I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 394: messed up

In the original plan, Anson planned to "reuse" the previous plan to defeat Bernard Morwes, but this time the identity was reversed, and Ludwig played his original role.

First, let Louis lead the Sail City militia to take the initiative to deceive Ludwig's left flank from the main force, and cooperate with the Storm Legion in the back line to annihilate and strangle, and reverse the strength of the two sides in one breath, paving the way for the next negotiation table to gain the initiative.

Of course, with Ludwig's character, Anson also took into account the possibility of the opponent being deceived, so he could only personally lead the two regiments of the Storm Legion to advance from the middle, while the Eastern Firing Army continued to maintain the front line and prepared for a diagonal attack. The posture, using himself as a bait to pull Ludwig, put the main elite into the Western Front battlefield.

After that, you can repeat the previous actions, drag the enemy into the encircling net by continuously retreating, and the east and west fronts of the Mujahideen Legion, which are forced to throw the main force "sloping attack", will inevitably become disconnected; if not, it will be when Lisa and the company of guards will appear. .

At this stage, it is still not safe. After all, the significance of Ludwig cannot be ruled out. It is meaningless to press all the cards, not only to decide the outcome, but also to decide life and death with oneself; if the main force is determined to break through, the force is almost equal. You can't stop them.

Alexei Dukasky... He is the last insurance. Whether he can break through the blockades in the shortest time and let Roman reach Ludwig's headquarters will directly determine how this war ends.

And this is still not the whole picture of the plan. All kinds of plans are already well-known in his heart. No matter what the situation is, Anson is sure to bring it back on the right track; revision and reversal are the power of the "law of planning". ,

However, despite all the calculations, I just didn't expect that the Clovis army on the opposite side would be able to cowardly get to such a level that they would be able to retreat in the face of thousands of poorly equipped militiamen, and would not dare to fight head-on.

It's not that they weren't fooled, it's not that they were deviously tempted, they... they just looked out for the wind and fled!

Even if the first element was not established, the whole plan naturally collapsed; An Sen, who was so angry that he wanted to curse, could only push it all over again.

The militiamen of Yangfan City on the west front approached, and the firing army on the east front assaulted in columns, followed by the Storm Corps in charge of supervising the battle and serving as a reserve team. Not a single shot was left, and they were all fired, clearing the entire position.

I'm stud, you can do whatever you want!

This is Anson's last temptation... If Ludwig still refuses to fight, either he has ulterior motives, trying to "seduce" himself out of this desperate situation, and defeat himself in the form of mobile warfare in the entire colony of Yangfan City. retreating army.

Anson has serious doubts about this, mainly because he doesn't think Ludwig can have this kind of imagination, not commanding ability - there is no doubt that he certainly does not have this level.

Otherwise, Ludwig simply did not have the ability to control this jihadist army; in fact, through multiple intelligence and several contacts, Anson could roughly conclude that the opposite jihadist army should not be Ludwig's cronies, the southern army, but It's an improvised army.

But in any case, temporarily changing the battle plan made before the war is a big gamble;

Because the enemy lost too fast, the plan made in advance completely collapsed... If Ludwig knew that Anson thought so at this moment, he would definitely think that this guy was deliberately showing off to himself.

But even if he knew, he didn't have the heart to think about it now.

Looking at the battle situation that was about to be one-sided, the army commander's expression was extremely ugly, and his bloodshot eyes were almost bleeding.

He finally saw with his own eyes what is meant by "retreat and turn forward, and turn forward like the wind" and what is meant by "friends are in trouble, but don't move like a mountain", and the experience is extremely profound.

On the left flank of the battlefield (the western front), the Yangfan City militia could recklessly start building a defense line under their own eyes, trying to gain a firm foothold, because their retreat was "too timely".

However, the right-wing Confederate Army (shooting army), who noticed that the jihadist army was "fearing the war and retreating", began to move around, trying to advance the front line to merge with the left.

As for the storm corps huddled behind the right flank, wearing Clovis uniforms and carrying the 13-star ring flag, Anson Bach's bastard's Storm Legion has also left its original position and disappeared without a trace like the world evaporated.

