I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 464: exhibition game

But even with natural allies at hand, an insurmountable obstacle stood between the Free Confederacy and the Nakhir rebel nobles—control of the coastline.

The Free Confederacy needs the rebel fleet to break the Mujahideen's naval blockade, but as long as the Mujahideen still has control over the coastline of the New World, it will be difficult for the rebel fleet to make up their minds and join the battle against the Mujahideen.

After all, robbery is one thing, war is another; the rebellious nobles and pirates who have just been freed from prison, you expect this group of people to shine, and even rob them of their property because they have nothing to do with them— The people of the colony fought side by side, and even took the initiative to sacrifice, it is better to pin their hopes on the jihadist army without fighting and self-destruction.

Winning allies is to break the blockade, but only by breaking the blockade can you have the opportunity to draw allies to your side. It sounds like an unsolvable problem, but in fact the key to solving the problem lies in the contradiction: the jihadist army that blocked the coastline of the New World The fleet is huge, but it takes a price to maintain such a huge fleet.

Sufficient supplies, a large number of logistics and ship maintenance personnel, the daily expenses of keeping the ship running, and most importantly: the port.

If you want to maintain a large-scale fleet, you must have a suitable and sufficient port, otherwise you will not be able to spend more money. In the whole new world, there are only a handful of excellent ports that can park merchant ships and even large warships.

Without the ability to seize ports of sufficient size, the Mujahideen would not be able to sustain a sea power of this magnitude forever.

Sail City, Black Reef Harbor, Beluga Harbor, Slave Harbor, and Red Hand Bay... The Crusaders want to keep the Empire's Grand Fleet, Clovis' Royal Fleet, and a large number of hired naval ships in the New World. To exist, one of the five ports is indispensable.

Even this is already the minimum standard. You must know that even Clovis, who has only one military port, does not always pack all the warships in one port. The empire's fleet is scattered in multiple ports. Less joint action - each level is far better than the best the colony can offer.

Therefore, as long as the Confederacy can occupy one or two key ports in a short period of time without being controlled by the Mujahideen, there is hope of breaking the blockade!

"...At present, the Truth Society has made contact with these Nakhir rebels, and the promise given is that as long as they do not return to the homeland, the Helwig royal family will no longer pursue their treasonous behavior... If they join the war, they will fight for them. Colonial interests." The trainee priest said solemnly:

"September... The most important thing is that you must ensure that at least before September, Beluga Harbor must not fall, otherwise these stinky fish and rotten shrimp will never dare to approach the coastline of the New World!"

An Sen's expression was gloomy and uncertain. It wasn't that he had no confidence in whether he could defend the Beluga Harbor, but that the truth was so actively seeking allies for himself that he was somewhat overly enthusiastic.

"If you worry about us, or if a novelist has ulterior motives, please don't have to." Carin Jacques smiled meaningfully. He had dealt with Anson since Clovis City, and he knew very well about this Just how cautious:

"The core goal of the Truth Society has one and only one - to prevent or break the Holy See's restrictions and control over the world, and the rest are only incidental; I don't really want to say good things about someone, but... at least now he is definitely worth it you trust."

"The premise is that Beluga Harbour will not fall before September." An Sen smiled coldly: "Right?"

Carin Jacques nodded seriously, and then sighed heavily:

"I have not been a member of the Truth Society for a long time, but according to my experience, this organization will only be their most steadfast and trustworthy ally if there is still hope for a person or force."

"Otherwise... The Thirteenth Council of Insel Spirits, and your esteemed mentor, Mace Hornard, are the best candidates; if you don't want to empathize with them, please keep your last hope. ."

"Otherwise... the betrayal and separation of relatives may really just happen in the blink of an eye."


The sound of the rumbling naval guns rang out one after another, blasting water columns straight into the sky on the sea surface of the Ice Dragon Fjord, mixed with thick gunpowder smoke, sweeping the Beluga Harbor, which had been immersed in the war for dozens of days.

Under the cover of naval guns, thousands of jihadist soldiers began to approach the port in small boats for landing. The densely packed boats filled the entire fjord for a while, covering the sky and the scene of flags fluttering. Going up is like a rainbow, unstoppable.

