I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 5 Chapter 2: home surprise

"This... Who can tell me, what is this situation?"

Standing by the side of the ship, Carl Bain pointed at the crowd of people on the pier with a telescope, his expression a little confused: "Honorary citizen, there are people from half the city who came over to wait for the big drive, when did our commander-in-chief be so good? face?"

The officers who were crowding around were also confused, and there was some kind of inexplicable disbelief in their eyes; you must know that before they came, they were all prepared to be the rebels who were shouted and beaten by adults. It's hard to believe that the treatment is so disparate, whether there is some error in the report, or if it just happened to bump into the team that welcomes others.

After all, the independence of the Free Confederation has almost offended most of the chambers of commerce in Beigang; those merchants who rely on squeezing the colonies to sell raw materials at high prices, and the two sides earn the difference, are polite if they don’t eat them alive, why would they specially come to welcome them?

"In the eighty-eighth year of the saint's calendar, the former captain of the Royal Fleet, Nott Conan, was wanted by the Church of Order for being accused of using black magic to induce a crime. The initial 100 gold coins have gradually increased to 300, and the arrester enjoys the honorary citizenship of Beigang for life, and also has a special seat in the city council!"

A voice full of reverence resounded from the back of the crowd, and the stunned crowd followed the footsteps of the little secretary and turned around, giving way to both sides like waves:

"Then in the 100th year of the saint's calendar, a factory in Clovis City suffered a riot by protesting workers, and the factory owner, Viscount Bogner, was trapped in the factory; at this critical moment, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach personally led the The storm group raided the factory, and rescued Viscount Bogner, who was nearly poisoned, from Nott Conan's men, killed the gangster, and successfully resolved the crisis."

"Of course, these are just one of the countless great achievements of Lord Anson, and they are not worth showing off too much." The little secretary who was still full of interest stood beside the railing of the ship, which was higher than him, and looked at everyone curiously while sighing:

"But it's not a secret, and now the grenadier regiment of the Storm Legion is also involved in the whole process. How can you look like you don't know anything at all?"

"Uh this..."

The stunned officers looked at each other one by one, and in the end they all focused on the chief of staff.

It all depends on what I do, I was still in the Southern Legion at that time, and I wasn't Anson's adjutant... I scolded these gangsters ten thousand times in my heart, and Carl, who forced himself to be calm, coughed: "No, it's not that I don't know. , but haven't we all been to Beigang once before, and we didn't see such a grand welcome scene at that time, and no one mentioned that the commander-in-chief is still an honorary citizen of Beigang."

"Ah yes yes yes, yes, I thought they forgot about this long ago!"

"It makes sense, why didn't you say it before, but now you suddenly bring this out, it's obviously very abnormal!"

"There is a problem, there is a big problem!"

"That's right, honorary citizens or something must be a pretense, and Beigang's sudden arrogance must be something else!"

With the chief of staff opening this, the remaining officers immediately became articulate, impatiently showing their infinite loyalty to the legion and the commander-in-chief, and what they said was not unreasonable.

In particular, Norton Crosell, the commander of the 3rd Infantry, and Fabian, the commander of the grenadier and the deputy commander of the legion, obviously knew something. They looked at each other and hid in the crowd in silence. inside.

Although it was just a flash of anomaly, Carl quickly captured that moment out of the corner of his eye; then he soon realized that it was not just these two people: Alexei, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, also seemed a little absent-minded. , Leo, the commander of the 4th Infantry, just pretended to agree, the medical chief and the artillery commander dodged their eyes, and even Julian, the commander of the 5th Corps, who had always been pure, could see that he was forcing his shock...

Carl's whole body went numb.

"Well... So the honorary citizen is probably just an excuse. In fact, Beigang will welcome Lord An Sen with such a big fanfare. In fact, there are other plans - if they are really welcoming Lord An Sen."

In the crowd of people who are pregnant with ghosts, only the little secretary is still seriously analyzing the current situation: "If you say that, is it possible that it is a trap?"