This is exactly what Ludwig is most worried about. It is not difficult to guess with his toes. The army that is willing to rebel with the traitor is definitely his most crucial trump card. It is the moment when he relaxes his vigilance. The deadly sharp knife!

However, at such a critical moment, the commander of the Western Front troops dared to send messengers over, brazenly asked for reinforcements, and even applied for artillery cover on the grounds that the enemy had already stood firm.

This scum who deserves to be shot to death, why the enemy can stand firm? !

"Tell him that the artillery support will start in ten minutes, and at the same time I will send an infantry regiment reinforcement from the central front, but the price is that I have to attack in ten minutes and level the farm for me!"

No matter how hard he gritted his teeth, Ludwig had to compromise in the face of the rotten battle situation, otherwise the collapse of the Western Front would threaten his flank:

"Half an hour, I'll only give you half an hour - before nine o'clock, you can't see the Ring of Order and the King Clovis flag planted on the ruins of the manor, the officers above the battalion, all military law enforcement!"

"Yes uh... yes!"

The frightened messenger was stunned for several seconds, and then ran away at the fastest speed, as if the regiment commander was not using his angry eyes, but aimed a revolver at his back.

Ten minutes later, the artillery positions of the Mujahideen roared again; six 12-pounders and 20 6-pounders were transferred to the Western Front, and under the supervision of Ludwig himself, they shot cross-fire at the farmhouse.

"It's shelling, hurry up and hide! Hide!"

The deafening bang blew up large swaths of smoke. Although there was still a lack of accuracy, after Ludwig personally killed a "ten-year-old gunner in the mine" and personally operated a twelve-pounder gun, the artilleryman remained silent. Their level has been significantly improved immediately, and finally they are no longer pure atmosphere groups.

The militiamen of Yangfan City, who had just been imposing for a while, were suddenly hit hard. In the face of the screaming shells, the parapets they temporarily built and the houses built with mud and bricks in the farmhouse seemed to be non-existent, and they were easily torn and smashed. .

The wall collapsed, the flesh and blood shattered, and the blood-stained shells kept rolling and bouncing in the screaming crowd... The seemingly indestructible line of defense suddenly shook.

Looking at the bullet marks running through the formation, the soldiers being crushed by the cannonballs, the soldiers who were crushed, and the Louis who stood with the flag was bleeding constantly; these people who came to follow him voluntarily and fought for him simply returned. He was not a soldier, nor had he experienced the minimum training, and he didn't even know what to do in the face of shelling.

Even if they shouted hoarsely, and even sent a messenger to order them to lie down, it was still of no avail; the tragic scenes and loud noises had completely overwhelmed the militiamen.

And this is not even the end... The young knight looked up at the sky subconsciously, and several shells had exploded above the farm before they fell; accompanied by the explosion of fireworks, there were countless fragments and lead bullets ripping through the air.


Almost as soon as the artillery bombardment stopped, an attacking bugle sounded from the opposing position; the regrouped Western Front jihadists, after receiving reinforcements from their hearts and minds, launched an attack on the farm again.

The crusades that formed the shock column came head-on, and four line infantry regiments were lined up in an oblique cone. The company was the basic combat unit. At the same time, there were skirmishers on both sides and in front. , and once they are in front of the enemy, they will detour to the flank, outflanking the lone troops.

Do you want to retreat?

With this sudden thought, Louis, who climbed out of the ruins and rescued a few militiamen, looked at the King Clovis flag that was getting closer, and subconsciously held his breath.

He is not afraid of sacrifice, but Anson's initial plan seems to be quite different from the current one; if he continues to fight with the enemy, it is very likely that he will be out of touch with the large army, which will be dangerous.

However, if they retreat now, they will be conquered with great difficulty - this is controversial - the farm's Yangfan City militia will likely suffer from low morale, and finally turn the lure of the enemy into a full-scale defeat, with equally serious consequences.

what to do? !

