I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 480: disappeared completely

The flames and gunpowder are still spreading, and the shrill screams and the screams of the soldiers charging are gradually being replaced by the roar of the steam core and the rolling steam.

The roaring steel monsters are still raging on the ground, but there are fewer and fewer opportunities for them to continue to show their cruelty - the New World Legion, realizing that a single soldier cannot pose a threat to these monsters, began to retreat in an orderly manner and withdrew from being conquered. position.

On the other hand, the Knights of Judgment, who have been completely exposed, are no longer concealed, and are openly approaching the surrounding light sources; in the midst of the raging sea of ​​flames, these hideous monsters with a dark body and a metallic luster are finally fully displayed. In front of the frightened New World Legion.

Two flat-firing guns, four revolving steam burst rifles, chain links enough to traverse most trenches, 19mm-thick new armor, nearly eight-meter hull, and an approved crew of nine...

And the beginning of everything was finally completed by the Holy See in the ninety-ninth year of the saint's calendar, the miniaturization project of the steam core.

"All Worlds"

This is also the final content of St. Isaac's notes about the "steam core" - "When it is only the size of a nightstand, and the kinetic energy is at least three-quarters of the original, it will be the moment when the whole world is turned upside down".

The Holy See, who is convinced of this, has spent countless efforts, manpower and material resources, and finally completed the creation at the end of the ninety-ninth year of the saint's calendar that even Saint Isaac could not do with his own hands. The last weapon designed by himself before his death, the Land Cruiser.

This weapon, according to the monastic maniacs, was made for a future that St. Isaac called an "earth-shattering" future: it was the hammer that ended all wars, the engine that started new ones, the last burial of the ancient dark ages. Pen, is the beginning of a whole new, more horrific and **** dark age.

But in the eyes of Glad Manfred, the real situation is far less beautiful than the lunatics describe...

"...One track of the second team was damaged, and the car body was stuck in the traffic trench of the second position. The two engines failed, and emergency repairs were being organized, and they temporarily lost their ability to move!"

"...The fourth squad was ambushed by the enemy during the flank raid, one side was penetrated by the curved gun, and the other three armors were damaged to varying degrees..."

"...The fourth team failed to forcibly break through the artillery base. It was stuck in the fort and could not move. There were enemies around who were suspected of trying to organize a siege and asked for reinforcements..."

... A series of bad news was continuously conveyed to Grad's mind through semaphore and insight-type talents, so that the head of the regiment who had high hopes for this new weapon has completely given up the initial "destroy the position, completely Disrupt the Legion of the New World and inflict heavy damage".

In his opinion, this kind of weapon is very good, but it is far from the so-called "end all wars" point; even if it is not to mention its ridiculously high failure rate, nearly a quarter of the battle has already started half an hour. Break down, the so-called "unmatched" combat power...

Well, that's what happened.

Two smoothbore guns and four steam repeating rifles, the firepower is fierce enough, but if the enemy has even a six-pound field gun fixed in the cannon, it can pose a threat to it; seventeen mm armor is very It's thick, but not to the point of being invulnerable; even if it wasn't, a grenade or a soldier who could climb on it would still pose a threat.

But this does not mean that the madmen of the monastery are wrong, they may also directly quote the description of St. Isaac; for an "old man" who has been dead for hundreds of years, it is not enough for the front-loaded artillery at that time. In the ordered world of black technology, this weapon is indeed invincible - the premise is that you can really create it.

To truly exert the terrifying power of this kind of war machine, it is still necessary to build an army with it as the core, an army equipped with curved artillery, steam burst rifles, and a large number of conventional weapons... That is the future of the Holy See Holy War Army .

And while the enemy was being expelled from the position, the Knights of Judgment teams, who finally got a breathing space, also made requests to suspend the attack and take a break; The seemingly unstoppable Land Cruisers are not without the possibility of annihilation.

"Absolutely not!"

