I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1018

"It's amazing." Kiara, who didn't know the truth, sighed.

Mordred clenched the black and red holy sword in his hand, looked around, looking for a way out.

Shirou took a few steps to the side, and used his body to block Mordred, blocking Seseiin Kiara's eyes from looking at Mordred.

Mordred raised an eyebrow.

what is this?


Mordred felt a little upset.

However, Sesseiin Kiara seemed to have not noticed Shirou's little action, and said with a smile: "You guessed it, Mr. Assassin. The illusory 'I' was indeed the far immature me at first. In fact, I It's also very strange, why she suddenly ran out of my body. It really caused me a lot of trouble."

Saseiin Kiara sighed, and said in distress.

Shirou said: "Actually, I am also very surprised. Why do you appear here? Appearing here as a Bodhisattva, and even inserting a game like the Holy Grail War, is it too unstyled?"

Mordred pulled the corner of La Shilang's clothes, and said in a low voice: "I don't know what information you want to get from her, but she won't say anything if you use this method to trick her."

Shirou replied in a low voice, "Try first and then talk."

Mordred frowned.

As expected, Seshouin Kiara smiled and did not answer Shirou.

Mordred whispered: "Look, I told you, but she won't say it."

"No." Shirou shook his head and replied in a low voice: "This just proves one thing."

Side proof of one thing?

Mordred raised his eyebrows, thinking about the connection.

She froze for a moment, and figured out where the joints were.

So it is!

Mordred understood, just using such simple words, he got a message...

That is……

Why Sesseiin Kiarakai appeared here is something that cannot be said.

right. It was such simple information, but if he had other information, he might be able to infer the information he needed.

Mordred looked at Shirou.

She understands, Shirou is getting information from the side!




pS: That's all for today. Shouldn't be broken. Pay one more first, and owe five more~!

good night~!

Chapter 109 Buddha and Demon One, and... I'm back! 【5K, 2 in 1! 】

As a master of this art, Shirou is well aware of the power and deceitfulness of words.


Do not.

Yes, the words spoken by all people are deceitful. Because these oral words are all second-hand information.

As for Kiara, Sesseiin, based on her background information, infers that this is a person who is good at lying.

What is said is both true and false. If you believe it, you will undoubtedly be a fool.

Shirou would not believe Sesseiin Kiara's words, he would only sort out the information he got, and then infer the truth of the matter in his mind.

Perhaps, this has a strong subjective color, but it is not easy to be deceived by others.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shirou will not be affected by his own subjective assumptions.

And Sesshoin Kiara did not answer Shirou's question, so there is no doubt that why Sesshouin Kiara appeared here is something that cannot be said.

In other words, she wanted to cheat, but there were some conditions that restricted her.

Of course, this is just a possible guess, which can be used as an alternative answer, but one cannot draw conclusions too arbitrarily.

After thinking about it, Shirou asked, "What's the purpose of Gaetia asking you to come here?"

Kiara Saseiin still smiled and said nothing.

Obviously, such a routine is of no use to her.

Although she looks like a woman obsessed with happy days, in fact, she has a wise mind.

This can be seen from her background information. The daughter of the suzerain "Ying Tianliu", a side stream of the Shingon Esoteric Tachikawa Ryu, once instigated the internal power struggle of the sect, causing the believers of the entire sect to kill each other. off.

Without some means and brains, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a result.

"What is your purpose?" Shirou asked, looking straight at Seshouin Kiara's giant god-like face.

But this time, Sesseiin Kiara replied with a smile: "Of course, this is to free everyone in this world from the boundless sea of ​​suffering."

She had a peaceful and compassionate smile on her face, and she was radiant all over her body, like a Bodhisattva who was driving the world backwards.

However, neither Shirou nor Mordred was fooled by her appearance.

Mordred pouted, "Another self-proclaimed savior."

"Wrong, Mordred." Shirou shook his head, looked at Kiara Sesseiin, and said, "That guy is different from other redeemers. Many people start out because of goodness, but they just walk more and more on their own path Narrowed. And she, not the same."

Shirou looked at Kiara Sesseiin and said, "In her consciousness, the so-called 'human' is only herself, and other human beings are just beasts and insects in human skin. Therefore, for her In other words, the so-called redemption, its ultimate goal is only for 'self'."

"Huh?" Kiara looked at Shirou in surprise.

This time, she was really surprised.

Because, even if she didn't even touch, Shirou saw through her true nature!

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