The young knight hesitated, but only for a moment; because soon he heard the strange, bloodthirsty cry of killing behind him.

Following the direction from which the sound came, the stunned Louis looked at the originally empty Eastern Front and suddenly there was a dark cloud, a dark cloud with a pressing force.

"Wow wow wow wow wow...!!"

The shooting army composed of more than 5,000 indigenous people had just crossed half of the battlefield, and waving the axe behind the **** of the gun, Wu Yangyang launched a full-line charge against the jihadist army!

"This...this is too..."

Not only the young knights, but even many militiamen of Yangfan City were stunned, they gasped in stunned air: "Lord Louis, what should we do?!"

what to do?

Although I don't know why it suddenly attacked all the way, but since it has become what it is now, and then organize a retreat by myself, it is equivalent to exposing the flank to the jihadist army.

"Anson Bach, I really don't know which one of your words is true, and which one is to convince others to believe your lie..." Louis murmured in a low voice, picking up the dropped 13-star ring from the ruins The flag, the blue flag fluttered in the wind in the smoke.

"Sail City...I won't retreat!"


"What's going on here, who asked them to rush up directly?!"

Pointing to the shooting army that was already charging in the distance, Carl, who was about to cry without tears, scolded: "I'm talking about advancing the front line, advancing the front line! Isn't it a living target to rush out all at once?!"

"Yes, but what can be done then?!"

In the face of the chief of staff's accusation, the deputy commander of the shooting corps, Joseph, seemed even more aggrieved than him: "Do you think that with the intelligence level of these indigenous people, they can execute such complex tactical orders?!"

"Anyway, they are all living targets. It's better to let them rush up to fight. If they are lucky, they can break through the shooting circle. Maybe they can have some effect!"

Carl Bain: "…"

Although he was extremely depressed, he actually knew very well that what Joseph said was correct.

If the shooting corps, which has only been trained for a few months, is based on the level of the Clovis military system, it is still a group of recruits, and they are still inexperienced, and they belong to the existence that can only fill the front line on the battlefield.

That being the case, if they were allowed to use their physical advantages as indigenous people, maybe they could gain a little chance of winning before the enemy reacted.

But this kind of fighting style without any tactics at all, is just like a fool, can it really be successful?



The worried Karl was pulled back to reality by Joseph's exclamation. He looked at the 13-star ringed flag waving in the distance, and slammed into the shooting army on the opposite side. His jaw dropped in shock.

The jihadist army did not attack, the jihadist army did not fire back, the jihad... the jihadist army...

The front of the jihadist army was overwhelmed!

"What the **** is going on here?!"

Under the surging mountains and tsunamis, Karl, who felt his brain was boiling, said hoarsely: "Ludwig... he was scared stupid? Why did he watch the enemy kill him, and he didn't even know how to resist. ?!"

The whole battle was very different from the plan from the beginning, and one accident after another appeared like a groundhog, which made the chief of staff completely unable to do so.

"Probably... It's not that you don't want to, it's that you can't?" Joseph, who was also shocked to the point of disbelief, said www.uukanshu.com. Com resisted the wrong guess and said:

"By the way, An... Where did the commander-in-chief go?"

"do not know!"

Carl said irritably, but there was still a worried expression on his twitching cheeks - although he didn't know why he was an ordinary person and needed to worry about that monster!

"But now that the shooting corps has broken through the Eastern Front, send the signal immediately for Alexei Dukasky and his 2nd Infantry Regiment to start moving."

"Also! Let the artillery positions move forward and fire at the enemy's exposed artillery positions - the artillery on the opposite side seems to have improved a lot, so don't let them be too arrogant!"

Joseph nodded slightly and was about to turn around to leave; suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help but stop and said:

"You said... is it possible... that the Second Infantry Regiment has actually been put into action?"



Crusaders position, legion headquarters.

Aleksei, who was covered in mud and blood, stood panting in front of a map table, staring blankly at the empty tent, then turned his head to look at Roman who was frosty behind him, and expressed his soul in a voice that was about to cry. General torture:

"What about people?!"

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