I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1041

Avis Bron...

Do not.

It should be said that it was Solomon Gabriel, whose life was a concrete manifestation of the dark side of human beings.

Solomon Gabriel was born into a wealthy family in Córdoba, but it was not long before both of his parents died of illness when he was still a child. Later, Solomon Gabriel contracted severe lupus and was disfigured as a result. He was often ridiculed and abused by others.

However, the physical defect made Solomon Gabriel pursue spiritual appetite even more. For this, he moved to Zaragoza, the center of Jewish culture in Andalusia. Here, his precocious poetic talent and keen intelligence have attracted a lot of attention for him, but at the same time, he has encountered countless enemies because of his talent.

Jealousy, criticism, slander, ridicule, abuse...

In the end, a jealous Muslim poet took him to the foot of a fig tree, and killed him amidst the fruit.

Why don't you like humans, perhaps, it's because of this.

"So, you created this giant to destroy mankind?" Adam asked.

"No. I'm not interested in doing this kind of thing." Avis Bron shook his head. He looked at the original man and said, "He is the continuation of my dream..."

"The continuation of the dream?" Adam looked at Avis Bron.

But this time, Avis Bron didn't answer.

At this moment, Astolfo, who was driving the Eudemons, said, "Here we are, Adam!"

He drove the phantom beast, pointed at the original person who was moving not far away, looked at Adam, and asked, "Really, it's decided?"

Adam nodded.

Astolfo didn't say any more, just drove the Eudemons forward.

Getting closer……

Getting closer……

And at this time——!


A strange sound resounded in the sky.

Astolfo's phantom beast seemed to have been stunned all night, its fast-flying body froze suddenly, and almost threw the three people off the phantom beast's body.

"What's going on, Rider?" Adam asked.

"I, I don't know!" Astolfo said blankly.

"Look at the sky!" Avis Bron suddenly raised his palm, pointed to the sky, and said.

Both Adam and Astolfo hurriedly looked up, their eyes shrinking involuntarily.

The ring of darkness exudes a faint black light, constantly flickering with thunder, the originally illusory R'lyeh becomes more and more solid, and the eyes of the evil god seem to be overlooking the earth in a certain dimension.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!"

The original man controlled by the black cup screamed loudly, and the black mist covering his whole body became more and more solid.



The original man exploded all over, and countless octopus-like tentacles grew out of its body, dancing in the air.

On its forehead, in the magic vigilance, the black cup swallowed black mist.

"Actually, unexpectedly turned my dream into this appearance! Ah——!!!"

Avis Bron covered his head and yelled hysterically.


The ring of darkness leaped with thunder, and there seemed to be a faint opening in the middle of it.


Strange sound.

Like a wizard's weird term.



On the other hill, Kotomine Shiro was hiding in the forest, clutching his head.

"What's going on...what's going on...why? Why does my head hurt so much!"

"——Are you controlling me? Do you want to control me? So that's how it is... contaminated with the power of the evil god, so can the evil god also be controlled?"

"But why? Why...before...it was fine...!"

Kotomine Shiro covered his head, clenched his teeth, dripping with cold sweat.

The voice of God was getting farther and farther away, like an ethereal and invisible illusion, and strange whispers sounded in his ears from time to time.




As if hiding behind the indescribable darkness, the strange shallow words.

The earth boomed.

The mud surged.

Horrible bugs came out one after another.

"What's going on...what's going on?"

In the Thousand Boundary Tree Castle, Gray looked at the value displayed on the bracelet on his right hand in astonishment.

Link depth is increasing.



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