I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 536: last hope

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(My head is a little dizzy and I haven't finished writing, please wait for another half an hour)

Although Thalia never thought she was proficient in dealing with people - of course she didn't need to be proficient - but under the influence of her eyes and ears, she had somewhat grasped some of the keys.

For example, a gift can be either a gift or a shackle.

Converting the property under the name of the Storm Legion into a fund, indirectly holding the shares of the New World Company and the annual export quota of raw materials of the Free Confederation, seems to have given Anson a mastery of the unity of the Storm Legion, and at the same time, it will also make Clovis extremely incomparable to him. A weapon of importance; but on the other hand, it is equivalent to giving him the label of a "Free Confederation".

In this way, as long as Anson wants to maintain his importance in the eyes of others, he must keep this label, and even continue to strengthen this identity, to ensure that the Storm Legion will only remain loyal to him alone, and in Crow. Wei Chi's position is hot.

Can you just drop all of these and get rid of the relationship with the Free Confederation—or the Rune Family—forever?

Regrettably, neither.

Not to mention that without these shares and funds, what exactly does Anson rely on to ensure that his subordinates will not cause trouble and mutiny? Just because of the side effects of his troubles in the new world, there is no suitable reason to explain it.

Without the background of the New World, without the support of the New World Corporation and the Free Confederation, then Anson Bach is not a lone loyalist with "curve loyalty", but a sinner who lost his teacher and made Clovis lose major interests in the New World.

So Anson had no choice from the beginning. From the moment he set foot on Clovis, whether it was or not, he was the spokesperson for the interests of the Free Confederation (the Rune family) in Clovis.

Of course, Thalia is also very clear that this level of "shackles" is absolutely not enough for Anson - she doesn't really doubt anything, it's just that someone taught it too well, you must be careful in doing things, strive for perfection, strive for Every step of the plan is flawless.

So while Reinhard did everything he could to persuade the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers of the Storm Legion to accept the fund dividend, Thalia found a certain elf queen, and through her persuaded Louis Bernard to send a Ambassador of the Free Confederacy, returned to North Harbor with the Clovis Royal Fleet.

Then, the ambassador's name was Beekeland Weizler—the younger brother of the apprentice Karin Jacques and the apprentice of David Jacques.

The reason for choosing him is also very simple: Mason, the previous owner of Weizler, died in the chaos of the Faithless Knights, and Beckland, who was young and fond of art, directly inherited the position of the owner and continued to stay in Beluga Harbor, which is full of fish and dragons. As long as the Rune family is willing to protect it, it is inevitable that they may be swallowed alive by other families.

To make such a harmless, art-loving young man an ambassador for the Free Confederacy is clearly incapable of keeping an eye on someone outside of work—or probably not even doing his job.

In this way, the upper Clovis people can turn their attention to the real "ambassador", the excellent Clovis Army Brigadier General.

Whether willing or unwilling, Anson Bach has been completely bound to the Free Confederation; the entire Clovis upper class will clearly realize that what he represents is the interests of the Rune family.

This...that's Thalia August Rune's perfect plan.


"...It's a lie, it's not that complicated."

The smiling girl put down the dessert plate and coffee pot in her hands, and sat beside Anson with a graceful posture: "As a fiancée, trust in your husband is the most basic basis for handling the relationship between the two parties, so how could Thalia doubt it? What about dear Anson?"

"The reason why so many preparations are made is entirely for Anson's sake; after all, the Storm Legion is Anson's only base right now. If they can't be firmly united by their side, how will they be guaranteed in the future in Klow? The future of the internal dimension?"

"As for the Baekran child... His longing for art should also be cleared, Anson has no future at all in the new world. He should take advantage of his youth to go to the real center of the world and absorb nourishment from countless art predecessors... Of course It doesn't matter if you fail, the Rune family will never treat friends and family of friends badly."

"The reason for the special arrangement

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Will Be Crowned King" by the great **** Konghenguiche!