Especially behind these small ships, huge battleships stretched their proud bodies across their proud bodies, and from under the gun portals, the pitch-black muzzles sprayed with hellfire, pouring unscrupulously to the land and the pier symbolized death. The light of the fire, the light seems to be so destructive, no matter how indestructible the position is in front of them, it should be broken in an instant.

But at this time, under the cover of these warships, the soldiers of the jihadist army who followed the imposing army to fight knew very well that this was just an appearance, or even the opposite: the entire jihadist army had already run out of fuel, and the so-called attack was really just a Pretending to not make the army look too humiliating.

The real Beluga Harbor siege had already ended a week ago.

As the only estuary in the entire Ice Dragon Fjord region, Beluga Harbour is surrounded by sheer cliffs that extend out on both sides and surrounded by waters that are almost inland lakes; this means that any fleet that wants to attack her or surround her from the outside Road, attack the town by land; or risk being covered by the fire of the defenders ambushing on the cliffs on both sides, rushing into the fjord head-on, there is no third way to choose.

It seems that the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but in fact, if the Beluga Harbor, which is the fulcrum, is breached by the enemy, it means that the offensive and defensive situation will change in an instant; the entire fjord will immediately be under the absolute control of the enemy, and the defenders must make every effort to Going to retake Beluga Port can ensure that the reinforcements at sea can arrive safely.

So from the very beginning of the siege, the Fernando Mujahideen launched a two-line offensive by sea and land, and the sea attack was only cover and sheep attack, and the real main force was the landed ground troops.

Giving up the advantage of ships over the seaport and turning to the land where the enemy is likely to be well-prepared as the main direction of attack may sound inconceivable, but it is a matter of course for Fernando's Legion.

First of all, under Ludwig's operation, the entire legion never received sufficient logistical supplies, and the remaining artillery shells were only enough for the fleet to spend three or four days of ordinary harassment; secondly, in the first few rounds of testing, Fabian's madness Showing weakness has convinced Fernando Corps Commander that Beluga Port is empty of troops and is simply not enough to maintain the defense of such a large port town. The army can easily tear through the enemy's defense line when the army presses the border.

Fernando, who was provoked by Ludwig's handwritten letter, still maintained his last sanity, and sent about 10,000 people to the east under the cover of a small number of ships to find a beach forcibly landed and set up a camp; and then used it as a base, Attack the Stormtrooper headquarters.

If you can win this place, you will have a high ground that can directly radiate more than half of Beluga Harbor; if the enemy has a strong defense, then you only need to besiege but not attack, you can divide the defenders of Beluga Harbor and speed up the destruction of the city. speed.

This idea is not bad, but the actual situation is not as simple as Fernando imagined.

First of all, although the hastily landed troops can establish a forward base, the beach that is not suitable for mooring leads to a complete separation of the fleet and the army, and it is difficult to provide support and retreat guarantees in the first place; Outside of a few shots, they simply had no way of covering and assisting.

In addition, the Storm Legion headquarters and the Beluga Port town are not pure wasteland as they imagined, and they are independent of each other; the Storm Legion, which has been operating here for nearly two years, has developed dozens of large and small surrounding areas. Several military farms, each of which can be turned into a small fortress by simple weaponization... not to mention the shooting barracks and the Supreme Council that are fortresses!

If the jihadist army adopts a more pragmatic strategic deployment, and gradually pulls out these small outer fortresses like a nail, it is indeed difficult for Fabian, who is short in strength, to come up with too effective countermeasures, and he can only watch the jihadist army destroy it. Its own peripheral defense line gradually surrounded the headquarters and Beluga Port.

The problem is that the jihadist army does not know the real situation of Beluga Port, and Fernando, who is irritated and lacking in logistics, is even less likely to patiently besiege this colonial town, which he sees as "empty defense", and drives tens of thousands of jihadists to the battlefield. The soldiers, like blind men, slammed into the city walls of Beluga Harbor and various fortifications around the headquarters... The results can be imagined.

In the face of the group of fortresses surrounding Beluga Harbor, the jihadist army without any preparations showed that they organized a storm, and it was not surprising that they smashed their heads into blood.