Giving his subordinates no room to refute at all, Glad Manfred, who seemed to be easy-going and talkative, retorted: "Don't you understand, it is precisely because the enemy has withdrawn from the position that our situation has become much more dangerous. , because the enemy's artillery positions can finally bombard the entire area indiscriminately!"

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry... The miniaturization of the steam core is a technology that the Holy See has spent countless efforts to successfully develop. Even if the heretics of the new world get it, they will not have the ability to use it, let alone the so-called technology leak-this is fundamental Impossible."




Almost at the same time as his voice fell, accompanied by a thunderous roar, the high ground on the left and right sides of the distant position suddenly lit up with continuous fire.

The shelling of the New World Corps finally began.


Under the deafening artillery fire, Louis personally led the assembled cuirassiers to pick up the retreating army, and his gloomy face was extremely difficult to see.

Although the enemy's attack was suspended by artillery bombardment, the entire New World Corps was on the verge of losing control; in the dark night, most soldiers did not know what happened, only that the front position was severely damaged, and the troops sent to the reinforcements suffered more than half of the casualties, almost completely annihilated.

Such a terrifying casualty probability, not to mention now, is enough to cause the entire army to collapse in place even at the level of sight... The power of fear erodes their hearts little by little, and spreads rapidly throughout the entire legion like a plague, and the extreme emotions of the group will be Cause a large-scale chain reaction.

Although the command system has not been completely paralyzed at the moment, various forms of riots have begun to appear in the troops on various positions... The awakened soldiers refused to assemble, and the self-righteous officers still thought of making meritorious deeds and planned to "ambush" the singles. The land cruiser, because of darkness, collided with a friendly army that happened to pass by...

"Sir, we must organize a breakout immediately!"

Fabian, who suddenly raised his right hand, stopped the young knight who wanted to continue approaching the battlefield, and stared righteously into his eyes: "The people of the Knights of Judgment are still advancing in the direction of the headquarters. Conquering, the loss is not only the ones in front of us, we have no time!"

"Breakthrough, how do we break through?" Louis also said with a cold face:

"You also understand the situation. The enemy will penetrate our entire position at any time. Even if we block it with all our strength, we can only delay time... Turn around and break through, which will only make the legion an object that the enemy can slaughter at will!"

"Then leave the army that can stop the enemy, attack the Knights of Judgment at all costs, and buy time for the army."

"Block... ok, who to send?!"


The expressionless Fabian said, without the slightest hesitation.

The young knight was silent.

"...This is not good. The Storm Legion is one of the core elites of the New World Legion. If the loss is heavy, it will have an indelible impact on the Legion's combat effectiveness."

Louis' expression was a little dazed, and the anger just now seemed to have been replaced by the simplicity of the past: "Let me do it, my words..."

"Stop joking here, my lord." Fabian said lightly and stealthily: "Thank you for your size and comfort, but..."

"I'm not kidding! It's no consolation either!"

"That's a joke!"

The deputy commander of the Storm Legion suddenly took a half step forward, grabbed Louis's collar with Fleshmoulder's right hand, and stared into the eyes of the talented man:

"Lord Louis Bernard, I know very well that you are an excellent sea knight talent, and I also agree that you are an excellent leader, but please don't use your spirit to destroy the hard work of Ansen Bach. achievement!"

"If anything happens to you here, the Free Confederacy will never win this **** war; as Deputy Commander of the Legion, I will never allow such a thing to happen in my hands!"

Feeling the blood flowing down his neck, the young knight's expression seemed to be suddenly awakened; the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and Fabian's determination was reflected in the trembling child hole.

"...You really figured it out?"

"This has nothing to do with my thoughts, but under the current conditions, there is no better and less costly option than this."

The young knight was silent, turned around and waved to the cuirassiers behind him, and walked towards the direction where the legion was assembled.

Fabian, who was left alone, did not leave immediately, clutching his injured hand, took out a dagger and gauze from his arms, picked out the pieces embedded in the flesh one by one, and bandaged himself without haste.

