I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1013

"The Eternal King is always rational..."

"O Eternal King..."


Countless people's legends, countless people's fantasies about the Eternal King, began to extend from the Seat of Heroes, affecting his will.

go away.

Get out of here!

I am who I am!

What kind of person am I, why do you need to define it!

Shirou shouted, his body was radiant, and at the same time, the invisible vortex hidden deep in his heart began to spin.

Light, chaos like a whirlpool.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

All the legends were crushed one after another and rubbed into the vortex.

This time, he no longer summoned the Eternal King directly, but summoned the Eternal King through [Awakening of Mortal Nature], and just like that, the invisible vortex as the essence of [Awakening of Mortal Nature] began to play a role.

Shirou didn't know what it was actually, but it spun up and crushed all those legends and influences, and gave Shirou clarity.

Shirou exudes a warm, gentle light all over his body, like the sun, dispelling the coldness of the darkness.

The long night is gone, the sun is rising!

Shirou raised his head slightly, his bright eyes burning with gentle flames stared at the hand of light restraining the Star Grail, stretched out his hand slightly, and the Holy Lance Rungomigniad appeared in the palm of his hand.

Shirou didn't even sue for his real name, and directly liberated the Holy Lance Lungominiad, directly embodying him into the image of the Tower of Radiance.

But this time, he did not stand the tower of radiance on the ground, but condensed the tower of radiance into a point, and condensed the star energy of the tower of radiance into an endless gun of light.

"Break it for me!"

Shirou yelled and aimed at the hands of light restraining the Star Cup, and threw it out.

The tower of brilliance condensed into an endless gun of brilliance, and the energy of the infinite stars was condensed into one point. The endless shining light, like the invisible vortex in the depths of Shirou's heart, spun, crushing everything, and then pierced those hands of light like the light of a star.

"Chachachachachachachachacha --!!!"

Those incomparably strong hands of light that couldn't be pulled off by the hands of [Evil] and the hands of [Vampire Evil] all burst apart under the attack of this terrifying light gun.


The woman screamed.

The Hand of Light broke, and the Star Cup fell down.

Shirou saw the timing, jumped up, and reached out to grab the fallen Star Cup.

The Star Cup was held in Shirou's hand, and Mordred's [Pole Star·Unknown] started to activate, and his body, like a phantom, penetrated directly from the restraint of the hand of light.

Shirou exerted a little force on his feet, leaped high, and stretched out his arms to hug the fallen Mordred.

Feeling the warm embrace, Mordred opened her eyes, and what she saw was the shining face, and those warm eyes that looked like fire.

"You, you are..."

Shirou said gently: "I am...the person you want to see."

Shirou stretched out his hand and retracted the spear of endless brilliance into the palm of his hand.

Looking at Mordred with his fiery eyes, he said gently, "I'm here, Mordred."

Looking at those warm eyes, Mordred's memory that had been buried deep in his memory revived.

Mordred remembered.

She remembered the true face of the king she had seen when she was young.

Majesty, iron blood, wisdom, cunning, brutality...


At first, when I saw the true face of the king in that courtyard, what I saw was not majesty, wisdom and cunning, or cruelty and iron blood.


This pair of warm, bright eyes like an open flame.


I have long forgotten the true face of the Eternal King.

He was never the ideal Wang Sheng in his imagination, but...

It's the Black Assassin, Fujimaru Shiro!

Shirou is holding the spear of endless brilliance, exuding a faint brilliance all over his body, and these brilliance are in the shape of a swirl because of the [mortal awakening].

He is not the "Eternal King Guinevere" sleeping deep in the Hall of Valor, but returning from the endless other side, the real...

The Eternal King Fujimaru Shiro!

Chapter 107 Is this the person she wants to defeat?

"what is that……"

Kotomine Shiro stood where he was, looking at the sky with a look of astonishment.

In the long night, the warm sunlight leaked through the thick black mist, and sprinkled a faint golden light on the earth.

So brilliant.

Kotomine Shiro looked stunned, it was midnight, when the earth was at its darkest, why would there be light leaking in?

This is not only the strangeness in Kotomine Shiro's heart, but also the strangeness in everyone's heart.

Midnight, the darkest hour.

However, a ray of light descended from the sky, as if to dispel the darkness covering the earth.

"what happened?"

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