I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 461: Probably dead

Although it sounds incredible at first glance, the whole process when it comes to Leo's mouth is quite simple and clear, even a little too simple.

Initially, Leo and Norton, who had retreated for reinforcements, thought the same thing. They believed that continuing to blockade and pursue was purely useless. The enemy knew their positions and movements very well, and they were completely familiar with the surrounding terrain, and their mobility was even better. Before they got the information and set off to the target point, the Storm Legion was thrown far away, until the next exposure, and the cycle went on and on...

So the surface is still insisting, but in fact, the commander of the Fourth Infantry has given up and simply took advantage of the opportunity of Norton and the others to send reinforcements to the west, assembled more than a thousand men under his command, and headed east to Yanshi City for a temporary station - if you can't catch up with you, then I'm squatting at the head office, right?

As the most remote, barren and absolutely none of the five colonies in the east, Yanshi City has been impoverished to a certain "realm": the reason for its birth is basically the same as that of Slave Hunting Port and Kulin Village, the only difference is that it is more biased, poorer.

How miserable can a colony be? It is so miserable that it is not only self-sufficient, but also needs outside support to barely survive - don't get me wrong, it is not the homeland or other colonies, but the indigenous people.

Although the local colonists are penniless and exiled hapless, at least they are not hapless with nothing; clothes, food, tools... Even if the lords of the three North Sea countries do not expect this group of colonists to survive the first In winter, but they won't really let them come here empty-handed. They have to dig mining, plant land, grazing, cut down trees... and continue to be squeezed for residual value.

So they used this fabric and iron, which could never be produced locally, to exchange food and crop seeds with several equally impoverished indigenous tribes, until they found another more suitable hard currency: sacrifices.

Indigenous tribes need to sacrifice to the evil gods they believe in every once in a while, and sacrifices require sacrifices, and these small tribes that are not much stronger than the colonists are difficult to get suitable safely and stably, but the colonists You can use the relationship with other surrounding colonies to buy captured animal slaves, and then sell them back to local small tribes.

Of course, the animal slaves that they can buy are basically the defective products left by other colonies. They are either sick or disabled and can't work, or they are old and their beards are gray and can't stand the toss; There is no need to work, but it literally makes the best use of it.

It is conceivable to imagine the poverty level of the colony relying on selling the old, weak, sick and disabled animal slaves, all relying on the indigenous people for relief; plus it has already been burned, killed and looted by Borre Levant once, not to mention the degree of dilapidation .

Seeing that it was a town that was different from a shanty town, Leo simply chose a high place outside the town to be stationed, and only sent half a battalion of troops to stay in the city. His idea was also very simple: I live here, you Wouldn't it be possible to take the initiative to come to the door?

Since they can't catch the enemy, then simply block the opening, so that Boley Levent can only wander between Salt Rock City and Slave Harbor; as long as they can't loot enough materials, they can only cooperate with their own. The main force rushed to meet, so that they would inevitably bump into Norton Crosell and the others who reinforced Slave Port.

In this way, although he failed to complete the task, he indirectly surrounded Borre Levant, leaving him nowhere to escape, and by the way, he also protected the safety of a colony-"Big Smart" Leo was proud of his plan. Extremely.

The idea is good and the plan is good, but he ignored a small question: what kind of painting style does this series of actions of the Storm Legion look like in the eyes of Borre Lewent?

Of course, Boley Levent, who had been running around, looting colonies and avoiding the Storm Legion, had no way of knowing what was going on. All he knew was that the encircling net that had covered the mountains and plains suddenly disappeared, and thousands of pursuers disappeared. Without a trace.

At this moment, two possibilities popped up in the mind of Borre Levant: this is a trap, or this is not a trap - if not, the other party is so eager to drop himself and withdraw, only for one thing, that is Slave Harbor is likely to fall!

This is definitely good news for the Borre Legion, but terrible news for Borre Levent himself: the enemy is the slave port from the east, which means that if he rushes to the slave port and the Legion immediately When they converge, they will first hit the main force of the Storm Legion.

