I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 528: Why don't you find me? !



The loud noise blew up a water column on the unnamed beach of Beluga Harbor. The crystal waves were like thousands of pearls falling, reflecting the two rapidly intertwined and colliding figures.

Raid, flank, pull, pursue... The speed of the two people's confrontation was so fast that they could only leave behind a flash of afterimage, and the fire that burst out every time the sharp blades collided.

Unlike the last confrontation in the middle of the battlefield, the two sides with a tacit understanding have been betting with all their strength almost from the beginning... Arthur Herreid's upper body clothes with blond hair fluttering are almost gone, revealing almost all except his face. The whole body is densely packed, with dragon scales glowing with metallic light.

This ability called "Dragon Transformation" can be said to be Arthur's strongest blood power, and its importance even exceeds the "Dragon Roar" that he is famous for... Not only does it endow him with a physique that surpasses those of ordinary talents, it also gives him the ability to resist blows. And recovery ability, the strength of each dragon scale is stronger than the most sophisticated breastplate, enough to block the attack of most weapons, even heavy weapons.

Otherwise, there is no need for the enemy to do anything at all, and the aftermath of his own "Dragon Roar" is enough to shatter his body on the spot, and using the power of blood is like suicide.

The situation was the same as Arthur thought, no matter how hard Louis tried his best to slash, he could never break the defense of the dragon scale, and he had to dodge the blade he swung while attacking, and the dragon roar without the slightest warning.


Why is it that the person who feels the pressure is yourself?

He clearly has the upper hand, but he doesn't feel the slightest advantage at all, as if his throat will be cut off by a knife if he is negligent for a moment...

The inexplicable and oppressive feeling made Arthur upset, and he didn't even notice that the translucent water vapor had already struck with a sharp blade.


Amidst the crisp metal crash, the expressionless Louis hit Arthur's shoulder with a backhand knife and passed him sideways.

Arthur, whose right arm sank, instinctively counterattacked, and the back of the knife slammed heavily on Louis' armour. At the same time, he quickly turned around and opened the distance, raising the blade horizontally and waiting for the opportunity to block the swept water vapor blade.


At the moment when the waves poured down, the two turned around at the same time, looking at each other, Tong Kong locked each other's figures tightly, tensed up and ready to go.

"Hey? I didn't take the opportunity to make up for it. It's not like you, Louis." Arthur, who grinned, covered his shoulders and tried to squeeze a "I'm relaxed" smile on his face:

"And the knife just now seems to be cut in the wrong place, right? If I replace it with my head, I'm already dead now."

"If it's a head, it won't be cut."

Louis clutched the dented armguard and breathed slightly: "The instinct of the Dragon Knight's bloodline is second only to that of the Wild Hunt Knight. If the knife just aimed at the Achilles' heel, you will be 100% parried back... Meaningless."

Arthur was stunned at first, and then a smug expression appeared on his face, and even the knife in his hand subconsciously loosened his grip.

The next second, the shriek of the air being torn apart exploded in his ears.


The dazzling firelight exploded in the spray, and there was only a few centimeters between the icy blade and his eyeballs.

Arthur, who was in a hurry, didn't have time to react at all. He almost slid back at the end and grabbed the blade at the same time, avoiding the end of being stabbed in the head.

"But... no matter how powerful the power is, it is also a weapon driven by people." Louis, who was holding the hilt tightly with both hands, still did not give in: "How much power can be exerted is not determined by blood after all. "

"Your personality that is too inattentive, too easily disturbed by the outside world, and reckless is the real fatal weakness, Arthur!"


Just as the annoyed Dragon Roar Knight was about to refute, he felt the blade clenched in his hand suddenly begin to "swell" - as if a hurricane was blowing around, and his palm was forcibly bounced.

As if realizing that the danger was approaching, Arthur decisively opened the distance again, took a deep breath with his head held high, and then...



The water vapor wrapped around the sword body turned into a spiral that pierced forward, collided with the earth-shattering dragon roar, and burst; the atomized water turned into a cloud on the ground, wrapping the two of them.

