I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 382: should come

The latest website: "According to the latest information, the vanguard of the jihadist army has been launched. The strength of the army is unknown, and the starting point, but the total size should be around 20,000, and the fleet size is almost a large fleet of no less than 30 warships."

"Although it is not clear which port to go to, it is nothing more than a choice between Port Edland and North Port, and the start time is probably in early April."

On the way to the High Conference Hall, Anson walked fast while whispering to Louis next to him the "first-hand information" he had just obtained.

The simple and somewhat delicate fir gate kept opening in front of the two of them, ignoring the representatives on both sides who were trying to come forward to please them, and walked straight towards the main hall.

"Strategic plans, operational objectives, navigational routes, are all unknown; but even the most optimistic estimates are at least a replica of Bernard Morwis's army—not only twice as strong, but also with a A huge fleet."

Anson, who did not look back, continued to state calmly, in stark contrast to Louis, whose face became more dignified beside him: "If you want to fight the enemy head-on, without defending the port, which is almost certain to die, only in a certain Only by fighting street battles in each city can we reduce our disadvantage, and must not be less than the enemy's equivalent."

"In other words, the main force of the entire Confederacy must be assembled to be able to compete with the enemy, and because it is a street battle, the casualties must be more tragic than the frontal battlefield; still optimistic estimates should be prepared for a quarter of casualties; Such a battle can only be fought once by the Confederacy."

"The jihadist army with the fleet can choose the battlefield arbitrarily, making us exhausted." Louis, who had a tight eyebrow, whispered, his heart was extremely heavy:

"Even if this is just the vanguard, there will be no less than 100,000 main forces in the follow-up. Once all of them arrive..."

"We have to prepare for the fall of more than half of the Confederate territory and retreat to the inland stronghold." Anson nodded lightly:

"If you are unlucky, you may be trapped in a port colony and forced to fight a destined defense of the city; in the end, you will either surrender or be destroyed."

The young knight with a tight heart pursed his lips.

"Therefore, the most important task now is to improve the survivability of each colony, and to increase the number of troops within the Confederacy as much as possible, to establish a Confederate army of at least 50,000 people - this is the bottom line."

Before arriving at the main hall gate, An Sen, who suddenly stopped, took a deep look at Louis: "Establish a staff department, establish a systematic command system, and improve the organization."

"Of course, we must try to get reinforcements as much as possible. The Bernard family has other imperial giants who oppose the war. Even if the other party refuses, they should continue to write letters, state their interests to them, and mediate for this war."

"Also, Clovis, Hantu, Iser, the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea... and even the Holy See itself, all the contacts that can be used are used as much as possible, and I can't let go of hope no matter how slim it is."

"To put it badly, all we are doing now is not to give the Confederacy any hope of defeating the Mujahideen; it is to increase the bargaining chip in the subsequent surrender after blocking the first round of the Mujahideen offensive."

Taking a deep breath, Louis nodded vigorously:

"I understand."

Of course, he knew that Anson's intention was not only to find ways to protect the Confederacy under the front of the jihadist army, but also that he, as the governor of Sail City, must agree, and even completely stand in his position, promote the establishment of the staff and elect the Confederate legion. commander in chief, and centralization of power over the entire Confederacy.

This is of course inconsistent with the young knight's wish, and even completely violated his original intention of becoming the governor of Sail City - to contain the Confederate colonies that were originally part of the empire, and completely fall to the Clovis headed by Beluga Harbor, or he, Anson Bach of private property.

But after so many things, Louis gradually understood a truth: ideals are important, but there is still something more important than ideals in this world, and that is survival.

If even the minimum survival cannot be guaranteed, no matter how lofty the ideal is, it is only a fool's raving; the knight who fought **** to the end is great, but if the price is to make thousands of innocent people die in vain, he is just a coward who dare not face defeat. Selfish and self-deceiving liar.

The most important thing for the Free Confederation at the moment is to survive; since Ansen Bach's method seems to be the most feasible at present, it is reasonable to give up some senseless insistence on it.

"Let's go."

The determined young knight said solemnly: "Yangfan City will fully support your decision. As for persuading others...that is your strength."

"I think it's time for them to know the truth."


"the truth?"

Paulina Frey, who was sitting in the seat, raised her head in surprise and looked at the figure she trusted most, with a little panic in her voice:

"Anson Bach... Your Excellency Governor, can you make your words clearer?"

As soon as the voice fell, the chairmen and acting directors of the council's colonies, and the representatives of the thirteen colonies, turned their attention to An Sen in unison.

"The so-called truth is that Sir Louis Bernard and I have never mentioned to you before, and you think that the enemy that the Confederacy is about to face is the Empire, or the Clovis Legion trying to recover the colony... I'm afraid it is Incorrect."

In the face of the representatives with different expressions, An Sen with a flat expression said in the most understated tone:

"According to the information we have so far, the Empire has obtained authorization from the Church to call on the entire ordered world in the name of God to assemble an army fighting for the faith and launch a holy war against the Free Confederation."

"Their excuse is colonial rebellion, disobedience to the Ring of Order, and the many ordinary people and indigenous people who live in this land who do not believe in the Ring of Order, but who have not been persecuted for it; their goal To exterminate us, to loot our wealth, to destroy the order of the Free Confederacy, to divide parishes from the rubble, to build cathedrals, and to enslave the rest."

"It is therefore very regrettable that our enemy this time is not the Empire, but the whole world."

"Yes, you don't have to doubt, you heard right, our enemy...is the whole world."

When the voice fell, An Sen, who had no expression on his face, lowered his head, and pretended to sort out the documents on the table casually, as if he had just announced some boring content such as the routine announcement of "this year's grain price increase".

