I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 533: her consent

Returning home?

Hearing the bishop's proverbial farewell, Anson's expression was somewhat odd. He wanted to say something but felt very awkward. It seemed that it was more appropriate for him to shut up and remain silent.

As for the friend who "kindly" offered them advice and help...don't think too much about it, there's no third person other than Carin Jacques or some unscrupulous novelist, and most of them have no good intentions.

For a long time to come, the New World should be the focus area of ​​the Holy See; at this time, the "Qiuzhen Sect" that had disappeared for many years - usually called them the Ivory Sect, but that is a derogatory term - said that it would not attract attention. It's definitely a lie, but it's not as vigilant as the Holy See.

After all, apart from St. Isaac, a genius that is rarely seen in thousands of years, the accumulation of the Qiuzhen Sect for hundreds of years is not a threat. In addition, the most important legacy of the Truth Society has long been collected by the Holy See, leaving a certain These scattered manuscript documents are at most at the level of "historical truth"; if they are known to ordinary people, it is better not to know.

Therefore, universal religious believers impersonating the "Qiuzhen Sect" can indeed reduce the attention of the Holy See, and even gain the support of some Clovis-friendly people... But this is definitely not the main purpose of the Truth Society.

In fact, the reason is not difficult to guess: on the one hand, of course, like Clovis, Hantu and the northern giants of the empire, they hope that the Free Confederation will become a living target to attract the firepower of the Holy See, so don’t turn your attention to the new world for the time being. outside the area.

This is not even a guess... While he was still negotiating with Phyllis, the young secretary Alan Dawn sent an "important information": Nakhir Kingdom has completely pacified the domestic situation. The insurgents have officially declared war on the neighboring country that had previously been seriously ill on the border and waited for the opportunity to loot.

Taking advantage of the coming time of winter at the end of September, Nakhir's idea is self-evident: it is to take advantage of the fact that all the great powers and the Holy See are still busy with holy wars, and have no time to take into account his small and transparent opportunities on the edge of the ordered world. Get as much as you can.

Anyway, it's not a loss to grab a fortune, and the three kingdoms of Beihai will be unified to make a profit.

Assuming the successful reunification of the three countries of the North Sea, it would be a good or bad result for the Free Confederacy - the advantage of course is that it has a true geographical ally, and at the same time, the two sides can achieve complementary resources, and there is no conflict of interest.

Even for the sake of interests, the Three North Sea Kingdoms are actually happy to see the strength of the Free Confederacy strengthen; after all, an ally with strong maritime power and increasing wealth can greatly reduce the coercion from the empire and turn it into a sense of imperial overseas. vassal state.

As for the downside... In the long run, it is only a matter of time before the North Sea Three Kingdoms will no longer be divided, and a conflict with the Free Confederation will break out.

For the three North Sea countries, which are far from the old continent and are actually an island country, as long as the reunification is completed, the New World is almost the only expansion direction; in addition, almost all of the most fertile territory of the Free Confederation is near the sea, which is very convenient for such a naval power to harass and invade.

Not only that, but unlike the Holy See’s jihadist army, the three North Sea countries that are close enough to each other will not have logistical problems, and there is no periodic problem. As long as it is not winter, fleets can be harassed and invaded any other day of the year; there is no need to go deep. Inland, capturing the port is victory.

Of course, that is something that will happen a long time in the future, dozens or even hundreds of years later.

As for the final result...


"Is it important?"

In the tavern at Beluga Harbor, Draco, still wearing his tattered coat and holding rye beer, lay drunk on the table, raised his head and smiled at Anson: "No matter if the Free Confederacy defeats Nakhir, the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea will once again Split, or the collapse of the Free Confederacy, colonization again, or a bunch of effects… does it matter?”

"It's a bit unbelievable for you to say that." Glancing at the lively or drunken Crusaders and New World Legion soldiers, Anson had to lower his voice to avoid being discovered:

"Let's put aside the Free Confederacy, the unification war of the three North Sea countries started under your instigation; it's not over yet with such an indifferent attitude, it's easy to be misunderstood by others, Your Excellency is the kind of scourge who doesn't take it too seriously— Although it is."

"It seems that your misunderstanding of me is getting deeper and deeper, Your Excellency Anson Bach."

The novelist shook his head with a wry smile, and then changed the subject: "But... this is a good thing."

"...A good thing?"

"That's right, it's a great thing." Draco narrowed his eyes slightly: "You care about the fate and fate of Nakhir and the Free Confederation, which proves that you are no longer the one in Clovis. When he was in the city, he tried hard to get out of the storm, but he was still caught in the eye of the storm, a little lieutenant colonel."

"In other words, you have become more and more aware that the future of the ordered world is closely related to your own destiny; if you do not lift the shackles and shackles of the Church of the Ring of Order on the whole world, whether as an individual or a collective member, There is no freedom to speak of."

"On top of that, whether it's a lie or a deception... The "Declaration of Resistance" written by you and the founding of the Free Confederation will both become the first crack in the collapse of the cage, and it will continue to extend."

"Right now, the power called 'freedom' is still very weak, but in time, the myth of the seven knights and the glory of the Ring of Order will all be ruthlessly crushed by this power; the cage that blocks the world will no longer exist. exist."

"Every country, every piece of land, every person...will become the master of its own destiny, no longer controlled by the established 'destiny'; in such a world no longer in shackles, as for the ebb and flow of personal destiny fall, the rise and fall of nations and nations...what does it have to do with it?"

"Now you are obviously aware of this; otherwise, the unification of the vast land would not have been so smooth, the Elf Kingdom of Iser would not have escaped the end of its demise, the Free Confederation would have never been born, and the dream of unification of the three kingdoms of the North Sea... It's always just a dream."

