I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 506: Anson Bach's style

At the Beluga Harbor Council, the stunned Sir Phylles took half a minute to recover from the petrified state, and countless scenes that he had never thought of before flashed in his mind.

The fall of the headquarters fortress means that the town area and port of Beluga Port are no longer safe. At the same time, the enemy has completed the encirclement of Beluga Port from the north and the east.

Unless the two armies on the western front were able to arrive at once, the jihadist army, which was facing the enemy on both sides, had to withdraw from the current battlefield as soon as possible, shrinking its direction so as not to expose its flanks to the opposite artillery fire.

But if you must retreat, where should you retreat?

South of the Supreme Council and the August Armoury Factory are all open terrain and scattered farms. These places can be used as a buffer zone to temporarily delay the enemy, but if they are used as fortifications, it means that the opposing artillery is not accurate enough. Your own people are not surrendering fast enough.

The most important point... Even if you ordered the jihadist army to strictly guard against it, and resolutely did not allow the colonial rebels to approach the city wall of Beluga Harbor, would these legion commanders resolutely implement their orders?

Knowing that it was destined to be a futile mission with heavy casualties, would they deliberately perfunctory, even cooperating with the other side, and directly let the 13-star ring flag of the Free Confederation be planted on the city gate of Beluga Port?

Considering the "duel exhibition match" between Arthur Herrede and Louis Bernard in Red Hand Bay, Ludwig deliberately excluded Ed Levent, pitted Fernando Herrede, and indirectly caused Bernard Nader Morwes was captured by the enemy... Judging by "would not" seems to be too optimistic.

Resisting the urge to directly shoot everyone present, Phyllis smiled at the two guards who were still standing at the door, pretending to be calm:

"You go down first."

"Yes Yes!"

It seems that they sensed the abnormality in the atmosphere, such as the guards who hurriedly gave a military salute, then turned around and ran for their lives. They didn't dare to delay for a second, and they closed the door by the way.

"Commander-in-chief, and everyone else, no matter what we need to discuss next, I suggest that everyone leave this room immediately and go to the parliament basement or other mansion for refuge!"

Almost at the moment when the door was closed, Ludwig, who frowned, immediately stood up and said solemnly to Pheleus: "This hall does not have any protective ability, and the target is still very conspicuous, and the artillery fire of the headquarters is at any time. It is possible to come this way, it is not a safe place to discuss!"

After speaking, without waiting for the others to react, Ludwig had already dashed to Phyllis's side, and Colonel William Cecil, who had come with him, also got up, took up his hat and left.

"Oh, so the place you suggest us to go can be absolutely safe, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief of the Clovis Southern Legion?"

With some sarcastic words, he stopped Ludwig's movements. With an ugly face, he had to look back. Fernando Herrede was staring at him with cold eyes.

"Since this council hall can't resist the enemy's artillery fire, isn't hiding in the basement at risk of being directly buried alive; as for the other buildings in the city...even the most important council, is there anything stronger than this in the city? architecture?"

"Even if there are... those rebels outside the city include you Clovis people, the original garrison of Beluga Harbor, wouldn't they know this?" Fernando said strangely:

"That's why I want to ask clearly, where are you going to take us to ensure our absolute safety?"

"Unfortunately, I can't guarantee it."

Ludwig's face suddenly turned ugly: "It's just that it's too dangerous here, and it's obviously not worth the gain if you continue to stay, so I suggest moving as soon as possible."

"Of course, if General Fernando has a better way, then I certainly will not object - the premise is that it can pass the collective vote of the high command."

"As expected of the son of Archbishop Franz, he always speaks so calmly and confidently." Fernando smiled but did not smile: "I wonder if you were negotiating with your old subordinate Anson Bach as you are now. Like this? Ah... sorry, because we don't treat you as respectfully as he did!"

"Uncle Fernando, what are you doing?!"