Without the slightest pause, the expressionless Louis waved the sharp blade wrapped in water vapor, jumped up quickly, and struck again.

"You guy..." Arthur gritted his teeth, "Bang!" He stepped on a bunker on the ground: "It's a little stronger, I'm very proud!"


The sharp blades collided again, but this time it was Louis who was forced to retreat... Arthur's powerful slash directly knocked his blade away, and then went straight to the door.

Louis, who failed to attack, had to retreat, turn around, and avoid Arthur's extremely fierce blade; the whistling blade passed by, and he could still feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

Although the power of the bloodline is Louis who has been strengthened in all aspects, and his physical fitness has left almost the vast majority of talented people, there is still an insurmountable gap in front of the dragon knight talent.

As long as he is concentrated again, his left arm will be broken... Louis waited for an opportunity to attack while dodging, and the translucent water vapor kept blasting splendid water between the two, but he couldn't hurt the dragon scales covering his body. Arthur a little bit.

There is no chance of winning by attacking yourself head-on. If you want to defeat him, you can only...

"You haven't given up yet, ah?!"

The roaring Arthur's eyes were suddenly fierce, and he slid away from the tip of the knife that was stabbing in the face, and penetrated into Louis's midline.


Louis Tongkong shrank suddenly, and at the same time he released his right hand holding the knife, his body retreated in the direction of Arthur's attack with the help of the power of water vapor; the Dragon Roar Knight, who hit the air but watched the other party fly out, was stunned, and his body was also stunned because he couldn't The target staggered slightly and lost balance.

Then... he saw Louis stand firm as if he was being held back by something in an extremely bizarre movement, with his back arched, his body leaning forward, the five fingers of his right hand tucked together in front of his chest, and he slammed upwards.

Under the bright moonlight, a silver brilliance was reflected in Arthur's child hole, and it struck him with lightning speed.

It was a splendid brilliance that traversed the top of the head, so huge that it seemed to have an entity.

An icy touch instantly swept through his body, and the sunny Dragon Roar Knight finally showed a panicked expression.

It was too late, no matter dodge or block, it was absolutely impossible for him who lost his balance to do it; and he had a hunch that the power of this water vapor... was enough to open his dragon scales.


At the moment when he fell out of balance, the whistling sound of shattering everything swept past his side, and his golden hair was blown messily.

On the icy beach, the Dragon Roar Knight, who closed his eyes and buried his cheeks in the sand, never got rid of the biting cold; it took more than two minutes before his limbs gradually regained the feeling.

Then he found himself like...

still alive?

Ugh? !

Suddenly realizing something, Arthur pulled his head out of the sand and widened his eyes in astonishment.

Louis Bernard was kneeling on one knee out of breath, cold sweat dripping from his cheeks, neck and back like raindrops. He had to keep breathing fast to keep his spirits up and not fall down because of fainting.

From the beginning of the Battle of Beluga Harbor to the present, his energy and body have basically reached the limit.

Talented people with the power of blood are indeed stronger than ordinary people, but they are far from the level of spellcasters, especially blasphemous mages.

Anson Bach can spend his energy day and night to stay up late to make preparations and design new plans and plans. After all, his flesh and blood is strictly a shell, and eating and sleeping can be regarded as a habit and a luxury... But it is still necessary for Louis, who is a gifted man.

Especially as the Marshal of the New World Legion, Louis' responsibilities are actually heavier than a certain "curve loyalty". He has not had any rest time since he started, and he has to maintain his image in the eyes of the soldiers. It was just a thought.

But in the eyes of Arthur, who was shocked to the extreme, it was not the case at all.

Even if he just passed by, he knew very well that even if he didn't lose his balance, it would be impossible to resist the move just now. At the same time, at such a close distance, there was no possibility of being missed with Louis' strength. It can only be...

This guy, deliberately kept his hand?

I... just so...


The shocked Arthur, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, slowly, bit by bit, gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

Louis, who was still gasping for breath, vaguely realized something, and was slightly startled: "A, Arthur, you..."



