I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1007


The ring of darkness standing in the sky exudes special magnetic fluctuations, and in the mirage-like R'lyeh all over the sky, the evil god is stirring. He stared ahead, as if staring at some gap, quietly waiting for an opportunity.

When Adam came back to his senses, his body almost instinctively ran towards the Castle of Thousand Worlds Tree.

"Adam, what are you doing?" someone yelled.


What am I going to do?

Confusion flashed through Adam's heart, and then almost in an instant, he got the answer.

"I'll go, save people!"

Adam said.



The black and red light flashed like lightning, and the black and red holy sword stabbed straight at Shirou's left shoulder. Mordred didn't wait for Shirou to draw the sword back to defend, and shook the sword at an angle with his wrist, and the edge of the sword was cut towards Shirou. Shirou's right neck.

The black mud of [Evil] surged from Shirou's body, forming a shield, blocking him.

The black and red holy sword slashed on it with all its strength, and there was a "dang" sound, and there was a metallic surge.

Shirou held the sword in the stone engraved with a map, and slashed at Mordred's right arm.

Mordred blocked the block with his vertical sword, and before the two swords clashed, the black hand of [Evil] emerged from Shirou's abdomen, hitting Mordred's abdomen.


With a sound of "shua", the black hand of [Evil] pierced Mordred's abdomen, and Mordred's sword also pierced Shirou's sword in the stone and his body.

It seems that the one fighting Shirou is just an invisible phantom.


With a sound of "cha", Shirou's right arm was cut, and blood flowed out.

However, the next moment, Shirou's right arm surged with 【Evil】, repairing the wound.

Shirou turned around and stabbed Mordred's right arm with his sword. Mordred did not dodge or dodge, and the sword in the stone passed through Mordred's body.

It really doesn't work! Shirou frowned, before Mordred attacked, sixty [Evil] black hands appeared all over his body, and forty [Evil] black hands also appeared from the ground to grab Mordred, but All passed through Mordred's body.

Mordred drew his sword and stabbed Shirou again.

Seeing this, Shirou transformed ten magic propellers in front of his abdomen, injected magic power, and the powerful thrust quickly pulled him away from Mordred.

Mordred didn't chase after him, but just stared at Shirou closely, and said, "Let the Eternal King come out, I know you can."

Hearing this, Shirou shook his head and said, "I won't become him."

Mordred said angrily: "Don't you understand? You are not my opponent now! You can only defeat me if you become him, don't you? Let him out!"

Shirou sighed and said, "I have no reason to defeat you, Mordred."

"But I have!" Mordred said angrily, "It's him I want to meet. It's him who I want to defeat, not you! It's not this black Assassin who calls himself Fujimaru Shiro! It's me... it's Ka The founder of the Mero Dynasty, the Eternal King!"

"This is meaningless, Mordred. I understand that you separate me from the Eternal King, but unfortunately, I am the real Eternal King, unlike the empty shell that is praised." Shirou said : "Besides, I don't need to become him, I have already seen through your Noble Phantasm's weakness."

"See through?"

Mordred's heart trembled, if someone else said this, she would not care, but the other party was the Eternal King, the person she yearned for, the king who had left a great image in her young heart.

She has to care.

However, in almost an instant, she came to her senses, and said with a sneer, "You are just lying to me! If you have seen through the weakness of [Pole Star·Unknown], why would you say this to me? You have already It's attacking!"

"It seems that there is a real weakness." Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Mordred was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, looked at Shirou, and said, "You...are you lying to me?"

"I'm sorry, Mordred." Shirou said: "Your treasure is indeed too tricky. If I don't use some tricks, I'm afraid I really don't have the confidence to just let 'Fujimaru Shirou' defeat you."

Mordred stomped his feet and gritted his teeth like an enraged lion cub.

What made her angry was not that she was tricked by Shirou and exposed the fact that she had loopholes, but that she was really fooled by Shirou like a fool!

"Even if you know [Pole Star·Unknown] has a weakness, you can't find it at all!" Mordred yelled, and killed Shirou.

Shirou shook his head, and said, "The difference is too far. As long as I know that your Noble Phantasm has weaknesses, then I can defeat you."

Chapter 105 General, Mordred!

Watching Shirou fly into the sky, Mordred shouted: "Do you think it's useful to hide in the sky? Let me tell you, it's useless! Matter, energy, air...these tangible things are all It’s a medium! As long as it’s a medium, there’s nothing I can’t penetrate!”

Mordred tapped his feet, and rushed straight towards Shirou, as if flying a flying pendant.

Shirou's face was calm, and with a wave of his hand, countless [evil] black hands surged out of his body, like a sea of ​​black hands, rushing towards Mordred.

Seeing this, Mordred thought for a moment, turned sideways slightly, so that the black hand of [Evil] avoided the position of the three fingers on her right abdomen, and then rushed towards Shirou.

However, this detail could not be hidden from Shirou's eyes.

Why avoid that position?

Is there any problem?

Shirou frowned, and the magical thrusters tied to his body exerted force, pulling the distance between each other, and then stretched out more [evil] black hands, and grabbed Mordred, and twenty-seven of them The black hand of [Evil] grabbed Mordred's right abdomen with three fingers.

However, at this time, Mordred rushed over without dodging, his body directly passed through the black hand of [Evil], and rushed towards Shirou as if he had opened a flying pendant.

Shirou raised his eyebrows slightly, and the magic thruster fired again, pulling away the distance from Mordred, and then took out the death scythe from [Unlimited Sword System], or [King's Treasure (False)] , aimed at Mordred's right abdomen with a wave.

The sharp sickle shuttled through the space, just like how it dealt with Achilles and Atalanta at the beginning, and stabbed straight at the three fingers on Mordred's right abdomen.

Mordred possessed [Intuition A] inherited from Al. As soon as the scythe of the death scythe passed through the space, she reacted instinctively, and she avoided the blow by turning her back slightly.

Mordred fired the light cannon at Shirou, and Shirou turned the ten magic thrusters to the right, avoiding Mordred's light cannon directly.

Seeing this, Mordred frowned slightly, and said, "Don't you just hide, Your Highness the Great 'Eternal King'?"

"I should have said something like this. It is stupid to give up your strengths and use your weaknesses." Shirou was not angry, but smiled and said: "The method of provoking generals is useless to me, Mordre Germany."

After a pause, Shirou looked at Mordred's right abdomen and asked, "What happened to your right abdomen?"

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