Before Ludwig could take the initiative to refute, Arthur Herrid, who had been silent for a long time, stood up suddenly, and looked at the two people who suddenly quarreled in confusion:

"Ludwig Franz...he's a good man!"

"you shut up!"

Fernando's cheeks were slightly twisted, and he glared at Arthur: "I'm here, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks!"


"I don't agree with that, Your Excellency Fernando."

Raising his hand to stop Arthur, who was aggrieved and wanted to refute, Pavel Dukaski, the Marquis of the Imperial Court, slowly got up: his sharp eyes swept to Fernando with a ferocious face: "Doubt who is your own business, but in public Complaints and accusations, that's about the evidence... especially you."


"That's right!" Pavel nodded slightly: "Before the siege of Beluga Harbor, you were slow to conquer Beluga Harbor, and you paid a lot of losses, but you were relieved by His Excellency Ludwig Franz. Take it."

"From your standpoint, if you suddenly come out and accuse others at such a time, it's easy to have misunderstandings that are thought to be jealousy and random bites."

"What did you say..."

"I'm not telling the truth?!"

Without giving Fernando any room to defend, Pavel suddenly took a half step forward and swept over with a cold eye: "I know what you want to defend, but it is nothing more than lack of logistics and hasty preparations... Everyone's logistics are not sufficient, and our legion has long since disappeared. After taking care of the logistics, we won the five colonies in the east by fighting to support the war. In the end, because the support was delayed, it ended in a disastrous defeat... Did you see me complaining and complaining here?!"

"Your Excellency Fernando Herrede, a perfect war can only happen in the imagination of the staff. The reality must be full of problems and troubles, which is normal; not to mention that we are still fighting across seas, and we should have prepared for the worst. , No matter how demanding you are, the Ring of Order will not show up to conjure bread and cannonballs for you."

As he spoke, Pavel Dukasky shook his head disdainfully: "One of the commanders of the dignified Eastern Front Corps, a general trusted by His Majesty the Emperor, doesn't even know the truth... The Clovis War It doesn't seem that surprising after more than two years of fighting with no results."

Fernando's face sank, and his clenched fists wished to directly smash Pavel's handsome face into pieces, and then shot Ludwig, the inner ghost, to relieve his hatred.

But he couldn't, much less dared.

The Ed Levant Legion is finished, but the Dukasky family is not... The other party is the dignified court marquis, and there is Grand Duke Brahm behind him, and he has a world-class relationship with the royal family who climbed up by the emperor's favor. Don't; if you just compare the titles, Pavel is even the most honorable one in the whole jihadist army, even his original boss Ed Levant is inferior.

In the empire, bloodline and title are the core elements that determine a person's status; it doesn't matter if Pavel Dukowski doesn't speak. The moment he speaks, he represents not only himself, but also Dukowski. The Kaski family and the entire Grand Duchy of Brahm... that's not a force Fernando can fight against.

So he could only choose to shut up, but he refused to bow his head because of his face, so he could only look at Pavel silently, expressing his anger with his eyes.

Under the depressing atmosphere, the others present did not dare to act rashly, and looked nervously at the confronting two people until a voice sounded, breaking the deadlock:

"Everyone... Excuse me, how long are you going to fight?"

With a calm smile, Sir Phyllis walked slowly to the middle, and looked at everyone calmly and calmly: "I don't know what you think, but I know that if this goes on, it will be the colonies outside the city who will be happy. The rebels, rejoicing at the fact that we have been quarreling with each other, have not been able to make a practical and effective counterattack."

"Only if we break out the infighting before the rebels can they really be able to conquer Beluga Harbor with only 45,000 people and drive us into the sea... Hehehe, if you guessed correctly, this should be them. target."

Shaking his head with a contemptuous smile, Phyllis said to himself: "Capturing Beluga Harbor, and then using this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Mujahideen, I can probably think of when this group of false believers and heretics came up with this idea. , how complacent it is."

