I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 375: The sincerity of the truth

The latest website: Ice Dragon Fjord, Beluga Harbour.

The gloomy dome covered the sun, making the city that had not yet fully woken up from the dark night look very depressing; although there was no heavy rain, the howling sea breeze still made the usually prosperous streets seem a bit deserted.

In other words, it is not just the weather that makes the streets deserted.

Since April, although there has not been any bad news, the ordinary people of Beluga Port can still feel a little clue from the empty port, the more and more frequent movements of the Storm Corps and the Shooting Corps; All sorts of terrifying and exaggerated rumors began to spread among the sailors at home or in the taverns and among the dock workers.

Neither the Supreme Council nor the Governor's Office of the Ice Dragon Fjord, which has just declared its independence, has banned it, further aggravating the spread of rumors.

Gossips like "The Empire's army of 100,000 is about to go to the White Whale Harbor", or "The Clovis Royal Family is furious and will completely kill" the colonial gossip, can even appear in the "Beluga Harbor Good People".

In addition to the fact that the mainland has indeed blocked the port trade, of course, there is also Anson's deliberate connivance, expressly requesting that the troops patrolling the city and the untrustworthy knights operating in private should not interfere in any way.

The reason is also very simple. On the one hand, both the Legion, the Rune family and the Supreme Council are actively preparing for war, and they have no energy to suppress the endless rumors; The news directly ignited the powder keg of the whole city.

After all, unless they are professionals, most people have only a very vague concept of "scale" and "number". The gap between 10,000 people and 100,000 people in their imagination is probably the same as 10,000 people and 10,000 people. Almost, or even smaller; it seems no different to be against the Empire than against the entire ordered world.

So let the rumors spread, although there will definitely be a certain panic in the early stage, but because this is basically fake news, the panic is completely controllable; when the jihadist army really comes to the door, the people who have been panicking for more than two months will No more shock, but "the day has finally come" numbness.

Staring at the weather that seemed to be about to rain, Anson, who was sitting in front of the window, was enjoying a simple breakfast while listening to the latest information from the little secretary and his itinerary for the next day:

"...The grain ship from Nakhir Port has arrived at Slave Port, and the local Autonomous Council is organizing people to load the goods into the truck, and it will arrive at Grey Snow Town in three days..."

"... The newly recruited 5,000 soldiers of the Shooting Army have completed the initial training and basically mastered the ability to understand orders and distinguish between left and right. The next step will continue to expand the recruitment of middle-level officers and instructors, with a scale of about 100 to 150 people. …”

"...The preliminary trade volume with Nakshire has been checked, and the New World Company is delivering profits to the various colonies through its offices and banks, of which the Ice Dragon Fjord will be allocated about approx..."

"The newspaper in Beluga Port published two more unconfirmed rumors today, but they were quickly refuted. The person who spread the rumors was also seized by the Trustworthy Alliance. He was the housekeeper of former Speaker Harold..."

Putting down the document in his hand, the little clerk with a formal smile raised his head: "In addition, you are going to the Beluga Harbor Command this morning to organize the soldiers of the militia regiment from Winter Torch City and Longhu Town to participate in the training of the Storm Legion. , a lunch meeting of about half an hour with President Reinhard and the officer corps at noon."

"In the afternoon, we will go to the Supreme Council. The representatives hope to discuss with you the reorganization of the parliament, as well as the selection of the Supreme Leader of the Confederacy and the commander of the army."

"Okay, I see." Anson nodded very casually:

"Tell Fabian and Karl that they will represent me in the morning training and the noon meeting; as for the inquiry of the Supreme Council in the afternoon...if they bring it up, let Reinhard deal with it, and if it doesn't work, call Karl again. go."


The little secretary raised his head in surprise: "Then, that lord, you..."

"I have something to do. I'm going to visit the technical advisor at the Governor's Palace." Anson wiped the crumbs from the corners of his mouth and picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair:

"It may be a long time, so at least you don't have to arrange an itinerary for me today. Anyone who wants to see me will be handled by you. If you can't handle it, you will find other people... In short, no one will be seen."

"As ordered." The little secretary had no choice but to nod: "If I want to find you, where should I go?"

"My dear Alan Dawn, you are asking knowingly."

An Sen smiled, and his secretary was as cautious as ever: "Well, after four o'clock in the afternoon, wait for me outside the military factory; if you don't see anyone within an hour, call the search and rescue team."

"Yes, my lord."

The little secretary with a shy smile bowed and saluted.

After saying goodbye to his secretary, Anson, dressed in casual clothes, went to the military factory on the outskirts of the city. After saying hello to Julian, the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment, who was in charge of the security work here, he walked straight to the office of the head of the military factory.

Compared with the inside of the city, the atmosphere of the military factory is obviously much more stable - most of the workers here, especially the skilled workers, are from Beluga Port, which moved with the military factory, and are not local colonists.

In order to ensure production, Anson built a collective community for these people on the outskirts of the city. There are also special supplies of various necessities and materials. While improving living standards, it also separates these people from the entire city; Rumors have not been able to spread among the workers.

Looking at the wooden sign at the entrance of the basement, although he was 100% sure that the other party was in the house, An Sen, who frowned slightly, knocked on the door subconsciously.

"Uh... please come in!"

The voices in the room sounded rushed, as if they were tidying up; Anson took a deep breath and waited for three seconds before twisting the door handle.

As soon as you enter the door, the first thing that catches your eye is the ancient runes on the walls, numbers and formulas that are completely incomprehensible—ceilings, floor tiles, wallpapers... A thick, even visible chalk smell fills the air, with All the furniture, office supplies, and even the coffee mugs are covered in thick layers of off-white.

