I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 484: tracer

"The difference machine is malfunctioning! There is an unknown conjurer's breath, and the airship is already in the enemy's territory!"

The frightened attendant pushed aside the body of his companion on the instrument, and hurriedly looked at the "Sir Phyllis" behind him and reported: "Sir!"

At this time, there were already scattered corpses everywhere in the cabin, difference engines, control consoles, map tables, chairs... Bloodstains could be seen everywhere, and the deceased were either frantic and grim, or burned alive into coke.

In the originally enclosed space, the smell of burnt smoky smoky and the smell of dead corpses were mixed with each other. The airship that was originally full of forty-five people could only operate. At this time, only twelve people were still busy beside the remains of their companions. - Also rule out a lieutenant of the grand regiment who has never moved in a chair.

Fighting the Blasphemy Mage without paying a price is a fantasy... Up to now, counting the logistics personnel and the participants in the **** battle on the ground, it is judged that the casualties of the Knights are close to 100.

For an armed group with only 1,000 people, an immediate victory could only be regarded as a tragic victory.

But it wasn't even the Knights' worst casualty.

Since stepping down this road, every knight of adjudication must have the consciousness of "killing oneself"; because their enemies are pagans, evil gods, spellcasters, pseudo-believers...even secular people who call themselves "guardians of faith" power.

Forbidden knowledge, inheritance and development of the power of blood, arms beyond the mundane, almost no offline privileges, supplies and backups brought by endless wealth... They have everything, but there is no way back.

But this also

"Ah? Unknown... Could there be a third Blasphemy Mage?"

Even though there are corpses all over the place, Phileas' expression is still very calm - after paying three-quarters of the cost of the logistics staff, Freya's domain laws have been completely deciphered by the heart of compassion... Yin who seems to be unrivaled The Elf Queen of Sel, soon ceased to be a threat to the Holy See.


The entourage... Yin Lisabai Lai's face was bloodless, and his body kept shaking like a sieve: "The airship has re-locked the target, not a new enemy!"


The calm Pheleus finally showed a trace of solemnity; "Wait! Dear Yin Lisabai, you mean..."

"The direction of the breath has been locked. It is the basement of the ruins of the Autonomous Council...the Heart of Mercy...just below..."

Right below, that's not... Phyllis's child hole shrank suddenly.

"It's Ansen Bach! The Holy See has identified the primary target that must be captured, Ansen Bach!



Um? !

He jumped up from the seat, almost tripping over the corpse, Phyllis staggered, and rushed to the observation position on the side of the airship with both hands and feet. , expression of indescribable horror.

That's right, he can be sure that this is the breath of Anson Bach, and the coercion that can be vaguely felt across the sky proves that it is indeed a blasphemy mage. In particular, Phyllis himself is a spell caster. This aspect will only be more than ordinary. Humans and geniuses are more sensitive, and the fear of cubs being targeted by lone wolves arises spontaneously.

and many more! If this is his field of law, what about... before?

What were those eyes from before, those eyes that were staring at him? !

Distorted reality, hallucinations, so far the magic is still... what the hell...


Before he could get rid of the fear that came from his heart, Phyllis felt his body suddenly float up.

No, no... yes... it's an airship...

The airship is falling!


"How, is it a surprise?"

In the smoke billowing basement, An Sen, who was holding the anonymous glasses on his face, was sitting on the fabricated "Smoke Chair" with Erlang's legs up, his five fingers facing each other and his elbows supporting the armrest, smiling leisurely.

That's right, it's exactly the same as his beloved mentor Mace Hornard when he was in the basement of Clovis Cathedral - and only in this posture, the black magic effect he uses to distort the reality of the realm is the strongest. .

Only at this moment can he truly understand how powerful the mentor is when he is doing his best, and how confident he is because of this power.

When the upgrade is successful, the real "Anson Bach" is no longer the flesh and blood in front of him, but a field called "Planning Law". It is just that the degree of evolution is not perfect, so the law must still be attached to the previous In the body - is not essentially human anymore.

And once the unfinished law is fully unfolded and begins to affect and distort the reality around it, it will be met with "maliciousness" from the world... The realm will be disturbed, the law will be eroded, and the existence of the blasphemous mage will be weakened— The same is true for the casters of the other two evolutionary paths.

Every time you stop suppressing your own power, you run the risk of being crushed by the world; not just fighting the enemy, but also a head-on conflict with the "world".

But... once accepted the interference of the world... conjurers... are invincible.

Within the realm, the world will be reshaped by laws and operate according to a new logic-plan.

The strength and effect of the law depend on the caster's own understanding of the law, or in other words, his understanding of himself; now Ansen Bach's understanding of himself is still very shallow; therefore, the effect of the law is also very vague, and the conditions are harsh.

But no matter how harsh it is, it is still like a **** to those who don't understand it and have to passively accept it.

Most people have a certain misunderstanding of Blasphemy Mage, thinking that they are still just human beings, not so invincible, but much stronger; this concept is correct, but not completely correct.

Ants and human beings are also lives. Are the strengths of their lives the same? Will the world in the eyes of fungi be the same as the birds in the sky?

"Well, obviously not."

Looking at Francisco, whose face was extremely ugly, Anson raised the corners of his mouth.

"Let me guess, your initial plan should be to confirm the information about me, but the superior of the ruling Knights may have given you an order to kill me; Under the circumstances, I sent my subordinates to test me; but the three subordinates who I thought should be killed in an instant turned out to be the targets of my intelligence.”

"But you are not worried at all, because your bloodline power is very special, um... acceleration is not just fast, it is already touching the 'law' and the power to distort reality."