"Now that they have captured the headquarters and have taken the initiative in this battle, they are probably a little more proud than at the beginning? I said... It's almost time for them to see the power of the jihadist army."

Pheleus stopped and glanced at the people present very calmly: "There is only one point, the jihadist army will not lose, nor can it be lost. On this basis, I can promise you any requirements and conditions."

"But! Please don't take my concessions and promises as the weakness of the jihadist army command, and only know how to compromise; if the final result of this jihad falls short, and the reason is entirely yours... Don't think that the Holy See really will not be held accountable.”

"Disobeying orders, collaborating with the enemy, and deliberately inaction... These were originally serious crimes that could be punished by capital punishment in the army, but in the jihadist army, they were even more disdainful of the ring of order, and they were expelled from the church on the charge of 'apostate'. Being escorted to the court for arbitration is the only fate for such a person."

"Only those who truly add glory to the Ring of Order are worthy of the title of 'Holy Warrior'." The corners of Phelus's mouth rose slightly: "With all that said, I hope everyone can do it well."

Silence, deathly silence.

Such an undisguised threat shows that Phyllis has obtained the authority from the Holy See, and no longer considers whether to maintain the relationship with the various forces, and began to recklessly in order to win the holy war.

This is actually not difficult to understand... In order to organize this holy war, the Holy See has already paid too many sunk costs. If it fails to meet the minimum bottom line requirements, it is not difficult to understand that it wants revenge.

Even if they are here, this is the result of the fact that the various forces are ready to accept revenge... The Franz family was excluded by the Clovis Army, the Dukasky family basically belongs to the tool family of Grand Duke Brahm, Ya Se and Fernando are both side branches of the royal family, and it doesn't matter if there is an accident.

Apart from the fact that Hantu sent its own crown prince and the heirs of the Emmanuel family to show enough sincerity, none of the true leaders of the various forces in the world of order, who had the strength and capital to organize this expedition, did not come.

But that's why Phyllis' threat is effective... If you really want to be held accountable, most of the people present don't want to escape.

"Major General Ludwig, what do you think?"

The smiling Pheleus slowly looked back and looked meaningfully at the eldest son of Archbishop Franz: "As the hero who conquered Beluga Harbor and Sail City, what do you think of our next actions?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes shifted to Ludwig.

It was the Storm Legion who conquered the headquarters' stronghold... Obviously, this is the Holy See forcing the Clovis people to stand in line and take a stand; Ludwig's next move will be directly related to whether the Franz family is under attack in the eyes of the Holy See. Reasons to consider "infidelity".

The young legion commander thought for a moment, then turned his eyes to the direction of the headquarters subconsciously, and said in a slightly uncertain tone:

"The siege of the August Armoury Factory, the shooting camp, and the jihadist army of the Rebel Council, shouldn't UUkanshu.com be withdrawn?"

"No, they are still waiting for orders, and they should not know that the headquarters has been captured by the enemy."

Fernando snorted coldly. Except for the Clovis people, the remaining crusades were the imperial army under his command: "Why, are you going to expect them to turn around to fight and take back the headquarters fortress from the rebels?"

"No... I think we should formulate a retreat route as soon as possible and move them under the city walls of Beluga Harbor." Ludwig ignored his stimulation this time and shook his head:

"If it's a little later, the rebels occupying the headquarters will probably attack them from behind."


Not only Fernando this time, but even Pavel, who had just "supported" him, was stunned: "Lord Ludwig, you, you mean that the rebels at the headquarters will not only stick to that stronghold to prevent us from Take it back, and… take the initiative to attack?!”

"Of course, otherwise, what are they doing to defend a fortress that is destined to be besieged repeatedly; attracting our attention and cooperating with the main army to flank the defenseless jihadist army is the only meaning of their existence."

Ludwig said in a natural tone, and even glanced at the others in confusion.

Can't defend the fortress? How could such a thing happen to Anson Bach? It's his style to maximize the effect of the cards at hand and use continuous action to bring the enemy into his own rhythm.


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