The atmosphere in the hall was already as deadly as suffocating.

Both the Speaker and the ordinary representatives fell into silence, and a word they had never thought of, or dared not imagine, echoed in their overly shocked minds.

Gu Su

We... the Free Confederation... only thirteen colonies... a Confederation with a population of less than two million...

To be against the whole world?

The young knight lowered his head and sighed softly.

Although he already knew this information, the moment he heard An Sen state the facts in this tone again, an indescribable sense of powerlessness would still flood into his heart.


In the silence, the expressionless An Sen said again: "Yes, it should be hopeless; when we choose to embark on this path, we should be prepared to experience this feeling."

"When we raise the banner of freedom and equality and declare our fight against slavery and injustice, we should think about how powerful, despicable and shameless our enemies are! We are not fighting against a single individual, but the devil, the evil god, and the evildoer. !"

"We are driven to a dead end, we can't bear it anymore, and when we can't stand back, we should think that the evil gods and demons will not give up, they will not sit idly by, and even put on kind faces and pretend to be noble and virtuous knights. , get along well with us.”

"You should all know that it's impossible!"

Looking around at the people present, An Sen had a somewhat sneering smile in his eyes: "Put life and death in the hands of others, and even hope to exchange fairness for the other party by making compromises... Oh, it should be fair and just on the surface, with courtesy It's absurd to treat each other like a slave asking for wages from his master, and then he feels as if he has gained freedom."

"But it's a pity that this slave owner not only doesn't want to pay wages, he also has to deal with all the 'friends' who have been bullied and oppressed by him, and finally bowed their heads to him. Calling us immoral."

"He didn't even think it was safe to do it himself, because we, the slave, seemed to resist; therefore, we must all come together, crush our hands and feet, beat us, ravage us, slit our throats, break our bones, and tear us apart. Flesh, dig out the guts, and finally point to our corpse and say..."

"...Look, what a filthy, ugly, immoral slave this is!"

In the quiet air, only Anson's heavy voice echoed in the air.

Louis, who vaguely felt that something was wrong, raised his head and wanted to interrupt Anson's words; but before he could speak, he recalled his promise and continued to remain silent.

Anson, who was still expressionless, noticed his movements, and continued to speak until he saw the young knight sitting back in his original position:

"So if you still feel hopeless, please maintain this despair, and then think carefully about what you want to do next and what you should do."

"Of course, some people may feel that even if they are truly enemies of the world, there will still be a period of time." Anson's tone became flat and indifferent again:

"For these people, I have another not very happy news to tell you, that is, the jihadist army is about 20,000 people, and the huge fleet has set off from a certain port in the old continent and will soon appear in Confederate shorelines."

"Sail City, Black Reef Harbor, Red Hand Bay, Long Lake Town, Beluga Harbor, Slave Harbor... any of the six ports may be targeted."

"And with the current military capabilities of the Confederacy, it is impossible to be foolproof for all ports; it is already very difficult to protect one or two places in a targeted manner; if there is to be a frontal battle, it is even more necessary to assemble no less than 50,000 troops. There is a chance of winning.”

"Please note that I said 'maybe'... We have no idea whether this army is elite or weak, and the level of equipment."

"The only thing we know is that there are at least a hundred thousand troops behind this fleet, and the hostility of the world to the Free Confederation."

"Therefore, I hereby formally propose to speed up the mobilization efficiency of the colonies, and at least mobilize no less than 20,000 soldiers... Of course, as an equal member of the Confederacy, I am only proposing to you."

Anson raised his head and looked around the scene for a week: "I also propose to shorten the appeal proposal process, speed up the establishment of the Confederate Corps staff, and start the election of the Confederate commander immediately."

"I don't want to tell you that the liberty of the Confederacy can be won by choosing a commander-in-chief and forming a legion; but what I tell you is that our enemies are more powerful than ever, and more greedy than ever - when they characterize us At the moment of being the enemy of the ordered world, what you want is not just our kneeling and surrender, but complete enslavement from the inside out."

"It takes money...and life!"

The cold words fell, and Anson set his eyes on Reinhard Roland intentionally or unintentionally; the president of the New World Company pursed the corners of his mouth tightly and kept looking around, as if he was anxiously waiting for something.

"President Reinhard, do you have anything to say?"


Reinhard, who was suddenly named, was startled, his eyes were a little flustered, and he showed a hesitant expression: "I...I do need to report something to you as soon as possible, but not here...I mean, waste everyone time; maybe after the meeting...you...when you think time is looser maybe..."

"There's no need for that."

Anson directly interrupted his stammering round. "We are all part of the Confederacy. No matter what the situation is, everyone here is entitled to know, there is no need to hide it."

Reinhard, who was stunned in place, UU reading www. uukanshu.com was completely petrified for nearly half a minute.

"...Okay." The president sighed, stood up with his hands on the table in front of everyone, and looked at everyone present with a little helpless eyes:

"This is the information just sent by our 'partner' in the kingdom of Nakhir. A large fleet, waving the flag of the Ring of Order, has just made a brief stop at Nakhir Harbor due to a storm."

"There are about thirty battleships in the entire fleet, including two main battleships equipped with 68-pound guns, and one ironclad ship; including all sailors, the total strength is about 30,000 people."

"This fleet sent a 'call' for the Holy War from the Church of the Ring of Order to the Nakhir Kingdom, but the Nakhir royal family declined it on the grounds that the civil war was not over yet."

"At present, the fleet has left the port of Nakhir and is coming to the Free Confederation; and the commander of this army is one of the six commanders of the Jihad..."

"His Excellency Major General Ludwig Franz!"

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