I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 512: in my way

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At 14:55, after nearly two hours of tossing and still failing to achieve any results, the Fernando Corps, which had finally lost its head, began to shrink its troops and concentrated most of its strength to break through to the west.

At the same time, Fernando Herrede, who was sitting in the basement of the Beluga Harbor Council, was finally getting the news; at this time, he was no longer as tough as he was at the beginning, and he began to ask, even begging Phyllis to mobilize The remaining jihadist army, or even the sailor reinforcements in the port fleet, even an infantry division or an infantry regiment.

But all he got was silence, dead silence.

On the one hand, Phyllis himself doesn’t have much money on hand, and most of the jihadist army under his command is still on the way to Changhu Town with the Hantu Legion. Without an army, he naturally does not have much confidence in commanding others; on the other hand Although the Holy See and the imperial family have the same interests, to some extent, the more the power of the royal family is damaged, the more it is in the interests of the Holy See.

After all, the empire is the nominally secular helm of the world of order. The weaker the royal family is, the more it needs to rely on the power of the Holy See to control the Grand Duke within its borders and deter foreign countries, and the greater the chance of the Holy See interfering with the secular world.

The rest...whether from the Dukasky or Wolf family in the south, or the Clovis behind Ludwig Franz, they are obviously happy that the imperial power of the empire has been weakened.

"The messenger is here to report that the Fernando Mujahideen has abandoned their temporary headquarters, and the entire army is rapidly moving east."

On the position where the guns were roaring, Fabian pointed at the road leading to Changhu Town with a serious face: "The first phase of the combat mission has been completed!"

Standing on the edge of the dirt slope, An Sen, holding a monocular, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised uncontrollably.

In sight, the vanguard of the Storm Legion had already taken the last position previously controlled by the Fernando Legion, and began to pursue the defeated deserters. Cut off the enemy that breaks through, and gradually encircle and annihilate.

According to the current momentum, even if the opponent can't be completely wiped out, wounded and killed, plus prisoners, breaking through four figures and achieving five figures, it should not be a dream.

And in order to do all this, he pressed almost all the cards that he could bet - conquering the Beluga Port Command to attract the attention of the jihadists, quickly interspersed with the reinforcements to block Arthur Herrid, and specifically found Bernard. De Morves, in return for his freedom after the war, collected vital information.

Even just in case, Anson specially added a layer of insurance: ordering the Knights of No Letter, that is, Yin Clemence's gang, to infiltrate Fernando's legion to ensure that they can still influence the enemy's decision-making at the last minute. .

The price of each of these preparations and hole cards is not small, and the risk is not too high; in comparison, it is far inferior to let Rune come forward during the battle of Red Hand Bay and directly send the entire jihadist army to the sky.

But that kind of result is undoubtedly what the Holy See wants the most - the crusades are wiped out, and there are indeed apostles of the old gods in the new world, enough for them to arouse the fear of the entire world of order, and directly recruit fanatics beyond the lords and kings. Followers of the Ring of Order, launched an infinite holy war against the new world.

"Order the entire army, including the 2nd and 4th Infantry Regiments, to press on the whole line, and don't give Fernando Corps a little time to breathe!"


Fabian nodded slightly: "That Arthur Herrid Legion..."

"Let Louis Bernard handle it himself!" Anson waved his hand directly: "The opposite side made it clear that it was for him. This belongs to the internal grievances of the giants in the northern part of the empire. We outsiders should not participate too much."

The deputy commander of the legion raised his eyebrows, the war was underestimated at the moment, and the forces behind the Storm Legion, who were either co-opting or interfering, were already numerous: Rune of Clovis, Fukangci, Celcy, Francois and Ai of Hantu Manuel, Levant of the Empire, Morwes, Bernard, Dukasky, Roland, there are also the Truth Society, the Knights of Unbelief, the Lord and faction within the Holy See, and the local separatist forces...

So he really didn't understand what the commander-in-chief, who was jumping left and right on dozens of eggs at the same time, meant "don't be too involved"?

Of course, confusion is still confusion. Fabian will never delay the task that should be completed... He issued the order to attack the entire line at the fastest speed. The deputy commander of the legion and the head of the grenadier attacked first, leaving no reserve.

At fifteen o'clock, the Fernando Legion, which had completely defeated the last line of defense, abandoned the illusion of "there are reinforcements" and launched an offensive against the Colonial Legion blocking the way like a life-saving straw.

Inspired by the courage to fight to the death in Changhu Town, the New World Corps, which was responsible for the final mission, held weapons that the jihadists simply did not look down on. With their blood, they restrained the attack of an enemy whose strength was twice that of them. There is no cover in the middle of the road at all.

But the Fernando Legion also gambled everything, and their origins determined that there was no option to "fall back" at all; while blocking the Storm Legion attacking from behind, they continued to invest more troops in an attempt to tear the defense line of the New World Legion. Open the gap.

The two sides kept pouring gun flames that symbolized death to each other. The thick white gunpowder smoke had already enveloped most of the battlefield. Neither the Jihad Army nor the headquarters of the New World Army could see the whole battlefield. They could only rely on dozens of strips. The information from dozens of minutes ago, the experience plus the parts observed by the naked eye, make a reliable or outrageous arrangement.

At 16:30, the colonial militiamen who had been supporting for more than an hour gradually began to lose their support; as more and more jihadists risked being attacked by the enemy like a battle, there were more and more gaps in the defense line.

At the same time, thousands of New World Legion cavalry had already smashed the flank of Fernando's Legion, beheading the 20,000-strong Legion in half as if they were no one in the panicked square formations.

Even so, the Mujahideen Army is still advancing desperately, and they have only one thought left in their minds at this time - breaking out of the encirclement!

