now Ansem... or rather the Storm Legion appears.

This group of sudden aliens actually broke the "harmony" they originally believed in, and used iron-clad facts to prove that there were small flaws in the "perfect doctrine". They actually succeeded without abiding by its theory—— This is the most intolerable thing for them, and it is also an important reason why the War Department must kill them all.

An army that has not been controlled by the Ministry of War for a long time, has not been restricted, has not been affected in any way, is semi-independent, and has even almost achieved economic independence, is an absolute hidden danger in any large organization; it can either be bribed or silenced, which is impossible There is a third option.

The War Department chose the second option, so in order to maintain its prestige, the Storm Legion must be destroyed, and Anson Bach, as the spokesperson of this group of "alien", must be an evil traitor, a criminal who has been sent to hell, otherwise those who have already dealt with If they take their doctrine seriously, officers and soldiers will be confused and completely unable to judge what is right and what is wrong.

Until a new, more "perfect" doctrine is born to replace the former's position.

So in essence, there is no difference between the "Shotgun Club" and the "Blooded Bayonet", or any small group within the Army - could it be that if the "Shotgun Club" comes to power, the War Department will not overthrow the Privy Council in the name of loyalty and welcome our king? Are you pro-government?

Of course you will, and you must do this. Otherwise, how can you show that you are more loyal and more powerful than the group of people who were overthrown, and that you can lead the army to be more loyal to His Majesty and defend the interests of the kingdom - or everyone's interests?

But these have nothing to do with Anson... He has achieved his goal and successfully found his own people within the army. The next step is to continue to use the momentum of the Free Confederacy's appearance to continue to untie himself from the Storm Legion and reverse the offensive in terms of external public opinion. , and at the same time find ways to win over the forces within the Privy Council, making them, like Viscount Bogner, believe that they are a very suitable, very easy-to-use, very obedient tool who can help them suppress the threat from the War Department.

Before that, he had to help the Qiu Zhen Cultivator deal with their old friend "Whispers".

After drinking down the dark beer in the cup, Anson and Teacher Erich looked at each other with satisfied smiles.


"So...this is your 'new plan'?"

Looking at Cole Dorian, whose eyes were shining, Sera Vigil, who was holding a pamphlet with the word "Plan" on it, said expressionlessly: "Since all this is the plan of the Truth Society, then use their best The highly regarded Anson Bach went to test the 'Whisper', thereby bringing out the two difficult organizations and finally catching them all?"

"The choice is based on the situation, whether to catch them all in one go." Cole emphasized:

"To be honest, the situation this time is a bit special. Maybe we and the Truth Society have the same goals. If this is the case, it's not that we can't let them go - after all, familiar enemies are always much closer than outsiders. .”

"I understand, you don't have the confidence to capture the people of the Truth Society." The female judge nodded slightly: "That's right, from the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar to the present, we have never achieved anything except mastering a large amount of information about them. The Royal Court of Yser also watched them leave that time."

"That's because I don't want to-Karin Jacques is also an important informant on our side. If he is gone, it will be us who suffer the loss!" The chief judge seemed to be very dissatisfied with his subordinates' misjudgment:

"But this time the situation is really different. The power behind the 'Whispers' is probably not small. Being able to mobilize so many supplies has exceeded the level of the regular old god sect organizations. Even if there is a country behind it, it will not make any difference. People are weird.”

"The fact that they can escape from us in such a big way proves that they are familiar with us; but they may not be familiar with the Storm Legion or Anson Bach himself. An outsider who has disappeared for two years and reappeared must be able to give these Guys have a lot of surprises.”

"It's reasonable and well-founded. You are worthy of being the chief judge." Sera Vergil nodded slightly to show his affirmation: "But there may be a little flaw in your perfect plan."

"Oh, what is it?"

"That's Anson Bach." The female judge blinked:

"He...just disappeared."

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