Before he finished speaking, the roaring Dragon Roar Knight suddenly burst into flames and rushed up from the front.


The exhausted Louis couldn't stop this, and was thrown directly to the ground, with his arms crossed to block it, and he resisted Arthur's iron fist.

"Why?!" Arthur, who was pressing down on it, slammed his fist on his armguard: "Why do you do this?!"

"You've fouled, you know? Ah, foul!"

"I can not understand what you say!"

Louis gritted his teeth: "You won, what else is there to say?!"

"Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense!" Arthur's eyes spit fire with hatred:

"I don't care about this kind of victory given to me!"

"No one told you, you just missed it!"


"I do not have!"

"You have it!"


"There is!"



... Seizing the opportunity of Arthur getting more and more noisy, Louis directly stretched out his hand to grab his fist, and while suppressing it with a backhand, he got up from the side and fell to the ground.

The Dragon Roar Knight lying on the beach stared, but did not intend to get up, and remained motionless as if in a fit of anger.

Breathing heavily, Louis, who could no longer keep calm, also lost the blessing of the power of blood, and said in a bad breath: "What are you doing?!"

"It's not your turn to say this!" Arthur still gritted his teeth:

"I should ask you, what do you want to do!"


"I just wanted a fair and just showdown between friends, but you didn't even give me this chance--don't think I didn't know, the previous few times you just used me to contain the jihadist army, you never did Take my challenge seriously!"

"It's hard to wait until you really change your mind, and the result is this kind of perfunctory attitude - what else do you want?!"

After listening to Arthur's hysterical angry words expressionlessly, Louis was silent for half a minute.

"You... Arthur Herrid, you fool." Desperately restraining the urge to slap his face, Louis pursed the corners of his mouth:

"Do you think it would be a better outcome if I cut your neck together...?"


Arthur still straightened his neck: "At least this way, I can still think that you treat me as a friend!"

"...friend?" Louis didn't react: "I... when did I say that I don't consider you a friend anymore?"

"Then why didn't you call me when you escaped from the royal court of Yinsel?!" Arthur glared at him with gritted teeth:

"Why did you travel to the new world for so long and never write to me and tell me you are in this ghost place?!"

"Why did my friend finally know your whereabouts when you became a traitor to the empire and led the rebellion of Yangfan City?!"

"Why...why do you still have to ask someone for help when you have a friend like me, and you never thought about me?!"

"Louis Bernard, do you think write me a letter and tell me that you need my help, and that I will pretend not to know that nothing happened because you are a rebel and wanted by the Church of Order?!"

"You tell me, Arthur Herreid is this kind of friend in your eyes, you say!"

The Dragon Roar Knight stared at Louis stubbornly, and the corners of his mouth finally pursed in grievance.

Louis was stunned: "Arthur..."

"Don't talk, I don't want to hear you say those... those... 嘁!"

Embarrassed, he got up, Arthur hit the soil on his body, still with a hateful expression, but lowered his head and didn't look at Louis at all: "You win, I won't bother you again, don't worry though. All right."


Louis stopped the other party again: "I... I may not be able to step on the land of the empire in a fair and honest way in my life and go back to Edland."

"So I want to ask you one thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is only you, and I can only rest assured if I leave it to my best friend. Can you help me with this?!"

At this moment, the Dragon Roar Knight with his back turned to him stopped.

"Please tell my father that although Louis Bernard is not like his Kroger brother, he will fight as a Bernard family knight, a sea knight."

"Tell my sister that she has a particularly wayward brother who has left too many burdens on her, but I believe from the bottom of my heart that, as the future Archduke Adelland, she is better than me or even Bikro. Brother Ge will be more competent!"

"Tell... Your Majesty, thank him for his cultivation, without him, there would be no Louis Bernard today." Louis said solemnly: "From now on, I will continue to demand myself as a royal knight and a royal military attache, never... no Will shame the golden irises because of me!"


Arthur, who had been silent for a long time, finally looked back and looked at his best friend helplessly and regretfully:

"That's... whether His Majesty will believe it, I can't guarantee it."

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