With only a few hundred elites left on hand, it might not be difficult to break through the siege, but it would definitely cost huge casualties—the most important thing is that as a legion commander, he cannot guarantee 100% safety.

Unable to meet and break through, of course, Boley Lewent could only move in a safer direction, and at the same time he didn't dare to stay in a colony for too long. After all, he wasn't sure if it was a trap set up by the Storm Legion.

A team of hundreds of people said more or less, and said that it was less. Of course, it was not impossible to forcibly cross some dangerous areas, but it was impossible to stay away from water sources and settlements that could provide supplies for a long time-and the entire eastern part of the New World was able to provide supplies. The area is very limited.

After some weighing, Bolly Lewent's plan was to take a detour to avoid the slave port and arrive at a colonial fishing village as remote as possible. From there, get a few boats to go to the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea, and then detour back to Yangfan City. Successfully recaptured Slave Harbor and stayed there again.

As the last colony in the east, Yanshi City became his only route.

So far, Boley Levant has maintained a high degree of caution. Before arriving, he had already discovered Leo's military camp on the highlands. He decisively decided to quietly enter the town to rest in the dark, and evacuated as soon as possible without making any stops. Immediately headed south. Look around the nearest coastline for an escape.

But he never imagined that Leo would not only be stationed outside the city, but also the 4th Infantry Regiment garrison in the city-because he never expected that the enemy would really come to the door, the soldiers did not make any defense facilities at all, and slept directly in the rubble In a rotten shack.

And the people who quietly settled in were afraid of being noticed, so they didn't build temporary fortifications and chose to settle in directly; so the soldiers of the Storm Legion who woke up in the middle of the night were surprised to find that there were a few strangers around them. face of...

When people got the news from Leo outside the city, the entire Yanshi City had no idea whether it was accidentally set on fire by the soldiers of the Crusaders or the Storm Legion. The roaring flames lit up the whole town. What happened outside the city? The two armies first fought each other in horror, and even killed each other.

Because the incident happened suddenly and it was still midnight, no one could see who the two parties tacitly chose to protect themselves - the soldiers of the Storm Legion had been stationed for many days, and they were already quite familiar with each other's positions and nearby comrades; no The jihadist soldiers who were ready to be startled would be miserable, as long as someone rushed up, they would counterattack indiscriminately, regardless of their friends and foes.

The only exception to this is the Levant knights in the Crusaders... Although these people have high and low levels, they are basically talented people. In addition, because they are familiar with each other by blood, they realize the situation after the rapid assembly. After completely losing control, he decisively or wisely chose to break through and try to escape from Yanshi City.

Relying on the personal strength of absolutely crushing ordinary soldiers, they can say that they escaped the Yanshi City, which was already a sea of ​​fire, and screamed and screamed everywhere, until someone realized a very critical problem:

Legion Commander Boley Levent... Doesn't seem like he's with us?

Realizing that something was wrong, the Levant knights hurriedly turned back, but when they turned around, what they saw was not the Salt Rock City engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, but three rows of gun muzzles.

Almost at the same time that Yanshi City turned into a sea of ​​fire, Leo, who was stationed in the highlands, led more than 500 people, and nearly half of the troops rushed towards the town in a hurry.

But he knew very well that, given the current chaos in the city, he would end up being trapped inside if he rushed in. He simply arranged a line outside the city to ambush the enemy troops who had escaped from the city. The Levant Knight, who has successfully broken through and turned back...

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides just outside the gate of Yanshi City; although the 4th Infantry Regiment dispatched hundreds of people, all the firepower and troops were absolutely crushed, but faced with the team composed of all talented people still It is not enough; even if all the members have experience in skirmish combat, the shooting level and night combat are definitely not bad, but in the face of various and unexpected bloodlines, it is still very difficult to fight.