"Pretending to be a warm welcome is actually to let the commander-in-chief and the legion relax their guards, and once they go ashore, they will immediately..."

"Stop, stop... Your guess is a bit exaggerated." Carl, covering his head, quickly interrupted the little secretary's cranky thoughts: "Although there is no evidence, I personally think that there is a high probability that it should not happen."

"Devouring the Starry Sky: Sign In to God"

"Oh, are you saying that Beigang and Beigang's Chamber of Commerce will not be detrimental to Mr. An Sen?"

"No, I mean they don't have to wait to get ashore at all, they can do it directly on the ship - the commander-in-chief is a landlubber, and the legionnaires are still scattered in the cabins of a dozen warships, and it's just superfluous to start when we are assembled. ."

Carl waved his hand with an indifferent face: "But I guess Anson... I mean, even if the commander-in-chief knows that this is a trap, he should still choose to go ashore as soon as possible."

When the words fell, the officers who were still thinking about each other just now, or pretended to talk about it, or kept silent and pretended to be transparent, nodded their heads with expressions of incomparable approval.


Although the development of the matter was exactly the same as what a certain chief of staff had guessed, An Sen, who knew that something seemed wrong, still gave the order to land at the shore at the first time, but after all, it was a fleet of dozens of warships, from assembly to arrangement It took a lot of time for the ship to be parked.

It would be three or four hours before the commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion finally set foot on the land he longed for.

In addition, the welcoming crowd looked very lively, but it was not the mayor of the North Harbor City Council who really came to greet them, but Commodore Taro Cecil.

That's right, it was the general who lent an entire fleet to the Storm Legion under the name of "lease cargo ships", and was also the father of Colonel William Cecil.

Perhaps because of his mission, the weather-beaten Commodore looked a lot more enthusiastic than before. He dared to meet Anson and Little Beckland, who was a representative of the Free Confederacy, and made all sorts of compliments, which made people suspect that the Fleet Commander was purely a personal hobby. , Clovis ambassador is his true identity.

"...In short, Beigang is truly honored to be here with you all!"

It took no less than a quarter of an hour to be polite, and Tarot Cecil, who was full of spring breeze, finally entered the topic and smiled at the officers of the Storm Legion and the Free Confederation mission in front of him:

"After discussion by the city council, it was agreed that only a 'honorary citizen for life' and a special seat are no longer enough to express the gratitude and reverence of Brigadier General Anson Bach from the top and bottom of Beigang, and a special position should be established for you."

"Ah, not only you, but also your descendants or all legal heirs can hold this position unconditionally; not only retain seats on the city council, but also special allowances and the privilege of free access to any place in North Harbor!"

"As for the name of the position, it is tentatively set as 'Northport Tribunal'." Taro Cecil paused: "Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a more suitable title and then it will be revised."

"You are so kind." With a formulaic smile, Anson waved his hand with a very modest gesture: "I only made a trivial contribution to capture Nott Conan, a fugitive murderer who has been on the run for more than ten years. It's not worth the great Beigang people to make such a move."

"No no no... How can you say it's not worth it?" Tarot looked dignified on the spot, looking up at the parent-child son who came with him: "William, evaluate it."


The young navy colonel was stunned, looked at An Sen, who was smiling but not smiling, then looked at his serious father, and the crowd of people on the pier, and quickly gave his answer:

"...It's worth it, it's worth it!"

"Well said, the entire North Harbor owes Brigadier General Anson Bach a huge favor!" Taro Cecil pointed to the very eye-catching banner above his head, and almost moved the crowd behind him. The welcome team of each city waved:

"And what's more important is that the last time you visited Beigang, you were so low-key, and we even forgot your outstanding contribution to Beigang because of your humble quality. No amount of compensation can make up for the fault. What if!"

"Therefore, when I heard that you and your army have returned in triumph, the whole city racked their brains to think about what to do to show the hospitality and enthusiasm of Beigang, so that you, an honorary citizen of this city, will be able to return home as soon as you come ashore. Intimacy."

