I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1003


Chapter 102: Entering the Happy World 【Second Update】

There will be a Sashoin Kiara is a [beast], this is the information that everyone has known for a long time.

However, what appeared in front of everyone at this time were the two Sashoin Kiara.

And they all exude a very ominous, extremely uncomfortable atmosphere, as if facing a natural disaster or a natural enemy.

The three of Saber stared at the two Kiara with full vigilance.

If expected, what they faced...

It's 【Beast】!

Exactly the same, two [beasts]!

"How do you know that both of them are mine, King Arthur?" The two Saseiin Kiara stared at Saber and asked with great interest.

"Assassin said that sometimes feelings are more useful than thoughts and eyes." Saber said.

"Oh~! Mr. Assassin? Even if he is not here, does it affect your judgment of me?" Both Kiara and Saseiin laughed.

Afterwards, the two Sashoin Kiara walked towards each other, and their shadows merged, turning from two people back to one.

Joan frowned, staring at Kiara at Seshoin, and asked, "Where's Miss Seshoin?"

"Aren't I right here, Miss Joan?" Kiara Saseiin asked with a strange face.

Saber stared coldly at Kiara Seshouin with her bright blue eyes, and said, "She's not talking about you [beast], but the real Miss Seshouin!"

"This is really a hostile and cold tone, but I forgive you, King Arthur." Kiara Sesseiin laughed, and she reached out to touch her belly and said, "The false me has returned to my body I'm sorry for the trouble she caused you before."

Looking at her movements, Joan of Arc thought of a terrible thing, raised her palm, pointed at Kiara Saseiin, and asked with a look of astonishment: "You, you ate Miss Saseiin?"

Hearing this, Sesseiin Kiara showed a troubled expression, and said, "The word 'eat' is too scary to say, Miss Joan of Arc. I just let her come back. Because no matter how I say it, she is just from me. It’s just the false side that escaped from her body, if she continues to be active outside, it will indeed cause me a lot of trouble.”

After a pause, she continued: "Also, what exactly did you instill in her? She was never willing to come back before. However, I will not be angry because of this, because you will do that, it must be from Take care of her."

Her expression was very gentle, but she seemed troubled, not like a "beast" that the heroic spirits regarded as their sworn enemy, but rather like a distressed elder sister next door.

However, whether it was Saber, Joan of Arc, or Nero, they all suddenly felt chills stand on end.

Because there was a sense of terror that could not be ignored in Kiara's body.

Saber stared at Seshouin Kiara closely, the holy sword in her hand once again emitted dazzling star light, and towards the holy sword that Seshouin Kiara raised high, she shouted: "Oath——, the sword of victory !"

The brilliant light of the star, then shined again, like a horse of a star, and bombarded Kiara towards the killing courtyard.

Seeing this, Kiara Saseiin didn't panic, instead there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth, like a mature and intellectual big sister.

However, the three of Saber were startled.

"That, that's not Assassin's..." The three of Saber looked stunned.

I saw countless hands of light stretched out from Kiara's body, extending towards Saber's starlight, and for a moment the starlight seemed to have substance, and was torn to pieces by Kiara's hands of light.

The three of Saber were too familiar, and it was because of their familiarity that they were stunned.

Because, isn't this attack method exactly the [evil] black hand of Assassin?

Could it be that this beast has a treasure like Assassin?

The shock was only for a moment, no matter what the three of Saber were, they were brilliant heroes in the history of mankind, how bad was their reaction ability?

Saber failed with a single blow, so Nero and Joan of Arc fought side by side, attacking Saseiin and leaving Qi Huang.

One of them waved a sharp red sword, and the other waved a flag with a gun point, and they all went towards Killa-in Kiara and killed them.

The sharp edge of the sword drew a cold arc in the air, and stabbed towards Kiara Seshouin, but two hands of light stretched out from Kiara Seshouin's abdomen, holding the weapons of Nero and Joan of Arc respectively.

The power was so great that Nero and Joan of Arc could not move an inch.

Kiara smiled and said, "Although you want to kill me, I won't hurt you. Because that won't make me happy."

Joan of Arc and Nero frowned, broke free from their weapons, and fell to the rear.

Saber followed closely, and the three of them went hand in hand, about to attack and kill Saseiin Kiara.

However, at this moment, hundreds of hands of light stretched out from Kiara's abdomen, surrounding the three of Saber.

These hands of light are extremely tough, even if they are bombarded with the light of stars, they can't hurt them at all.

The three of Saber were held back by these hands of light.

It's just that Kiara Sesseiin didn't seem to have any intention of killing them, so these hands of light only entangled the three of Saber.

"Speaking of which, I have a confusion, Miss Joan of Arc." Kiara Saseiin fixed his eyes on Joan of Arc, and asked with a strange expression: "Why do you lead my disciples to a place of distress?"

"What?" Jeanne was stunned.

Kiara Saiseiin said: "My believers, their hearts are full of all kinds of troubles, and they can't get relief. But I let them get happiness, get relief, and get rid of the real troubles. However, Why would you bring them back into their misery? You are another saviour's saint, why would you destroy my good deeds?"

"How dare you say this!" Joan of Arc, who was originally very gentle, immediately became irritable when she heard about religious matters, and said, "You have destroyed the hearts of those people! Among those people are businessmen, singers, Educators, but because of your guidance, they all gave up their careers, they only recite your eulogy, praise the world inexplicably, and vent their inner desires by any means. Among them are your fanatics, They even set themselves on fire to express their agreement with the sect and you... You, you are a cult! You destroyed their hearts!"

"Cult?" Kiara was not angry with a strange expression on his face. He just smiled gently and said, "I understand that you don't understand me, just as I don't understand your actions. However, what I did was indeed a good deed. I let them out of trouble."

Joan of Arc scolded loudly: "You just ignited their desires! You fueled their desires, and then let them perish in their desires! You are a missionary worse than that black magician, if you If you do good deeds, Satan will also go to heaven!"

Kiara asked with a strange expression on his face, "But, isn't it good deeds to do what is comfortable for human beings?"

"But what you did, is it comfortable for human beings?"

Kiara said with a smile, "Of course. It's very comfortable for me to relieve people from their distress."

"Hmm... I understand now. I now understand your values ​​and why you are a [beast]." Nero struck a hand of light away with his sword, looked at Kiara Saseiin, and said, " In your mind, I am afraid that you are the only human being, right? Hmm...I can understand how you feel."

Saber and Joan looked at Nero in astonishment.

Nero said: "Don't look at Yu like this. When Yu is composing great music, Yu will instinctively think that there are no human beings in the world except Yu."

Saber and Joan looked at Kiara Sesseiin solemnly, and now they finally understood what a twisted person they were facing.

Think that there is only one human being in the world.

Then, doing things that are comfortable for human beings is a good deed, that is to say, Kiara believes that as long as you do things that make you comfortable, it is a good deed, right?

In this way, it is not surprising that the other party will destroy the hearts of those believers and lead them to destruction.

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