Even if the enemy has rushed behind them, even if their companions fall down one after another, even if the next second is death, they will smash through the encircling net of the New World Legion and escape.

Holding the binoculars, Louis Bernard stared at the battlefield shrouded in gunpowder smoke. Even though he was very confident in someone's plan, he still didn't dare to be distracted at this moment, lest any accidents happen again; The cold-hearted Bernard Morwes also tightened his nerves, waiting for the moment to witness the "miracle" with all his attention.

The atmosphere that was so heavy that it was like a dead silence lasted for an unknown amount of time, and was finally broken by an exclamation.


The cuirassier knight who received the urgent report from the messenger lost his voice, paused, then immediately turned his head to look at Louis, his face full of disbelief: "Sir, the attack of the Fernando Legion... was stopped!"

"Well, I see." The calm and calm Marshal of the New World Legion did not show any excitement, he put down the telescope in his hand, and handed it to Bernard: "Send the artillery position, you can start action."

"Don't care about the ammunition reserve, bombard the offensive line of the Fernando Legion with the fastest speed, and completely destroy their morale!"

"Ah... obey, obey!"

Looking at the cuirass knight who rushed out in ecstasy, Bernard took a deep look at the monocular in his hand, and there were two sunken marks on the brass shell at some point.

"How exactly?"


"You... No, it should be said that the militia of the colony, it is impossible for the opponents of the Fernando Legion to be able to hold out for an hour. It is a miracle."

Bernard's expression was completely stiff: "What is it that makes these soldiers, who have not undergone much training at all, block the attack of the Fernando Legion?!"



In the smoking room of the Long Lake Town Council, William Gottfried said without looking back, sitting in the middle of the pile of waste manuscript papers.

"Math...you mean numbers connected by those weird symbols?"

Talia, with winking emerald eyes, stood behind him, putting down a cup of espresso without sugar or milk.

"No, it's a form, an artificially defined being, a tool for describing, deriving, solving problems... For me, it's also part of runeology."

William, who still did not look back, suddenly raised his brows: "Just like the three evolutionary paths under the Three Old Gods system, its value is to solve problems; as long as there are enough references, it can solve all problems."

"And rune literature is to establish a bridge for all communication. As long as the communication is sufficient, the problem will be solved naturally."

"Like Miss Sophia Franz's munitions factory, Louis Bernard's battery, the new rifle of the Shooting Corps and the new artillery of the Legion of Storms - they all have one problem or another, and they need not only an answer, but a There needs to be a way to get answers.”

"Of course there are some people who already knew the answer before they came to the door, and even knew the solution, but at the level of 'realization', they encountered a little obstacle..."

"Like dear Anson."

The corner of the girl's mouth holding the tray couldn't help turning up, and there was a hint of pride.

"That's right, like Anson Bach." William Gottfried picked up the coffee cup and took a few sips like drinking water:

"There is only one way to let a group of ordinary people who have not received enough training to block the well-trained professional soldiers - fortifications."

"But ordinary fortifications can't equalize the strength gap between the two sides. If they are strong enough, it will take time, a lot of time, and the most important thing... No one is a fool and will actively choose to hit the wall."

"So the problem is clear: he needs to have the militias fighting on the battlefield while building fortifications, not only secretly, but also fast enough that the enemy will have a hard time getting out of the trap after realizing the trap."

"So the solution is simple: let each soldier carry a part of the parts, and then assemble them all together at the destination."

"……that's it?"

"Of course not, or absolutely impossible." William put down the coffee cup: "First of all, the enemy is not a fool, it is unbelievable that such a big movement will not be detected; if it is a well-trained professional army, there may be hope, but a group of Ordinary people who have just been armed? Impossible."

"Replacing the parts of fortifications with ordinary sandbags, and then building earth walls with sandbags... can solve the most complicated problem of how to assemble, but it still can't solve the trouble of 'secret' and 'efficiency', of course, the former can have There are countless ways, so only 'efficiency' is left, how to maximize the efficiency of 10,000 people to complete the same thing..."

"This, it is the turn of 'mathematics' to solve the trouble."

"Earth wall?" Thalia tilted her head: "A few earthen walls can stop 20,000 soldiers?"

"Of course." William Gottfried turned his head, his slightly dull eyes flashing with absolute confidence:

"According to my method and formula, that's fine."


In the choking smoke of gunpowder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the defeated New World Legion militia moved to the flanks of the front like running water, showing the earth walls built with sandbags in front of Fernando's army.

If it is a normal battle, the jihadist army should close the line as soon as possible, organize elite forces to focus on breaking through one or two gaps, or simply avoid the front and look for opportunities to bypass the front from the flanks.

But the Fernando Corps at this time couldn't do it at all!

After the almost frenzied attack before, the organization of the legion had already completely collapsed and disintegrated. The most basic company could not get the order of the headquarters at all, and almost all of them were fighting alone.

At the same time, the artillery positions of the New World Legion also began to project firepower frantically. The Sail City Legion and the Storm Legion followed by attacking the rear of the Fernando Legion on the north and south fronts respectively, giving them no time to reorganize at all.

The soldiers of the Mujahideen who fought in blood could only look in despair at the earthen walls that were not even chest high, but under the messy arranging of guns from the New World Army militiamen, they couldn't rush past them. Companions in a pool of blood that has already dried up.

And behind them, it was still unknown, and Pao Ze, who thought he would see the dawn of victory soon, continued to climb up until he saw the corpses all over the ground, the short earth wall, and the lines hiding behind the wall. The muzzles of the platoons cast the flames of death upon them.


Throwing the brass binoculars on the ground, Bernard silently took out a box of cigarettes that Anson had given him from his pocket. After the flickering flames and spewing smoke, he concealed a face with infinite emotion:

"Fernando Corps, it's over."

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