"With such a special power of blood, you don't need to be afraid of my domain at all. Even if you are in a crisis, there are 10,000 opportunities to escape. I can't help you at all... This is all true."

"In this case, there is only one way to kill you: confined to this small basement, so that you can't and dare not leave."

"No! It's not enough. Even if you can limit it, you have too many countermeasures. Even if you blow up the basement in an instant, it will not help you; those strange equipment on your body can help you avoid at least two fatal injuries, and Even if you are surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, your ability can make the surrounding flames 'extinguish' and accelerate."

"Oh, don't be in a hurry to deny it, I have seen the process of accelerating the bullet with my own eyes - if I hadn't become a Blasphemer Mage, I would have become a sieve by now, right?"

"So there is only one way to kill you—the knight of judgment who truly threatens my life, His Excellency Francisco Los Napomuchino: let you kill yourself."

"And the key to this approach is right above your head."

With a playful smile, An Sen slowly raised his right index finger.

"As you can see, I distorted the gravitational force around me, causing things that could float in the sky to fall, and objects that landed on the ground to float in the air... Sigh, wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it a flip? Forget it, that's probably the case. Bar."

"The principle is probably a bit like an hourglass. Of course, you don't need to know too much to believe it, because in fifteen seconds at the latest, the Heart of Compassion will 'puff' from the sky! It will fall down."

"That's why I must tell you this information by reading my mind. I don't have time to explain the principle to you."

"And what you can do is very simple, very simple, is to 'accelerate' the airship before it falls to get to the bottom of the airship, and then speed up the process of 'hourglass flipping' to advance the process of the airship's re-launch, that's it ."

"This method is absolutely feasible. In order to show my sincerity, I can tell you one more piece of information-my law is not the 'insight' you think, but the 'setting'."

"In other words, within my domain, as long as it conforms to my 'setting', no matter how absurd and illogical it seems, it will definitely succeed; because it is the setting, even if it is the basis of all stories: first Assuming something that is sure to happen, like a treasure with some kind of magical power, there is no objection to logic here, and the setting is the core of everything."

"Of course, you can disbelieve it and watch the airship fall from the sky, smashing into pieces on the ground, or save the disaster in whatever way you think is really right...please."

The smiling An Sen pulled out a long puff of smoke, and the smoke that had begun to float around it gradually transformed into "smoke iron cones", "smoke cannonballs", and "smoke stone blocks".

They still maintain the essence of smoke, but at the moment of collision with the airship... It is not difficult to guess what kind of surprise Anson Bach will prepare.

The frost-faced Francisco has a cracked eye canthus. If possible, he now prefers to blow Anson Bach's head with a shot, and then dig out his heart and throw it into the burning furnace to become the fuel for the steam core!

But it was impossible at that time, not to mention that the essence of the conjurer is not that flesh and blood at all, and now he knows nothing about Anson Bach's law, and there is no possibility of causing fatal injuries to the other party.

There was no time for hesitation... Even if he didn't look up, the judgement knight could already hear the screeching sound of the falling airship overhead.

ten seconds? Just kidding, in five seconds at the latest, the behemoth that dominates the sky will fall on his head!

How to do? !

What to do to be able to... to be able to...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…!


! "

The silent Francisco suddenly let out a roar, and the body under the windbreaker no longer tried to suppress the firm footing, but rushed to the sky with the help of the flipped gravity.

At this moment, the adjudication knight's eyes suddenly became serious, clenching his teeth, awakening the kind of power hidden in his blood.

Put your right hand into the sky, put your foot on the ground, and feel the...acceleration that goes beyond the limit.

The field of vision began to blur, and everything was dragged out in long, meteor-like afterimages; the surrounding air thickened, as if swimming in a sea of ​​grease.

Every blood vessel, every bone is roaring, roaring, pulling impatiently, trying to tear this flesh and blood body to pieces.

Feeling this power, Francisco's mind began to think of his not-so-good boyhood.

Everything at that time was so long that every second was torment; he could not imagine why the people around him could endure such a long and tormenting life, he just wanted to make this time, these processes become ...quickly.

Finish workouts faster, eat food faster, get through the day faster…

Thinking about it now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The power of his own bloodline was probably awakened at that time.

The sneering Francisco turned into a meteor and flew into the night sky.

The so-called acceleration naturally requires a process - in Anson's eyes, the ruling knight is like turning himself into a slingshot, and launching it straight at a speed comparable to the speed of light.

This ability is strong, but it also places a heavy load on the body, and the most important thing is... it cannot be canceled.

In the next second, the meteor rushing towards the sky suddenly stagnated, passed by the falling compassionate heart, and continued to rush to the heights.

Francisco...he didn't plan to save the airship from the beginning, but ran away!

Obviously, as a senior ruling knight, he certainly couldn't believe the nonsense of a blasphemous mage, especially after he was deceived once; since he could not pose a threat to the hunted target, he accidentally fell into the opponent's Traps, taking every opportunity to evacuate is of course the most reasonable option.

But unfortunately, the power of your bloodline cannot be canceled... An Sen, who raised the corners of his mouth, snapped his fingers again, and restored the flipped gravitational force to its original form.

Um? !

Feeling the anomaly around him, Francisco, who had not yet finished the "acceleration", felt a chill in his heart, and the whistling in his ears changed from soaring to falling.

That's right, since he accelerated in the direction of gravity, when the gravity recovers, the ruling knight who originally flew to the sky will naturally become a meteor hitting the ground.

The only problem is that under him is not the ground, but an airship.

An airship that fell and climbed at a high speed, vibrated and shook violently... The accelerated meteor streaked across the night sky, and a long trace of light was fixed on the airship.




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