Although Fabian had only a 2,000-strong grenadier regiment, a cavalry battalion, a 5,000-person shooter corps that had not been fully trained, and a colony militia that was assembled and reorganized from all sides, if he was just defending the city, he would protect his own land. And the soldiers with high spirits are not much inferior to the jihadist soldiers.

While the enemy was being held back by forts and fortifications, Fabian, who personally led the cavalry battalion and the grenadier regiment, made a surprise attack on the forward base of the Mujahideen.

However, the Mujahideen's response was equally quick and cautious, and did not give Fabien too many loopholes. Only part of the baggage was burned, and the auxiliary soldiers who were responsible for logistical tasks suffered heavy casualties; There is even a risk of being annihilated by the opposing team in the field.

But Fabian's goal has also been achieved... Sensing that he will be cut off at any time, and unable to break through the layers of defense in a short period of time, the jihadist army that conquered Beluga Harbor has an intention to retreat, and it took only three days to be decisive. Withdrawing troops; not even daring to stay on the beach for too long.

The land attack is unfavorable, and the offensive launched by Fernando from the sea is also frustrated... Even if the firepower of the ship is several times, dozens of times that of the defenders of Beluga Harbor, as long as they enter the fjord, they will encounter the cross fire of the cliff fortresses on both sides; naval artillery No matter how much, it is impossible to shoot at an elevation angle, and it is difficult to accurately hit the target with long-distance shooting, not to mention that their artillery shells, who were detained by Ludwig in logistics, are not rich...

Although the poor firepower of the Beluga Port defenders wants to destroy the fleet, it is basically a fantasy; but there is still the ability to prevent the jihadist army from storming and landing; especially before the war, Fabian had already been provided by Ludwig. Intelligence, it was known in advance that Fernando was eager to attack, and as long as he survived the initial offensive and entered the war of attrition, the supply shortage had not been fully rested, and the morale of the jihadists who had just arrived in the new world and immediately went into battle would visibly drop.

After the first five days of storming to no avail, the only person who could remain calm in the entire Fernando Jihad Legion was the Legion Commander himself - His Excellency the Legion Commander who received the Emperor's death order, the desperate organization of the already exhausted army continued. Launched an attack, shot dozens of disobedient officers, made countless empty promises like white strips, and gave the soldiers a combination of grace and enthusiasm to stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

However, no amount of tenacious perseverance can change the reality, let alone make the soldiers who have exhausted their physical strength and low morale rejuvenated.

"It's over... it's over."

The tired Fernando stood on the flagship deck and sighed in grief; he originally thought that he could open up a situation for His Majesty in the new world and restore the humiliating battle of dignity in Yangfan City, but finally made a wedding dress for others.

It's just that although the defeat was already a doomed result, he was unwilling to give up easily. He insisted on letting the legion attack again and again, hoping that even if he could seize the loopholes in the opposing defense once, he could seize the town of Beluga Port, or Even if all the enemies are driven into the town, and the dock is controlled.

Just facing the stubborn mentality of the legion commander's broken tank~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The commander and soldiers of the Mujahideen Army also silently chose to put it down: anyway, the adults have never come up with any decent battle plan, just ignorant urging Offensive, everyone poses and pretends to be attacking.

Sure enough... Although the attack was huge, the artillery fire continued, and the continuous platoons of gunfire fell like rain; but no one knew whether the cannons firing at the cliffs were going to destroy the enemy's artillery by smashing through the mountains, or even roaring. It is also very debatable whether there are shells in the cannons.

And the soldiers in the small boat pulled the trigger impatiently before they pulled over. They didn't know who they were aiming at from a few hundred meters away, or their aiming level was already superb. Everyone was a sharpshooter. It can also kill you with a single shot from a distance of 100 meters.

Such a play-like attack naturally won the cheers of the Beluga Port defenders who were in the audience, and used the same fierce platoons of guns to send off the jihadist regiment that had been performing all day.

In addition to breaking the jar, the desperate Fernando Legion Commander can only pin his hopes on some people who have harmed him.

"Hopefully our efforts here can gain a little advantage for Barry Levent and the Arthur Herrid Legion in Slave Harbor, and take more colonies as soon as possible!"

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