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As an ambassador, he also hopes that Anson can provide some help, after all, little Beckland is really too pitiful; losing his father at such a young age, Talia really can't bear to see him lose his ideals again..."

"All in all, it's definitely not out of any doubts about Anson, so I'm fully prepared in advance just in case... Well, really!"

The girl blinked her big watery green eyes, and her expression could be said to be more sincere and sincere:

"So, dear Anson, would you trust Thalia?"

Anson didn't dare to speak at all.

He deliberately glanced at the snacks and coffee on the table, which looked very delicious and tempting; the steaming coffee was refreshing, and the biscuits just out of the oven smelled so delicious.

But the more delicious and delicious things are, the more sinister and abnormal it is; who knows that under the birthday cake with candles, it has already begun: "cramming" the grenade of Mars?

Of course that's not the point, the point is...

"Actually... Talia knows about Sophia Franz's affairs." The girl suddenly said, as if she casually brought up a trivial topic:

"Fleiya mistakenly thinks that Talia doesn't know anything, but in fact Talia and Miss Sophia have met for a long time; even the Miss Black Mage from the Tribunal has already had a relationship."

"But so what, dear Anson and they just have intersections, never really understand each other deeply, never completely open their hearts to each other; in human time scale, it may be called They are friends, but if you put them on the time scale of spellcasters and blasphemous mages...it's just passing by."

The girl chuckled, her tone and demeanor revealing unparalleled confidence: "Talia really doesn't understand why "feeling" is so fragile in the elf queen's cognition; um, maybe it's because She is really too vulnerable and inferior, and she is constantly imagining being abandoned by Sir Louis Bernard, isn't she?"

"But Anson and Talia are completely different. We have already made a contract, and we have already understood each other in depth; there is no secret between us."

Holding up the coffee cup on the table, the girl approached little by little: "Anson's dream, Thalia's dream, had already unraveled in the early morning of Lund Manor, and the gorgeous and solemn drama had begun to be staged. No one can interrupt it."

"Any...anyone." Thalia said word by word, articulately:

"It can't be done."

The smiling Anson trembled in his heart over and over again.

He is not against anything, after all, what the girl said is indeed true; after he "traversed" to Boredim and became a Blasphemy Mage, his future path was destined to be inseparable from her, even if the separation was destined to be temporary .

Blood mages pursue a perfect life, and conjurers want to create their own laws... But these are just illusions, or just the most superficial and superficial things. The two or the core pursuit of the old god's path is to be the enemy of the world .

Whether it is to become an eternal existence, or to create a standard that is different from this world, becoming an enemy of this world is an inevitable result; even now they are already on the road of confronting the world.

From this point of view, Anson is even very glad that he did not embark on the path of the blood mage when he made the choice; because as long as it is to achieve a perfect life, then there must be a conflict with Thalia... With his beloved mentor Judging from the fate of Mace Hornard, his result will only be worse.

"Deceiving Kangxi"

Conjurers are different... Not only do the two sides have no conflict in the evolutionary path, but to a certain extent, they can even achieve a complementary situation; the powerful vitality possessed by Blood Mage can make up for the flaws of Conjurers’ fragile bodies in the final evolution stage, while Conjurers can It can directly tamper with the law and provide the blood mage with an environment that best suits his strength.

Of course, it is more likely that Thalia's target group for her "fiancé" has never included blood mages; if she had chosen the path of blood magic, the best result might be to be used as a tool to send back to Lisa. People will never get the Angel Wheel of the Rune family.

But even this result is also due to the

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Will Be Crowned King" by the great **** Konghenguiche!

Chapter 536 The Last Hope Free read: https://,!

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He has "traversed" to Boredim a thousand years ago, became friends with August and Rune and disappeared; the two timelines entangled in himself have been completely locked into a closed loop. Nor can it be tampered with.

"...Most importantly, dear Anson, what we represent is an opportunity to rekindle a dashed hope."