"Of course, this also includes you, Your Excellency Beckland Weizler." Tarot turned the conversation, and at the same time turned his attention to the black coat on Anson's side, who was at the same level as him wearing a half-top hat. On Little Beckland:

"Beijing people, who are also a prosperous port city, have a deep understanding of the colonial people's desire for freedom. Therefore, although the two sides no longer belong to the same country, they still hope to be considerate, tolerant and understanding of each other."

"Whether the Free Confederation and the Clovis Kingdom can successfully establish diplomatic relations and become allied countries, the Ice Dragon Fjord will always be a friend of Beigang; for friends, we have always been very willing to express our friendship with the greatest enthusiasm."

"Therefore, the city has prepared a grand dinner at the city council to entertain you and the members of the Free Confederation Mission - of course, including the Storm Legion; we will use the greatest enthusiasm and ability to let everyone experience the North Harbor. It's a hospitable harbor!"

In the face of such a passionate Commodore, as the ambassador of the Free Confederation, Little Beckland, in addition to maintaining a stiff smile on his face, was almost unable to stand still.

Originally fond of painting, he is not good at dealing with social situations and crowded situations, otherwise Talia would not let him leave Moby-Dick Harbor and run across the sea to Chloe in order to protect the last hope of the Weizler family. dimension.

It's just that in the eyes of the introverted and somewhat "social fear" little Beckland, the enthusiastic Tarot Cecil is not much friendlier than those indifferent relatives.

Looking at the brigadier admiral in front of him, An Sen vaguely understood something.

Whether it was William Cecil's "reminder" before going ashore or the internal discussions of the Storm Legion, it was basically unanimous that even if Beigang, who had been robbed of the cake, would not close the door to thank guests, he would never give himself or the mission of the Free Confederation anything. good face.

After all, the addition of Ice Dragon Fjord to the Free Confederation and the independence of the Confederacy can be regarded as a single-handedly facilitated by the Storm Legion; it may be possible to deceive others by saying that the colony resists the will, but the Cecil family participated in the establishment of the New World Company throughout the process. Even if there are shares, it is impossible not to know the cause of the whole thing.

Now, it seems that the judgment at that time may have been a little biased.

Whether the independence of the Free Confederation or the addition of the Ice Dragon Fjord to the Free Confederation, on the surface, it seems that it has made it more difficult for the North Harbor Chamber of Commerce to sell cheap manufactured goods to the colonies; , the cost is all in the transportation, you can cut the leeks how you want.

But now that the Free Confederation is unified, and there is a New World Corporation dedicated to foreign trade, what does this mean? It means that Beigang merchants no longer have to negotiate business from colony to colony, or even from owner to owner, as in the past; it means that as long as they can win over New World companies, they can change from cutting leeks in Ice Dragon Fjord to cutting of the entire Free Confederation.

In the past, they could only sell goods to Ice Dragon Fjord, or even a colony in Beluga, and then buy raw materials from Beluga, and then wait for Beluga to sell the goods to other colonies, and then buy more from them. Raw materials; and now... no middlemen make the difference!

So the answer is obvious, as long as UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can win over the New World Company, it will be able to earn back ten times the lost cake; and in the eyes of Beigang businessmen, it is obvious that they and Beckland are the same. The ambassador of the Free Confederation is the spokesperson of the New World Company.

"In order to make this rare day even more unforgettable, we also specially prepared a small surprise for His Excellency Anson Bach."

Just when Anson was thinking, Brigadier General Taro Cecil suddenly smiled mysteriously, raised his hand sideways and raised his hand: "I hope this surprise will make you feel a little more cordial about going home."


The stunned An Sen raised his eyebrows, looked in the direction indicated by the other party, and then...

"Ah!" Lisa, who was standing behind him, suddenly screamed, stammering and pointing at the figure reflected in her child's hole: "He, he, he..."

"He looks exactly the same as Anson!"

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