"Perhaps you were confused at the beginning, thinking that you can enjoy a comfortable life as long as you do what you need to do; but now you must have understood that if you want to control your own destiny and not be shackled and not become a tool in the hands of others, Puppet, puppet, then there is only one way to go..."

"In other words, Your Excellency Anson Bach, you are now..." Draco's mouth twitched mysteriously:

"It's complete, I understand the meaning of truth."

Light and powerful words echoed in the noisy tavern.

Anson said nothing.

Draining the beer in the glass, Draco Wilters stared at the figure in front of him for a long time, as if he was a lonely traveler in the desert, and finally met a fellow traveler, and his heart was full of overjoyed joy. , but there is still a trace of fear, fear that the other party will not respond.

But he knew that this was just a humble delusion deep in his heart, a trace of unease before he was finalized; isn't being able to sit here not enough to prove that the two sides are like-minded friends?


Please see... He also silently raised the wine glass without saying a word, swaying the nectar in the glass with deep meaning, if there was or not, he glanced at himself as if it was real, and then...


Poured a full glass of beer over the novelist's head.

Draco: "...Well, next time you don't want to drink, you can give it to me directly; really, I don't mind at all."

"I have a question. Your truth will always say that the church has put chains on the world, imprisoned people's thoughts, restricted freedom and development... I have nothing against it, but those are all in the past." The expression said:

"The current Holy See, no matter whether it is war or not, obviously intends to actively intervene in secular affairs. Even if they have set various restrictions, as long as they change from spiritual leaders to secular rulers, they will definitely make some changes. "

"With the size, wealth, and influence of the Holy See in the world, if you really make up your mind to establish your own country to replace the empire... I don't say there is no problem, but the difficulty is definitely much easier than the Free Confederation to dominate the world. "

"There is strength, ambition, technology, and it can even be said to be ideal - yes, the ideal of order and stability may be somewhat different from the freedom you desire, but what most people in this world pursue , still a life of stability and abundance, not the chaos and turmoil of disorder."

"You just said, what does the prosperity and decline of a country have to do with it, and I also think so; the future Free Confederation may become a powerful country in the new world, and it doesn't even matter if it annexes the North Sea Three Kingdoms in turn, or is annexed by the North Sea Three Kingdoms. Her mission may have ended then."

"So...why can't the strong and rising one be the church?"

Anson's expression was very serious, not because he was curious about the answer, but just hoped to confirm the attitude of the Truth Society.

Although he always sarcastically satirizes the other party, he does not think that there is really such an organization in the world that has nothing else to do except to do things; the truth will struggle to the death, fight, develop offline, cooperate with friends and even enemies... Ambition may not be talked about, But it must have its own ideals.

After all, it can't give its members great wealth and wealth, the material level is basically zero, and there is a risk of life and social death. If it falls into the hands of the Holy See, life is worse than death...

Even if this kind of organization is really the base camp of extremist groups, it has to be an ideal base camp.

Draco, whose head was drenched, did not immediately answer his question, but pointed to the wine glass in his hand: "Do you... know the characteristics of wine?"

What, are you trying to play a metaphor for me? Anson raised his eyebrows.

"Wine, ale, mead, beer...whatever it is, it's the product of time, changing from its original form to a new one." The corners of Draco's mouth curled up:

"In the beginning, it was very beautiful, even amazing... Ordinary wheat, grapes, and honey have turned into an intoxicating nectar; and the most special thing is that the longer the time, the more mellow the taste."

"But the more mellow it is, the more different it is from its original appearance..." Draco put down the wine glass in his hand:

“Until you can no longer smell the fragrance of apples, the sweetness of honey, the aroma of malt, except for the strong aroma of wine; I don’t think so, the things in the cup have long since been completely disconnected from the impression.”

"Especially in the process of aging, if it is not sealed properly, the wine will be rotten, sour, and become something completely different; but the brewer will still drink it seriously because he spends too much on it. Too much time to give up.”

"Even if he is very clear in his heart, that kind of thing... can no longer be called 'wine'."

At that moment, the surrounding noise seemed to become very distant.

"Your metaphor is terrible, although I know what you mean."

An Sen nodded slightly: "The Holy See, which represents the original order of the old era, cannot give the world new vitality, and can only continue to maintain the established order... Right?"

"This is also their heaviest sin." Draco nodded contentedly, and seemed to be quite satisfied with his own paragraph:

"As the organization with the most technology and wisdom, not only can it not bring more progress to the world, but it also imprisons knowledge and imprisoned thinking, and acts as the gatekeeper for an order that should have collapsed long ago~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shouldn't it be destroyed?"

"In the end, if you want something new, it's impossible not to completely destroy and disintegrate the old existence; of course, after the destruction, we can reminisce and sigh with emotion. The extremist act of killing...that's all right."

"But before we look down on the past so arrogantly and arrogantly, we must first completely destroy their essence, and then build a tomb representing their complete ruin."

Draco suddenly showed a pleasing smile: "Of course, it would be great if you could assist in this process."

"And I have a hunch that what you're going to do next must be closely related to our goals, or even fit perfectly; I'm not a prophet, but if I'm right... Please allow the truth to help."

A helping hand... I just ask you all to stop interfering. Anson twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm really sorry, what I have to do next is to leave Beluga Port and return to Clovis, I don't need your help."

"Ah... that's really not necessary, or we don't know how to help you." Draco nodded slightly and raised his index finger swayingly:

"Just a little question. You are leaving soon. You have already told Miss Talia August Rune and obtained her consent... eh?"

Draco was stunned.

Anson froze in place.

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