Thalia suddenly said: "It's not just us, it's my father Rune, August, and thousands of spellcasters who have been desperate for the "big plan" and finally fell into despair, the only one who is still Hope to hold!"


Suddenly caught the key word, An Sen was stunned: ""


Late at night, Franz Residence.

In the smoking room with flickering candles, Luther Franz sat by the orifice window, quietly admiring the city of Clovis under the moonlight in the mist.

For a city shrouded in thick fog and dark clouds all day, this is a rare sight than a sunny day—there are only a handful of clear night skies like tonight after the 80th year of the saint's calendar.

Luther Franz was so satisfied with this that he felt that there were still too many sunny days.

As an important industrial center like Clovis City, there are only two railways, one south and one north. The main logistics force is still animal power. There is still a shortage of high-quality roads for heavy cargo transportation. The industrial center is still dominated by light industry, and all limited heavy industry Concentrated in the military and construction industries, the total population has only recently exceeded one million…

It's not enough, it's not enough.

For Clovis City to become the real center of the world and to replace the Empire's Dragon City, it would be possible to expand it by at least two or three times.

The old man withdrew his gaze from the window, bloodshot and slightly tired eyes moved to the picture frame on the opposite wall, which contained a slightly yellowed parchment.

It was his diary when he had just become a trainee priest. His neat and immature handwriting was the only thing in the room that could make the old man smile:

"...I have a dream that the proud city of Clovis will become a country in the mist; the sixty-meter-high steam tower surrounds her city wall, the waste water glowing with white and green bubbles delimits her borders, steel bars and sleepers Paving her way...to the end, in the midst of the countless townhouses, is the steel fortress of fire..."

"...she has no night, no day, minutes are divided by factory bells, hours are calculated by steam whistle, and the roar of trains on the rails is a sound that is heard every moment and every second..."

"...she devoured logs, flax, limestone, coal, and innumerable ores; turning them into great ships, clothing, roads, and tens of thousands of manufactured items..."

"...She continues to expand her borders, constantly engulfing the soil full of swamps, plagues, dense forests, and rotting substances, turning this dark and primitive world into a true human paradise..."


A sudden loud noise interrupted the old man's reverie and smashed open the door of the smoking room.

Frosty-faced Sophia Franz stood outside the door, staring coldly at the old man in the room:

"We need to talk."

Looking at the obviously awkward daughter and the shivering little maid hiding behind her, the old man nodded and said calmly, "Come in then, don't forget to close the door."

Glancing at the smoke filled the room, the slightly frowning girl hesitated for a moment; but the next second she stepped into the room and closed and locked the door under Angelica's nervous and concerned eyes.


The dull door lock sounded, and the room returned to dead silence.

"Want a coffee, Sophia?"

"Thanks, do you have rum?"

"Um...I remember there's a bottle of Hipper left, do you want to add ice?"

"Room temperature is fine."

"No problem, just wait."

A minute later, there were two more rums on the coffee table.

Facing her father's calm gaze, Sophia, who was tense all over, picked up her glass and drank it all in one go.

The spicy liquid flows down the throat into the body, UU reading www.uukanshu. com ignited a raging fire in her chest, as if she was not breathing through the gap,

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Will Be Crowned King" by the great **** Konghenguiche!

Chapter 536 The Last Hope Free read: https://,!

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It's the heat wave surging in the steam boiler.

"You should drink it slowly." The old man raised his glass and looked at his daughter's empty glass with pity:

"Hipper's taste is very mellow, and you can only taste its unique taste with a small sip. It is not suitable for..."

"What exactly are you doing?"

Sophia, who was breathing in the smell of alcohol, said coldly, a little drunk on her cheeks.

The old man put down his pipe and raised his glass: "I don't understand."

"You understand clearly." The girl resisted her anger:

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Will Be Crowned King" by the great **** Konghenguiche!

Chapter 536 The Last Hope Free read: https://,!


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