Ten minutes later, Lisa, who was in a hurry, appeared in the trench with more than a dozen heavily armed figures; the girl deliberately avoided his eyes from his injured palm, took out the only meat can left in her arms, opened it, and handed it over to him. Passed over: "Give!"

"Thank you, Miss Lisa."

With a chuckle, he took the canned meat with one hand: "The next battle may be difficult, are you and your guard company ready?"

"It can be anytime, Lisa is a good girl, and she has already prepared in advance!" The girl who seemed to feel despised snorted coldly, but couldn't help but glance at the blood stains soaked in gauze:

"It's you... are you really okay?"

"No problem, but thanks Miss Lisa for your concern."

Fabian nodded slightly, and glanced silently at the figure on the side: "Whether or not to turn defeat into victory does not depend on me, but your intelligence, Your Excellency Roman."

"Although I don't mean to doubt you, but... you shouldn't deliberately give false information in order to retaliate against Brigadier General Ansen Bach?"

For this question, the frost-faced Roman seemed too lazy to answer; but when Lisa on the side began to stare at him with malicious eyes, the loyal adjutant still snorted coldly:

"There are some ways to kill him, but you don't need to be so rude."


Red Hand Bay, port direction.

"What, the Land Cruiser troops were suppressed in the enemy's outer positions, and they couldn't break through the direction immediately, and they had to be successfully broken out by the opposite side. How is this possible?"

In the cabin of the Heart of Compassion, Sir Phyllis looked at the information just sent with a stupefied expression, and was obviously disappointed at the same time: "The madmen of the monastery are not saying that this thing is an epoch-making war machine, which can easily wipe out any Army?"

"I don't know, but according to the information sent by the chief, it doesn't seem to be the case." The follower replied casually, the strange eyes seemed to be still stuck in the moment of being proposed by someone:

"The failure rate of this new type of weapon seems to be very high, and the enemy's response is also very fast, finding a way to cope, and blocking the commander's idea of ​​a quick breakthrough with a wide range of coverage artillery, resulting in a stalemate in the battle. …”

"A deadlock means failure." Phyllis said with a wry smile: "We cannot disintegrate the New World Legion quickly, and the pressure is on our side - let us know that the Knights will attack across the board and break through Anson Bach and Fuhrer as soon as possible. Come on Ya Moshefield's block!"

"Breakthrough across the board?"

The entourage was stunned for a moment: "But, you didn't say that if you attack now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is likely to be..."

"We will be caught by Anson Bach... Yes, no one thought that this guy's domain law turned out to be insightful." Pheleus sighed:

"A conjurer can actually awaken the laws of insight. No wonder his enlightenment mentor is a black mage. I really don't know if it is fortunate or unfortunate that he has not embarked on the path of black magic... But in any case, we must react."

"If the New World Legion escapes so smoothly, we will never have the chance to force out the Apostle Rune - so no matter what, action must be taken now, and the New World Legion will never be able to break through completely!"

As if hesitating for a while, Phileas suddenly raised his head: "Tell Wuying, his people can start taking action now; the main force will help them contain Freya, and the rest will be It's up to them to do it."

"Even if Anson Bach has really been promoted, it won't be very long, and he may not even understand his own laws. The Blasphemer Mage in this state is at most a large-scale high-level spellcaster, not so much. It's as tough as the Thirteenth Council."


The entourage nodded vigorously, turned around and wanted to convey the order, but suddenly remembered something and stopped: "Wait, my lord, I remember that the order of the Holy See mentioned that Anson Bach needs to be captured alive."

"Oh, really?"

Phyllis's expression froze for a moment, and then he sighed heavily: "That's such a pity."


"Tell 'Shadow' to stay alive." Phileas wrote lightly:

"In order to prevent the scandal of ruling the Knights' disobedience from leaking out, let Ansen Bach disappear completely."

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