But it is difficult for the Levant Knights to break through the defense line of five or six hundred people by themselves, and it is still at night; after throwing down six or seven corpses, they can only break through; Honestly left.

The sky was dark, and the town behind him was still in chaos. Leo didn't dare to order the pursuit.

It later proved that he was thinking too much. These Levant knights who broke through the siege had no idea of ​​attacking the barracks at all. They were completely focused on escaping for their lives. Two were killed by sentry skirmishers on the way to escape, and the rest were completely disappeared. trace.

At this time, the most important thing the Fourth Infantry Regiment should do is to quickly send troops into the town, swiftly destroy the remnants of the Borre Legion, and capture the commander of the Legion, Borre Lewent.

But the problem is still the same as before: Leo didn't know how many people there were in the Boley Legion, and in the middle of the night he couldn't guarantee whether the elites who had been ambushed by him before were just forwards or all, and whether Borey Levent was in the city or not. ; No one can guarantee that Yanshi City will be chaotic like this, and what will be the result of bringing people into it.

Leo, who has always been reckless, can only act cautiously this time, ordering the army to station outside the city, scout the situation while putting out the fire, and then decide the next action when the situation becomes clear.

It was because of this little bit of caution that Leo missed the feat of capturing Borey Levant alive; it was a pity for him, but it was more than a pity for Borey Lewent.

When the sky was about to break and the flames were extinguished, Leo ordered the army to start advancing into the city, and then got a good news and a bad news from the commander of the infantry company stationed in the town who had bad luck.

The bad news is that although the infantry company survived the initial accident, it also suffered heavy casualties; the casualties were not counted, but the number of soldiers he was able to assemble immediately was less than sixty; according to the Clovis military system, the infantry company had already It could be considered a temporary loss of combat effectiveness; even in the short combat career of the Storm Legion, casualties of this magnitude were rare.

The good news is that the enemy Crusaders are in similar situation to them, or even worse - except for the Levant knights who initially broke through, the infantry company commander who fought all night never saw any enemy who successfully broke through, and tried his best to block all of them. The jihadist soldiers of the jihadist army slightly made up for the regret that the battle in the straw town fell short.

So far, Leo still didn't realize how much he took advantage of, and thought that Boley Levent had escaped with those Levent knights, but unfortunately, there were only a few dozen people who had succeeded in breaking through. It would have been better if he had ordered the chase.

It was not until the battlefield was swept away, and the bodies of the enemy and allies were cleaned up and buried, that the Fourth Infantry Regiment finally discovered their greatest gain in this battle.

Leo didn't quite believe it when he saw the corpse that was riddled with holes and his face was almost out of shape, until he was identified by the captured Mujahideen soldiers, and he finally confirmed that it was Boley Levin. Te's corpse.

The reason why I can't believe it is also very simple, because the infantry company responsible for blocking has no impression of this corpse at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't remember seeing the face of Boley Levent; as for why I didn't see it Pass? The reason is even simpler...


"What, my own?!"

The wide-eyed Carl Bain cried out, "Bore Lewent... was shot by his own soldiers?!"

"I don't know exactly what happened. After all, the situation that night was very chaotic..." Leo nodded and said yes, twitching as if he didn't know whether to cry or laugh:

"Anyway, the prisoner's original words were that he and several other people saw a figure rushing in, and thought they were soldiers of the Storm Legion again, and fired without hesitation."

"He heard a familiar scream when he fired the first shot, and realized that it was probably his own corps commander, so he decisively called to stop, but the rest of the companions seemed to have not heard it and continued to stop. He opened fire intermittently, and even took out grenades, shotguns, torches..."

"Of course, it's hard to say whether his remarks are true, because several other jihadist soldiers who were caught by us also made similar confessions, but all who discovered the situation and tried to stop them were themselves."

"Even if the torture is used further, and the corpse of Borre Levant is examined by the way, the lead bullets are dug out and the interrogation takes turns, I don't think I can really figure out this matter; but one thing is basically for sure……"

"Bore Levent...he's probably dead."

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