Although it was not the first time to see this scene, An Sen, who had become a Blasphemy Mage, could still feel an instinctive physiological discomfort in his body.

"Sorry for the mess in the room, you are five minutes earlier than I expected, Lord Anson." William Gottfried, who was sick with two dark circles under his eyes, scratched his chicken coop-like head, and by the way He also took out half a piece of chalk from his ears:

"Coffee or black tea? Although it seems that the supply has been cut, I still have the last bit of stock here."

Anson subconsciously glanced at the dusty coffee cans and tea boxes in the corner. The former had become a chalk box, and the lid of the latter had become a chalk eraser:

"...Thanks for the hospitality, I'm not thirsty yet."

"That's great, because I accidentally lost the teapot a few days ago, and I really can't remember where they were." Gottfried shrugged, his sickly expression suddenly serious. His deep eyes stared straight at Anson:

"I know why you are here, but before I start I have to repeat the previous question, are you...really ready?"

"Because it's one thing to be a Blasphemer Mage, and it's another thing to have something to do with Saint Isaac, especially his shady research."

"With the relationship between you and the Franz family, even if I don't need to explain it specifically, what kind of behavior is in the eyes of the Church of Order when you come into contact with knowledge that you shouldn't have?"

Gu Concubine

After speaking, he leaned against the wall with a posture that he would faint at any time, waiting for the other party's reply.

Anson nodded vaguely: "I understand."

"And if I remember correctly, I should have told you long ago that this is not the first time I have... gotten notes on what St. Isaac's research was about."

"I know, but just in case, I'm just a scientist after all."

The technical advisor shrugged, took out a thick stack of scratch paper behind him, and smashed smoke and dust on the desk with a "crack!": "No matter who you got this St. Isaac's note from , the other party may not know its true value!"


Anson couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

"I haven't fully deciphered the entire content, but I have roughly figured out what Saint Isaac's note is for." William Gottfried said casually, without any emotion:

"So...can you tell me who gave this to you?"


"can not."

Under the flickering lights, Roman, whose half cheek was reflected, coldly refused: "It's not the best time to make it public. When it's time to say it, even if I don't show it, you will naturally understand."

"If this is the case, then I can only apologize for not being able to cooperate."

An Sen also refused politely: "I don't even want to announce the plan, why do I believe that your truth has the ability to turn my defeat into a victory?"

"Are you afraid?" Roman said coldly.

"Yeah, I'm just scared."

Anson looked directly into his eyes: "This is a war between one world and another, and I don't even have a card in my hand that can compete with the Church of Order, and I can't think of any plan that can destroy the opponent's attempt, what do you think? It's all sure to lose here!"

"No, you have, the Rune family and the apostle who is staring at us, isn't it your trump card?"

"You're kidding me, Colonel Roman, once Rune really takes action, it will directly convict the Rune family and all of us for involving the Old God Sect; even if the church wants to end, it will face thousands of believers, how do they explain it?"

"Anson Bach, I didn't know you would even think about the enemy?"

"I'm not for the enemy, I'm for myself! For the Storm Legion, the Ice Dragon Fjord plus at least one million immigrants from the New World, they are innocent, but they are not consumables that your truth will be able to sacrifice at will!"

"Caring about your subordinates and the people, you really gave me more and more surprises."

Glancing at the storm outside the window, the sneering Roman said lightly: "But I already understand what you mean. If the truth wants to reach a cooperation with you, it must show some minimum sincerity first... Right?"

"At least...maybe not enough." Anson narrowed his eyes slightly:

"I admit that this time the two sides may really have mutual interests - provided you are not lying, but this is still not the reason why I have to cooperate with you; yes, I will definitely try to delay the jihadist attack as much as possible, but more How long and how long must be determined according to the progress of the situation.”

Facing his gaze, Roman was silent for nearly half a minute.

Looking at each other, just when Anson thought that the other party would continue to threaten him, he silently took out a document bag sealed with parchment paper from his arms, and...

"Pocket watch?"

Staring at the silver pocket watch with gilded patterns on the table, An Sen asked suspiciously.

"Or maybe it's a magic tool that looks like a pocket watch and is called the 'Reminiscence Pendulum'." Roman said quietly:

"Its ability is very special: press the button to open the watch cover, it will record all your state at this moment, if you press it a second time within an hour, all the things that you have influenced and are influenced by you All traces of it will be restored to their original state.”

"And its second ability is that within this hour, you can move the pointer on it at will to determine the speed of a certain area around, an item, or even the time of life... and this time is irreversible."

"Sounds like a very interesting magic tool." Resisting the surprise in his heart, An Sen continued to speak plainly: "Is this the sincerity of the Truth Society?"

"Take it as your last amulet to save your life." Roman said coldly, and while throwing the pocket watch to Anson, he held up the document wrapped in parchment:

"This... is the 'sincerity' you want."

"I know you seem to have found a copy of St. Isaac's notebook, but that copy should be someone's copy, and the one I have in my hand is the real original. got it."

"The record is about St. Isaac's conceptual conjecture about the future difference engine..."


"And it's all compiled and recorded with ancient runes, so even if you know what's inside, if you don't know ancient runes, or what Isaac Rand thinks is ancient runes, you won't have any. significance."

William Gottfried chuckled confidently: "This megalomaniac ... thought that using ancient runes could hide the little secret in his heart, but the knowledge of ancient runes is only the same."

"Then what did he write in his notes?" Anson asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just as you think, some of Isaac Rand's conjectures and prospects for the difference engine, and..." William Gottfried paused:

"It seems that he intends to use the difference engine to deduce the fourth evolutionary path in addition to the three major magics."

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